
British Guardian Reports Rubio is Best in Model for V..P.

Evidently an associate professor of something-possible in the United States of America-has determined that according to his criteria the best choice would be Florida Senator Marco Rubio for the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate in 2012. It is comforting to know that the Guardian is concerned with political currents in the former colonies.

One must wonder if Rubio would be sympathetic to expanding ubiquitous British surveillance plans into the Hispanic world and even to Equador where Julian Assange is reported to be applying for refuge.
One media narrative is that U.S. Hispanics would vote for another Obama term because the President isn't white, and the Indonesian-Keynyan-Irish skin color is more sympatico to Hispanic voters than the plain vanilla of Romney. Hispanic voters out of work the past four years may find change to a Republican administration is more likely to bring jobs their way than four years more of the same old, same old. Black voters may opt for change in 2012 as well reducing their 99% skin color voting history numbers a little.
President Obama's decree of partial illegal alien amnesty via Janet Napolatano's Department of Mexican Homeland Security may not bring as many votes this fall as the committee to re-elect the President calculated versus dissatisfaction of jobless in the U.S.A.
Marco Rubio may be glib, yet if he hasn't any ecological economic education and a dedication to reform capitalism moving him into the political future of the U.S.A. the next 16 years would be a significant error for the well being of the people of the nation and the world.
Mitt Romney should pick an ecological economics professor for his Vice President who could slow down the creeping end of life on Earth gathering power through the insensitive sprawl of resource displacement and species eradication. The voters already have confidence in Mitt Romney to lead the conventional business cycle-its the unconventional and troubling 'hidden' world currents that the regular media disregards when they are manipulating public opinion. The U.S.A. needs to become and ecological economic reformer, leader in a new nationalism in order to show the rest of the developing world how a reformed capitalism down-sized for local control, full-employment and ecological best-case natural selection can be followed by emerging economies challenged by the limit on physical resources and of their control by concentrated wealth and power.

Jesus Christ & The Anthrocentricism of Home-Matthew 8:20

In the aftermath of the home mortgage crisis millions of Americans experienced the insecurity of loss of home equity. If not all became homeless living upon the streets or in the forests, many became renters or sharers of dwellings-with-others. The Lord Jesus Christ expressed his own station in life regarding dwelling.
Matthew 8:20 "And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."
The Lord Jesus did not have a customary location that was his home. That makes a lot of sense for God, yet it is difficult a humanity that is very property and security oriented.
Animals generally have a 'home', den, borough, nest, hole, cave, reef, shell or such in which they find life more comfortable and secure. The cunning fox has a place to return to with Kentucky Fried Chicken while the birds have the sky for a house and a nest for their bed. Jesus Christ was not limited to such a geographic center as is most of humanity, and neither should he logically with monistic oneness with all that could exist as His heritage.
Today one might expect that the government could mediate a little the housing crisis in the U.S.A. by giving favorable tax and energy benefit reinforcement to small eco-niche integrated homes with large healthy eco-yards as wild as possible for low price with mortgages that cannot be traded on global commodity exchanges where they may become owned by the ones destined to exist for eternity in hell.


Greece Votes to Continue Obligations to Euro-Zone Banks, Egypt's Army Decrees New Powerss

The Egyptian Military having already got a pocket court to dismiss the parliament announced new military powers that appear to make the office of the President more like that of water boy. President Obama expressed support for the conservative win in the Greek election that put the New Democracy Party in the drivers seat to keep Greeks in Eurozone and Banking debt and 'austerity' for the forseeable future. Defeated was the radical socialist Syriza that wanted to say the heck with the Eurodebt bail-outs and austerity.

Maybe the Greeks will get some Green Stamps or free military service in return for their continued membership in the Eurozone-who can say?
With the Egyptian Presidential election votes being counted the Military Decree of new powers nipped in the bud the probably election victory of a Muslim Brotherhood leader regarded as antipathetic toward military rule instead of that of the brothers.

Britain to Stick Finger in Every Pie Looking for Hot Terror

British authorities have publicized a plan to invade the privacy of every individual in the United Kingdom and of those communicating with the British. The plan is believed to be intended to enhance the ability of aristocrats to foist British imperialism through insider financial doping upon the reset of a formerly somewhat free world.

With modern cable splicing equipment and pressure upon Internet and phone corporations as well as through the proprietary postal service Britain will keep archives for at least a year and perhaps in ghost files forever copies of every communication made through communication media in British controlled regions of the globe.
A top British law enforcement balrog said only conspiracy theorists and criminals would object to British skimming of information from all the peons of the planet that in error believe the state should not keep track of their private lives and communications generally. A trans-gender government official said that more convenient lies would be forthcoming on an ad hoc basis to prop-dope up chumps in the U.S.A.
The appeal to patriotism was made; after all George Orwell's 1984 was never actualized in reality and Orwell/Eric Blair was a true patriot British Patriot foreseeing the need for an Orwellian state named for his alter ego in addition to the 'what me worry' argument drawn on a MAD magazine espirit de fogedaboutit principal useful for keeping aristocratic hegemony over citizenry for-themselves.
The public has been given additional and probably redundant assurances that Imperial forces would never ever use any surveilled information to gain a financial advantage in any way, and that no information would be used to construct abstract financial models or high-speed political flow-charting of current trends for quantitative analysis of political economy of the globe. That probably won't satisfy the criminals and conspiracists out there, it it ought to.

This action could be a reflection of the future when human vocabulary and each word becomes thought in hypertext language with each word a representation from an ad hoc topology of multi-dimensional matrices of meaning clusters amidst an ocean of one-level differentia; and that could be a  concern of forward think political futurists

French Election Round 2, Game Three N.B.A. Final, Gang of 20 Meeting in Mexico, U.S. Open Round 4, Greek Election,

A full plate for video viewing today-one hopes the play-by-play analysis is up to the task. I will provide a little commentary on the International Banking dialectical evolution between the socialists and avaricious capitalists.

With Bill Clinton setting the stage for a renewal round of global British Imperialist gains in the U.S.A. signing off on de-regulation measure enabling global banking and mortgage predation, the stopping of U.S. national economic development in the post cold-war era preceded. Eventually banking and mortgage crises developed and Barack Obama-a ganja qualified Indonesian trained 'outsider' able to accelerate the rise of godless socialism in the U.S.A. appeared to lead the increase of U.S. public debt development. The socialist paradigm was that the avaricious global capitalists need tax cuts to consolidate wealth and global banks could rely upon increasing public debt to make the global economy smoothly vacuum up loose lifetime assets of the middle class.
Paradoxically socialists and capitalists sought both sought to globalize and totalize the economy. The election of a French socialist President to match the Harvard-ganja/Hawaii/Indonesian axel-rodham of egress leadership of President Barrack Hussein Obama. The French sough to make European debt a common debt obligation selling bonds that would enable the Germans to pay for everything the Greeks and Spaniards charged on their Eurocards, yet the desire of global bankers to vacuum up loose, unprotected assets of the middle class and assets in Europe and the United States meant that bailing out banks with national finances would globalize and lose the money to vague powers of concentrated wealth filtered through Swiss and Cayman Island accounts.
The meeting of the gang of 20 in Mexico to resolve the imbroglio might take a back seat in the ratings today behind the U.S. Open and game three of the Miami Heat vs. the Oklahoma City Super-Sonic-Thunder. Probably the European debt crisis will be resolved with investors fleeing to safe Neo-Comm Chinese authoritarian acquisitions.


More Troubles of Atheism With Logic

I have recently been reading Eco's 'Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language'. It is a book very well worth reading and should be a choice for the book of the month here. The ontology of language (that should be plural) that Quine wrote about is supported well by Eco's description of language semiotics.
 Language is of course represented by signs. Signs have meaning. Meaning tends to derive from referral to objects, yet not necessarily. In fact the more abstract removal from direct experience life becomes the more it is regarded as reflecting intelligence. Today news brought the story of alleged Neanderthal Art and opposition to the idea that Neanderthals had that level of abstract reasoning. The conceit of humans is that art is an exclusive human activity-one doesn't expect that from chimps for example though listening to the news media I might take exception to that.
 Metaphor is an abstract art as is metaphysics. Eco helpfully recounts the history from Aristotle through the Middle Ages to at least the 1980s of language theory. One finds the classification of ideas, words, objects and so forth by Aristotle and later Porphyry into genus, species and etc as a hierarchialization of descriptions, meanings and relationships that was important to philosophers over the ages. Yet we find that the hierarchialization of signs and meanings breaks down. Eco describes the failure of dictionary definitions to have a valid hierarchical structure of words and meanings as a result of the need to explain each word used in a term with other words that again need to be explained by other words. Eventually an encyclopediazation of descriptions supplants the validity of dictionaries.
 W.V.O. Quine wrote a book named 'Ontological Relativity', and at least so far as I have read in Eco's book, that is the consequence of language and signs that are fundamentally no more than descriptions and descriptive fields. The vast non-linear web of word-meanings allows formation of local lexicons or ontology that are valid only so far as they go-as they are used. That is a reason why logical formulations can be contradictory and yet valid potentially-the meanings of the terms in propositional usage may differ making formulations such as if P then Q true sometimes and false in other given the same values for P and Q.
 If language and semiotics is a network of differentia, describing God with differentia is an implicitly difficult effort unless it is a real individual such as Jesus Christ; that is simply the nature of language. One wants to place God on a Prophyrian tree chart as a substance or quality, mortal or not mortal yet the nature of language is such that even with Kripke's rigid designators temporality would tend to erase the meaning with the drift of time from the Baptismal bestowing of meaning to on word.
 It is notable that Adam appeared after the creation of the world to name every animal rather than before. Mankind needed to develop abstract reason a little before naming the things it encountered with more than grrs and yikes.
 It isn't likely that any human logic has the linear rigid designators needed to describe God in order to refute the concept of the existence of God logically. One can appeal to ignorance and say that that which cannot be expressed cannot exist-it works well implicitly for the worm and even the chimp yet of course that thought never occurs to either perhaps.
 The neo-Platonists gave quite a bit of thought to the ideas about hierarchical classification of material things and immaterial ideas arising from the One. The One is the inexpressible, immaterial creator or emanator of all things-what Christians such as myself like to call 'God'. The nature of words in the modern context makes refers to metaphysical or trans-physical ideas problematic yet also more possible because of the appearance of cosmological theories that support such logical speculations.  The One is logically possible for individuals to consider even if inaccurately.
 I have given some thought in recent time to the question of how monism can transform into pluralism logically, regarding cosmology. The question of The One (God) issuing a Universe of plural forms is ponderous regarding logical method for differentiation.
 One knows that Leibniz inferred that the quantum world is constructed from one-dimensional section called monads-with some being two dimensional, and that these sections of Spirit comprise the 'matter' of which everything else arises, yet we might one where the monads came from-at least I did.
 If one imagines a circle as 'The One' existing in the beginning, as an example of monism, it is easy to regard the 'nothingness' inside and outside the circle as important. The circle might have been a dot to start with-yet of course its only a visualizable paradigm for comprehending a little of the character of monism creating pluralism.
 With the existence of the circle of any relative size it is possible to imagine the omniscient One emanating a sinusoidal wave around the circle of a select size, and from that a succession of smaller waves perhaps graduating toward the center of the circle with the important nothingness or spacing allowing the formation of structure.
 Of course these structures might be compared with quantum structures of strings, membranes, quarks or larger particle-waves. Yet it is the geometry of the generation of the continuous yet distinct structures within the circle that is of most interest, for one can visualize that the monism continues concurrently with the creation of pluralism.
 One can imagine that the order of appearance of the structures might be construed as time, with the spacing or intervals in order of appearance and distance, relative scale and form of the structures comprising space and the scale of space.
 The structures instead of being in just two dimensions can occur in three, four or N dimensions as then purpose of The One finds it useful. In a four dimensional hyper spherical Universe with structures arising within and without it is easy to imagine that even more complex dimensional regions could travel in different directions of space and time toward the one circle of origin or 'outward' toward the center of the circle while the original line might itself not be absolutely stationary and may even transition into being part of the structure-for-itself.
 The philosophical problem of how one substance or one Spirit might generate pluralism along with nothingness and the variety of different forms may be approached from another slightly different way. The initial Spirit might be able to thin out or decrease its substance somewhat and create a comparative being and nothingness even though nothingness does not actually exist. Then the variety of structures of pluralism created with quantum relationships of scale of energy or mass could proceed.
 There is obviously no definite limit to the number of structural 'universes' that the pluralism could issue as the scalar field characteristics are contingent upon the will of The Spirit.
 Eco’s ‘Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language’ gave an illustration of the classification of words and meanings with a hierarchical branch structure with hyponyms and greater hyponyms arising unto the top wherein one might find general, universal concepts.  That obviously suggested to me the idea that the universal One might in a comparable way issue a variety of forms through structures of pluralism.
 Within the pluralistic structure not only might forms arise with definite complex structures generated by the one that yet remain within monism, it might be possible for the One to design the emergence of forms or intelligence from the context of the structures-perhaps intelligence of sentient beings arising from matter might be an example. Photons too are I believe emergent quanta of an electro-magnetic field.

'Shovel Ready Jobs' for Egypt, Syria; Giving Illegal Aliens a Pathway to Mexico? (fiction)

President Obama recently declared that he will not enforce immigration laws and deport youthful illegal aliens to Mexico, where most of them are from. We expect that the ad hoc California-Harvard Axis of Globalism bringing to the table Socialist Imperialist leaders from Hollywood and Capitalist Imperialist leaders from the 1% conferred upon the matter of further emasculating U.S. citizens and their puny prospects for democracy still clinged to by a few before moving onto the Tahrir Square incident following dissolution of the Egyptian Parliament.
With the Egyptian military firmly in charge of that nation's destiny the change toward a fundamentalist Muslim State led by the Muslim Brotherhood was forestalled. Burkhas mass produced in China for 50 cents per unit would have sold millions and created shovel ready jobs with firing squads used to liquidate prisoners with more than 20 years remaining on their ticket (in order to save tax dollars). Foggy Bottom is working hard to correct the deficiency.
http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=273993 French May Send Syrian Rebels Communications Equip.
The Imperialist Council of Socialist Trans-Border operations may have noted that a reversal of democracy to establish the Muslim States could be done with mass illegal immigration to  Egypt from Nigeria with a 'right of return' to collegial spots in government, along with the addition of a few hundreds of billions of debt to employ comrades in shovel ready jobs.
Mincy Easycarn, press secretary for the Ad Hoc imperial council explained; 'These are hard-working illegals willing to work for 10 cents an hour unlike the corpulent citizens. With millions more we can remove national obstructions to sovereignty that we can't accomplish with trans-national corporations and global financial marketing.' An unofficial response by a high level opposition force leader was 'Tweet me Mandrake, Tweet me."
Taking a cue from the Nikita files, the Nigerian illegals would dilute the Egyptian electorate enough to dampen opposition to further migration from Nigeria in the mosquito method of infiltration that safely exfiltrates legal citizens to soup kitchens. The model of a successful Sendero Luminoso Maoist government in Egypt might evolve through the Syrian connection, yet traditionally purges of the communist party follow stabilization of a Muslim Government in the Middle East; this is regarded as a 'win-win' scenario by the more ruthless of the Imperialist Socialist-Capitalist BroSis Trans-sexualhood'.
President Obama probably plans to add another five trillion dollars of public debt to hasten the slide toward economic collapse and emergency federal supervision of the economy by the Hollywood Stars with excellent photo shots and hard-biting interviews in several years.
In the global paradigm for concentration of wealth and power that is the current dialectic between capitalists and socialists the prospects for strong national citizen's rights are eroded and the drift toward planetary ecological collapse preceded by war egresses. It seems like fiction anyway.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...