
Liberalism and Evolution Theory Paradigms of Britain

For many readers the concept of evolutionary liberalism might invoke the idea of Darwinian theory as opposed to clerical misinterpretations of the Bible and the historical, 19th century social conflicts between Godless atheists, Marxists and sundry varieties of 'liberal' ideologies opposed to a conservative, traditional order. Because this sort of interpretation is rather common I will dispense with it first before moving on to consider other meanings and developments of the phrase 'Evolutionary liberalism in Great Britain.

So let's consider the two main points of Charles Darwin, popularizer of the theory of evolution-an idea considered earlier by Anaximander, his grandfather Erasmus, Lamarck, and Lucretius in the poem De Rerum Natura, amongst others. The first idea is that life originated from a common source. The common source of all life is God, and I believe Darwin supported that concept. His second idea is that a competition amidst all life exist and the most fit survive...

Life isn't a survival of the fittest, but instead is a biochemical search for growth environments and a selection by the life force of the most favorable. This can be seen in the relocation of the headquarters of Halliburton to Dubai, and in the outsourcing of U.S. production to Chinese factories enabling the concentration of wealth and the best economic growth medium for defectors from American priority.

Life force must adapt to the environment yet implicitly seeks to overcome it. The biochemical will of life necessarily fits in to such environmental conditions available, while, in the case of humanity it seeks to overcome or transcend the boundaries of the environment that determine its form and provide its sustenance. When the life force overcomes the environmental boundaries it may cut off itself from these two primary conditions. If the life force has not intellectually developed sufficiently it may destroy its environment and fail to structure artificial, substitute challenge criteria that is a coefficient for growth. Humanity faces that challenge presently.

It is implicit in President Obama's idea of education increases as along-term goal for the United States. His belief fails to contain the obvious idea that good government parameter setting cannot be compensated for by any sort of increase in the quantity of public education that creates uncreative individuals employed by boundary jumping trans-national corporations.

English evolutionary liberalism has found many areas for increase of individual rights, yet individuals today increasingly fit in to a corporatist political philosophy that minimizes their individuality and silences their political and national opinions within a corporatist and Rousseauist paradigm of the general will eclipsing the individual will. That corporate political philosophy is inimical to the retention of individual liberty and conservation of ecological health.

The United States and England have had many competitive circumstances, and human technology has overcome the security of the environment well enough to continually degrade its quality. Fishing is bad in parts of Alaska and commerical fishing quotas should be cut by 50% to allow more for egalitarian sports fishing. North Pacific mid-ocean fishing intercepts by all nations should be reduced so that at least 60% of the fish escape capture annually. President Obama and Prime Minister Brown should work to assure that practical political governance is not contingent upon citizens being educated as drone employees of trans-national corporations. Sovereign nations should produce a quality of life acceptable to citizens that have achieved literacy and numeracy.

All citizens should have good housing and a nation should be self reliant except for luxuries in order to promote ecologically renewable economic policy. Helvetius believed that all people are more or less of sound intellect yet it is bad education that makes them stupid. Bad government mass education can provide such stupidity for its people that no amount of education would ever make them prosper.

Good government eliminates public debt, promotes border security, ecological economic policy, universal monolithic dome home ownership and health care, a net increase of ecological quality and quantity and electric mass transportation of privately owned electric vehicles on monorails at 700 miles per hour to regional destinations. A liberal political environment would seek to create mass employment opportunities in non-outsourcable employment sectors, yet bad government believes that citizens actually can invent things, get patents for them and produce them somewhere outside of China and without effective corporate suppression of rival technologies.

On a philosophy thread the history of evolutionary liberalism in Great Britain might take several different courses. Recently I have been reading Bertrand Russell's 'A History of Western Philosophy' that has quite a bit to say on the subject of the evolution of liberalism in both political philosophy and theories of knowledge or metaphysics. There seem to be two main branches of philosophy that Russell noted continued to exist during the second world war period when he wrote his book. I will write something about that and of the deeper structures of the Universe that may continue to be thought to exist as valid ideas for philosophical researchers today.

To get to the heart of the matter there were two main schools of thought in liberalism that survived the cut to make it to the 20th century. One was the political philosophy that derived fro the empiricism of Locke, Berkley and Hume, and the other the subjectivism and later romanticism that originated with Kant, Hegel and other German 19th century idealist yet also produced thinkers such as Rousseau and Karl Marx. Liberal political philosophy was the idea that individualism was the right relation to God and country, yet in the Romantic branch individualism might be carried out to the point where heroic survival of the fittest anarchy might prevail with the eventual consolidation in to the power of absolute statism and the rule of just one surviving free man such as Stalin or Hitler. In modern corporatism no organizations should be allowed to exist to compete with the state; Rousseau believed that trade unions and such would create rival allegiances to the general will of the people and the government.

The political war for liberal power received quite a push during the 30 years war over religions in Europe as protestants sought liberation from Catholicism and the Inquisition, yet the political relationships between national churches, imperial rulers and national kings would be complex and difficult evolutions for centuries ahead. The English civil wars following John Locke's writing, the dictatorship of Cromwell and restoration of the monarchy in a tamed down relation to the legislature were all difficult elements of the historical changes of political liberalism in the struggle against oppressive, arbitrary political power.l

I believe a certain bias was made to exist through association of belief in God with national churches and political powers in a hierarchical way. Priesthood of Believers efforts with egalitarianism were historically repressed with violence and failed to replace the inaccurate ecclesiastical structures of a hierarchical priesthood. The epistemology of Kant went so far as to preclude a certain level of trust in the existence of the apparent world perhaps necessary for scientific advancement, yet alternatively the empiricists decried reason in the form of logic and metaphysical deliberation upon questions that might have not positive, evident proof yet would provide ideas about the phenomenal creation useful such as dead reckoning might be for a sailor without a g.p.s. or comprehensive charts.

The deep structure of the Universe perennially is of philosophical interest. One wonders what the smallest and largest structures are, and why they exist, with answers hoped for beyond the law of necessity in a unified field.

Time and space seem to be united in movement. One can observe that the transformation of mass and energy in space-time follow thermodynamic laws of order that would be more improbable to reverse rather than continue forward. One wonders if space-time is dependent upon the thermodynamic inertia of mass-energy in some way to continue to increase or expand outward.

One wonders if time or space have cumulative or quantitative changes, if time is simply of the present phenomenally or remains behind in some way associated with the expanding creation of space-past. If God is infinite in all directions are the smallest particles of existence infinitely recursive too, contained ultimately within an eternity of the Creator inaccessible directly to humanity?

Spinoza may have believed a pantheistic monism prevails, while Leibniz thought space and matter were made of smallest units akin to quarks or branes called monads-each monad was a soul. Bertrand Russell believed the concept of monads was still of interest for philosophical considerations on the relationship between perception and reality.The questions about the evident world of reality presented to the senses and its relationship to God, if God created the Universe or contains its temporality as space-time as a sub species within His eternal Being necessitate a consideration of the meaning of language about God and the apparent Universe sufficient to comprehend the protocols of relation of being between the apparent universe of qualities evident to the senses and the 'real' eternal Spiritual eternal realm of God.

Leibniz was the first to create a mathematical logic and language with which he hoped to describe apparent reality and its relation to mind directly without ambiguity. Subsequent British empiricists and analytic philosophers have attempted degrees of the same project. Perhaps Kripke's mathematical efforts of logic continue in a similar approach.

Consider human existence in this world as if it were a sentient self-aware set of numbers that God has created. Humanity has a limited and particular set of mathematical qualities and capabilities limited to those implicit in its original set of attributes. Adam and Eve might be though of as some sort of potential numbers such as zero and one that were not in a temporal condition to begin with, for temporality entails change and motion. When they ate of the tree of knowledge they began generating new whole numbers such as 2,3 etc. If humanity could be thought of as the set of whole numbers and their self-will to be the original sin it is possible to understand the nature of philosophical questions such as ask if God created the set of whole numbers and the a priori universe in which they live why isn't everything them God? Why isn't the set of whole numbers God?

The whole numbers are just one series of numbers that God created. Everything in their Universe that appears to them is real enough, yet it has a limited, specific set of attributes for-itself (the realm of things in themselves). The inanimate objects such as telephone poles were made perhaps as fractional real numbers without sentience. God is the set of all sets of numbers, infinite in everything that exists as an infinity, and creator of all finite sets, defining their attributes. The protocols of existence are such that only God is God with the qualities of omniscience and so forth, and everything He has made has just those attributes phenomenally that they were given. No attribute or quality is God, and it isn't especially meaningful to consider the definite subsets He has created as God any more than it is to ask why if every bridge was made by a particular architect, all the bridges are not the architect and why the Bay Bridge of the Chesapeake . isn't the Golden Gate of San Francisco.

Appearances of things-in-themselves are real enough and [presented for human experience by God. Kantian ideas about things in themselves being unknowable are somewhat irrelevant here, for the eternal God presenting temporal appearances or qualities knowable to human perception does not need to be inversely known omnisciently in order for the qualities to be experienced. Scientific reasoning in a priori and analytic judgments may discover farther and deeper relationships of mass-energy, space-time or material qualities that are efficiently real for human purposes, Humanity exists with limited knowledge and potential (unknown) in a Universe of space-time contained by a deeper, eternal nexus of infinite spirit that is a property of God.

The evolution of liberalism in Great Britain and elsewhere are aspects of changing phenomenal geophysical characteristics and comprehension in a world, galaxy and Universe of the same nature. Marriage, one of the most ancient of liberal causes providing women with a measure of security is being undermined by a more recent 'liberalism' of homosexual subversion of the marriage union through an effort to change the heterosexual meaning of the institution. Reactionary anti-liberalism isn't limited to homosexual aggressions on heterosexual structures for stability and individual security, they also exist in the Obama administration's approval of public funding for the destruction of human embryos for research. Frederick II pursued some rather odd scientific research too. President Obama might just recognize the federal ban of forcing its citizens to fund the murder of embryos compelled the scientific invention of broad new areas of developing stem cells through other, and moral means. British complicity in the revisionist, reactionary illiberal attacks on the sanctity of human life and marriage are logical trends following the will of the rich and powerful toward immoral profit. Liberalism in Great Britain is challenged today by a host of retrograde political attacks devolving from the advance of corporatism.

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