
Blogging and the California Supreme Court's Homo Legislating

Executives in government seeking to flank the will of congress and the people have historically sought foreign funding, bonds, loans and bribed members of congress with earmarks or incentives to go along with their perfidy-bloggers in the modern era may help to enfilade such works in progress if lucky. They must overcome the unholy triple alliance of both parties and the broadcast media that will continue to invest in China and gut the U.S. economy expecting the citizens to borrow to buy their foreign made subsidiary goods. Its a fundamentally irrational economy that should be replaced with an ecological economic policy in some future where good politicians comprehend the world isn't increasing in size, the resources are limited and expanding the economy domestically and globally other than quantitatively is an irrational policy suitable only for a world with fewer than a billion souls on it.

Adam Smith formulated his theories on Capital about 1775 several decades after the British civil war and end of the rule of Cromwell. Kings previously had a monopoly on the granting of trading licenses. Smith pragmatically sought within the politics of his era to advocate a better way, in which the commercial classes would regulate their own affairs. Smith however would not had advocated a wrong, illiberal approach for the era. If he had been alive today and a blogger he would very likely have forseen the problems created by a non-renewable economic policy, by the absurd prisoner's dilemma defection of American business abroad expecting Americans to buy their products, the danger if propping up G.M. that the healthy corporation-Ford will lose market share and collapse eventually too-not to mention that their better management is penalized while the global auto industry draining policies of G.M. are rewarded with billions of taxpayer dollars borrowed from Japan and China so that Americans can buy their cars eventually (that won't restore confidence), that the world's nations are under attack from irrational global corporatism and intellectual capital is repressed and exploited by trans-national corporations preventing qualitative infrastructure growth in man nations.

Adam Smith might have advocated that just 20% of any national economy be involved in foreign trade and that ecological economic principles in national policies direct the self-reliant, renewable provisioning of the majority of all goods for each nation and that all should be secure in their homes, employment and be encouraged to be self employed with a maximum of 30 hours of work for others as an employee each week.

Blogging is the 21st century outlet for personal creativity. being a writer of anything that might become published until fairly recently-as late as a few years after the mass proliferation of the Internet- was very difficult. Internet blogging was the remedy to the elitist screening and de facto censorship of mass publication of personal ideas by the many. Sure one should be fair and observe that publishers had to make a living and could only distribute what they believed was the very best and appropriate material that would advance their class interests best. Today's blogger is a free enterpriser working for him or herself and champion of what they personally believe is right.

In California the State Supreme Court is hearing the case of a homosexual advocate lawsuit to overturn new proposition 8 referendum to the California State lawn that bans homosexuals from using the name of 'marriage' for homocoupling. In effect homosexual 'marriage' is a fraudulent notion that just misapplies word and object as may readily be done in language. One can call a horse a cow or and apple and orange if one wishes too, and if one has sympathetic elitists on the bench happy to corrupt language and its relation to nature. Bloggers have discovered that this sort of political trend that traditionally was just a matter for elitists to decide has made itself available to populist commentary through blogs. In real time political and social interests are made presently opportune for Internet bloggers to make comments on; that permits an increased populist freedom of choice regarding political opinions and circumvents the restrictions of a sort of Colomb's law of the media regarding restricted print opportunities and the power of the print or broadcast.

Bloggers can point out that President Obama's decision to compel American taxpayers to fund the murder of human embryos for scientific research has some bad effects and there were alternatives. Embryo's should not be created willy nilly. No individual should be allowed to have more than one spare embryo. That embryo if unused should be available for 'adoption', and if unwanted should be kept in cryogenic storage for a minimum of one thousand years or until it naturally breaks down to a non-viability status. Bloggers can be objective critics of bad policy-President Obama lacking any solid ecological economic policy is relying upon tired old Clinton era activities as long term priorities for the nation and that is disappointing. Harvard lawyers are good at arguing but not necessarily up to speed on non-expansive except in quality national ecological economic policy. President Obama should create a ministry of trade and industry to search for eco-economic technologies to replace trade-deficit creating areas and to support individual home energy, transport and education independence.

Heterosexuals marry genomes or deoxribose nucleic acid coding to produce a new human life produced as a synthesis of the genes of the heterosexual partners in marriage. Homosexuals never, ever marry yet desire to camouflage themselves socially with that term in order to feel more 'normal'. A corruption of heterosexual marriage parameters corrupts history and historical records as well as biological reality. An objection might be made such that some marriages do not successfully produce offspring, yet that is a churlish point; few enterprises have 100% guarantee of success and the state can only go so far in recognizing and affording regulation to the general practices of culture. Homosexuals should have simply sought to create homocoupling as a recognizable concept distinct from marriage yet with some contractual formalities if they wished for such, and not sought to subvert the foundations of civilizations as has been accomplished in so many other societies previously. So much for the elitist legislating from corrupt judges in California.

Bloggers can point out that democracy must necessarily have a bias toward populism and the masses instead of for elites. The concept of a balance of powers has the dangerous and difficult to defend three part elements of an administrator, a legislative assembly and in America a judiciary; any of these branches may surpass its legitimate power and occlude the power of the other branches of governance. The chief executive, legislature and judiciary must continually keep in mind that the opinion of the people governed in theory with their consent is of the highest importance. In a democracy the government is thought to exist to serve the interests of the people.

It is useful to compare alternate theories of governance briefly such as that of the philosopher Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes believed that the natural condition of mankind was without law. Force and fraud were virtues in such a state of life as Bertrand Russell pointed out are useful virtues in war. Because human beings are naturally without law and in conflict they have sought to form some sort of government or social contract to allow them to collectively live together more profitably without conflict. Hobbes believed that best structure is monarchy or tyranny.

Within a monarchy or tyranny the Administrator is absolutely free and no one else has any comparative rights at all. In a tyranny or absolute monarchy the tyrant has no laws applied to him. He or she is in effect still living in a state of nature while everyone else has given up their rights to the dictator. The dictator or tyrant is expected to pursue what is best for the society, possibly. One might think of the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein as such a dictator and solitary free individual in his nation. The California Supreme Court as an elite organization occupies an ambiguous position right on the edge of such power able to veto the popular will of the people in favor of a minority desire for power perhaps comparable to the will of the Bolshevik Party of Russia seeking to rule. Of course one might also compare the homosexual agenda of the California Supreme Court to that of the Nazi S.A. led by Rommer that ironically had Arnold Schwarzenegger's father on its lists as a member.

Blogging allows individuals to write business and popular information. Blogging allows a modern use of information with a personal design in a public setting. Blogging permits a popular political defense from the hegemony of global organizations that run roughshod over environmental reason and individual human rights to select for-themselves the political development of a nation apart from and exclusive of a pervasive, intimidating extreme minority power of concentrated wealth pursuing irrational interests of pure profit without regard to national or environmental security-in fact even inimically to each.

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