Life on Earth may have arisen from more than one source or space-time coordinate. That possibility applies to each of the two most popular theories; super-natural creation and organic evolution. Supernatural creation may have placed homo sapiens of a special character into an evolved animal environment including homo sapiens as seems indicated by the discontinuity between Genesis chapter one and two, and in the organic evolution context, life arriving on Earth from extra-terrestrial sources amidst existing evolved life cannot be ruled out. Because of the potential for extra-dimensional quantum teleportation life may aggregate on Earth from additional, unknown origins now and then. Let's go to the headwaters of creation of the Universe though, to consider how the Universe got here-where ever 'here' actually is.
Reality issued from idea before space-time. The non-dimensional, crystal clear eternal sea of pure spirit without dimensional size, shape, color or space-time which mankind cannot conceive; before infinite series of beginnings, within and after all is. A sentient field without description though absoolute good for-itself in actuality. That which has no cause, origin or first mover; self-aware scalar field, set of all sets. Reality is a complex relationship of appearances from the Spirit with sentience set in to select, contingent forms being and becoming in the Universe.
John 1 (King James Version)
"1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
Two fundamental theories regarding the creation of life on Earth today; organic creation from the chemical compounds of the Earth is one (aka Darwinian evolution theory), and the other; creation by supernatural means. The first would be called an evolution theory and the other might be named a creation theory. A third paradigm of alternate cosmological theories combined in some instances with or without theological and philosophical additions or paradigms may also be said to exist. The third theory is somewhat more difficult to comprehend than the first two if that is possible. Let us begin with third things first, for Einstein's realtivty theory does tend to make time relative and the events in it ordered in relation to the observer.
The General theory of relavity transcended Newton's theoretical criteria of an absolute space time wherin if it was nine o'clock in the morning in Paris it was also nine o'clock in the morning on the other side of thh Universe-in fact at all four space-dimension dimensional ends of thh Universe if the four dimensions could be said to have any 'ends'. The shape and ends of the dimensions of the Universe would be a paradox themselves in the expanding space-time of big bang theory. Dimensions must expand in one direction only yet overlap, and time is just another dimensions perhaps. In realtivity theory however time differs as a space-time location discretely-while their may be a cosmological constant that is dark energy there is no Universal time apart from space, and space itself may be something else besides the vaacuum commonly considered as space that may actually simply be an area with a low volume of mass or energy (those convertable event constituents). The philosopher Parmenides in 500 b.c. considered all of mass energy as a plenum, and the void in which it existed as nothing. The fundamental paradox is how can nothing exist (it does not evidentally)? How can nothing exist spatially and have meaningful distance such that there is more nothing in one place than in another, or more nothing between objects? These ancient questions never were answered satisfactorily, yet mathematical theorists devise nearly limitless mathematical models that interact successfully with apparent material or phenomenal matter and its history inferred from tensor calculus to portray a order of events.
On Earth scientific organic (evolution) theory has eukarotic life originating around 2.6 billion years ago complete with D.N.A. in membranes. actual life as simpler compounds might have commenced as early as 3.6 billion years ago in an organic criterion with evidence of stromatiolites made by cyano bacteria-plenty of time for the aggregation of life over the next 3.6 thousand million years on Earth. Multi cellular organisms exist by 1.2 billion years ago.
The fundamentals of Darwinian evolution theory are well known: Chemoautotrophs assemble energy oxygenizing inorganic materials. The heat and moisture of the early Earth find these reactions contained within cells. Like greedy materialists these cells aggregate mass. Mutation and evolution over time let a variety of more complex chemical reactions form. Sensory feedback and control logic develop through interactive trial and error in the environment. These early reactions in membranes (that form after a time) are life. Carbon based life as early as 3.9 billion years ago on earth may have been the initial start for the subsequent evolution of life on Earth to the present age.
Cosmology theory is much more uncertain. The Universe began from an infinitely small singularity with a containing a billion more times the mass of the present Universe, at a minimum. The singularity could have been a Higgs Field or a zero dimensional membrane-these mathematical physics and astrophysics conjectures are not inconsistent with the Spoken Word of God issuing the Universe in a theistic evolution.
The preponderance of matter over anti-matter has a hypothetical explanation regarding spin. Each spin in an opposite direction and annihilate each other when in contact yield some energy. When the Higgs field- a theoretical balanced quantum field at the core of the singularity- became unbalanced (see B. Green's 'The Elegant Universe') it repelled itself cascading the field of energy that is the Universe. From the highest state of organization in the singularity the field entered the 13.3 billion year process of thermodynamic decline and processing of it's potential forms through the physics of a Universe it comprised. Because matter's basic spin has a slight statistical advantage over anti-matter when the two forms attracted and combined there was a little matter left over (that is the mass of the Universe). Maybe 99.999% of the matter and anti-matter was annihilated, or recombined to return to some kind of pre-inflation zero-dimensional singularity. Obviously the Higgs field does not exist in the Universe of space-time dimensions with mass, though some say it may 'underlie' or contain the Universe. These are spooky theories replete with extra-dimensional channels for influence upon the mass energy in these four dimensions.
'The Five Ages of the Universe' is a book that provides some convenient labels for the anticipated thermodynamic future of the universe if it continues to expand (not at all certain).
Visible stars will not exist forever in this Universe. The Stelliferous era including star formation and galaxies to the 100th power exists beginning 1 million to a trillion years after the inflaton
3) Degenerate Era
The Degenerate era is not one with planetary budget deficits in which nations can't understand nor work toward an economy in which everyone has a surplus, instead it refers to the time after the stellar era in perhaps a trillion to the 100th power years when most of the stars and galaxies (in an open Universe scenario in which everything keeps expanding outward forever) have run out of gas, or nuclear material, and grow very dim. Red dwarf stars and white dwarfs are the essential illumination, and they wear out.
4) Black Hole Era
Because all the mass of the Universe in the form of energy has gone from a low entropy to a high entropy state, and because the atomic fires are essentially burned up and out already, and coinciding with the growing oligarchy of physics in which the power of gravity draws everything to fewer and fewer larger clumps of matter known as black holes from which nothing escapes except a bit of Hawking radiation caused by the indeterminacy of quantum particle locations and the eventual leaking out of matter from the black holes even with the information it had going in intact (which presents a problem for those positing an absolute entropy as the fate of the Universe perhaps), this is known as the black hole era. Black Holes are the big feature of the Universe at this time that is really, really, way out there in years in orders of magnitude of trillions and trillions.
5) Dark Era
In the Dark era matter is at it lowest energy state. As the open universe of space-time continued to expand the laws of entropy have brought everything to its most dispersed, equal and isotropic status. The most elementary sub-atomic particles of decayed and been reduced to their most solitary and powerless condition. A combination of positron and electrons known as positroniums may exist in isolation. It is interesting that they may be spaced farther apart than the size of the present Universe.
In such a condition that could conceivably go on for eternity how could space or time have energy to expand, or to remain stable, and where would the space-time of the low energy Universe be? Many basic philosophical questions could be developed to consider the situation.
As far as I know cosmologists consider that the universe might just be left at that, or alternately that such a universe in string theory or M-Theory would be attracted to like spent Universes by some mutual primal attraction of left-over field energy and collide with a matter and anti-matter reenergization thus starting a couple more universes inflating into reality. It's a nice field for speculation. The phase transition of some sort of intrinsic energy of the vacuum of space may also be a source for the restart of another Universe as all those virtual particles, given enough time could do some quantum tunneling to a more basic and stable place in space time. This unusual concept is another of those wonderful ideas that rely upon a never ending cornucopia of matter-energy and space-time from off-line sources and undiscovered places that replenish life. Omnipotent God has that design ability implicitly.
The Geological Time Scale occurs during the formation and existence of the Earth 4.5 billion years before present. Some believe that a continuing coalescence of the matter of the Universe that concentrated under the force of gravity to form stars, perhaps stimulated by the motion of various interstellar dust clouds and even intersecting galaxies (see star formation in astrophysics publications) brought enough material together to form the sun and plenty of leftovers circling around to form the other planets and asteroids, comets and so forth in the solar system.
Gravity as a continuing concentrator of mass allows nuclear forces to create atomic reactions, and also to provide heat in some planetary cores. The Earth has a core temperature of 5000 degrees centigrade, and it is still more than 2000 degrees centigrade just 700 kilometers down. The Earth's comparatively thin crust floats as the lithosphere upon a hot mantle with thermal convection forces that over time raise mountains and ancient sea floors to the heights and plunge continents downward at subduction zones into the hell' of the mantle below.
The Earth was created at 4.5 billion years before present, or approximately 7.5 billion years from the singularity. The earth's age today is approximately 1/3 the age of the Universe.
The Universe may be a thought of God's actualizing itself (or not of course) in an expansive mode. Expansion in dimensions of space and time may be necessary for the function of uncertainty to be and become. Uncertainty is implicitly a component of thought, as Plotinus thought, for The One hasn't a need of thought and uncertainty has a vacuum that asks for process of filling or completion to return to the normal state of omniscience.
Humanity has limited omniscience and live in an uncertain universe with an uncertain past and uncertain physical basis as an aspect of quantum mechanics and an uncertain future. Knowledge is uncertain and reality is uncertain.
Conceptions are phenomenally experienced and integrated from perceptions with some value added as Schopenhauer pointed out in 'The Fourfold Roots of Reason'. It is useful in general considerations of epistemology to keep in mind the relation of a cosmological monism to perceptual pluralism that human beings experience while in existence. Parmenides and Heraclitus held apposite views on the subject of the one and the many and of universal motion and non-motion.Supernatural creation theory has many forms (and organic theories have many as well). Christianity presents the best or most well known criteria for a supernatural origin of life on Earth. In many respect the Biblical Genesis book does not entirely differ from evolutionary organic theory; the basic parameters of an aggregated placement of life forms on Earth over time is common to both. Supernatural creation theory has mankind known as Adamas (meaning brown dirt in Arabic) being created from inorganic compounds (mud). The detail is absent such as is provided in scientific evolution theory yet the sketch is fair enough in resemblance for a narrative composed several thousand years ago.
It is possible to maintain a theistic evolution theory that stipulates that God evolved the world and the life in it. The parameters for a pre-determined universe from the beginning designed by God are not inconsistent with the actual discoveries of quantum mechanical theory and extrapolations about the creation of the Universe, or rather the theoretical retracing of the course of the Universe back to its smallest size as an infinitely small point singularity.
Algorithmic compressibility of patterns in language is different than in mathematics to a certain extent, yet language is itself a non-compressed use of logic to understand the nature of observational data and one's own thoughts about it. Historical and literary reasoning like the life sciences tend to use far more particular and concrete thought and language than does philosophy and physics in cosmological and quantum cosmological contexts. Life sciences as in biology and even evolutionary observations do not induct structural contexts via abstract mathematical processes such as Einstein or Pauli utilized when investigating the human genome's functions-instead they use a trial and error method to assign structures to roles in the body. Quantum cosmology may use Newtonian and superstring logic simultaneously to investigate if gravity diminishes at the cube root of the distance at short ranges because their may be an extra, small hidden dimension-yet the field of investigation seems paradoxically less complex in quantum cosmology because the elements while comprising the mass of the Universe are in principal reducible to a unified field.
Barrow attributes scientific preference in the west for a pervasive unified field in part to monotheistic religious influence; a monotheistic God without pluralistic little gods is a comparatively relevant pattern paradigm for a unified cosmic law-field analogous to an omnipotent monistic God.The concept of quantum cosmology that the Universe borrowed its existence from nothing as a virtual particle might is intriguingly similar to quantum superposition in physics along the world-line contexts of quantum uncertainty. Because God is omnipotent and contains all possibilities of even those things not actualized it has a beauty to it that the Universe too has a parallel theological/quantum construction.
Before the singularity one might place a congruence with the Biblical concept of the word speaking the event-relationships to begin with the criteria of super-string cosmological theory or big bang theory with a hyper-inflation added to it. Actual cosmological theories abound regard what came before the singularity such as every possible other universe developed through trial and error of automatic creation from the vacuum of space or within the nature of God as the unmoved mover of all possible universes actualizing His ideas. It is the cosmological uncertainties that add spice to the questions regarding God and how life happened on Earth.
The singularity or membrane of zero dimensions that produced a Universe of mass-energy expanding outward initially faster than light could be viewed as in motion relatively speaking by just human sentience spiritually moving along the world lines of the fully developed Universe eternally in existence. Blinders of forgetfulness on humanity following original sin making the journey through physical bodies seem to occur in a moving rather than stationary and eternal Universe already fully past, present and futured. So well- few would believe that. So back to the beginning...
In the beginning the Higgs Field repulsed itself as the balance of mass and energy were tugged through extra-dimensional scuppers smaller than the Planck length at a high rate of speed (faster than light because gravity is at light speed and to escape the original singularity mass-energy had to escape gravity to. It is an interesting concept that gravity would fail at high density and not emerge till later like the other basic forces of the Universe (e.g. strong, weak,electro-magnetic and gravity), for gravity would be an implicit associate of dimensions that would need to unravel in reverse order in order for the regular thermodynamic field to flow gracefully through the evolution of generations of stars (I think its the fifth now) starting nearly 13.3 billion years ago. The Earth is just about 4 billion years old, so equating 3.14 (a value of pi) with time as distance we would get the circumference of the Universe times the speed of light (just joking I am not a physicist obviously). Well, we will leave this amusing conjecture and recollection about scientific cosmology for now and its interesting production of chemical compounds through stars and even on Earth making the evolution of life possible and on to more technical speculations.
Spirit isn't matter and materiality. Causes and material relations even including relativity and quantum mechanical descriptions would tend to exist within a material context of which it comprises just a contingent part of reality. Analytic philosophy developed a concept of intentional or inward, psychological ideas for human epistemology dialectically juxtaposed with extensional thought or ideas that refer to outward 'real' things of the material world of empiricist preference. Wittgenstein essentially developed theories of language use in his later works as phenomenal activities of associations between word and object like Quine and Strawson and perhaps Kripke, yet unlike these analytic [philosophers Wittgenstein seemed to detach the language use from having a necessity of real knowledge and instead placed it in a position of corresponding to events phenomenally; and that idea nicely fits with Russell's later ideas of the end of mind-matter as primary categories and replacing them with self-awareness as a relational experience of events.
At the basic level super-strings and loops may be events of phenomena from a spiritual source within a bootstrap context of formation of more complex events and relationships in an appearance of motion through appearances of quarks, mass and energy, atoms, molecules stars, galaxies and complex chemical and organic compounds. Life forms on the Earth follow designs as final cause through actualization in efficient causation. These designs are in D.N.A..
Truth seems to be a term that is a referent to the existence of other things, or to their non-being. It is a logical conditional term denoting a binary state of yes or no, being or nothingness etc. The alternative idea is more Platonic and would be the some sort of most pure entity exists that is truth for-itself. Maybe it could be more pure and basic than H2o or ice, more essential than quarks of a unified field theory of physics, something absolute and of One substance or One idea.
Jesus Christ is absolute truth, or truth that is self-standing in relation to everything else that materially exists. Other truth values outside the Triune God who is One are contingent being and truth. Truth in that context is relational, or as Albert Einstein said (to paraphrase) "I want to know what God thinks, everything else is detail".
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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