
Organizing the Decline of Democracy With Multi-Culturism

A democratic government exists to represent the proprietary interests of a majority-that is of a coherent culture with shared goals. Historically the Untied States benefited from the lack of vast social organizations and social hierarchies that brought Europe into countless wars and religious organizations to side with governments in sectarian conflict. The frontier that Frederick Jackson Turner wrote of as being formative of American democracy brought the benefit of preventing the formation of vast social organizations in the era before mass electronic communications. Time and technological development would end that era of course.

Large social organizations arise to repress individualism. In an age of multi-cultural social fracture with the concentrations of wealth through preferred network locations democracy is withering away replaced by the large social organization phenomena of prior centuries in new forms. A democracy made of individuals with enough similarities and with representatives from the people that accurately represent their shared class interests is no more. A multi-cultural globalism with religious and corporate hierarchies along with the royal trappings of international political organizations render a T.V. watching organization man, woman or person of transitioning gender more of a spectator of democracy, government, church and a tool of corporate business rather than a peer. The efforts of Congressman Ryan and Democrats of a radical globalist agenda to flood the United States with millions of illegal aliens after making the existing millions of illegal aliens in the U.S.A. legal may be the final nail in the battered body of democracy. The U.S.A. is developing a decoherent polity without the common interests required for a meaningful democratic environment. It isn’t remarkable that a dumbed down State Department consistently seeks to foist a utopian democracy upon nations abroad with radically polarized cultures no more capable of democracy than any nation where organizational splintering of a crazed degree prevails.

In human history the rise of large social organizations seems inevitable and it requires the grace of God to provide new lands without the repression of individuals by sundry organizations. Mankind s a social animal and forms collectives to rule or consume, worship a secular god or provide more bread. Allegiance to organizations brings strife and competition for dominance, wars and rumors of wars arise and individualism becomes an anachronism. Little provision is made to keep the U.S. Government from being led by flunkies that in decades couldn’t pay off a national debt, win a war decisively and at low cost, secure the Mexican border from illegal immigration or prevent the going away concentration of wealth that buys rule through proxies over the masses of proles.

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