
Nanovirus Pollutants in Organic Global Mass Transfers (food) & Some Other Side Effects of Int. Food Trade Economics

Ecological economics have as goals the reduction of non-renewable resource waste. Transporting food globally wastes fuel and exploits national labor supply. It may also be a future vector for nanonvirus techno affluent attacks on global human life. With nanotechnology creating such a wealth of hard to filter products they may end up best distributed en mass within intentional or unintentional global food commodity allocation. The effects may not show up for years-yet the consequences could be deadly.
Traditional thermodynamically wasteful classical economics fail the global economic rationality criterion of conserving planetary resources. Democracy fails to liberate itself from irrational corporate global concentrated wealth infrastructure sufficiently to set objective parameters within which business must practice in ways such that human health and ecological integrity are conserved. Locally grown food supplies for all nations are best. Tradew agreements should be made internationally such that favor nationally grown produce for local consumtion. Nations that have no justifiable economic reason for people to be hungry should also receive punative sanctions as a factor of the number of poor, hungry starving people.
Then democracy might restore local food supplies and price stability. Ecologically it makes little sense to simply grow food for the lowest price at location A in the world to transport to location B in the world putting people out of work in nation B. Priority should be given toward growing food in places that are least ecologically disrupting and in fact are most ecologically restorative. Present business methods have no concern about the externalities of food production on the environment that are made on the basis of lowest abstract production cost. In future trade agreements, ecologically most efficient local food production joined with the reciprocol of reduction of starvation should be fundamental parameters of business law.  
Present world population is expected to reach 9 billion people by the year 2050 and global food supplies are needing doubling. Yet with an environmentally irrational global economic criterion the damage to the environment and increase of the population will tend to compete adversely against increased food production. If people are locally encouraged to produce their own food--even if it is in advanced salt-water hydroponic fish farming in desert areas with advanced technology, or in underground hydroponic sealed growing environments the challenge should be met.

Pre-Big Bang Theory and A Holographic Universe-Ideas About the One

Intelligent design wasn't the topic I was going for regarding Shannon entropy and pre-big bang metaphysics. Information content of the universe along the binary bits of information such as Shannon devised in the invention of information theory need not have particular patterns to prove information theory veracity.  


Information as an omniscient field of God would not require a reduction to 'design'. An implicit motion of will would occur for some unknown reason. We would have the Parmenides-Heraclitus sort of debates about the One or Pluralism in that regard. I think that when the Universe is regarded as information, and the mind as a specialized form of information structure in existence, then we are closer to appreciating a spiritual paradigm for the interpretation of quanta phenomenally at any rate, though it is not necessary to do so.  

Because the Universe exists and it has information regarding its structure that can be replicated by computers or human beings in various respects, and following along the lines of cosmological physical theories towards the origin of information comprising the Universe, it is possible to regard various logical relationships metaphysically or theologically to a certain extent in the pre-big bang era. That is a difficult task for me presently with limited time for that contemplation. I have considered that a little elsewhere, yet here prefer to point out the Shannon and holographic universe criteria somewhat. You may form your own ideas about what the ultimate limit to the compaction of information is and how it is contingent upon the criteria of manifestation. If we consider quanta as having an ultimately spiritual foundation then the spatial-temporal paradigm for dimensional actualization shifts a little from that of relativistic pre-big bang quantifications of given, nominal constants. The second url has an August 2003 featured article in scientific American by the physicist Jacob Berkenstein that reaches a discussion of the Generalized Second Law--GSL and its reconciliation of the second laws' apparent irrelevance when matter is lost in to black holes and no longer become more disorganized with increased entropy.  

A calculation is made that a centimeter sized device could have a theoretical maximum amount of information at 10 to the 66th bits, and the visible Universe has a minimum of 10 to the 100th bits of data. The article by Berkenstein raises several questions and interesting points especially when added to contemplation of pre-big bang universe criteria. If there is a maximum rate of theoretical packing of information that is tied to particles, size and space-time itself-why? That is a problem of the substance criterion isn't it? In making photon computers and quantum computers the reduction in processor size is vast in comparison with that of silicon chips.What occurs with zero dimensional information processors such are better suited for considering the Plotinian dimensional scale of The One? 

There are innumerable interesting points on this subject to consider. I will post a paragraph on the idea of free will in thought from an essay on determinism I posted recently. "Thought as a physical process--all of those trillions of molecular configurations comprising memory, knowledge, reasoning, active thinking and self-awareness, are like the infinitesimal processes of quarks within atoms undergoing stellar synthesis, a part of the physical history of the universe. Free thought has the capacity to select how some of these processes eventuate locally in ways that non-sentient mass does not.  

Thought in its potential for freedom in some respects is like all possible worlds states simultaneously existed in article-waves of quantum uncertainty. Free thought may select via a number of criteria which macro-state collapse will occur such that it becomes actual rather than others. Individuals may choose to restrict their use of free will and allow external conditions largely to impose their force determinations upon oneself and inhibit one’s own freedom to think creatively."


Shannon Entropy and Eternal Recurrences

In addition to mass-energy flowing from a pre-big bang Universe bottleneck, there was information regarding it's structure. I don't want to get too detailed here. I have several disparate ideas from many sources that perhaps could go into another context. Yet what I would like to point out is that the information of where and what everything in the Universe is, was and will be out lasts the physical forms of the Universe. Matter-energy created before the beginning has temporal shappes and forms in the expansion of space and time that is the Universe. Obviously it started perfectly ordered in accord with the initial information array it had. From most concentrated size and highest order it expanded outward toward a low energy-mass high entropy destiny. Along the way it has had a variety of forms or configurations including us humans. No mass-or energy is really destroyed it just changes form. That principle of the conservation of mass applies to information as well. For even the quarks comprising our minds are accounted for in the history, past and present of this Universe.

Without requisite of being a Nietzschian, we can yet see that the information given in the beginning could be replayed to make a Universe recur forever. It is equally as likely or even more that such a Universe was provided with the initial information of structure enacted through the mass-energy of the expansion of the Universe at the beginning. If the information is conserved as Stephen Hawking seemed to defend regarding the subject of the destruction of information at black holes that virtual particle leakage would in some way conserve information as well--then the information of the creation of Universe A will have lasting value. We don't want to simply be fizzles in our existence, but the best we can be I would think.

What matters, or what is more than matter, is structuring the world into an ecological economic Utopia with respect by all for Jesus Christ. Those are simple goals to go for while alive.

When Authors are Lint at Helium.com--Make a New Fed Virtual Copyright Registry

It is an instructive lesson in the ruthlessness of the corporate world to have more than half a million words of high quality writing locked out without notice at Helium.com.

 I had no idea that they even considered such a Draconian action--there was not one word anywhere that I had encountered to indicate that the confiscation of my earnings and end of my account access would occur suddenly.

Authors beware of writing at Helium.com. If you write the magic word from their personal; proscribed list (such as 'homo', they will not only delete your article, but after a few times they will effectively delete your account and provide dire warnings of reports to the F.B.I. should you try to access your former account.

Of course Helium will keep your top ranked articles on their webpage unless they decide to just delete everything with a click of a keyboard mouse. As an author you may experience what its like to write for three years and then have foes publish and profit from the work while becoming lint yourself.

Helium and other such Internet pages are not reliable, they are not impartial and are biased toward privy corporate editorial agendas that may explit your for a time before giving you the shaft.

Writers actually do need some sort of Federal copyright security page for internet authors so the date and time of their article postings would go into a computer database permanently, and would be accessable as a kind of writers proofif later challenged. This service needs to be free.

With the 35 dollar copyright fee plus shipping costs and a six month wait for registration the old style copyright system is utterly useless to authors of internet articles that need protection today. If an author writes an article today on today's topics he needs copyright security today as well because the article is immediately published. With all the low cost data storage available this internet copyright date and time records office for virtual articles would be a practical and beneficial public respository allowing writers that are independents to even publish on their own blog or web page with better security than that unsecure and worthless trust compelled by either the corporate world or even neo-government blog pages such as the former NPR Discussions that also disappeared a year ago.

No private or corporate modality exists as a trustworthy or reliable and secure copyright pragmatic notice of time and publication date for internet authors. The Obama Administration should for once, unlike previous administrations, do something practical such as the creation of such an office to reinforce individualism in free expression--that's a good idea if democracy is to survive the takeover power of concentrated corporate wealth and power.


Helium.com Kills My Author Account on Christmas Day 2009

Helium.com made my account off-limits on Christmas Day. Their email said I should not try to access the account.

 I had been writing about 60,000 words a month and had a top 5% peer reviewed, blind juried ranking. I invested about 3 years in compiling a lot of high quality work at Helium, and they have killed my access to the account for using 'hate speech without warning or opportunity to download my work.

The lock out on Christmas Day followed my request nin a post on the community page that Helium use transparency in their censorsship policy. I suggested that instead of just deleting complete articles for 'hate language' or 'name calling' that they red highlight the offensive language and then let the writer have a chance to change the words after consulting a thesaurus.

Heterosexual marriage took about 3000 years to develop as an institution. To make a marriage redefined to mean a relation between any two adults regardless of gender is simply a styled takeover of the institution. Women give up their rights gained over thousands of years when marriage no longer has anything to do with the ages old evolution of the conception, bearing and raising of children.

Helium's cold blood approach to saving money--I was earning 150 a month, is a very cheap, inethical way of saving money. They use the high quality articles and end the trust of an author that the hard-earned increase from 20 cents a month to 150 monthly and 17 dollars per month perennially without new writing was worth the effort.

I will include the last article that was deleted  below-unchanged...

On Conservative Christian Criticism of Capitalism

Christians may be supportive of a capitalist political philosophy or not as they prefer. Capitalism isn't a religion unless one becomes devoted to it sufficiently to make it an object of worship. Neither is capitalism a monistic economic point of view.

There is a pluralist universe for capitalist criteria. Capitalism may be a surfeit of treasure in heaven thought of as good works, adherence to the will of God or following the examples of the apostles. Capitalism is a kind of abstract term such as an algebraic literal that may be given a particular value.  Capitalism may be of an intellectual kind, and it would be practical to re-found the U.S. economy upon a renewable energy and materials basis of intellectual capitalism within moral, democratic criteria.
A democracy may fairly define what it wants to use as the basis of its monetary currency-we could trade in credits of intellectual capital if the voters preferred and allow material investments by the government solely to stimulate renewable energy projects and infrastructure allowing fossil fuel corporations to fend for themselves for stimulation when they need it.  Political philosophy for Christians that are Americans need not be to blindly accept anachronistic doctrine about what the basis of currency or what capital values ought to be. They can change as they prefer.
If in Washington D.C. an elite council of homosexuals or homosymps have voted to corrupt the District of Columbia and throw the Congressional acquiescence in the doom of national support for mass perversion it is demonstrative of the extremes that elites go to in support of their own interests against those of the people. Christians never need blindly follow the lead of then powerful and corrupt but may instead work within the democratic constitutional inheritance of the nation to rectify the wicked and guide the people toward a national prosperity rather than a global commune of trans-national corporatism.
Christians are led to work within the government form they have inherited yet be exemplary good souls working within the will of God to keep mankind free even when man so often works for their own social destruction. It is possible and desirable for the United States to transition in to being a nationalistically centered secure society of zero-population growth, zero illegal immigration and a new economy founded on ecological economic principles. The limits to environmental degradation for a primitive or classic economic throughput must halt and a quality and intellect increase of social capital should start.
Corporatism works against democratic and national interests. It has discovered that a mass Chinese work force is a good tactically controlled sector for sales and employment without meaningful individual rights or paradoxically the opportunity to start trade unions or policy in opposition to the communist Party. In effect corporatism is a half of elite leaders concentrating wealth and making the trans-national political-economic environment a kind of planetary commune paired with the communist party. The tactical blunder requires the continuing downward mobility of national America and the corruption of the nation.
A false spring of non-renewable economic policy is being supported by the present U.S. Obama administration instead of investments in just national renewable energy and transportation infrastructure. Fossil fuels and automobiles are the way to national  decay today.  So far as Christians involve themselves with economic affairs-as they all must except for the detached hierarchical priesthood that earns a living by setting up Christians for support by global corporate C.E.O. preferences-they can work toward ecological and nationally beneficial policy that will serve as a good example to the rest of the world.  If the United States fails at being an ecologically economic policy founded nation with secure borders and quality lives for all citizens it will perhaps alternatively continue to retard global response to the global warming and mass extinction die-offs of an anthropogenic causation. Christians should work for the good of mankind material as well as spiritually rather than the opposite. One way to change that is to redefine the selection of the philosophical value of capital in America today, and make it intellectual rather that corporate.


Jihad Brand Global Corporate Products; The Future of Democracy

Parle ments were places for political speech. In the beginning the United States had a tripartite form of representative government well suited to the vast spaces and slow time for communication. Over the years the representative government has evolved into a kind of collegial plutocracy with the costs of becoming elected very high and the rewards for being elected an almost guaranteed multimillionaire status. The complex modern networks of communication have in some ways neutralized a substantial element of the purpose of the representative structure of government in the United States. An insular and unresponsive assembly of individuals elected for being toadies of existing economic infrastructures are reinforced by propaganda from the broadcast media owned by trans-national corporations.

My premise that the United States is ruled today by a de facto plutocracy is a little disingenuous. Actually the plutocratic Senators and Congressmen are flunky big money chasers allegiant to the CEOs of trans-national corporations. Corporatism is what has replaced democracy in the United States. Maybe America needs a parliament for government with live intelligent people engaging in debate, with an engaged prime minister and more responsiveness to the people. If we need royalty we could get the sports entertainment industry to be figureheads along with those voted best performers in Hollywood on a year to year basis. They could be voted in or out on a Paula Abdul Show.

The U.S. Government is a kind of state producer of political space with a variety of different labels placed upon the same old same old. Because the Gospel of The New Age Adam Smith' is preached by both parties of the rich, capitalism in a corrupted version such that it's purpose is to enrich the rich and trickle down sustenance to the poor and middle class became an unchallengeable religion by the year 1991. Those that might point out that Smith's purpose in writing 'The Wealth of Nations' as a student and friend of David Hume was to support the best possible way of life for the masses might be accused of heresy. Economic heresy might be the charge with the label of socialist being applied to those that believe that the best interests of the majority do not essentially lie in enriching and oppressive minority but in improving their own personal standard of living.

An actual democracy would feature a dominating middle class and few poor people and a harmless class of the rich would could serve as advisers occasionally. When economic power becomes inimical to social interest such as in creating poverty, extinction of species, global warming and so forth the rectification of such influence accumulated through corporate wealth and hegemony over economic and political infrastructure choices would occur. Today there are too few voices in the corporate wilderness calling for ecological economic renewal, for higher taxes on the rich, for the elimination of poverty, illegal alien immigration and a government policy of inventing in the United States instead of Iraq, Afghanistan or in other stupid protracted wars with little reasoning about winning attainable goals but just shooting a trillion into the dark and hoping it falls into the peas.

In  fifty years the United States democracy will be dead, yet probably still nominally alive as a local symbol for global corporatism to exploit as a reason to invade any little countries with a mind toward independence and nationalism out there. Globalists can crank out the accusations of fascism and racism before invading to renormalize markets to Wall Street control. In fifty years the President may be an Oil Ayatollah on a board of Chinese Communist Party Leaders, African Socialists and they can all wear tri-corner hats in the capital. Americans will be medicated or counting shares of stock options, national debt obligations sold to third world nations or who knows what.

The surviving  polar bear of Alaska may go on exhibit in-the-wild from offshore oil platforms, jihad brand cigarette lighters may make a million dollars a day for the jihad-a-thon, the beluga whale of Cook inlet will be stuffed as an example of corporate compassionate conservatism and shipped to Los Angles,  and the democracy will be hunkie dorrie in that respect. In the 'work makes you free' 2dimensional logic of corporatism I should make a million dollars marketing jihad moniker lighters because in the religion of capitalism the invisible hand of greed trumps democratic common sense. The invisible hand can replace patriotism, nationalism and democratic self-interest. The corporatist misinterpretation of Adam Smith's economic philosophy has created the voodoo demiurge of the 21st century--yet Lenin did predict that capitalists would sell communists the rope they hang them with.

Democracy may at least exist on Mars after the revolution.


The Universal Form of Self-Interest

Self and the interests of the self; if such cell of the soul implicitly concerns itself with being made aware in self-awareness supports its own continua of transitions we can say that it is. Self-aware beings have self-interests as the coine of the creation of thoughts. Some thoughts are effective and supportive of self- actions that perpetuate self-existence. Natural selection deletes those that do not pursue self-interest naturally enough--yet that is a two edged sword.

For we may ask what is self-interest. Is the logic of judgment made by self invariably accurate at determination of what is truly supportive of self interest? There is no a priori evidence given to the mind of self that provides a roadmap to fulfillment of self-interest. Amidst the existential ontology of being, self-aware experience must work for-itself to pursue the best course. Self-interest meets the acquaintance of wisdom.

Where does wisdom begin and end for the self, or is there an end to the acquisition of wisdom such that it dies with mortal life's final exhalation of borrowed time? Are there structures that may be built during life that provide such good for self-interest that might be found worth sacrifice to put up? What scales of values can be made if we must provide our own values, that would be worth the most at reinforcing self-interest?

The one may find it in his self-interest to join with the many, and the one may find it right to withdraw from the way of the many to seek the liberation of the one. Self-interest is a phenomenally existing idea that with wisdom may recover from the given phenomenal world of materiality and spiritual forms elements of being that provide temporal spans for continuity. faith may bridge the unknown and ponderous chasms containing the most precipitous challenges to survival. Experience and wisdom may encourage the self to find its interests in the transformation of self through increase of ideas through education or environmentalism.

Self-interest may lie in the well being of others, in a healthy ship and crew, in a peaceful government representing one's own interests in being free of foreign debts and obligations, in conserving the health of the planetary biosphere and in boldly innovating ecological reforms with liberty and justice for all. Self-in-te-rest may seek the primal relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with a higher or transcendental reason for being, for worldly duties and for such as an aretaic ethics founded in divine providence gives a categorical imperative to the process of being and becoming.

Reject Chip Implants Socially

New technology has enabled the implantation of location and data transmission electronic technology in very small size within an animal or human being. Obviously such technological progress as has made very powerful and small computer logic units possible presents innumerable good and bad potentials for use. Receiving a data transmission or tracking chip is a real possibility today--so this is a consideration of a few of the political and social implications of receiving such a chip-insert.

The fundamental human liberty from adverse political control of others is the irreducibly vital existential criterion. In God we trust rather than our fellow man is the basic parameter. We may learn from spiritual sources of right intersocial conduct. Our fellow citizen and illegal alien resident may not be on the same ethics and moral pages as yourself. The legal system has developed to standardize and make uniform certain conduct boundaries that cannot be supported well enough through an honor system of ethics. The chip insert is a basic violation of human individual freedom from the control of others. Such a primary violation of personal being transcends the paradigm in which all other human moral and legal systems of equal justice have been based upon. Although there are good as well as bad possibilities for negating the basic boundary of human individual physical integrity by others, the potentials of the bad far outweigh the potentials for good for either an individual or for social cohesion.

With the ability of others to track the location of an individual globally throughout life a deterministic social structure is created that nullifies a vast range of potential free relationships that are undetermined. It permits collective actions of an unprecedented scale to negate individual liberty. The quantification of freedom for individuals may be reduced as the quantification of collective actions increase. If corporations and collectives might be treated as individuals by the law, the number of individuals is reduced phenomenally within such criteria as individuals give up their individual freedom from electronic tracking to join collective or corporate individual organizations. 

I believe that social interest lies in the area of individual development and individual rights increases while collective actions that reduce human freedom are fundamentally inimical to human existence as sentient beings. The preservation of human freedom from chip inserts and impersonal tracking may be a narrow path through complex technical issues, yet it is a path through a minefield of temptations that phenomenally have increased in density through the profusion of technical products invented in recent decades. Virtually any good that could be brought to individuals through chip planting could be accomplished equally well through non-invasive means. 

Though society is quite crowded today, it is an error to assume that the given phenomenal socio-economic circumstances are either the best of all possible worlds or sufficient reason to jettison the fundamental concern with safeguarded individual liberty from collective, impersonal surveillance, violation of personal privacy and prioritization in the legal structure of our prevailing political philosophy.


Individualism vs. Collectivism

A criterion for individualism and collectivism for purposes of comparison ought to be cognizant that the natural demographic facts are implicit variables against which criticism or constructions of either might be made. Some geographical environments are naturally better suited for individualism, and the concept of collectivism would be naturally alien. In other, perhaps more populous geographic regions collectivism may be a natural fact of life although how it is structured may vary quite markedly.

In the history of the west of Europe and of the United States individualism would mean different things in different historical eras. If we define collectivism by simply examining the instant contents of mind of individuals as sharing information and acting upon it consistently as members of a social set then collectives might be found in E.S.P.N.'s 'The Herd' of radio listeners, in the St. Petersburg Soviet of 1905 and in the members of the New York Stock exchange equally well. Collectives would be considered as exclusive social organizations that reinforce the interests of members or that program members toward effective social support of particular phenomena such as the sports entertainment business and the organization of much of American youth activity toward developing the best talent for the sports entertainment business instead of for individual or intellectual creative and productive activities.

Individualism within the paradigm of populous nations requires a necessary degree of coordination within several socially collective organizations simultaneously from that of responsible citizen supporter of laws, to licensed automobile driver, participant in elected politics or union members and so forth. Without a vast number of collective organizations with the goal of advancing the collective interests and values of members even when not directly for material compensation, the progress of most advanced societies would deteriorate sharply. Yet as in many things moderation and intelligence largely determine how much and in what form collective, organizational efforts are effect. 

Collective actions may preclude individual activities and in some cases that may be harmful to the society generally. A society can only be as happy as the individuals of which it is comprised, so individual pursuit of happiness and properties of rights generally are pre-eminent over those of collective concerns except in times of war, or when proscribed activities for any individual have placed boundaries on individual freedom to own, for instance, nuclear artillery shells and launching platforms for hunting missions.

What about Africa with a population of a billion and about half of the continent largely desertified? How can individualism supported by foreign anti-disease pharmaceuticals and better farming technology be allowed to just double the population to two billion without creating various conflicts and over-use of resources? In that criterion we find that individualism naturally merges into collective action upon environmental resources, and it requires collectivism of a pre-emptory and governing kind to control the negative, disorganized, de facto collective action.

Africa today is challenged by the 'iron law of wages' phenomena of Ricardo to curtail its population increase that would have boundary margins of famine, war and government terrorism besides disease. Because education for individuals requires a good early start and a generation to accomplish, and since that is quite expensive, it will be difficult for poor African nations to accomplish education enough, and a high enough standard of living within a generation or two (maybe 30 years) to provide the criteria where women naturally reduce child birth rate as has been researched in second world transitions to prosperity.

African society, if it is to eliminate much of the kind f pervasive social horrors that probably lay ahead, will need to transition into a high tech ecologically economic foundation such that an increased quality of life for individuals collectively does not tax the environment and a proportionate increased rate. I would recommend Daly and Farley's 'Ecological Economics'  introductory textbook for those unaware of the discipline.
Individualism in the modern world of more than six billion souls does have a collective effect on the global environment obviously at the national level. Today four of the remaining eight white rhinos were released into the wild of Africa with the hope that they will reproduce after not in twenty years of captivity. Probably  they will end up as Bush meat in a stew pot. Humanity is degrading the environment and bio-diversity in a plethora of purposefully wasteful business and social economic actions. 

Individuals can make the difference with their freedom. Collective government puppets in Washington D.C. , Alaska and elsewhere may discourage ecological economic accountability and investment in perpetuation of fossil fuel economics and exclusivity of those that haven't sold their souls to the Devil of Corporatism and fossil fuel economics.  Global warming is to be considered and opportunity for profit by those within a corrupted for of capitalism that regards scarcity as a beneficial opportunity for a controlling product supplier's profit potential. Individual corporate or collective organizations pursuing their own self-interests to the detriment of disorganized individuals are the fact of corporate repression of national interests to benefit individuals as members of the class of basic citizenship.

If individualism is the number of dimensions of freedom individuals have to run their own lives free of collective actions and effects, that freedom is reduced by the rise of dominating corporations of global stature that interfere in a variety of ways with individuals economic potential as the environment if totalized and pre-determined by ossifications of corporate economic infrastructure.


President Obama's Loyal Corporatist Record in 2009 Rates C- for Job Performance

Writing in December 2009 I can at least review President Obama's first year in the office and grade his job performance at a C-. If he had not been so eloquent at making nice speeches about general things that sound good I would have given him a D+ for 2009.

 On the U.S. economy the President's budget was to nearly double the national debt over the next decade in order to stimulate the economy. On the foreign war issues in Iraq and Afghanistan the first is scheduled for a troop draw-down as the civil conflict has not ended the terrorism. The future of the need of the U.S.A. to defend the oil contracts given to Exxon, Shell and other trans-national oil corporations will continue for decades.

 Iraq of course may be the target of Iranian nuclear weapons on new and improved long range missiles that can also hit Israel and Southern Europe. Sect. of State Hillary Clinton has experience in negotiating to prevent axis of evil states from developing nuclear weapons from her days in the Bill Clinton administration. The Bill Clinton track record in North Korea is plain and we can expect equal success with Iran containment policy.

In escalating the troop levels in Afghanistan by more than 50,000 scheduled since taking office and writing a blank check on costs to contain the native Taliban for a year or two more the administration showed an aloof, non-transparent approach to awarding more military work and equipment production to the military industrial complex. The President also expressed an interest in expanding the conflict into Pakistan. Available alternative military containment of terrorism policies were not utilized. At least we are assured that the predator drone aircraft broadcast unencrypted signals that terrorists captured were not actually controlled by terrorist hackers to attack U.S. military targets.

 The Obama administration fundamentally is a shill for the Harvard global corporatist movement seeking to ad trillions of public debt while making of the world a commune without the hindrance of national interests obstructing their profit and political power to repress environmental actions. The President do9es a good job at not offending white people--he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 by the Norwegians, and also not doing much for American black people. Hopefully he will appear on the Oprah show again after El Tigre.

 The President health policy is a snair by corporatism to force all Americans to buy insurance from global corporations who will also have tracking data on them. Defeated was the good idea to just add the age 55 to 65 uninsured to medicare so  the public could pay for their medical needs directly instead of laundering it through the unneeded and expensive global insurance corporations that the public will need to pay anyway.

The Presidents energy policy reflects another corporatist continuity policy to concentrate wealth and peonize the nation. Coil, gas and nuclear--the triple threat of all that is evil about energy are the main course in a Congress dominated by millionaire sycophants of a corporate establishment that doesn't give a rat's as about the anything besides short term profits and the power to keep making increasing short term profits. What is needed is real political leadership not existent in a Summer-Obama-Harvard corporatism continua with the Bush administration in another form. The Bush administration rated an F+ of course, son the Obama administration is comparably  brilliant.

 A good energy policy would become a global investment in super-conductor infrastructure with lines located inside liquid hydrogen filled pipes fed electricity from wind, solar and fuel cell sources. Its that simple. Make electrical power cheaply as if they were ion engines accelerating in space, store it with zero resistance and use it very effectively.Increase the amount of surface capture of photons with thin film coatings on building structures,increase insulation efficiency and use electric vehicles. Heavy long distance continental cargo should be launched through electro-magnetic accelerators. The Obama administration and the disagreeable politicians at Copenhagen this third week of December rate an additional D- for their efforts to reduce global warming.

 I hope the Obama administration does better in 2010 and n2011 or a rich, extra-terrestrial alien worshipping fossil fuel fanatic may take office. I believe the homosexuals of then elite corporatist persuasion migrate between both parties fairly readily as they represent no natural constituency seeking to improve interests but are instead a disposable behavior oriented worming element that occupies roles for short-term profit. They are a apparently substantial factor in the Harvard-Obama-Corporatist political axis presently.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...