
Liberalism and Evolution Theory Paradigms of Britain

For many readers the concept of evolutionary liberalism might invoke the idea of Darwinian theory as opposed to clerical misinterpretations of the Bible and the historical, 19th century social conflicts between Godless atheists, Marxists and sundry varieties of 'liberal' ideologies opposed to a conservative, traditional order. Because this sort of interpretation is rather common I will dispense with it first before moving on to consider other meanings and developments of the phrase 'Evolutionary liberalism in Great Britain.

So let's consider the two main points of Charles Darwin, popularizer of the theory of evolution-an idea considered earlier by Anaximander, his grandfather Erasmus, Lamarck, and Lucretius in the poem De Rerum Natura, amongst others. The first idea is that life originated from a common source. The common source of all life is God, and I believe Darwin supported that concept. His second idea is that a competition amidst all life exist and the most fit survive...

Life isn't a survival of the fittest, but instead is a biochemical search for growth environments and a selection by the life force of the most favorable. This can be seen in the relocation of the headquarters of Halliburton to Dubai, and in the outsourcing of U.S. production to Chinese factories enabling the concentration of wealth and the best economic growth medium for defectors from American priority.

Life force must adapt to the environment yet implicitly seeks to overcome it. The biochemical will of life necessarily fits in to such environmental conditions available, while, in the case of humanity it seeks to overcome or transcend the boundaries of the environment that determine its form and provide its sustenance. When the life force overcomes the environmental boundaries it may cut off itself from these two primary conditions. If the life force has not intellectually developed sufficiently it may destroy its environment and fail to structure artificial, substitute challenge criteria that is a coefficient for growth. Humanity faces that challenge presently.

It is implicit in President Obama's idea of education increases as along-term goal for the United States. His belief fails to contain the obvious idea that good government parameter setting cannot be compensated for by any sort of increase in the quantity of public education that creates uncreative individuals employed by boundary jumping trans-national corporations.

English evolutionary liberalism has found many areas for increase of individual rights, yet individuals today increasingly fit in to a corporatist political philosophy that minimizes their individuality and silences their political and national opinions within a corporatist and Rousseauist paradigm of the general will eclipsing the individual will. That corporate political philosophy is inimical to the retention of individual liberty and conservation of ecological health.

The United States and England have had many competitive circumstances, and human technology has overcome the security of the environment well enough to continually degrade its quality. Fishing is bad in parts of Alaska and commerical fishing quotas should be cut by 50% to allow more for egalitarian sports fishing. North Pacific mid-ocean fishing intercepts by all nations should be reduced so that at least 60% of the fish escape capture annually. President Obama and Prime Minister Brown should work to assure that practical political governance is not contingent upon citizens being educated as drone employees of trans-national corporations. Sovereign nations should produce a quality of life acceptable to citizens that have achieved literacy and numeracy.

All citizens should have good housing and a nation should be self reliant except for luxuries in order to promote ecologically renewable economic policy. Helvetius believed that all people are more or less of sound intellect yet it is bad education that makes them stupid. Bad government mass education can provide such stupidity for its people that no amount of education would ever make them prosper.

Good government eliminates public debt, promotes border security, ecological economic policy, universal monolithic dome home ownership and health care, a net increase of ecological quality and quantity and electric mass transportation of privately owned electric vehicles on monorails at 700 miles per hour to regional destinations. A liberal political environment would seek to create mass employment opportunities in non-outsourcable employment sectors, yet bad government believes that citizens actually can invent things, get patents for them and produce them somewhere outside of China and without effective corporate suppression of rival technologies.

On a philosophy thread the history of evolutionary liberalism in Great Britain might take several different courses. Recently I have been reading Bertrand Russell's 'A History of Western Philosophy' that has quite a bit to say on the subject of the evolution of liberalism in both political philosophy and theories of knowledge or metaphysics. There seem to be two main branches of philosophy that Russell noted continued to exist during the second world war period when he wrote his book. I will write something about that and of the deeper structures of the Universe that may continue to be thought to exist as valid ideas for philosophical researchers today.

To get to the heart of the matter there were two main schools of thought in liberalism that survived the cut to make it to the 20th century. One was the political philosophy that derived fro the empiricism of Locke, Berkley and Hume, and the other the subjectivism and later romanticism that originated with Kant, Hegel and other German 19th century idealist yet also produced thinkers such as Rousseau and Karl Marx. Liberal political philosophy was the idea that individualism was the right relation to God and country, yet in the Romantic branch individualism might be carried out to the point where heroic survival of the fittest anarchy might prevail with the eventual consolidation in to the power of absolute statism and the rule of just one surviving free man such as Stalin or Hitler. In modern corporatism no organizations should be allowed to exist to compete with the state; Rousseau believed that trade unions and such would create rival allegiances to the general will of the people and the government.

The political war for liberal power received quite a push during the 30 years war over religions in Europe as protestants sought liberation from Catholicism and the Inquisition, yet the political relationships between national churches, imperial rulers and national kings would be complex and difficult evolutions for centuries ahead. The English civil wars following John Locke's writing, the dictatorship of Cromwell and restoration of the monarchy in a tamed down relation to the legislature were all difficult elements of the historical changes of political liberalism in the struggle against oppressive, arbitrary political power.l

I believe a certain bias was made to exist through association of belief in God with national churches and political powers in a hierarchical way. Priesthood of Believers efforts with egalitarianism were historically repressed with violence and failed to replace the inaccurate ecclesiastical structures of a hierarchical priesthood. The epistemology of Kant went so far as to preclude a certain level of trust in the existence of the apparent world perhaps necessary for scientific advancement, yet alternatively the empiricists decried reason in the form of logic and metaphysical deliberation upon questions that might have not positive, evident proof yet would provide ideas about the phenomenal creation useful such as dead reckoning might be for a sailor without a g.p.s. or comprehensive charts.

The deep structure of the Universe perennially is of philosophical interest. One wonders what the smallest and largest structures are, and why they exist, with answers hoped for beyond the law of necessity in a unified field.

Time and space seem to be united in movement. One can observe that the transformation of mass and energy in space-time follow thermodynamic laws of order that would be more improbable to reverse rather than continue forward. One wonders if space-time is dependent upon the thermodynamic inertia of mass-energy in some way to continue to increase or expand outward.

One wonders if time or space have cumulative or quantitative changes, if time is simply of the present phenomenally or remains behind in some way associated with the expanding creation of space-past. If God is infinite in all directions are the smallest particles of existence infinitely recursive too, contained ultimately within an eternity of the Creator inaccessible directly to humanity?

Spinoza may have believed a pantheistic monism prevails, while Leibniz thought space and matter were made of smallest units akin to quarks or branes called monads-each monad was a soul. Bertrand Russell believed the concept of monads was still of interest for philosophical considerations on the relationship between perception and reality.The questions about the evident world of reality presented to the senses and its relationship to God, if God created the Universe or contains its temporality as space-time as a sub species within His eternal Being necessitate a consideration of the meaning of language about God and the apparent Universe sufficient to comprehend the protocols of relation of being between the apparent universe of qualities evident to the senses and the 'real' eternal Spiritual eternal realm of God.

Leibniz was the first to create a mathematical logic and language with which he hoped to describe apparent reality and its relation to mind directly without ambiguity. Subsequent British empiricists and analytic philosophers have attempted degrees of the same project. Perhaps Kripke's mathematical efforts of logic continue in a similar approach.

Consider human existence in this world as if it were a sentient self-aware set of numbers that God has created. Humanity has a limited and particular set of mathematical qualities and capabilities limited to those implicit in its original set of attributes. Adam and Eve might be though of as some sort of potential numbers such as zero and one that were not in a temporal condition to begin with, for temporality entails change and motion. When they ate of the tree of knowledge they began generating new whole numbers such as 2,3 etc. If humanity could be thought of as the set of whole numbers and their self-will to be the original sin it is possible to understand the nature of philosophical questions such as ask if God created the set of whole numbers and the a priori universe in which they live why isn't everything them God? Why isn't the set of whole numbers God?

The whole numbers are just one series of numbers that God created. Everything in their Universe that appears to them is real enough, yet it has a limited, specific set of attributes for-itself (the realm of things in themselves). The inanimate objects such as telephone poles were made perhaps as fractional real numbers without sentience. God is the set of all sets of numbers, infinite in everything that exists as an infinity, and creator of all finite sets, defining their attributes. The protocols of existence are such that only God is God with the qualities of omniscience and so forth, and everything He has made has just those attributes phenomenally that they were given. No attribute or quality is God, and it isn't especially meaningful to consider the definite subsets He has created as God any more than it is to ask why if every bridge was made by a particular architect, all the bridges are not the architect and why the Bay Bridge of the Chesapeake . isn't the Golden Gate of San Francisco.

Appearances of things-in-themselves are real enough and [presented for human experience by God. Kantian ideas about things in themselves being unknowable are somewhat irrelevant here, for the eternal God presenting temporal appearances or qualities knowable to human perception does not need to be inversely known omnisciently in order for the qualities to be experienced. Scientific reasoning in a priori and analytic judgments may discover farther and deeper relationships of mass-energy, space-time or material qualities that are efficiently real for human purposes, Humanity exists with limited knowledge and potential (unknown) in a Universe of space-time contained by a deeper, eternal nexus of infinite spirit that is a property of God.

The evolution of liberalism in Great Britain and elsewhere are aspects of changing phenomenal geophysical characteristics and comprehension in a world, galaxy and Universe of the same nature. Marriage, one of the most ancient of liberal causes providing women with a measure of security is being undermined by a more recent 'liberalism' of homosexual subversion of the marriage union through an effort to change the heterosexual meaning of the institution. Reactionary anti-liberalism isn't limited to homosexual aggressions on heterosexual structures for stability and individual security, they also exist in the Obama administration's approval of public funding for the destruction of human embryos for research. Frederick II pursued some rather odd scientific research too. President Obama might just recognize the federal ban of forcing its citizens to fund the murder of embryos compelled the scientific invention of broad new areas of developing stem cells through other, and moral means. British complicity in the revisionist, reactionary illiberal attacks on the sanctity of human life and marriage are logical trends following the will of the rich and powerful toward immoral profit. Liberalism in Great Britain is challenged today by a host of retrograde political attacks devolving from the advance of corporatism.

Federal Mortgage Guarantees

I would prefer that in the future the United States Government guarantee home loans only if they meet select quality criteria. Homes should cost no more than four times the average annual American income. Homes should be on lots that have 900% more natural area that housing shelter. Homes should be given preference in loan repayment rates that have no net loss of biota, in which exterior surfaces are covered ecologically. Homes should be required to produces electricity through wind, solar and or hydrogen fuel cells in areas where that is practical. All homes qualifying for federal loan guarantees must have contractors that were certified as employing only U.S. citizens in the construction.

Why should the Federal Government bail out crooked banks by nationalizing them and dumping toxic debt on the public? Thomas Jefferson would have been so such a course of action as an anti-federalist-neither would he have sought substantially national economic reform with the help of China.

The federal government should bail out only those with less than 150 thousand dollars in mortgage debt-it is a silly policy for working Americans to fund what are in essence spoiled lifestyles of people that require large big box homes that cost $250,000 and up. Borrowing money from world investors to prop up the decadent U.S. lifestyle with greed determining what size of home one needs, what kind of fuel inefficient vehicle what purchases from foreign importers and how a zero personal savings policy is good, government because it accelerates the velocity of money are bound to reach a bad end for U.S. national security. The United States has taken up a policy following the end of the cold war of support for trans-national corporations making of American real property a liquid value that can be bought and traded en mass by global investors.

Americans are simply corrupt and spoiled-that is the reason for the present financial crisis. They refused to defend the borders adequately against illegal alien immigration in order to allow cheap labor to build houses that were too large. American workers could be unemployed while illegals were fully employed. The wages of labor in the U.S.A. plummeted as over production through illegal, cheap workers stuffed the profits of the non-working class financial sector of crooks. A national magazine recently published a rogues gallery of some twenty or so of these guys that exemplify the corruption of American business and political policy the past 16 years. Americans must develop a non-spoiled, rational steady state economic structure if it isn't to become owned by foreign powers.

OPEC in Saudi Arabia has said recently that too quick of a transition to alternative fuels in the United States would create global issues of a deleterious nature. Saudi Arabia and OPEC and collapsed the price of oil in order to undermine national efforts in the United States to create an independent alternative energy posture. Saudi Arabia as the citadel of Mohammedanism seeks a hegemony over the worlds spiritually through the coercive power of global dependence upon the inefficient and polluting fossil fuel cycle. The U.S. administration has walked blind in to the course of the axis of evil oil producers and internal combustion engine manufacturing with its recently received stimulus policy of some 785 billion dollars. While the home mortgage crisis at the level of lenders may receive some relief through taxpayer assumption of their debt and interest payments so that double interest can be paid by homeowners to the bank lenders as well as the taxpayers, the administration has failed to comprehend that Americans just need to have a rational approach to economic development and let the global fast buck arbitragers, hedge fund specialists and money market managers take a licking and keep on ticking if they can, with their own economic accountability for bad lending practices.

The Obama administration is once again under the influence of Clinton's economic Rasputin Lawrence Summers-virtually no rational national home mortgage economic policy can arise under that aegis which seeks to expand housing unit size and prices to the largest possible size. The administration should find economic ideas from Robert Schiller, Lester Thurow and Herman Dailey. http://www.amazon.com/Ecological-Economics-Sustainable-Development-Selected/dp/1847209882 http://www.mott.org/publications/Mott%20Mosaic/April%202007%20v6n1/retrospect%20April%202007.aspx http://www.theoildrum.com/tag/ecological_economicss

President Obama said when running for office that common sense in economic priorities needed to be applied, yet in his first major bill with victory he has forgone the quest for a sustainable economic policy in favor of support for the usual fiscal perfidy that has made the financial related services sector a full 25% of the U.S. national economy. A nation that fundamentally skims from Chinese production and illegal migrant labor instead of sustaining new technological production that would fit in with a steady state economy wherein only quality rather than quantity improves demographically and materially is set on a path for boom and bust that continues to raise the notch of diminished renewable resources higher. It is an unrealistic course that serves those M.B.A.'s and managers unscrupulously enough to have no care about anything besides their personal profit. Martin Buber said that a lie is treason unto oneself; the economic lies about that devalue of non-sustainable development, with mortgages of vast size that can be paid solely while the occupants have a huge, unrealistic salary based upon inflated global based financial services,are economic treason to the nation.

After the Union act of 1800 that forced Ireland into political union with Britain the Irish became poor and were forced off the land. More than a million moved to England following the potato famine and many went to the United States. Life in England was mean; nasty brutish and short for the Irish in England. IT was only after decades of striving to improve their legal standing that they found they could stop paying rent and receive grants for their housing that would let them save money. While American pay large rents to globalists they cannot save money, instead they make transfer payments to trans-national corporation and destroy the posterity of the nation leaving a legacy of servitude to the corporatist trans-national elites that decree what their economic policy should be.

The United States does require an intelligent, sober Congress and Senate rather than one enthralled to the silky comforts of wealthy. The people of the United States should reform basic federal economic policy such that homes with high energy efficiency ratings receive priority in funding support, and homes that have the capability of producing their own electrical energy have a higher place in federal support than homes that purchase electricity from a trans-nationally owned corporate grid.

U.S. homes should have a minimum insulation r value of 100 for mortgage lending. Homes should be made of concrete and last 300 years between exterior recoating.

The social security administration should restrict payments to those earning less than the average worker annual income. Twenty-five thousand dollars is a lot of money for those not working. A nation that has current accounts pay non-working Americans more than working Americans cannot have a rational economic policy.

The new tax elements of the stimulus plan did nothing for those self-employed that must pay 10% tax. for the working, self-employed poor earning less than 12,000 annually their should be a tax moratorium for credit in the first term of the Obama administration to relieve the poor from a variety of tax issues that impede improvisational work opportunities.

Medicare policy should cover only those earning less than $24,000 annually. The federal government should assure that all the poor can receive free medical service by paying the mal-practice insurance of physicians that register in a free treatment for the poor screening service. Physicians that provide free coverage to 40% of their patients would receive free federal mal-practice insurance. A worker's compensation like medical screening and referral service should screen patients and physicians.

The U.S. Mexican border area of a 3 mile depth should become a U.S. Army and Marine base where troops could be stationed to defend their classified base activities.

The Congress should pass a bill enabling states to arrest illegal immigrants and send them to federal penal facilities. When the federal government is manifestly incapable of fulfilling its legal obligations rationally the states must defend themselves. The federal government has allowed more than one million Mexican illegals to cross the border each of the last 20 years-that is a manifestly incompetent performance by the U.S. Government. It is because of the cyclically corrupt U.S. housing industry policy that the Clinton and Bush administration pursued that illegal alien construction and service workers were drafted to blimp the housing industry.


Blogging and the California Supreme Court's Homo Legislating

Executives in government seeking to flank the will of congress and the people have historically sought foreign funding, bonds, loans and bribed members of congress with earmarks or incentives to go along with their perfidy-bloggers in the modern era may help to enfilade such works in progress if lucky. They must overcome the unholy triple alliance of both parties and the broadcast media that will continue to invest in China and gut the U.S. economy expecting the citizens to borrow to buy their foreign made subsidiary goods. Its a fundamentally irrational economy that should be replaced with an ecological economic policy in some future where good politicians comprehend the world isn't increasing in size, the resources are limited and expanding the economy domestically and globally other than quantitatively is an irrational policy suitable only for a world with fewer than a billion souls on it.

Adam Smith formulated his theories on Capital about 1775 several decades after the British civil war and end of the rule of Cromwell. Kings previously had a monopoly on the granting of trading licenses. Smith pragmatically sought within the politics of his era to advocate a better way, in which the commercial classes would regulate their own affairs. Smith however would not had advocated a wrong, illiberal approach for the era. If he had been alive today and a blogger he would very likely have forseen the problems created by a non-renewable economic policy, by the absurd prisoner's dilemma defection of American business abroad expecting Americans to buy their products, the danger if propping up G.M. that the healthy corporation-Ford will lose market share and collapse eventually too-not to mention that their better management is penalized while the global auto industry draining policies of G.M. are rewarded with billions of taxpayer dollars borrowed from Japan and China so that Americans can buy their cars eventually (that won't restore confidence), that the world's nations are under attack from irrational global corporatism and intellectual capital is repressed and exploited by trans-national corporations preventing qualitative infrastructure growth in man nations.

Adam Smith might have advocated that just 20% of any national economy be involved in foreign trade and that ecological economic principles in national policies direct the self-reliant, renewable provisioning of the majority of all goods for each nation and that all should be secure in their homes, employment and be encouraged to be self employed with a maximum of 30 hours of work for others as an employee each week.

Blogging is the 21st century outlet for personal creativity. being a writer of anything that might become published until fairly recently-as late as a few years after the mass proliferation of the Internet- was very difficult. Internet blogging was the remedy to the elitist screening and de facto censorship of mass publication of personal ideas by the many. Sure one should be fair and observe that publishers had to make a living and could only distribute what they believed was the very best and appropriate material that would advance their class interests best. Today's blogger is a free enterpriser working for him or herself and champion of what they personally believe is right.

In California the State Supreme Court is hearing the case of a homosexual advocate lawsuit to overturn new proposition 8 referendum to the California State lawn that bans homosexuals from using the name of 'marriage' for homocoupling. In effect homosexual 'marriage' is a fraudulent notion that just misapplies word and object as may readily be done in language. One can call a horse a cow or and apple and orange if one wishes too, and if one has sympathetic elitists on the bench happy to corrupt language and its relation to nature. Bloggers have discovered that this sort of political trend that traditionally was just a matter for elitists to decide has made itself available to populist commentary through blogs. In real time political and social interests are made presently opportune for Internet bloggers to make comments on; that permits an increased populist freedom of choice regarding political opinions and circumvents the restrictions of a sort of Colomb's law of the media regarding restricted print opportunities and the power of the print or broadcast.

Bloggers can point out that President Obama's decision to compel American taxpayers to fund the murder of human embryos for scientific research has some bad effects and there were alternatives. Embryo's should not be created willy nilly. No individual should be allowed to have more than one spare embryo. That embryo if unused should be available for 'adoption', and if unwanted should be kept in cryogenic storage for a minimum of one thousand years or until it naturally breaks down to a non-viability status. Bloggers can be objective critics of bad policy-President Obama lacking any solid ecological economic policy is relying upon tired old Clinton era activities as long term priorities for the nation and that is disappointing. Harvard lawyers are good at arguing but not necessarily up to speed on non-expansive except in quality national ecological economic policy. President Obama should create a ministry of trade and industry to search for eco-economic technologies to replace trade-deficit creating areas and to support individual home energy, transport and education independence.

Heterosexuals marry genomes or deoxribose nucleic acid coding to produce a new human life produced as a synthesis of the genes of the heterosexual partners in marriage. Homosexuals never, ever marry yet desire to camouflage themselves socially with that term in order to feel more 'normal'. A corruption of heterosexual marriage parameters corrupts history and historical records as well as biological reality. An objection might be made such that some marriages do not successfully produce offspring, yet that is a churlish point; few enterprises have 100% guarantee of success and the state can only go so far in recognizing and affording regulation to the general practices of culture. Homosexuals should have simply sought to create homocoupling as a recognizable concept distinct from marriage yet with some contractual formalities if they wished for such, and not sought to subvert the foundations of civilizations as has been accomplished in so many other societies previously. So much for the elitist legislating from corrupt judges in California.

Bloggers can point out that democracy must necessarily have a bias toward populism and the masses instead of for elites. The concept of a balance of powers has the dangerous and difficult to defend three part elements of an administrator, a legislative assembly and in America a judiciary; any of these branches may surpass its legitimate power and occlude the power of the other branches of governance. The chief executive, legislature and judiciary must continually keep in mind that the opinion of the people governed in theory with their consent is of the highest importance. In a democracy the government is thought to exist to serve the interests of the people.

It is useful to compare alternate theories of governance briefly such as that of the philosopher Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes believed that the natural condition of mankind was without law. Force and fraud were virtues in such a state of life as Bertrand Russell pointed out are useful virtues in war. Because human beings are naturally without law and in conflict they have sought to form some sort of government or social contract to allow them to collectively live together more profitably without conflict. Hobbes believed that best structure is monarchy or tyranny.

Within a monarchy or tyranny the Administrator is absolutely free and no one else has any comparative rights at all. In a tyranny or absolute monarchy the tyrant has no laws applied to him. He or she is in effect still living in a state of nature while everyone else has given up their rights to the dictator. The dictator or tyrant is expected to pursue what is best for the society, possibly. One might think of the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as such a dictator and solitary free individual in his nation. The California Supreme Court as an elite organization occupies an ambiguous position right on the edge of such power able to veto the popular will of the people in favor of a minority desire for power perhaps comparable to the will of the Bolshevik Party of Russia seeking to rule. Of course one might also compare the homosexual agenda of the California Supreme Court to that of the Nazi S.A. led by Rommer that ironically had Arnold Schwarzenegger's father on its lists as a member.

Blogging allows individuals to write business and popular information. Blogging allows a modern use of information with a personal design in a public setting. Blogging permits a popular political defense from the hegemony of global organizations that run roughshod over environmental reason and individual human rights to select for-themselves the political development of a nation apart from and exclusive of a pervasive, intimidating extreme minority power of concentrated wealth pursuing irrational interests of pure profit without regard to national or environmental security-in fact even inimically to each.


2009 Public Debt Stimulus Plan

The news clans are in Denver today elbowing for the chance to kiss up the Presidential plan for revitalizing American economy. President Obama is betting his political keister that the 2009 Add 3/4 Trillion Dollars to Public Debt Stimulus plan will refloat the American ship of state run aground in the shoal waters of financial corruption. Regardless of how much the economy expands it can leak out profits even faster to offshore investors and illegal aliens. Lets consider a little of the history of the political philosophy that public debt is good. Nationalization of the banks would be another vast infusion of public debt, and some would consider that good.

John Maynard Keynes was the founder of the dominant economic school of the 20th century that became eponymously named for himself. Keynes was a public homosexual inventor of wild side public debt stimulus as a good way to get the economy going-perhaps that was an alternate approach to Churchill's form of monetarism that help encourage the over exuberance of 1920's Wall Street. The Republican Party has made something of a Saint of Keynsianism along with the Democrats. The Republican take a derivative approach through tax cuts for the rich as a way to increase gross tax revenues through increasing business contributions in economic expansion. That policy not resulted in a series of significant additions to public debt to bail out the rich-for the rich not that when all is said and done they will have the good money offshore and the public will have the toxic debt.

Even Keynes himself might have stipulated that unlimited additions to public debt is economically deleterious, and that if a Ship of State has a lot of leaks and holes it won't float without a good bilge pump and even that might not be adequate. An economy that reinvests its profits abroad and imports illegal aliens fails to keep its profits invested at home, and fails to allow just surpluses to be invested abroad. At any rate the wild side of unreality in Keynsianism may not be at its final day of reckoning just yet. It might take the people of the world more time to be aware of cataclysm things such as that a balanced budget and stable population is the best foundation for qualitative social increase, or that Adam and Eve were the first Jews and that is why the Jews were the chosen people set to be an example to all the other humans mucking about in the evil world about how to have a right relationship with God (Christians being adopted or spiritual Jews) .

The removal of the economic insides of a nation through the subterfuge of economic expansion is a phenomenon of trans-national economic. With the leaky and corrupt political leadership and Wall-Street environment the ship of state was doomed to run aground. The 'Walk on Wild Side' Pepsi drinkers of the broadcast clan don't have a concern about more than the Zarathustrian necessity that they profit, and like the Saintly J.M. Keynes they too are saints because they benefit Mexican and Chinese citizens even when it means the impoverishment of Americans-they are too happy to trample on poor Americans when they protest the flood of illegals and outsourcing of quality jobs.

Yes we hope that President Obama can plug the leaks in the American economic ship of state such as exist on the Mexican border and in support for offshore investments preferred over American, yet the climate of scoail corruption is awesome. At least he can consider that Thomas Jefferson was an anti-federalist who would have opposed the nationalization of the banks.


http://www.ushistory.org/tour/tour_1bank.htm Alexander Hamilton supported this first bank of the United States as a way to attract money to pay off the revolutionary war debt. The founders generally had common sense about the environment they existed in environmentally and politically. The people of the United States should not assume to toxic debt of banks by nationalizing them.

The U.S. economy can survive without 'lines of credit' (reminds one of some reference to cocaine use) being available to the creeps in banks and the government that have plundered the national interest since the end of the cold war. One cannot make a Ponzi scheme of debt with the people holding the bag while some 25% of the people prosper and others struggle with a decrease in real wages over the last 30 years.

When the corrupt fail in business because of their bad financial relations it is time to let capitalism's Occam's razor side eliminate the unfeasible. When abstract financial values over reason and common sense housing 'bubbles' form and a lot of specious loans are made simple to make a profit.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_banking 9,000 banks closed in 1929. One third of the money in America was lost. That brings to mind the concept of monetary theory and what capital really is. If the government and banks do not keep a realistic relationship between real assets and the representation of such with money the corruption of the U.S. economy would necessarily follow.

The United States Government should quit being a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. The accumulation of monetary capital by so many that discovered they would not need to physically work thereafter, and could have all the techy things in their BWM sports cars and big box SUVs inflated the expectations of those that had no element of material conservatism, or perhaps that is the problem; their were so many unintellectual, undeserving, corrupt, spoiled expanding suburbia Americans saving nothing and spending everything to have a million dollar house with ten feet between homes that inflation happened in other, hidden areas. While Greenspan and others were battling against inflation the corruption of a misguided economic process was channeled underground were it flowed as a toxic aquifer until the subdivision above it subsided uncomfortably in time.

One of the nice things about federal policy is that it is so efficiently corrupt. ignoring very well the poor in America that need real work. Year after year and decade after decade the poor are just shunned out while the government supports the rich in so many ways. The government will throw some food to the hungry (very humanitarian that) but is cannot form policies that recognize and enlist every single U.S. citizen on some list to be hired where they too can make an average wage. The government should triage the poor in America, and bury the rich politically who have lost so much money for so many. Nationalizing banks to bail out those with money is another 'serve the rich' policy on the way of the United States for destruction by foreign corporatist conquest.


Obama Stimulus Bill-High Rents & the Home Mortgage Fiasco

The federal government should bail out only those with less than 150 thousand dollars in mortgage debt-it is a silly policy for working Americans to fund what are in essence spoiled lifestyles of people that require large big box homes that cost $250,000 and up. Borrowing money from world investors to prop up the decadent U.S. lifestyle with greed determining what size of home one needs, what kind of fuel inefficient vehicle what purchases from foreign importers and how a zero personal savings policy is good, government because it accelerates the velocity of money are bound to reach a bad end for U.S. national security.

The United States has taken up a policy following the end of the cold war of support for trans-national corporations making of American real property a liquid value that can be bought and traded en mass by global investors. OPEC in Saudi Arabia has said recently that too quick of a transition to alternative fuels in the United States would create global issues of a deleterious nature. Saudi Arabia and OPEC and collapsed the price of oil in order to undermine national efforts in the United States to create an independent alternative energy posture. Saudi Arabia as the citadel of Mohammedanism seeks a hegemony over the worlds spiritually through the coercive power of global dependence upon the inefficient and polluting fossil fuel cycle. The U.S. administration has walked blind in to the course of the axis of evil oil producers and internal combustion engine manufacturing with its recently received stimulus policy of some 785 billion dollars. While the home mortgage crisis at the level of lenders may receive some relief through taxpayer assumption of their debt and interest payments so that double interest can be paid by homeowners to the bank lenders as well as the taxpayers, the administration has failed to comprehend that Americans just need to have a rational approach to economic development and let the global fast buck arbitragers, hedge fund specialists and money market managers take a licking and keep on ticking if they can, with their own economic accountability for bad lending practices.

The Obama administration is once again under the influence of Clinton's economic Rasputin Lawrence Summers-virtually no rational national home mortgage economic policy can arise under that aegis which seeks to expand housing unit size and prices to the largest possible size. The administration should find economic ideas from Robert Schiller, Lester Thorow and Herman Dailey .



President Obama said when running for office that common sense in economic priorities needed to be applied, yet in his first major bill with victory he has forgone the quest for a sustainable economic policy in favor of support for the usual fiscal perfidy that has made the financial related services sector a full 25% of the U.S. national economy. A nation that fundamentally skims from Chinese production and illegal migrant labor instead of sustaining new technological production that would fit in with a steady state economy wherein only quality rather than quantity improves demographically and materially is set on a path for boom and bust that continues to raise the notch of diminished renewable resources higher. It is an unrealistic course that serves those M.B.A.'s and managers unscrupulously enough to have no care about anything besides their personal profit. Martin Buber said that a lie is treason unto oneself; the economic lies about that devalue of non-sustainable development, with mortgages of vast size that can be paid solely while the occupants have a huge, unrealistic salary based upon inflated global based financial services,are economic treason to the nation.

After the Union act of 1800 that forced Ireland into political union with Britain the Irish became poor and were forced off the land. More than a million moved to England following the potato famine and many went to the United States. Life in England was mean; nasty brutish and short for the Irish in England. IT was only after decades of striving to improve their legal standing that they found they could stop paying rent and receive grants for their housing that would let them save money. While American pay large rents to globalists they cannot save money, instead they make transfer payments to trans-national corporation and destroy the posterity of the nation leaving a legacy of servitude to the corporatist trans-national elites that decree what their economic policy should be.

The United States does require an intelligent, sober Congress and Senate rather than one enthralled to the silky comforts of wealthy. The people of the United States should reform basic federal economic policy such that homes with high energy efficiency ratings receive priority in funding support, and homes that have the capability of producing their own electrical energy have a higher place in federal support than homes that purchase electricity from a trans-nationally owned corporate grid.

U.S. homes should have a minimum insulation r value of 100 for mortgage lending, and the ceiling should be 150,000 dollars on a home mortgage that gets federal assistance. Homes should be made of concrete and last 300 years between exterior recoating.

The social security administration should restrict payments to those earning less than the average worker annual income. Twenty-five thousand dollars is a lot of money for those not working. A nation that has current accounts pay non-working Americans more than working Americans cannot have a rational economic policy.

The new tax elements of the stimulus plan did nothing for those self-employed that must pay 10% tax. for the working, self-employed poor earning less than 12,000 annually their should be a tax moratorium for credit in the first term of the Obama administration to relieve the poor from a variety of tax issues that impede improvisational work opportunities.

Medicare policy should cover only those earning less than $24,000 annually. The federal government should assure that all the poor can receive free medical service by paying the mal-practice insurance of physicians that register in a free treatment for the poor screening service. Physicians that provide free coverage to 40% of their patients would receive free federal mal-practice insurance. A worker's compensation like medical screening and referral service should screen patients and physicians.

The U.S. Mexican border area of a 3 mile depth should become a U.S. Army and Marine base where troops could be stationed to defend their classified base activities.

The Congress should pass a bill enabling states to arrest illegal immigrants and send them to federal penal facilities. When the federal government is manifestly incapable of fulfilling its legal obligations rationally the states must defend themselves. The federal government has allowed more than one million Mexican illegals to cross the border each of the last 20 years-that is a manifestly incompetent performance by the U.S. Government. It is because of the cyclically corrupt U.S. housing industry policy that the Clinton and Bush administration pursued that illegal alien construction and service workers were drafted to blimp the housing industry.


Alaska Highway History Sketch 1

The Alcan Highway (Alaska-Canada) highway was built in a hurry during the second world war to allow resupply of Alaskan military bases. Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor and had designs on the occupation of Alaska. Eventually it would invade the Alaskan Islands of Attu and Kiska requiring months of bloody fighting for their recovery by the United States.

The AlCAN Highway as it was known before the modern change to refer to its destination and terminus (for now) was built in eight months of 1942 and 1943. Interestingly about 3,700 of 10,600 soldiers working on the construction were dermatologically black as a result of racial inheritance. The road was a vital link in land resupply of the state of Alaska, and it also served to support U.S. efforts to send war materials to Russia via Siberia from Alaskan air bases.

At the beginning of the second world war the total military equipment in the state was a couple hundred world war one era rifles in the Haines, Alaska national guard armory. The city of Anchorage had a population of just two thousand souls. The state that Billy Mitchell called 'the crosswords of the world' began a rapid build up of population in order to defend against invasion from the eastern hemisphere and to bring relief to our world war two allies in Russia.

At the foot of Soldier Summit on the ALCAN highway along the southernmost shore of Kluane Lake-an austere and barren landscape with a milky-blue lake and mountain goats inhabiting the upper slopes of some high, cold hills there is a plaque that commemorates the marvelous engineering and construction work of the U.S.Army's Corp of Engineers through 1500 miles of trackless wilderness in such a short period of time.

The variegated racial composition of the construction crew was an appropriate demonstration of the will of Americans of all races to combat the growing power of Japanese Imperialism and Nazi Fascist- corporatist supremacy. Like the liberation of Attu Island that was accomplished by a brilliant mix of extremely athletic southwest Americans including American indians unused to the Aleutian cold weather, resupplied by a 500 mile air war link taking off from Kodiak Island in foggy and treacherous conditions-a war with Japanese banzai charges repeatedly through the snow repulsed only with grenades, heavy casualties and great personal sacrifice (the second most bloody battle per capita in the Pacific War), the construction of the ALCAN highway was accomplished with the direct determination of a free people to remain that way regardless of the power of global, megalomaniac foes.


How Life Started-Theoretical Parameters

Life on Earth may have arisen from more than one source or space-time coordinate. That possibility applies to each of the two most popular theories; super-natural creation and organic evolution. Supernatural creation may have placed homo sapiens of a special character into an evolved animal environment including homo sapiens as seems indicated by the discontinuity between Genesis chapter one and two, and in the organic evolution context, life arriving on Earth from extra-terrestrial sources amidst existing evolved life cannot be ruled out. Because of the potential for extra-dimensional quantum teleportation life may aggregate on Earth from additional, unknown origins now and then. Let's go to the headwaters of creation of the Universe though, to consider how the Universe got here-where ever 'here' actually is.

Reality issued from idea before space-time. The non-dimensional, crystal clear eternal sea of pure spirit without dimensional size, shape, color or space-time which mankind cannot conceive; before infinite series of beginnings, within and after all is. A sentient field without description though absoolute good for-itself in actuality. That which has no cause, origin or first mover; self-aware scalar field, set of all sets. Reality is a complex relationship of appearances from the Spirit with sentience set in to select, contingent forms being and becoming in the Universe.

John 1 (King James Version)

"1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."

Two fundamental theories regarding the creation of life on Earth today; organic creation from the chemical compounds of the Earth is one (aka Darwinian evolution theory), and the other; creation by supernatural means. The first would be called an evolution theory and the other might be named a creation theory. A third paradigm of alternate cosmological theories combined in some instances with or without theological and philosophical additions or paradigms may also be said to exist. The third theory is somewhat more difficult to comprehend than the first two if that is possible. Let us begin with third things first, for Einstein's realtivty theory does tend to make time relative and the events in it ordered in relation to the observer.

The General theory of relavity transcended Newton's theoretical criteria of an absolute space time wherin if it was nine o'clock in the morning in Paris it was also nine o'clock in the morning on the other side of thh Universe-in fact at all four space-dimension dimensional ends of thh Universe if the four dimensions could be said to have any 'ends'. The shape and ends of the dimensions of the Universe would be a paradox themselves in the expanding space-time of big bang theory. Dimensions must expand in one direction only yet overlap, and time is just another dimensions perhaps. In realtivity theory however time differs as a space-time location discretely-while their may be a cosmological constant that is dark energy there is no Universal time apart from space, and space itself may be something else besides the vaacuum commonly considered as space that may actually simply be an area with a low volume of mass or energy (those convertable event constituents). The philosopher Parmenides in 500 b.c. considered all of mass energy as a plenum, and the void in which it existed as nothing. The fundamental paradox is how can nothing exist (it does not evidentally)? How can nothing exist spatially and have meaningful distance such that there is more nothing in one place than in another, or more nothing between objects? These ancient questions never were answered satisfactorily, yet mathematical theorists devise nearly limitless mathematical models that interact successfully with apparent material or phenomenal matter and its history inferred from tensor calculus to portray a order of events.

On Earth scientific organic (evolution) theory has eukarotic life originating around 2.6 billion years ago complete with D.N.A. in membranes. actual life as simpler compounds might have commenced as early as 3.6 billion years ago in an organic criterion with evidence of stromatiolites made by cyano bacteria-plenty of time for the aggregation of life over the next 3.6 thousand million years on Earth. Multi cellular organisms exist by 1.2 billion years ago.
The fundamentals of Darwinian evolution theory are well known: Chemoautotrophs assemble energy oxygenizing inorganic materials. The heat and moisture of the early Earth find these reactions contained within cells. Like greedy materialists these cells aggregate mass. Mutation and evolution over time let a variety of more complex chemical reactions form. Sensory feedback and control logic develop through interactive trial and error in the environment. These early reactions in membranes (that form after a time) are life. Carbon based life as early as 3.9 billion years ago on earth may have been the initial start for the subsequent evolution of life on Earth to the present age.

Cosmology theory is much more uncertain. The Universe began from an infinitely small singularity with a containing a billion more times the mass of the present Universe, at a minimum. The singularity could have been a Higgs Field or a zero dimensional membrane-these mathematical physics and astrophysics conjectures are not inconsistent with the Spoken Word of God issuing the Universe in a theistic evolution.

The preponderance of matter over anti-matter has a hypothetical explanation regarding spin. Each spin in an opposite direction and annihilate each other when in contact yield some energy. When the Higgs field- a theoretical balanced quantum field at the core of the singularity- became unbalanced (see B. Green's 'The Elegant Universe') it repelled itself cascading the field of energy that is the Universe. From the highest state of organization in the singularity the field entered the 13.3 billion year process of thermodynamic decline and processing of it's potential forms through the physics of a Universe it comprised. Because matter's basic spin has a slight statistical advantage over anti-matter when the two forms attracted and combined there was a little matter left over (that is the mass of the Universe). Maybe 99.999% of the matter and anti-matter was annihilated, or recombined to return to some kind of pre-inflation zero-dimensional singularity. Obviously the Higgs field does not exist in the Universe of space-time dimensions with mass, though some say it may 'underlie' or contain the Universe. These are spooky theories replete with extra-dimensional channels for influence upon the mass energy in these four dimensions.

'The Five Ages of the Universe' is a book that provides some convenient labels for the anticipated thermodynamic future of the universe if it continues to expand (not at all certain).

Visible stars will not exist forever in this Universe. The Stelliferous era including star formation and galaxies to the 100th power exists beginning 1 million to a trillion years after the inflaton

3) Degenerate Era

The Degenerate era is not one with planetary budget deficits in which nations can't understand nor work toward an economy in which everyone has a surplus, instead it refers to the time after the stellar era in perhaps a trillion to the 100th power years when most of the stars and galaxies (in an open Universe scenario in which everything keeps expanding outward forever) have run out of gas, or nuclear material, and grow very dim. Red dwarf stars and white dwarfs are the essential illumination, and they wear out.

4) Black Hole Era

Because all the mass of the Universe in the form of energy has gone from a low entropy to a high entropy state, and because the atomic fires are essentially burned up and out already, and coinciding with the growing oligarchy of physics in which the power of gravity draws everything to fewer and fewer larger clumps of matter known as black holes from which nothing escapes except a bit of Hawking radiation caused by the indeterminacy of quantum particle locations and the eventual leaking out of matter from the black holes even with the information it had going in intact (which presents a problem for those positing an absolute entropy as the fate of the Universe perhaps), this is known as the black hole era. Black Holes are the big feature of the Universe at this time that is really, really, way out there in years in orders of magnitude of trillions and trillions.

5) Dark Era

In the Dark era matter is at it lowest energy state. As the open universe of space-time continued to expand the laws of entropy have brought everything to its most dispersed, equal and isotropic status. The most elementary sub-atomic particles of decayed and been reduced to their most solitary and powerless condition. A combination of positron and electrons known as positroniums may exist in isolation. It is interesting that they may be spaced farther apart than the size of the present Universe.

In such a condition that could conceivably go on for eternity how could space or time have energy to expand, or to remain stable, and where would the space-time of the low energy Universe be? Many basic philosophical questions could be developed to consider the situation.

As far as I know cosmologists consider that the universe might just be left at that, or alternately that such a universe in string theory or M-Theory would be attracted to like spent Universes by some mutual primal attraction of left-over field energy and collide with a matter and anti-matter reenergization thus starting a couple more universes inflating into reality. It's a nice field for speculation. The phase transition of some sort of intrinsic energy of the vacuum of space may also be a source for the restart of another Universe as all those virtual particles, given enough time could do some quantum tunneling to a more basic and stable place in space time. This unusual concept is another of those wonderful ideas that rely upon a never ending cornucopia of matter-energy and space-time from off-line sources and undiscovered places that replenish life. Omnipotent God has that design ability implicitly.

The Geological Time Scale occurs during the formation and existence of the Earth 4.5 billion years before present. Some believe that a continuing coalescence of the matter of the Universe that concentrated under the force of gravity to form stars, perhaps stimulated by the motion of various interstellar dust clouds and even intersecting galaxies (see star formation in astrophysics publications) brought enough material together to form the sun and plenty of leftovers circling around to form the other planets and asteroids, comets and so forth in the solar system.

Gravity as a continuing concentrator of mass allows nuclear forces to create atomic reactions, and also to provide heat in some planetary cores. The Earth has a core temperature of 5000 degrees centigrade, and it is still more than 2000 degrees centigrade just 700 kilometers down. The Earth's comparatively thin crust floats as the lithosphere upon a hot mantle with thermal convection forces that over time raise mountains and ancient sea floors to the heights and plunge continents downward at subduction zones into the hell' of the mantle below.

The Earth was created at 4.5 billion years before present, or approximately 7.5 billion years from the singularity. The earth's age today is approximately 1/3 the age of the Universe.

The Universe may be a thought of God's actualizing itself (or not of course) in an expansive mode. Expansion in dimensions of space and time may be necessary for the function of uncertainty to be and become. Uncertainty is implicitly a component of thought, as Plotinus thought, for The One hasn't a need of thought and uncertainty has a vacuum that asks for process of filling or completion to return to the normal state of omniscience.

Humanity has limited omniscience and live in an uncertain universe with an uncertain past and uncertain physical basis as an aspect of quantum mechanics and an uncertain future. Knowledge is uncertain and reality is uncertain.

Conceptions are phenomenally experienced and integrated from perceptions with some value added as Schopenhauer pointed out in 'The Fourfold Roots of Reason'. It is useful in general considerations of epistemology to keep in mind the relation of a cosmological monism to perceptual pluralism that human beings experience while in existence. Parmenides and Heraclitus held apposite views on the subject of the one and the many and of universal motion and non-motion.Supernatural creation theory has many forms (and organic theories have many as well). Christianity presents the best or most well known criteria for a supernatural origin of life on Earth. In many respect the Biblical Genesis book does not entirely differ from evolutionary organic theory; the basic parameters of an aggregated placement of life forms on Earth over time is common to both. Supernatural creation theory has mankind known as Adamas (meaning brown dirt in Arabic) being created from inorganic compounds (mud). The detail is absent such as is provided in scientific evolution theory yet the sketch is fair enough in resemblance for a narrative composed several thousand years ago.

It is possible to maintain a theistic evolution theory that stipulates that God evolved the world and the life in it. The parameters for a pre-determined universe from the beginning designed by God are not inconsistent with the actual discoveries of quantum mechanical theory and extrapolations about the creation of the Universe, or rather the theoretical retracing of the course of the Universe back to its smallest size as an infinitely small point singularity.

Algorithmic compressibility of patterns in language is different than in mathematics to a certain extent, yet language is itself a non-compressed use of logic to understand the nature of observational data and one's own thoughts about it. Historical and literary reasoning like the life sciences tend to use far more particular and concrete thought and language than does philosophy and physics in cosmological and quantum cosmological contexts. Life sciences as in biology and even evolutionary observations do not induct structural contexts via abstract mathematical processes such as Einstein or Pauli utilized when investigating the human genome's functions-instead they use a trial and error method to assign structures to roles in the body. Quantum cosmology may use Newtonian and superstring logic simultaneously to investigate if gravity diminishes at the cube root of the distance at short ranges because their may be an extra, small hidden dimension-yet the field of investigation seems paradoxically less complex in quantum cosmology because the elements while comprising the mass of the Universe are in principal reducible to a unified field.

Barrow attributes scientific preference in the west for a pervasive unified field in part to monotheistic religious influence; a monotheistic God without pluralistic little gods is a comparatively relevant pattern paradigm for a unified cosmic law-field analogous to an omnipotent monistic God.The concept of quantum cosmology that the Universe borrowed its existence from nothing as a virtual particle might is intriguingly similar to quantum superposition in physics along the world-line contexts of quantum uncertainty. Because God is omnipotent and contains all possibilities of even those things not actualized it has a beauty to it that the Universe too has a parallel theological/quantum construction.

Before the singularity one might place a congruence with the Biblical concept of the word speaking the event-relationships to begin with the criteria of super-string cosmological theory or big bang theory with a hyper-inflation added to it. Actual cosmological theories abound regard what came before the singularity such as every possible other universe developed through trial and error of automatic creation from the vacuum of space or within the nature of God as the unmoved mover of all possible universes actualizing His ideas. It is the cosmological uncertainties that add spice to the questions regarding God and how life happened on Earth.

The singularity or membrane of zero dimensions that produced a Universe of mass-energy expanding outward initially faster than light could be viewed as in motion relatively speaking by just human sentience spiritually moving along the world lines of the fully developed Universe eternally in existence. Blinders of forgetfulness on humanity following original sin making the journey through physical bodies seem to occur in a moving rather than stationary and eternal Universe already fully past, present and futured. So well- few would believe that. So back to the beginning...

In the beginning the Higgs Field repulsed itself as the balance of mass and energy were tugged through extra-dimensional scuppers smaller than the Planck length at a high rate of speed (faster than light because gravity is at light speed and to escape the original singularity mass-energy had to escape gravity to. It is an interesting concept that gravity would fail at high density and not emerge till later like the other basic forces of the Universe (e.g. strong, weak,electro-magnetic and gravity), for gravity would be an implicit associate of dimensions that would need to unravel in reverse order in order for the regular thermodynamic field to flow gracefully through the evolution of generations of stars (I think its the fifth now) starting nearly 13.3 billion years ago. The Earth is just about 4 billion years old, so equating 3.14 (a value of pi) with time as distance we would get the circumference of the Universe times the speed of light (just joking I am not a physicist obviously). Well, we will leave this amusing conjecture and recollection about scientific cosmology for now and its interesting production of chemical compounds through stars and even on Earth making the evolution of life possible and on to more technical speculations.

Spirit isn't matter and materiality. Causes and material relations even including relativity and quantum mechanical descriptions would tend to exist within a material context of which it comprises just a contingent part of reality. Analytic philosophy developed a concept of intentional or inward, psychological ideas for human epistemology dialectically juxtaposed with extensional thought or ideas that refer to outward 'real' things of the material world of empiricist preference. Wittgenstein essentially developed theories of language use in his later works as phenomenal activities of associations between word and object like Quine and Strawson and perhaps Kripke, yet unlike these analytic [philosophers Wittgenstein seemed to detach the language use from having a necessity of real knowledge and instead placed it in a position of corresponding to events phenomenally; and that idea nicely fits with Russell's later ideas of the end of mind-matter as primary categories and replacing them with self-awareness as a relational experience of events.

At the basic level super-strings and loops may be events of phenomena from a spiritual source within a bootstrap context of formation of more complex events and relationships in an appearance of motion through appearances of quarks, mass and energy, atoms, molecules stars, galaxies and complex chemical and organic compounds. Life forms on the Earth follow designs as final cause through actualization in efficient causation. These designs are in D.N.A..

Truth seems to be a term that is a referent to the existence of other things, or to their non-being. It is a logical conditional term denoting a binary state of yes or no, being or nothingness etc. The alternative idea is more Platonic and would be the some sort of most pure entity exists that is truth for-itself. Maybe it could be more pure and basic than H2o or ice, more essential than quarks of a unified field theory of physics, something absolute and of One substance or One idea.

Jesus Christ is absolute truth, or truth that is self-standing in relation to everything else that materially exists. Other truth values outside the Triune God who is One are contingent being and truth. Truth in that context is relational, or as Albert Einstein said (to paraphrase) "I want to know what God thinks, everything else is detail".

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...