
Global Heating CO2 Parts Per Million Chart

Atmospheric global heating of the atmosphere in the Anthropocene era is largely a consequence of surplus CO2 added to the atmosphere. Scientists have charted the increase of carbon dioxide levels for some time. 

The increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels seems associated with change in the biosphere of the era. The p.p.m. levels of the Earth seem to have reached as high as 6000 p.p.m in the distant past, yet those wouldn't have been good times for human life to exist, or even many plants. Mass change such as formation of the Antarctic ice sheet occurred when the p.p.m. dropped below 600 so there does seem to be a correlation between CO2  and atmospheric temperature and life on Earth.



Current  measurements of  CO2 levels can be found at ...





Image Credit of Hypothetical 3 Future Tracks for Global Warming - U.S. E.P.A.

CO2 Trend for Mauna Loa
Image credit N.O.A.A.

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