
A Comment on U.S. Ecosphere Politics Today

When St. Thomas Aquinas finished writing his tome Summa Contra Gentiles he went out for a ride on his horse, hit a tree, lapsed into a coma and died. One might wish that anti-environmental restoration votaries would let their anachronistic beliefs expire after having fulfilled their purpose too. The world ecosphere is in decay. Broadcasting anti-scientific local-yokel opinions on national networks won’t help transition the U.S. to full-employment with world ecospheric restorative leadership or make the Republican Party and the reasonable Presidential candidate from Kentucky Rand Paul seem smart enough to lead. The nation already knows Democrat politicians suck.

The nation has had its fill of lawyer-Presidents. Since Richard M. Nixon professional disputers have presented ethical, religious and economic challenges to America. Meanwhile the ocean is becoming acidified, clamshells thinning, fish dying and while the Midwest is experiencing cold arctic weather Alaska is warming. In Fairbanks Alaska presently the temperature is 16 degrees F. That's about 45 degrees warmer than this time of year in the three winters I wasted there. The ten day forecast is for unseasonably mild temperatures around 0 degrees.

In the north there is no question about global warming. Coastal areas are being flooded gradually with sea level rising from ice melting and storms. Ancient American immigrant archeological sites are being lost. Species around the world are dying off. One of the greatest mass extinctions of planetary history is happening now in the Anthropocene era because of the callous disregard of business, industry and some of the broadcast media for the decay of the ecosphere.

Global warming is happening yet that isn’t the only problem; it’s just one of several simultaneous ecological insults of a grave nature that the futurist writer of Gaia-The Final Warning’,James Lovelock, believed would result in a human population crash on Earth to just 200 million people within two centuries. The late Sea Explorer Jacque Cousteau agreed-they understood human nature and the drive of original sin to consume regardless of consequences.

Consuming the fruit of the Garden of Eden may have been a temptation and pleasure, yet without personal responsibility there is a price to be paid in letting the fires of thermodynamic processes burn wildly out of control. On Earth living together within a free spirited Christian priesthood of believers’ paradigm may be the sole remedy to  consolidation of wealth and power in demonic network political  oligarchy under an anti-Christ.

Simply electing a King Canute to roll the printing presses and borrow money instead of innovating and adapting good economic reform ideas won’t work indefinitely. Though it may seem impossible it would be a good idea to elect intelligent politicians that give broadcast power to the people of the democracy instead of wealthy elites.

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