
Medal of Freedom for Edward Snowden?

N.S.A. leaker Edward Snowden risked his future to protect the rights of U.S. citizens from Federal corporatist tyranny. Rightly he ought to be given amnesty, a medal of Freedom and leadership of the National Security Agency as the only trustworthy man available to purge its ranks of oppressors of individualism.

 Obamacare brought Americans into the doom of serious corporatism. In Alaska the broke are required to pay $631 dollars to buy a policy on the cheap bronze option when they can't afford a bus pass. That sucks and that's corporatism; the union of government and big business.

High School Grad talk radio big business butt-kissers run down reformers of corporatism and environmental reform and are invariably false patriots who would support napalming of villages I suppose, if it seemed a way to eliminate Arab populism called Al Qa'eda. Americans have just lost their way and Edward Snowden at least tried to help them recover it a little.

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