
Writers Beware of the Expropriation of Your Profit on Internet Publishing Sites

Writing on the internet to earn a little cash has good stories and bad. Its rather like pro basketball--one hears the good stories of millions for the successful by the entertainment sportscasters and less so of the hundreds of thousands that wasted their time and never earned a dime but did lose out on pursuing education or a better trade. The worst thing that can happen, or one of the bad case scenarios is for a writer to publish a half million good works in 800 articles then have the web page confiscate your future earnings by denying you access to your account permanently. Helium.com actually did that to me recently. 
The reason for Helium's action is simply corporate power over the web page--it is in effect dictatorial. They provide no advance notice at all that they are going to permanently confiscate access to your writing and earnings for at some point using language deemed by homosexuals not to be supportive of their political interests (homo and faggot are two words that will get your account blown up). The language must have no impediments to homosexual advance evidently, to be acceptable. One cannot write 'homo' without a sexual suffix on it without being a 'hater'. It is necessary to be neutral or indifferent about sin, or even indifferent about secular non-heterosexual sexuality encroaching on your social space and to use the trendy talk for the preferred political traits. That intolerance of free speech makes a farce of the west. What kind of corporate dictatorship do we want to structure for Afghanistan?
I wrote hundreds of essays on a variety of philosophy and empirical topics and occasionally a few on political issues such as illegal alien immigration or homosexual takeover of marriage to make it a sequentially bisexual union--or gender neutral at least in the District of Columbia as is in process now (the U.S. Congress has 30 days to veto the measure passed by the Washington D.C. Council). Politically incorrect viewpoints are excuse enough for censorship through deletion of articles and overnight confiscation of monthly accumulated earnings and all subsequent advertising revenues going just to the Helium.com corporation. Massachussets where Helium.com is located has a very homo-friendly policy and happily denounces as hate speech words that homos find not to be loving words from people of the same gender. Obviusly there are a zillionn other ways to handle the censorhsip issue other than total war and verbal nuclear annihilation--even a word-o-meter with a rising index to indicate how close an author is approaching to having his account profits permanently plundered by the homosymp crowd. They just hate political opposition enough to censor free speech and enslave intellectual capital permanently. I worked two and a half years to construct all that fine writing. Talk about hate. Hostile takeover of the profits of others works is rather viscious.
In China the equivalent wages may be considered upward mobility. I earned 150 dollars last month--the same as the Chinese in game currency gold-mining. They lived indoors while I lived in a tent in Alaska. I think they have more rights than I. Corpoprations in Massachusets and of the west have discovered new ways to exploit people. At least the Chinese don't have their works exploited forever in the future. Intellectuals in the west that write at sites like Helium hope to build up enough writing that they can have some kind of regular income to help to support the creation of better materials. When they experience the hostile takeover of their income stream and can do nothing about it because of a homosexual clique of wise guys in government and business thats not good.

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