
2009 Public Debt Stimulus Plan

The news clans are in Denver today elbowing for the chance to kiss up the Presidential plan for revitalizing American economy. President Obama is betting his political keister that the 2009 Add 3/4 Trillion Dollars to Public Debt Stimulus plan will refloat the American ship of state run aground in the shoal waters of financial corruption. Regardless of how much the economy expands it can leak out profits even faster to offshore investors and illegal aliens. Lets consider a little of the history of the political philosophy that public debt is good. Nationalization of the banks would be another vast infusion of public debt, and some would consider that good.

John Maynard Keynes was the founder of the dominant economic school of the 20th century that became eponymously named for himself. Keynes was a public homosexual inventor of wild side public debt stimulus as a good way to get the economy going-perhaps that was an alternate approach to Churchill's form of monetarism that help encourage the over exuberance of 1920's Wall Street. The Republican Party has made something of a Saint of Keynsianism along with the Democrats. The Republican take a derivative approach through tax cuts for the rich as a way to increase gross tax revenues through increasing business contributions in economic expansion. That policy not resulted in a series of significant additions to public debt to bail out the rich-for the rich not that when all is said and done they will have the good money offshore and the public will have the toxic debt.

Even Keynes himself might have stipulated that unlimited additions to public debt is economically deleterious, and that if a Ship of State has a lot of leaks and holes it won't float without a good bilge pump and even that might not be adequate. An economy that reinvests its profits abroad and imports illegal aliens fails to keep its profits invested at home, and fails to allow just surpluses to be invested abroad. At any rate the wild side of unreality in Keynsianism may not be at its final day of reckoning just yet. It might take the people of the world more time to be aware of cataclysm things such as that a balanced budget and stable population is the best foundation for qualitative social increase, or that Adam and Eve were the first Jews and that is why the Jews were the chosen people set to be an example to all the other humans mucking about in the evil world about how to have a right relationship with God (Christians being adopted or spiritual Jews) .

The removal of the economic insides of a nation through the subterfuge of economic expansion is a phenomenon of trans-national economic. With the leaky and corrupt political leadership and Wall-Street environment the ship of state was doomed to run aground. The 'Walk on Wild Side' Pepsi drinkers of the broadcast clan don't have a concern about more than the Zarathustrian necessity that they profit, and like the Saintly J.M. Keynes they too are saints because they benefit Mexican and Chinese citizens even when it means the impoverishment of Americans-they are too happy to trample on poor Americans when they protest the flood of illegals and outsourcing of quality jobs.

Yes we hope that President Obama can plug the leaks in the American economic ship of state such as exist on the Mexican border and in support for offshore investments preferred over American, yet the climate of scoail corruption is awesome. At least he can consider that Thomas Jefferson was an anti-federalist who would have opposed the nationalization of the banks.


http://www.ushistory.org/tour/tour_1bank.htm Alexander Hamilton supported this first bank of the United States as a way to attract money to pay off the revolutionary war debt. The founders generally had common sense about the environment they existed in environmentally and politically. The people of the United States should not assume to toxic debt of banks by nationalizing them.

The U.S. economy can survive without 'lines of credit' (reminds one of some reference to cocaine use) being available to the creeps in banks and the government that have plundered the national interest since the end of the cold war. One cannot make a Ponzi scheme of debt with the people holding the bag while some 25% of the people prosper and others struggle with a decrease in real wages over the last 30 years.

When the corrupt fail in business because of their bad financial relations it is time to let capitalism's Occam's razor side eliminate the unfeasible. When abstract financial values over reason and common sense housing 'bubbles' form and a lot of specious loans are made simple to make a profit.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_banking 9,000 banks closed in 1929. One third of the money in America was lost. That brings to mind the concept of monetary theory and what capital really is. If the government and banks do not keep a realistic relationship between real assets and the representation of such with money the corruption of the U.S. economy would necessarily follow.

The United States Government should quit being a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. The accumulation of monetary capital by so many that discovered they would not need to physically work thereafter, and could have all the techy things in their BWM sports cars and big box SUVs inflated the expectations of those that had no element of material conservatism, or perhaps that is the problem; their were so many unintellectual, undeserving, corrupt, spoiled expanding suburbia Americans saving nothing and spending everything to have a million dollar house with ten feet between homes that inflation happened in other, hidden areas. While Greenspan and others were battling against inflation the corruption of a misguided economic process was channeled underground were it flowed as a toxic aquifer until the subdivision above it subsided uncomfortably in time.

One of the nice things about federal policy is that it is so efficiently corrupt. ignoring very well the poor in America that need real work. Year after year and decade after decade the poor are just shunned out while the government supports the rich in so many ways. The government will throw some food to the hungry (very humanitarian that) but is cannot form policies that recognize and enlist every single U.S. citizen on some list to be hired where they too can make an average wage. The government should triage the poor in America, and bury the rich politically who have lost so much money for so many. Nationalizing banks to bail out those with money is another 'serve the rich' policy on the way of the United States for destruction by foreign corporatist conquest.

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