
Innovate Private School Vouchers to Alleviate Public School Mediocrity

Funding more private schools with federal school vouchers would help stimulate future U.S. economic development by the increase of students learning outside the mediocrity of mass public education. With a mass socialization in public education fewer pockets of individual brilliance occur as would in small schools with brilliant educators unshackled from the dictates of mass public education mediocrity.

As mass development generated mass extinction as an externality, mass education brought students of all abilities and possibilities toward minimum standard levels of learning. There is an implicit reductionism in the standard values of mass public education as presently delivered. Rather than being an experiment in diversity it is a law of conformity and mediocratization of public educational achievement potential. Quality teachers are reduced to being standardized union mouthpieces. As an unintended consequence of mass public education the richness and diversity of a constellation of individuated private schools in the United States was lost for most primary, secondary and post-secondary students.
Though not all secondary and post-secondary schools would have brilliant educators some inevitably would and all would be required to meet acceptable minimum education value standards. Some schools with just five educators might have fifty students with a few very bright students mentored and encouraged to develop their individual genius. It is entirely possible to imagine a Thomas Edison of today being given drugs for attention deficit disorder, encouraged to out on a football helmet and butt heads with the team. One understands that a school with three thousand students even with a vast budget tends towards producing mass conformity developing managers for mass corporations always seeking to follow best mass-value labor costs anywhere on the planet, outsourcing jobs instead of inventing them or alternatively trained to follow the lead of the best of mass mediocrity in mindless rave drudgery relieved by large screen TV’s and consumerism.

With enough small private schools some pockets of excellence in education will arise and more Thomas Edisons will learn and be encouraged to learn in sufficient numbers to have a positive effect on the economy. As it is generally only the rich can afford private education and those prosperous families are the best of the mediocre too often. Many of the best of the mediocre are rich yet not inventive, popular yet not brilliant, good athletes yet unable too understand science or synthetically form engineered artifacts of material and spiritual value.
With the national; economy hiding a strengthening undertow and the media reporting happy economic news only to please the elites concentrating wealth it would be helpful for the Congress to approve legislation apportion just one-third of the nation’s public education budget to private school vouchers; that infrastructure change ought to create jobs straight way and in the long run.


A Summary of Berkhof's Analysis of the Letter to the Colossians

Recently I have continued reading Berkhof's venerable ‘Intro to the New Testament’. Here is my summary of his comments on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae (in Asia Minor a.k.a. Turkey).

Content-Berkhof divides the epistles in two parts…
1)   The Doctrinal Part, emphasizing the unique Significance of Christ, 1:1—2: 23.
2)   The Practical Part, containing divers Directions and Exhortations, 3: 1—4:18.

Characteristics- Berkhof and others find this letter much like the letter to the Ephesians. Some regard it as a twin, and the similarity of the two letters have brought some to discredit Pauline authorship though of course not Berkhof. He writes;
1. On its formal side this Epistle differs from that to the Ephesians in its polemical character. It is not a general exposition of the truth that is in Christ Jesus, without reference to antagonistic principles, but a statement of it with a special view to the errors that were gradually creeping into the Colossian church, insidious errors of which the Colossians, so it seems, little realized the danger. It is true that we find none of the fiery polemics of the Epistle to the Galatians here, nor any of the sharp invective of II Corinthians;—yet the controversial character of this letter is very evident.

Berkhof notes that this letter has a Christological focus while the letter to the Ephesians is largely theological. “While that contained in Ephesians is in the main Theological, that found in Colossians is primarily Christological, the summing up of all things in Christ, the Head. Essentially the Christology of this letter is in perfect harmony with that of previous Epistles, but there is a difference of emphasis. The writer here places prominently before his readers, not only the Soteriological, but also the Cosmical significance of Christ. He is the Head both of the Church and of the new creation. All things were created by him, and find the purpose of their existence in him.”

Berkhof presents some points on technical verbal content analysis of the epistle contrasted to his other letters.

Berkhof presents and rebuffs several challenges to Pauline authorship that are based upon the language use and concepts that could be regarded as anti-deictic e.g Gnostic concepts.

On challenges to Paul’s elaboration upon Christology Berkhof writes: “we do not see why the further development of the Pauline Christology cannot have been the work of Paul himself. There is nothing in the Christology of this Epistle that conflicts with the recognized representation of Paul. We clearly find the essence of it in Rom. 8:19-22; I Cor. 8:6; II Cor. 4:4; Phil, 2:5-11. These passages prepare us for the statement of Paul regarding the Cosmical significance of Christ,. 1: 16,17. And the representation that all the forces of creation culminate in the glory of Christ does not necessarily run counter to Rom. 11: 36 and I Cor. 15 : 28, according to which all things exist to the praise of God, their Creator.”

The Church at Colossae- Phyrigia is in Asia Minor-the region that is today called Turkey (see map above). The Romans had fought the Celts in Asia Minor slaughtering one of the tribes of Celt warriors fighting naked until arrows pinned their feet through to the ground. It was something of a last redoubt of those politically recalcitrant to Roman rule before being subdued. Berkhof writes that Paul’s three years at Ephesus probably was the proximal cause for the hearing of the word and foundation of the church at Colossae yet he writes “Colossae was one of the cities of the beautiful Lycus Valley in Phrygia, situated but a short distance from Laodicea and Hierapolis. Herodotus speaks of it as a great city, but it did not retain its magnitude until New Testament times, for Strabo only reckons it as a πλισμα. We have no information respecting the founding of the Colossian church. From the Acts of the Apostles we learn that Paul passed through Phrygia twice, once at the start of his second, and again at the beginning of his third missionary journey, Acts 16: 6; 18: 23. But on the first of these journeys he remained well to the East of Western Phrygia, where Collosae was situated; and though on the second he may have gone into the Lycus Valley, he certainly did not find nor found the Colossian church there, since he himself says in Col. 2: 1 that the Colossians had not seen his face in the flesh.”

The Apostle Paul could be regarded as the founder of the churches in Asia Minor that would in time emerge as the Orthodox Church in the Eastern Roman Empire refounded by Emperor Constantine as Constantinople at Byzantium. Some of those churches lasted through the vicissitudes of icon vs. iconoclasts, schism with the western Catholic Church and invasion and conquest by Osmanli tribesmen of Mohammedan faith when even the Church of Holy Wisdom-the Haggia Sofia, was converted into a mosque.

Berkhof writes “In all probability Paul’s prolonged residence at Ephesus and his preaching there for three years, so that “all those in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus,” Acts 19:10, was indirectly responsible for the founding of the churches in the Lycus Valley. The most plausible theory is that Epaphras was one of Paul’s Ephesian converts and became the founder of the Colossian church.”

Berkhof notes interestingly that Antiochus the Great moved 2000 Jewish families from Babylonia to a region near Lydia and Phrygia, why I cannot say. The region has a long history of forced displacements and relocations of various peoples continuing into the present day. The church was mostly gentiles though false doctrine did assail it from numerous sources.

I will provide an example of some of Berkhof’s substantive analysis; “According to the Epistle the Colossians were in danger of being misled by certain false teachings. As to the exact nature of the Colossian heresy there is a great variety of opinion. Some regard it as a mixture of Judaeistic and theosophic elements; others dub it Gnosticism or Gnostic Ebionism; and still others consider it to be a form of Essenism. We can infer from the Epistle that the errorists were members of the congregation, for they are described as those “not holding the head,” 2:19, an expression that is applicable only to those that had accepted Christ.”

Jesus Christ is of course the head of the church.

1) Occasion and Purpose- Berkhof illuminates some points that are a little obscure to moderns, though interesting enough still to historians and others on what people believed in error that departed from the gospel and doctrine of The Lord. The belief in the mediation of angels in everything as if they were the animistic spirits of pagan Romans-(i.e. Janus the Door goddess whose temple was only open during times of war) was theologically made anachronistic. Politically however the concept is still significant for the evolutionist camp often regards Christians as evolving from an animistic paradigm and generally still having that although in a consolidated monotheistic context. That is a somewhat shaky anti-philosophical, anti-God intellectual edifice obviously.

Quoting Berkhof; “Epaphras, the founder and probably also the minister of the congregation, had evidently seen the danger, gradually increasing, that was threatening the spiritual welfare of the church. The errorists did not directly antagonize him or Paul; yet their teaching was a subversion of the Pauline gospel. Hence he informed the apostle of the state of affairs, and this information led to the composition of the Epistle. The object Paul has in view is the correction of the Colossian heresy. Hence he clearly sets forth the unique significance of Christ, and the all-sufficient character of his redemption. Christ is the image of the invisible God, the Creator of the world, and also of the angels, and the only Mediator between God and man. He in whom all the fulness of the Godhead dwells, has reconciled all things to God and has delivered men from the power of sin and death. In his death He abrogated the shadows of the Old Testament and terminated the special ministry of the angels that was connected with the law, so that even this vestige of a supposed Biblical foundation for the worship of angels has been removed. In him believers are perfect and in him only.’

2) Time and Place- Berkhof dates Paul’s writing to A.D. 61 or 62

Canonical Significance
Berkhof writes “The canonical character of this Epistle has never been doubted by the Church. There are slight but uncertain indications of its use in Clement of Rome, Barnabas and Ignatius. More important references to it are found in Justin Martyr and Theophilus. Marcion gave it a place in his canon, and in the Muratorian Fragment it is named as one of the Pauline Epistles. With Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria and Tertullian the quotations increase both in number and definiteness. That the Epistle is not quoted as often as Ephesians is probably due to its polemical character. The permanent value of this letter is found primarily in its central teaching, that the Church of God is made perfect in Christ, its glorious Head. Since He is a perfect Mediator and the complete redemption of his people, they grow into him, as the Head of the body, they find the fulfillment of all their desires in him, as their Saviour, and they reach their perfection in him, as the Goal of the new creation. His perfect life is the life of the entire Church.”

It is somewhat miraculous, or perhaps an illustration of the divine ordering of history that the foundation of the churches of Asia Minor and Paul’s opportunity to write to the Colossian church from gaol before martyrdom occurred in a region that would be and remain Hellenized and infused with the thought of Plato and his work the Republic with it’s description of the realm of forms and metaphysical ideas in general that would become inspiration to Plotinus later. Plotinus, a neo-Platonist in essence develops Paul’s Christology from Colossians and explains the nature of the Universe and of cosmology emitted from the One in 54 tractates called The Enneads.

From my pointy of view the worldview of Plotinus is very much like a paradigm for contemporary physical cosmology with a theistic understanding. Forms of matter were and are a [perennial philosophical and scientific question, and Universal forms occur in the quantum world and also in gravitational characteristic such as drawing matter together. The mystery about The One that Plotinus wrote about pertain to God as well; why did the perfect One actualize anything at all. Even a thought implies less than omniscience I suppose for God has the answer to every question. The extension of anything into temporal form is a great mystery. Some physicists speculate that for practical purposes the Universe may be regarded as a hologram. Steady states of mass are quantum entanglement of waveforms in a Higgs field (that remind me of the sacrificial sheep being found by AVRM caught in a bush). With that thought I guess one could consider that our reality is God’s thought, and that all thought exists for God with all things existing even an infinite multiverse, without need for physical dimensions or scale in order to be, for those would all be contingent so it is best to use General Relativity as a metric for regarding the physical realm.

Jesus Christ as the Creator of the Universe and Head of the Church is represented by Plotinus as The Intelligence who brings everything into existence. Imperfection and sin were considered by Plotinus to be broken forms. Writing a couple of centuries after Paul it is easy enough to discern the development of Plotinus’ ideas in the history of ideas. Plotinus was something of a mystic himself, was condemned b y the Orthodox Church as a pagan representing a heresy and sort of marginalized.

Today the concept of continuing direct revelation from God is controversial for good reason. Heyschasm was the term for Plotinus’ direct encounter with the goodness of God, and that was something like that written of in The Cloud of Unknowing. Christian mysticism aside, as if they were investigating transcendent quantum cosmology issued by God within a holograph or Bishop Berklean pure-idea paradigm, the elucidation by Plotinus of cosmological concepts implicit in the Christology of the Epistle to the Colossians is worth a comment.


Paul, Jindal & Ryan Lead Republican Pack, New Jersey Governor Stumbles

In the tournaments leading to the 2016 Presidential candidates round three lean, hungry competitors are running down the competition for the Republican Presidential primary votes. The field looks better than average at this point although with the Republican Party mostly allegiant to global wealth with tokenism for the American poor that can change. Deserving of honorable mention is still-learning Florida Senator Marko Rubio for his idea of redistributing all Federal social welfare programs to the states though it hasn't a snowball's chance in h of working. It's a Don Quixote style symbolism of excellent quality though.

The very Dark Horse potential Presidential candidate House Majority Speaker John Boehner is busy flirting with the third rail of American populism this season-giving green-card work amnesty to millions of illegal aliens to help kill off American wages and labor unions for good. Without Democrats defending American workers rights any more it must be tempting for Speaker Boehner to become a defector to the dark side of the force. In some regards that is better than President Obama's King Canute method of economic management. In others though it probably hastens the day when Americans realize that the founder's constitutional paradigm works better this century for the destroyers of sovereignty and democracy than for the majority of present-day U.S. citizens.

It was the Southern confederation's insistence on invading Massachusetts' sovereignty to capture escaped slaves that was the tipping point into civil war. Paradoxically it may be the Obama Judiciary's insistence of forcing Massachusetts’s homosexual marriage values on Utah that is the tipping point in starting the dissolution and reform of the U.S. experiment in Democracy. Maybe the New York atheist clan's desire to put a 7' statue of Satan on the Oklahoma capitol unless the ten commandments are removed will motivate Americans to reject Democrat Party values with a constitutional convention to reform the ties that bind and destroy then liberty of the people of the United States to be free from the godless, evil federalism of the U.S. Government today. On the other hand, Americans may just vote with their purses and by more big screen TV’s to watch the new fall season's series in Beijing. That’s the liberal thing to do.


A Comment on U.S. Ecosphere Politics Today

When St. Thomas Aquinas finished writing his tome Summa Contra Gentiles he went out for a ride on his horse, hit a tree, lapsed into a coma and died. One might wish that anti-environmental restoration votaries would let their anachronistic beliefs expire after having fulfilled their purpose too. The world ecosphere is in decay. Broadcasting anti-scientific local-yokel opinions on national networks won’t help transition the U.S. to full-employment with world ecospheric restorative leadership or make the Republican Party and the reasonable Presidential candidate from Kentucky Rand Paul seem smart enough to lead. The nation already knows Democrat politicians suck.

The nation has had its fill of lawyer-Presidents. Since Richard M. Nixon professional disputers have presented ethical, religious and economic challenges to America. Meanwhile the ocean is becoming acidified, clamshells thinning, fish dying and while the Midwest is experiencing cold arctic weather Alaska is warming. In Fairbanks Alaska presently the temperature is 16 degrees F. That's about 45 degrees warmer than this time of year in the three winters I wasted there. The ten day forecast is for unseasonably mild temperatures around 0 degrees.

In the north there is no question about global warming. Coastal areas are being flooded gradually with sea level rising from ice melting and storms. Ancient American immigrant archeological sites are being lost. Species around the world are dying off. One of the greatest mass extinctions of planetary history is happening now in the Anthropocene era because of the callous disregard of business, industry and some of the broadcast media for the decay of the ecosphere.

Global warming is happening yet that isn’t the only problem; it’s just one of several simultaneous ecological insults of a grave nature that the futurist writer of Gaia-The Final Warning’,James Lovelock, believed would result in a human population crash on Earth to just 200 million people within two centuries. The late Sea Explorer Jacque Cousteau agreed-they understood human nature and the drive of original sin to consume regardless of consequences.

Consuming the fruit of the Garden of Eden may have been a temptation and pleasure, yet without personal responsibility there is a price to be paid in letting the fires of thermodynamic processes burn wildly out of control. On Earth living together within a free spirited Christian priesthood of believers’ paradigm may be the sole remedy to  consolidation of wealth and power in demonic network political  oligarchy under an anti-Christ.

Simply electing a King Canute to roll the printing presses and borrow money instead of innovating and adapting good economic reform ideas won’t work indefinitely. Though it may seem impossible it would be a good idea to elect intelligent politicians that give broadcast power to the people of the democracy instead of wealthy elites.

Medal of Freedom for Edward Snowden?

N.S.A. leaker Edward Snowden risked his future to protect the rights of U.S. citizens from Federal corporatist tyranny. Rightly he ought to be given amnesty, a medal of Freedom and leadership of the National Security Agency as the only trustworthy man available to purge its ranks of oppressors of individualism.

 Obamacare brought Americans into the doom of serious corporatism. In Alaska the broke are required to pay $631 dollars to buy a policy on the cheap bronze option when they can't afford a bus pass. That sucks and that's corporatism; the union of government and big business.

High School Grad talk radio big business butt-kissers run down reformers of corporatism and environmental reform and are invariably false patriots who would support napalming of villages I suppose, if it seemed a way to eliminate Arab populism called Al Qa'eda. Americans have just lost their way and Edward Snowden at least tried to help them recover it a little.


Interview With Specimen of the Unemployed

Model interview with specimen of the unemployed in the U.S.A...

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...