
Forking Gravity (science fiction)

An infinite number of Universes arrayed like diamonds in the rough dark soil of the imperium worlds. It seems my friend like one way the initial field collapsed in the precipitation to virtual being..” Shelly removed her comm-visor lifting herself up another notch on the collective ladder. She continued;

Ninety-nine percent of the energy of the first field was drawn from virtually nowhere until nowhere became exhausted. Complying with the initial field over-all strength as total quanta it collapsed unto itself as charged particles attracted to the missing spin-matrix in particle pairs. The second law of thermodynamics with its nature of increasing disorder in a finite field over time was conserved. From infinite Spirit with impossibility of disorder it was elemental to issue field content morphing into particle pairs with evolution through cycles of beingness structures leading to general sentience.”

Maxim inhaled the nutrient-analytic air flowing cool as a draft along the shimmering darkness coating the trilexian highway. Like a hologram she moved with counter-rotating surfaces through space-time richly compacted by field actualizers to a state useful to an Itch-queen of silence. Measuring her ideas carefully, spacing them like cadenced, nuanced exhalation of meaning she said; “Shelly, they will turn off gravity when the power bill isn't paid by the first!”

The Nahgo King won't let it happen. Prestige as capital value is contra-indicative of that sort of eventuation. Remember the last time the the Microvasm shut off the gravity in a galaxy and the worlds were flung apart and star fields went nova in wave fields of thanatak. Sentients of the Imperium's worlds along with the ecospheres were suddenly flung into the void as gravity holding everything together stopped and necessary structural cohesion was lost. Without gravity even the remaining dust cloud of the galaxy was in constant collision as its entropy sought to increase. That created far too many troubles for neighboring galaxies to tolerate.”

Yes you are right Shelly. The Nahgo King was sued for letting the disorder increase and fined seventeen galaxies. That sort of fine isn't trivial even for the Imperium. He won't let it happen again.”

While Shelly and Maxim continued to traverse semblance of sentience express highway Shelly continued her exchange with the prison-guard robot; “So let me ask you this Maxim, what do you think kept the infinite quantity of Universes you can see in the mystery bird's eye view of things from collapsing under some kind of attracting neo-gravitational field themselves into what-the mother of all singularities?”

Maxim jerked on Shelly's chain a little before saying; “The Universes are energetically neutral-they aren't particle-antiparticle pairs or embedded within a field themselves. There is nothing to attract them to one another.”

The what about dimensional status of the Universes? Do all have the same number and kind of dimensions regarding micro and macro? If they have differing quantities and quality of dimensions can they collapse or change if they can collide with dimensions from intersecting Universes? Are dimensions all local to a particular Universe or do they extend from any given Universe throughout all possible Universes to infinity?
These are interesting question Prisoner Shelly yek they won't help you find an escape route.”?

Across each Universe the shape given to it by neighboring Universes embedded in a sack energy field draws mass along the space-time downslope to terminus energy pole. Photons with no mass just drift around the circumference of a Universe and the mass falling downslope even as disorganization increases over all along principles of the second law of thermodynamics.

Alternatively, mass could Universally be settling toward another dimension though remaining within four dimensions of normal space-tine.”

You were convicted for spreading that sort of flunkerchat Prisoner Shelly. Yumans art slope to learn, mmm?”

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