
Paul, Jindal & Ryan Lead Republican Pack, New Jersey Governor Stumbles

In the tournaments leading to the 2016 Presidential candidates round three lean, hungry competitors are running down the competition for the Republican Presidential primary votes. The field looks better than average at this point although with the Republican Party mostly allegiant to global wealth with tokenism for the American poor that can change. Deserving of honorable mention is still-learning Florida Senator Marko Rubio for his idea of redistributing all Federal social welfare programs to the states though it hasn't a snowball's chance in h of working. It's a Don Quixote style symbolism of excellent quality though.

The very Dark Horse potential Presidential candidate House Majority Speaker John Boehner is busy flirting with the third rail of American populism this season-giving green-card work amnesty to millions of illegal aliens to help kill off American wages and labor unions for good. Without Democrats defending American workers rights any more it must be tempting for Speaker Boehner to become a defector to the dark side of the force. In some regards that is better than President Obama's King Canute method of economic management. In others though it probably hastens the day when Americans realize that the founder's constitutional paradigm works better this century for the destroyers of sovereignty and democracy than for the majority of present-day U.S. citizens.

It was the Southern confederation's insistence on invading Massachusetts' sovereignty to capture escaped slaves that was the tipping point into civil war. Paradoxically it may be the Obama Judiciary's insistence of forcing Massachusetts’s homosexual marriage values on Utah that is the tipping point in starting the dissolution and reform of the U.S. experiment in Democracy. Maybe the New York atheist clan's desire to put a 7' statue of Satan on the Oklahoma capitol unless the ten commandments are removed will motivate Americans to reject Democrat Party values with a constitutional convention to reform the ties that bind and destroy then liberty of the people of the United States to be free from the godless, evil federalism of the U.S. Government today. On the other hand, Americans may just vote with their purses and by more big screen TV’s to watch the new fall season's series in Beijing. That’s the liberal thing to do.

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