
Nanovirus Pollutants in Organic Global Mass Transfers (food) & Some Other Side Effects of Int. Food Trade Economics

Ecological economics have as goals the reduction of non-renewable resource waste. Transporting food globally wastes fuel and exploits national labor supply. It may also be a future vector for nanonvirus techno affluent attacks on global human life. With nanotechnology creating such a wealth of hard to filter products they may end up best distributed en mass within intentional or unintentional global food commodity allocation. The effects may not show up for years-yet the consequences could be deadly.
Traditional thermodynamically wasteful classical economics fail the global economic rationality criterion of conserving planetary resources. Democracy fails to liberate itself from irrational corporate global concentrated wealth infrastructure sufficiently to set objective parameters within which business must practice in ways such that human health and ecological integrity are conserved. Locally grown food supplies for all nations are best. Tradew agreements should be made internationally such that favor nationally grown produce for local consumtion. Nations that have no justifiable economic reason for people to be hungry should also receive punative sanctions as a factor of the number of poor, hungry starving people.
Then democracy might restore local food supplies and price stability. Ecologically it makes little sense to simply grow food for the lowest price at location A in the world to transport to location B in the world putting people out of work in nation B. Priority should be given toward growing food in places that are least ecologically disrupting and in fact are most ecologically restorative. Present business methods have no concern about the externalities of food production on the environment that are made on the basis of lowest abstract production cost. In future trade agreements, ecologically most efficient local food production joined with the reciprocol of reduction of starvation should be fundamental parameters of business law.  
Present world population is expected to reach 9 billion people by the year 2050 and global food supplies are needing doubling. Yet with an environmentally irrational global economic criterion the damage to the environment and increase of the population will tend to compete adversely against increased food production. If people are locally encouraged to produce their own food--even if it is in advanced salt-water hydroponic fish farming in desert areas with advanced technology, or in underground hydroponic sealed growing environments the challenge should be met.

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