
Innovate Private School Vouchers to Alleviate Public School Mediocrity

Funding more private schools with federal school vouchers would help stimulate future U.S. economic development by the increase of students learning outside the mediocrity of mass public education. With a mass socialization in public education fewer pockets of individual brilliance occur as would in small schools with brilliant educators unshackled from the dictates of mass public education mediocrity.

As mass development generated mass extinction as an externality, mass education brought students of all abilities and possibilities toward minimum standard levels of learning. There is an implicit reductionism in the standard values of mass public education as presently delivered. Rather than being an experiment in diversity it is a law of conformity and mediocratization of public educational achievement potential. Quality teachers are reduced to being standardized union mouthpieces. As an unintended consequence of mass public education the richness and diversity of a constellation of individuated private schools in the United States was lost for most primary, secondary and post-secondary students.
Though not all secondary and post-secondary schools would have brilliant educators some inevitably would and all would be required to meet acceptable minimum education value standards. Some schools with just five educators might have fifty students with a few very bright students mentored and encouraged to develop their individual genius. It is entirely possible to imagine a Thomas Edison of today being given drugs for attention deficit disorder, encouraged to out on a football helmet and butt heads with the team. One understands that a school with three thousand students even with a vast budget tends towards producing mass conformity developing managers for mass corporations always seeking to follow best mass-value labor costs anywhere on the planet, outsourcing jobs instead of inventing them or alternatively trained to follow the lead of the best of mass mediocrity in mindless rave drudgery relieved by large screen TV’s and consumerism.

With enough small private schools some pockets of excellence in education will arise and more Thomas Edisons will learn and be encouraged to learn in sufficient numbers to have a positive effect on the economy. As it is generally only the rich can afford private education and those prosperous families are the best of the mediocre too often. Many of the best of the mediocre are rich yet not inventive, popular yet not brilliant, good athletes yet unable too understand science or synthetically form engineered artifacts of material and spiritual value.
With the national; economy hiding a strengthening undertow and the media reporting happy economic news only to please the elites concentrating wealth it would be helpful for the Congress to approve legislation apportion just one-third of the nation’s public education budget to private school vouchers; that infrastructure change ought to create jobs straight way and in the long run.

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