
Leftists Call for Tokugawa U.S.A. After Newtown Massacre

In the Tokugawa Shogunate the citizens were forbidden to own firearms and  the politically correct powers employing professional warriors dominated the subjective populace until the Meiji restoration in effect. Even then the change to a corporatist zaibatsu-military complex under an Emperor made for a tensioned public without personal guns of potential dissent. A 20 year old has killed his school teacher mother and 26 more at Newtown Conn. stimulating leftist theory construction about making a better society by disarming the citizens.

The massacre of 27 people including 20 elementary students at Newtown Connecticut has stimulated writing in support of consolidating power for the state a little more (or a lot). In the New Democrat Party vision of Americatopia children would learn with BBC guidance at an early age to grow up to be dope smoking homosexuals under lesbian supervision without a gun anyplace but in the benevolent neo-Tokugawa Shogunate Samuri's holsters watching over the masses like Nietzche's supermen while Zarathustran oligharchs watch mirthfully from shining city condos on a hill.

Schoolchildren might be better off learning gun use at an early age-perhaps by age 10 in schools so they know that any idiot can accurately fire a weapon and if he does will likely get shot quickly. Public schools spend so much money on buildings as it is one would think than building gun-detecting metal scanners into doorways and putting burglar sensors on windows would be the rule rather than an exception. If one was radical it would be possible to invent a handgun with artificial intelligence and position it near the entrance so it could shoot bad guys it recognized with face recognition software-well, it might be more thoughtful than the p.s. security designers.
The Washington Post is featuring a typical post pointing out how America could not be more different than the disarmed Japanese populace and using them as the good example. What they don't mention is that Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world with something like 20,000 people killing themselves annually, Japan has almost airtight borders that keeps the foreign element of low-wage workers out as well as their criminal activities, and the Japanese with all of that social controlling supervision were gullible enough to follow the Emperor's lead in waging total war upon  the United States with savage ferocity as a group even using war captives for biological experimentation in the infamous unit 731.
Most of the shooters since the Gifford massacre were leftists or left-leaning white guys that some how didn't fit in to the New Democrat party mold well enough. At least they were in leftist hives such as the Colorado School of Shrinks were the Batman killer was formed. None of those guys were of the right. Those that flaked out to shoot the sheep should have taken another course for political resistance. Maybe the correction for that is to have more democracy in the airwaves with all citizens have an Internet podcast broadcast time-slice in some local community so they would feel that there really is a responsive democracy where they can have a say besides in some idiotic and futile malevolent act of violence.
The next time you read an article saying how the United States should get rid of its guns and take the doper's path to peace-think about a little more  Lee Marvin and a little less Marvin gay in the school classrooms. Think about school teachers with defense credentials from Afghanistan and Iraq wars wit concealed carry permits instead of politically correct leftists that aren't concerned enough about civil liberties for all Americans behind effective defense perimeters. Wouldn't it be possible to have public schools fitted with face recognition software in cameras that would only let in authorized students and staff after going through metal scanners? The easy global mobility of terrorists in the modern era will catch up with Americans even if their idea is to have a Leopold Punyetti defense minister conducting a harmonious 'nothing to live or die for' orcheotomy of the liberty of Americans to keep and own personal defense weapons.


Evolving Legality for Illegal Combatants, Civil Rights, Foreign Wars, Government Union Monopolies, Etc.

The question of the legal right to condemn a government, flank civil rights and equal protection of the law for some may seem disparate concepts, yet in the progress or digress of political time people may wonder how the laws are applied historically. Is the purpose to establish clearly manifest conventional criteria or to allow the will of the stronger to prevail?

The first Bush administration sought U.N. support for its Gulf War and found solid legal grounds to deploy troops in Kuwait at the request of the legitimate Kuwaiti government instead of that of the invading military authority of Sadam Hussein. The second Bush administration sought U.N. approval to wage war upon Kuwait and falling a little short of that-just a little-formed a 'coalition of the willing to wage war upon Iraq.
The Obama administration has given loud public support toward overthrow of the lawful Syrian government-so how does that work ethically? Is that consistent with rule of law?
One would think that U.N. approval for removal of a lawful government should occur at some level before the U.S. government decides to support the overthrow of one. At least that is one approach. Another way might be to go before a World Court and win a judgment to overthrow and incorrigible regime. Falling short of that it might be possible to have a trial and get a judgment to remove a corrupt political leader yet leave the government intact. 
In some respects it seems that the informal, unlawful approach to supporting regime change produces inconsistent and difficult to support results for many Americans. Though the broadcast media is plainly in support of regime change in Syria, the U.S. government ought to withhold further recognition of unlawful combatants and unlawful governments as the new revolutionary legitimate government simply because the U.S. finds the new government a moral improvement over the old. The consequences of that are emergent in Egypt and have yet to be determined in Libya.
The American left along with the European left and even the Tudeh-communist party of Iran-supported the revolutionary movement of the Ayatollah Khomeini in the belief that getting rid of the government of the Shah was of overriding value. Of course the communist party was subsequently purged by the fundamentalist a.s.a.p. The new left seems to be seeking the same results in 'the Arab spring' movements. So I wonder where that will lead if not in the same direction.
One may believe that for the American left homosexual empowerment is the most important element of 'civil rights' in which they equate themselves with black slaves and freedom marchers. In Africa it might be difficult to persuade Islamists that homosexuals are the moral equivalent of repressed blacks. It might be difficult to persuade Islamists that homosexual marriage ought to be made legal in a society in which one husband can have four wives. Arab societies may have trouble supporting the concept socially that one bull homosexual should have four fem-homosexual 'wives' though Obama administration supporters might like that.
After the Obama administration is successful in removing the Assad government and creating a new Lebanon chaos in that region, will it logically follow up its effort to organize democracy inn the Middle East and support overthrow of the Jordan monarchy to rid the region of the Hashemite Government once and for all that was long ago a rival to the Saudi Government for rulership of Saudi Arabia?
The jewel in the crown for liberation leading to a snowfall of democracy in hell lasting for an hour or two would be Saudi Arabia itself. A long range goal perhaps yet a nation crying out for the egalitarianism of fundamentalist Islam-at least that appears to be the logical criteria of what fundamentally works amidst people of moderate to poor incomes living in the hotter regions of the planet.
The administration did come out in support of the no-right-to-work position in Michigan recently that would only allow duess paying members of a Democrat part supporting union work for the Michigan government-something like requiring that only dies paying communist party members could work for the Soviet Union, and that seems a flgrant violation of the concept of a government for, of and by the people wiithout requiring does-paying allegiance to anyone. 
The prosperous do seem to have a bent point of view of civil rights though now and then fundamentally failing to understand that civl rights are real as well as abstract. Equal protection of the law has a purpose-to let a citizen be secure in job opportunity, security and business negotiation on an equal basis with everyone else that is a citizen of the United States. Letting illegal aliens into the U.S.A. to work comprises the largest and most egregious violation of civil rights doing harm to the poor of the U.S.A. today. Illegal workers benefit the people they work for and displace the economic, social and lifestyle equal rights of the poor through their illegal entry that civil rights are supposed to protect.
With a Democrat Party moving more toward developing areas of historically traditional decadence such as legalized marijuana and homosexual marriage the existential live-for-the-moment arrogance of the amoral lets much practical public interest structuring go to hell. In 30 years when Asians surpass the United States economically and perhaps militarily as leftist propagandists proudly prophesied recently, perhaps the corrections of different forms of more disciplined fundamentalism will remove U.S. concerns about decadence or global warming. Its difficult to say. Its also difficult to discern what the logic of legal consistency is of the Obama administration.


The Phenomenal Language Meaning in Language Systems

Philosophy in Quinian logic terms of language meanings ought to regard itself as utilitarian I would think. Concepts and ideas expressed in language are phenomenal and have what truth-value in ontological relativity as they have. While the Universe(1) and supporting quantum phenomenalism may have deep Platonic forms that are unknown or unknowable in the human cognitive paradigm, philosophers are interested in that sort of thing anyway.

I am not an academic philosopher and have the idea that Darwinianism tends to be used with a politically correct mutually exclusive and exhaustive relationship with faith, the concept of a transcendent God and so forth. That isn't a very philosophical dialectic.

Solid-state quantum mechanical phenomena seem to have a temporal order and logical material change and evolution seems to be an implicit aspect of the existence of spacetime, mass and concatenated or interacting dimensions, yet that does not necessitate there being no deeper transcending explanation for the fact of mass than evolution as the end-for-itself.

If philosophy is constricted a little by the dogmatic political correctness of scientific Darwinism and cognitive scientific language it should be simple enough to be aware of Sartre's ideas about epistemology and the history of science nearly always becoming surpassed by deeper  knowledge making the past knowledge actually false or woefully incomplete.

 The humor of phenomenalism and constructions of ideas produced with mind is in the conservido being as valid as the libido in searching for eternal verities rather than going with the flow of a temporal social zeitgeist.

The Writer's Universe is Expanding Too

That's a good thing for individuals that like blogging about. If one has the time to write and put some intention on it the potential for compensation might be getting better.The writer's Universe seems to be expanding too.

This page has 26 sites that seem recent listings...


This is a site list including a $10 per article page


The there are some of the more traditional sites...


image credit: N.A.S.A./J.P.L.-CalTech 
 Climbing the Cosmic Distance Ladder

The $20 Cardboard Bike for the Masses to Help Combat Global Warming

I like this idea quite a bit. Using new or recycled cardboard for the same use as melted metals could reduce global warming heat emissions.

A lightweight (20 lb.) cardboard bicycle invented by the Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni that he plans to sell for $20 when it eventually reaches the market seems like an especially good idea-concept headed in the right direction regarding renewability and eco-friendlyness.
Made from ordinary cardboard and glue the bike stylishly omits use of most metal required for usual bicycles. In production it will have no metal parts at all. Low-cost bikes for the second and third world, disposable bikes for American trans-continental trekkers, and perhaps sit-down three or four wheel bikes with a lightweight electric fuel cell wheel motor and a wind screen might bring cheaper personal transportation to billions.


The energy cost required for a cardboard bike ought to be less than that of a metal allow bike. If only there were a trans-continental network of bike paths the adventurous would have someplace to go more or less safely without concern of being squashed by a semi-truck on the side of the highway.


Michigan Set to Become a 'Right to Work' State

It should be unneccesary to say in the U.S.A. that an individual has a right to work without being a member of any organization. Yet Michigan will pass such a law evidently because some Unions have excluded American citizens from work based upon not paying dues to some organization. Organizational power has run amok in the U.S.A.-more so the large corporations than unions, but every little bit taken to defend the individual from the power of collectives is good.

Labor unions often take political stands and advocate the election of particular candidates or support particular platforms. It is wrong to compel any citizen to belong to a political activism organization with political goals they don't support. Some organizations these days are opposed to individual free speech on the Internet too as some language might be generally offensive to members of a special class.

It would be useful to limit the size of corporations to 3000 employees. A corporation needing more for a special project could find sub-contractors. Competition should increase in the corporate world and government power and size to stay up with large global corporate power would not be as challenged.

Unions cannot compensate for ineffective governance in the modern world. It is helpful to have a cohort of people supporting one in finding economic justice, and the government ought to defend the rights of citizens from experiencing unfair foreign labor competition arriving illegally in the U.S.A. Ironically it is the neo-socialist left Democrat constituency along with some of the wealthy that have supported illegal and cheap foreign migrant labor into the U.S.A. stimulating vicious labor competition and the general decline of labor union vitality. They have made their own unionism ineffective, yet they desire to receive the comfortable benefits of secure good-paying jobs to the last even as tens of millions of Americans are unemployed and can't  find work at all.


Higher Taxes Ahead to Pay for A Decade of Interminable Foreign Conflict?

I read a book by Lester Thurow-the economist in 1999 describing styles of national economic management. The Bush II administration fit the maint. method-largely uncreative and reliant upon military and natural resource extraction business and the war on terror has been profitable to bureaucrats and the extraction industries and military contractors. I think that's likely to continue for a while.




Negative interest rates for government auction of debt allowed the U.S. and U.K. to erase nearly  40% of public debt between the 1940s and 1970s. It's an odd concept for us non-economists, yet perhaps the quantitative easing does that. During the 40s to the 70s U.S. economic growth was more substantial than today however, and the public debt was nearly so large. Negative interest rates on auctioned government bonds purchased by the Fed (who else would do that?) might have long rang effects in other areas one would think.



Plainly not increasing taxes to pay for the Orwellian forever 'war' isn't historically a good idea. The public really hasn't felt the cost yet. I wonder if the female majority in the Democrat Party that are middle class have the slightest interest in having their taxes increase? In the future it may require a triple portion of taxation to pay for that trillion dollar a year in interest, for which the people will get nothing material in exchange by the end of the Obama administration.


If there are political consultants channeling F.D.R. to political leaders contemplating the federal budget it is possible that F.D.R. might whisper to them 'Cut taxes and economic growth will pay for two wars' yet in my opinion it's doubtful.

If a nation hasn't a good sense of direction or purpose it would find it difficult to lead. The New York Jets football time might be an illustrative example-as are the Philadelphia Eagles. Each team could probably do better if they had Tim Tebow and Michael Vick sharing the running quarterback role with an Adrian Peterson in the backfield too. The method of keeping a running Q.B. benched or playing them full time rather than half-time to recover from head butts and gut shots is just ineffective.

The U.S.A. probably needs to be an ecological restoration business leader rather than a global corporate outsourcer of its own national independence accompanied with a left agenda of making the rest of the world comfortable for a butch hegemony under corporate censorship of expression.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...