
Obamacare Costs Broke, Homeless Alaskans Minimum $631 Monthly

Since they haven't got the money those poor, homeless Alaskans that can't afford Obamacare will just have to let the I.R.S. tax penalties pile up. I suppose if they ever apply for a federal job or apply for some federal program like a home loan they will be disqualified. N.P.R. may sympathize with those lems anyhow and make them undesirable. Someday, maybe next year, Congress will get around to collecting those unpaid penalties for failing to enroll in Obamacare. People living in states that didn't sign on to expanded Medicaid will have to just owe the government for nothing. Clever congressmen passing h.s. like that, millionaires all.

Obamacare in Alaska evidently requires a minimum of $631 monthly for those single adults earning fewer than $11,000 a year. There is a $5250 deductable so it hasn't much actual value for the impossible to afford hypothetical price. The President seems to want to make honest people law breakers after March 1st. That isn't liked. I suppose the penalty for not being able to afford to give the government $631 every month for nothing will follow one around indefinitely so the poor can get further in debt to the U.S. Government.


It might be a good idea for the U.S. Government to quit perpetrating economic terrorism on the poor. Just because they are a bunch of millionaires so comfortable they view real people quantitatively and have egg throwing competitions to be dirt bags doesn’t mean they can't be saved by severing their broadcast media axis of evil and reforming  broadcast wavelength allocation so ordinary citizen podcasts are shared instead of filtered elitist propaganda.

It seems as if God dislikes governments that oppress the poor. If one considers one of the main points of the appearance of the Lord on the Earth-to help people live in peace and prosperity without victimizing one another it's easy to understand why a Godless, atheist evolutionist trend in  U.S. elites has coincided with three successive administrations of with a drugged down and dumb approach to everything involving U.S. economics. The existentialist, doper devil-may-care economic leadership with money printing presses, deregulation on banks and interminable federal borrowing inevitably coincides with concentration of wealth-the evolutionary survivors. Those people are simply class idiots reinforcing their own malign corruptions with comfort and power.

Since evolution theory took over leftist elitists have hummed a large backing-down on the human social-political intellect balanced approach to politics. Its been replaced by dumb animal, instinctual behavior paradigms. Moving back to a pre-Adam and Eve political paradigm where existential, evolving animal behavior is the rationale for camouflaging bureaucratic octopuses of government to swell like pig-hippopotami in hog wallows of corporate flummery isn't progress. The poor suffer and employment climbs, jobs are outsourced and the nation withers away as while utopian dreams of a hermaphroditichood of unisexed, thugged, drugged and repolitic'd people is the excuse for political incompetence. When animal behavior paradigms supplant tight human social political understanding that developed since Jesus Christ in the historical advance of western civil political liberalism the big crocs in the swamp chew up everything.

Provisions of Obamacare force the poor to pay exorbitant prices to buy bronze insurance policies they can't afford with money they haven’t got. The penalty for not doing so are federal tax penalties. While the government presently hasn’t the right to enforce the penalties it probably will sneak that over eventually. Now they may shut down the earned income tax credit the poor used to benefit from.

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