
Humming Birds and Ecocide in Corporatist-Socialist Axes of Economic Evolution

Ecocidal politicians often threaten paving over semi-wild land for development or dumping industrial waste into rivers, yet there are deeper, subtler assaults on life in the western United States.

Illegal aliens corrupting wages of the north are just one economic fact of the era; another is the sprawl of farms in Mexico to grow cash crops for export to tables in the U.S.A.

In Mexican fields smothered beneath human excrement stimulating economic growth of vegetables for American plates lies another story; making the farmlands required clearing of semi-wild lands with wild flowers serving sweet nectar to migratory hummingbirds. Hummingbirds with heart beats as high as 1600 beats per minute are the top fuel eliminators of the sky’s cardiac competition.

Alaska has an excellent naturalist who has detailed much of the ecosystem of the north. A recent subject study was that of Hummingbirds that migrate from Mexico to Alaska seasonally. These birds are in decline because of the loss of habitat in Mexico and on the route north that had nectar-refilling stations before ecocide and herbicide were developed.

In Alaska hummingbirds are one of the basic pollinators of wild blueberries that are an essential food for a large web of life. Bear eat blueberries along with countless birds and other species including insects and humans.

Human social development today should concentrate on halting large sale international migration for economic growth and focus upon population stabilization and low entropy economic security for all people accentuating low cost intellectual occupations.

In order to slow down ecocidalist tendencies in classical economic practices Mexican ecological habitat land ‘islands’ designed, as nectar-fueling stations for hummingbirds should be constructed south of the border with U.S. assistance. A 1650-mile border control canal and berm control infrastructure should also go ahead to keep illegals in their own nation where they could be employed fighting drug cartels.

In the world today classical economic planners such as Tim Geitner seek to add entropy to the ecosystem in trying to make uniform economic growth on a global basis a policy alongside entropy in national independence environmentally. Using the Boyle’s law principle of expanding gas uniformly in a given area in global society is just bad thinking. It is better to increase quality and lower entropy locally as does life, and defer the entropy to externalities that are not harmful so far as possible. One cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics yet one can finesse it to advantage and direct entropy increase to areas where such efforts will serve humanity and all life more profitably.

NPR and other leftist elite organizations of political agitation have sought a global high entropy social structure with the environment human and social developed to one gay evil conformity. Differences and independence, environmental health and local ecological autonomy are regarded as segregationist. Foe-be-yas are decreed by the Ayatollahs of the Atheist Religion upon those that do not regard standardized, high entropy collectivism as the ultimate destiny of mankind, but consider that an absolute doom.

Some things for the continuity of life require segregation. Cell membranes segregate cell from non-cell. Predators and prey have a balance because they are not fully integrated. Not all things economic are more effective with totalitarian control of the Earth by non-working investors gambling on the market with sound calculations of probabilities of profit. Equally human opportunity for all people is a good ideal, yet that should not lend itself to exploiting and destroying the quality of life in order to concentrate wealth globally. There is nothing wrong with different races of humanity. Racial harmony does not require extermination of racial differentiation through compulsory breeding policies enforced through economic policy.

Because the political history of segregation in the United States has given the word a pejorative political meaning the past several decades I must write a little more to explain why an irrational political stampede to knock down all fences and barriers to economic development globally is not a good response nor appropriate correction to human social injustice.

If human beings had the ability to conduct their economic activities in a very high tech and careful manner so the environment would be little affected and no species would be exterminated, would there exist any reason at all-religious or otherwise, to destroy the health of the world’s ecosystem? Wouldn’t those that sought to destroy the ecology of the Earth be considered evil? They would, and therefore we should conduct or economic affairs with the goal of neutralizing all displacing actions upon the world ecosystem. Electric ships with no noise or chemical pollution in the oceans, factories located underground, no net-loss of biosphere in all constructions—these are simple goals of a society advanced in knowledge beyond the scientific ignorance of the 19th century.

Anti-segregation ideology is politically exploited today in support of global corporate profits and a totalization of the planetary political systems. It is necessary on the contrary, to place ecological and political firewalls and barriers to ecocide and gross human subjugation to corrupt authority.

In diversity is strength is a cliché that can find confirmation even in biology. The human genome is strong and responding to natural selection challenges because of its diversity. In a monogenetic context it would be slow or incapable of offering up successful responses to unforeseen environmental challenges. In the future of space exploration if humanity does not destroy itself the next 300 years, a variegated human genetic and racial diversity would be a better foundation for the diversification of isolated human space adaptation than a standard, uniform production model.

Ecological segregation for conservation of life should reinforce human personal development rather than degrade it as should complete high-entropy integration into a standard global collective with inescapable dystopian under the control of elites with scientific lackeys programming the human genome.

It is well known that capitalism with wrong value theory variables input creates a permanent class of excluded and oppressed people. Eliminating social oppression and class inferiority through strong local and regional empowerment of ecosystems and interaction of humans with environmental security is not in the present global corporate-socialist collective playbook.

Humanity will not eventually become out of touch with the general human condition. Fellow humans will always have the capacity to step in and remedy gross social injustices if they have the freedom to act. The greater dangers to human quality of life arise from destroying the ecosystem and political firewalls enabling independence rather than through imagined recrudescent ancient racial subjugation political systems.

In the United States liberals and conservatives together support equal opportunity and a reasonable standard of living for all citizens regardless of their genomic individuation. National political standards should reinforce perpetuation of genomic individuation rather than seek to eliminate it, allowing nature to take its core of exogamous synthetic union of new lines in marriage like relationships. The people of the United States should not allow the stampede inciting fear of segregation to let developers, corporatists and socialist totalitarians bury national sovereignty, ecological vitality and full employment beneath the ideological sludge of uniformitarianist consumerism.

Quantum Chess and Concepts of Theocosmological Construction

Qubit Chess and Theocosmological Inquiry

On the subject of bits and qubits, I have recently been reading Vedral’s 2010 book ‘Decoding Reality’. He has much to say on the topic of quantum information. So what of it can be used to suggest theories of how a quantum chess computer can be constructed?

I am not certain. If quantum computer research today has built 10 or 15 qubit processors would that be sufficient to make a game of quantum chess in which the piece’s locations are not known a priori?

A regular bit of information in its simplest form is a 0 or 1. A qubit or quantum bit is simultaneously a 0 and 11 as well as an infinite number of fractions between 0 and 1. The positions or values of a qubit may be associated or visualized as a quantum spin state or direction. The value of a qubit obviously is unknown until observed or measured when it collapses to just one value.

The fact that qubits or quanta evaluated at a certain level of protocol in some respects model select fundamental aspects of reality is interesting for the purpose of theological speculation upon the nature of the construction of the Universe. Existentialist logic of being and nothingness, of monism and pluralism and intervals within a solid space seem more solvable within the quantum world of superposition of all possible state simultaneously of quanta until measured or determined within a given macroscopic level of protocol. For all of the fundamental quantum constructions of spin characteristic bound quanta determined or locked temporally within larger emergent structures comprise a kind of portrait of a pointillist Universe spoken into formation from an initial word value in the still quantum energy field.

Superpositioned quantum states of all possible locations for all quantum before an initial waveform collapse into quantum determinism resemble a initial temporal start of phase transitioning expanding construction from a minimal original genesis.

The qubit chess game creating a determinist temporal strategy from all possible strategies in some ways is as ponderous as envisioning the 4 dimensional determinism of a space-time value from all possible values as an inverted bell curve of expansion. From an indeterminist condition of atemporality a word selection cascaded the construction into temporally being. A qubit chess game may have an end game of a temporal and determined condition. The theological speculation upon methods of quantum construction by God may have no end until experience reveals the eternal for-itself.


Reverse Causation Creation Theory Quantum Action Design Chaos

Obviously the effort by some to prove that life is accidental or a consequence of probabilities, that evolution means only an apparent design of a life friendly universe compiled through automatic self-organization of natural mass-energy and that all intelligence is simple a phenomenal accretion of quantum composition seems to entail the corollary that intelligence and thought really are meaningless. I am skeptical on that point and should mention that I believe God issued everything including the realm of quantum uncertainty for His own purposes.

For the edification of those that believe multi-verse theory is pseudo-science, I will proceed to recount the argument from the double-reverse causation of the Universe with verisimilitude of a football quantum play book design.


I do not wish to be critical of Cynthia Sue Larson’s exposition of reverse causality and the creation of the Universe. It is artfully presented. If such reverse causality is actual, and if it may be affected by intention, the subject becomes even more confusing. We are certain that the unscrupulous will turn good science to a bad end just like they did the A-bomb.

Plainly though, the point of view could be exploited by post—modernist elites in government in support of a Zarathustrian recurrence or default pre-determinism along a line of all possible meaninglessness of government and sardonic right of profit taking from the rubes.


How would a reverse causality creation theory actualize if it really existed? This is not some kind of evil demonic reversal of all physical process suitable for Halloween. If I understand it right (I probably don’t) the quantum mechanical realm of all possible quantum positions could be regarded as a cloud of unknowing or uncertainty continuously being all possible universe of which this universal download is just one example.


It could be more accurately described with an Apple notebook and pen using football schematic diagrams that could be an upgrade on Feynman transactions to a cosmological level. I just have this web-book so I will skip that.

Describing the football playbook of reverse causality, we may select Brett Favre or Michael Vick as our quarterbacks, and Randy Moss or Steve Smith as our receivers. If the quarterbacks are considered to be the focal point of space-time and of the universe, and the end zone is considered to be the eternal, non-temporal realm of quantum sum-over histories of all possible universes, we can ask, how can quarterbacks dropping back to pass cause the end zone of the future to exist and vice versa?

That is not a simple question. How can eternity involve the future and cause a quarterback to exist, drop back and throw a deep post pattern pass completion to the receiver in the end zone of the future? Another question we can consider is how can the quarterback cease to exist in the past? That cannot be answered with an easy Eleatic paradox how can the turtle cross to the finish line explanation.

Well we will skip it for now and return to the subject of how the future fits into eternity and how the past fits into eternity and of what order they should rightly be in. How can the future cause the past and reverse our usual ideas of causality?

Obviously we would not be very satisfied with a reversal of causality either in a logical philosophical paradigm, for then it would be as little different perhaps as the matter-anti-matter spin that is meaningful mostly when they recombine and annihilate or consolidate yielding a little extra on the matter side of things. Some might look for a solution to the issue of reverse causality by making a general analogy to the matter-anti-matter symmetry and say that the Universe’s time dimensions are reversible to yet not meaningful, however that isn’t the Hawking-Hertog way of thinking on the subject as Larson mentioned it, so we must let that go for the present.
The atemporal quantum realm of an unknown field pervading the metaphysical substratum of support of the Universe with or without dimensions is said to have no temporal order—and I find that hard to believe for myself. Mustn’t all things, even chaos, have a kind of order, and that order is a de facto direction of time?

Chaotic mass evolves into four fundamental states , experiments have indicated. Obviously there are issues with recursion of quantum mechanical uncertainty, modular phenomena, temporal order and Universe issuances that would make us wonder why the Universe does end up suitable for life—even if there is an all-possible-universes- pre-temporal field of uncertainty ‘above’ or before it in a random, chaotic, quantum realm.

So this chaotic, meaningless, quantum realm of a cloud of uncertainty issues a temporal universe with fuzzy logic like a solar flare or intense gravitational weight in the rubber sheet of space-time. The Universe then proceeds from the distal end of the flare back to the sun and the source of all quantum confusion and chaos.

Thus the explanation of how the quarterback dropping back to pass can use reverse causality-or even be formed by it, to toss the universal football of time into the future end zone while simultaneously be created or first-caused by it is simple and plain. Pseudo Science 0, Science 1. Praise God.

Obama Administration/Democrats Develop Zero Tolerance for Political Dissent

The firing of former Senior Analyst Juan Williams by N.P.R. for expressing his feelings of fear encountering costumed Muslims in airport flying contexts (because of the 9-11 history & universal jihad aspects of that militant religion of conquest too possibly) was cold blooded. Yet the hate speech of the head feminist of N.P.R. explaining that Juan Williams 'should have told a psychiatrist' instead of Fox News what he felt in airports exemplified disregard for freedom of speech and the American Disability Act's fundamental concept of ending bias against insane news media personnel and all others including right wing nuts and environmental wackos.

Degrees of insanity of liberal bias in the neo-Trotskite N.P.R. and other news co-conspirators bring many persons of interest to mind on the subject of pay back for sticking their head out of the goo to express a subjective opinion. Plainly some sort of public points system like that for driving should be established for Internet writing at sights controlled by the corporate world as well at at government agencies so commentators no when they have made too many remarks and are getting enough points to be in danger of suspension. Stalin had his NKVB Chief Beria take dissindents to his office basement and shoot them in the head. It would have been a kinder, gentler evil empire if they had just been given enough points for exile to Siberia.

An essential characteristic of the intolerant liberal state and news media that has taken moral depravity and the replacement of a straw man white America and black apprentice society with anything besides as the ultimate good is direct attack upon individuals for non-conformity to the absolute requirement of the Democratic contra-American elite's rules of march.

Writing here at gather the only direct personal attacks I have ever got occurred when I wrote in dissent to the pervasive homosexual agenda of the Obama administration and Democratc controlled congress the past two years. Writing at Helium as well my 25 dollars per month for life (I was only a couple of months away) and monthly writing fees were killed for using the words homo and faggot in a few articles on the political phenomenon of gaying the miloitary and homosexual pseudo-marriage expropriation of the heterosexual norm.

Making direct personal attacks on writers and commentators for expressing antipathetic political ideas is more of a criminal rather than an intellectual or civil reply. The homosexual and anti-American Democratic Party broadcasters seldom use other means than direct attacks in whatever way they can get away with. It is ironic that the national Democratic Party is more repressive than the conservative branch of ineffective, anti-ecological health bi-partisan U.S. political condition.

Juan Williams was compensated by Fox News with a three million dollar television contract. If the Obama administration would fire it N.P.R.'s inhuman executive it would be a start on making a token semblance of concern for free speech and human emotion. N.P.R. owes Williams an apology.

The corporate Internet hosts and the U.S. Government should develop acompetent recognition of the right of individuals to express personal opiinions about political and social phenomena without reprisal by powerful groups and individuals---that is too close to censorship and state terrorism for our liking. Personal attacks to silence antipathetiic poltiical opinion is a kind of bullying that the administration and the extreme left seem to want to encourgage pervasively as a way to force through their own particular political agenda.

When a writer one day expresses a concept such that 'the public should not have to pay for sex changes offered by the U.S. Military for re-enlistment bonuses for homos' he or she should not lose out on fair writing opportunities at Internet writers sites or be audited by the I.R.S. or fired by N.P.R. in retaliation.


Senior Analyst Juan Williams Binned by N.P.R.

Political correctness has censured free speech once again, and former NPR Senior News Analyst Juan Williams is out on the street looking for a job.

It is easy for me to sympathize with Williams. On December 24th 2009 I was permanently banned from writing at Helium.com for using politically incorrect words occassionally. Reportedly, Mark Suckerberg's half billion subscribers at Facebook will also now be banned from using politically incorrect language in reference to homos.

It is ironic that the biologically correct Juan Williams prototype of half hispanic half negro ran aground on the problem of psychological subjectivism. Williams said that he experienced a bit of fear when flying on airplanes and Muslims in full regalia are aboard. That sort of politically incorrect feeling draws perilously near 'hate thought' that may rear its ugly head in 'hate speech'. It may be borderline paranoia while flying with Muslims with checkered PLO head rags to think of hostage taking, hijacking and crashing in to the White House with 'Allah Akbar' shouted through the intercom.

The next incarnation of an appropriate NPR Senior News analyst may be a homosexual Muslim half-negro, half-hispanic feminist with no sort of subjective psychological activity that might occur to erupt as free speech describing personal opinions.

Perhaps the only place such radical liberals without politically correct good sense can go after being disgraced at NPR is to cable news channels as anchors or co-hosts of Cross-Fire The Reality Show.


As a footnote I should mention that Rush Limbaugh reported that George Soros gave NPR a million dollars to pay for 'Enterprise Reporters'. All of my essays are available and of better quality than the usual NPR aloof space-out insider junk. I accept pay pal payments for each article at $10 each for reprints. Additionally my novel 'St. Novilistricka ; Dimensions' is for sale (buy all rights its worth four or five movie screenplays) for one million dollars.


'The Culture of War'

Reading 'The Culture of War' by Martin Van Creeveld I was given a perspective from which to consider the present issue of the U.S. military allowing openly homosexual soldiers to enlist-especially without any existing structure in the military to deal with the problem. It is something of a biological issue perhaps- with women being on the receiving end in sex they may lack understanding of why homosexuals allowed to serve openly with male heterosexuals could create tension. The federal judge ordering the thoughtless dumping of open homosexual enlistment probably never served herself--it is a completely abstract exercise of the privileged that should ingratiate her to party leaders.


Sexed soldiers homosexually trysting behind every bush and latrine door might not be a problem for gays now of course, yet down the road some issues could arise. The foremost practical issue to the practical and neo-atheist American Democrat Party culture is that of the bloody, senseless death environment of animals in general war. I tend to believe that the joy of war and killing noted by Van Creeveld may be remote in today's volunteer military, yet that could change in the future when a draft of all Americans for a term of four years is required for financial and defense purposes. There shall be no deferments for being homosexual. Instead, those that do not serve well during their four years of active duty for 100 dollars a month will go to a military prison where they will be shot if troublemakers.

Such extreme scenarios are possible in a volatile, networked, pervasively immoral social environment. We like to reminisce with Creeveld of better times such as the glory days of Prussia and Germany before Napoleon slaughtered the Germans at Jenna.

With ancient victory early in the 18th century Prussian excelled at parade ground evolutions to such an extent that they lost the ability for competent field maneuvers and tactics; becoming a ready herd for the slaughter. Homosexuals on parade grounds today with high pay and benefits may find their choice to force an openly gay service upon otherwise tolerant heterosexual soldiers leading to a future, unpleasant environment of war without the perquisites of the volunteer era.

'The Culture of War' describes how various cultures build and reinforce the warrior mythos. The wild hordes for example are groups and ad hoc nations without significant, competent military background that tend to perpetrate the same kinds of atrocities from the French Jacqueries to all sides in the Balkans conflict of the 1990s. This subject made me think of the U.S. Americal Division formed just for the Vietnam War, with no unit tradition or history, that produced Lt. William Calley and much lack of discipline and esprit. It was disbanded after the end of the Vietnam Conflict.

Creeveld notes innumerable trivial facts of the culture of war that are yet meaningful. I had no idea that for more than 200 years many of the world's modern militaries required soldiers to wear leather neck collars four inches in height that made it impossible for the wearer to have a slouched neck posture-quite uncomfortable I'd think. This morning I saw a sloppy looking national guard recruiter exiting a dirty official vehicle on his way to the office--the first day to recruit openly gay service members. His baggy uniform pant legs were not bloused well and he was over-weight. Most drill sergeants of yore would have made the guy drop and do forty push-ups before yelling about the sloppy appearance. If I had his job I would have worn a Halloween costume.

The culture of war has attire standards that vary from era to era and circumstance. In the Vietnam War era some soldiers, Creeveld writes, wore jewelry and expensive civilian wristwatches into combat to show bravery. Today in Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers reportedly had Baskans and Robbins ice cream in 30 flavors and Starbucks coffee-yet did the military invent a good insulated field coffee cup that can be heated over a propane torch at high altitude?

Creeveld is a well-known military historian with many interesting historical insights on the culture of war. This study isn't a search for the causes of human conflict; it is an examination of the cultural practices and military institutions that create effective and ineffective militaries and warriors. Creeveld notes the well known concept that penetration is a male phenomena sometimes fulfilled with joy in veritably splitting a foe down the middle from top to bottom with a sword, bashing his brains out with a mace or shooting him with a fifty caliber bullet. The joy of war can change in an instant from the 'thrill of victory to the agony of defeat' obviously as the enemy drops the artillery shells accurately upon one's own position.

As a philosopher I tend to view war as economically wasteful and harmful to the environment. Yet within the social context of vying social groups it may be fatal or worse-such as slavery or debasement of various kinds-- to disregard the competent cultural execution of preparation for war and then practice armed neutrality. If people are stupid they will prefer bad options existentially and compel incompetent defense.

My essential criticism of 'The Culture of War' is its lack of mention of the value of competent civilian government to develop society in such a way that ecological economic civil procedures with full and satisfying individual personal rights can pre-empt and nullify the tendency for drifting into wasteful and stupid armed conflicts. The next war is likely to be a biological reduction of the human population to one billion souls. It is unthinkable that China should have too few people remaining alive to shut down its nuclear and chemical plants for example, and the possibilities for large scale conventional or nuclear war insult to the already damaged world environment is so substantial that it is unlikely to occur if people in government are intelligent…


Christine O'Donnell; No Separation of Church & State in U.S. Constitution

Christine O'Donnell, a candidate from Delaware for the U.S. Senate made one of the most interesting comments on the U.S. Constitution of the past 30 years in a debate with her Democratic Party opponent. She seemed to deny that the constitution has a separation of church and state article in it, and of course she is right.


In the rampant stampede of secularism following the Scopes trial enthusiasm for removing symbols and acts of religious faith from government institutions became a juggernaut over time. Yet the constitution does not forbid religious expressions, acts or symbols from government auspices, instead it proscribes the establishment of religion and that is a horse of a different color.

The first amendment to the constitution, ratified in 1791 reads;
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

That does not prohibit religion or religious expression; in fact it prohibits the inhibition of religious expression. Instead, the meaning is plain that the government cannot make laws adversely affecting religion or religious expression, and neither may it make any religion an official state religion such as the Cult of June Cleaver, or the worship of Presidents as living neo-deities.

Why did it take the brilliant insight of Christine O’Donnell in the year of Our Lord 2010 to analyze and interpret this literature with competence? Where were prior Supreme Court Justices when reading classes in elementary school were in session with a few notable exceptions)?

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...