
A Spiritual Quantum Mechanics?

The Universe Before the Big Bang' published in 2008 by a leading string theory physicist, concludes with the scientist's belief that God created everything. A basic spiritual quantum phenomena could be what everything is built upon. A theistic evolution of this Universe from spiritual quantum foundations consistent with frequencies issued by the spoken Word of God is my own interpretation of things. Yet is a little more detailed than that. Maurizio Gasperini did not elaborate upon any kind of spiritual 'physics' in his book-he merely mentioned his personal belief. I have philosophically considered some of the cosmological implications here and elsewhere.

Instead of four dimensions M-Theorists and mathematicians have conjectured about 11 or even 256 dimensions. mathematical group theory developments permit algebra groups with extra dimensions that can be meaningful for constructing hypothetical Universes with various quanta schemes in density, intensity and relations within any of those dimensions. In practice such mathematically consistent models are compared to real observable values of the Universe to see if they match.

Imagine a right angle and its area as a two-dimensional X-Y graph, then add more 'dimension's by adding a realm of negative numbers to the left side, and add more dimensions by adding depth and breadth such as exist in our four dimensions to the graph. With the logic of algebra group theories following Abel, Lie and kIlling, more dimensions may be added even though we cannot make visualizable models of them. Out space time may have 11 dimensions or more, and pre-big bang theory has models of the Universe that makes the big bang just one end of a bottleneck of space-time, albeit a small bottleneck, that was preceded by the collapse of a black hole that fed off virtual particles from a 'perturbative' vacuum before the big bang.

That primordial vacuum may have had virtual particles that appeared consistent with quantum uncertainty principles. These virtual particles that pop in an out of existence in the minimal amount of time are preceded by no satisfactory conjecture about where they arise except for stipulated initial criteria such as any math theory must have as unprovable but necessarily accepted axioms.

Minimal, nominal philosophically efficient in relation to Occam's razor zero-dimensional windowless monads, strings, loops or membranes just arise-maybe they are spiritual quanta created by cancelling out 99% to the 99th degree of the intention of God to have his omnipresence known. Omnipresence reduced to an artificial minimal state would be a single tiny quanta of no dimension, duration or mass. That spiritual quantum particle is a section of an infinite in all directions omnipresent wave that itself requires no extension in any space-time continuum.

As virtual particles are emanations of the One, they are grounded outside even one dimension. As they appear in existence evidently they have some way of joining together compounding their structure with complexity and extra dimensions. These larger particles in some way affect space-time creating a temporal order. The logic of the construction of the assembly comprises universal physical forces of the mass-energy phenomenon.

With the remaining non-dimensional basic particles smaller than quarks grounded outside any dimensions the possibility of quantum entanglement and faster than light travel exists for information exchanges of entangled particles. Yet there are other higher dimensional possible conduits for 'universal' waves forms and class-symmetry breaking exchanges off individually entangled particles besides those of the fundamental zero-dimensional fundamental quanta. In fact (I use that word jokingly) it may not be possible to observe any basic particle from within this Universe because they may all rest within a higher or lower dimensional metaverse that allows shortcuts of information between symmetry breaking entangled individual particle pairs and clumps faster than light. Light is of course a kind of basic particle-wave quanta of this Universe's quantization and dimensionality conditions.

Space-time and mass-energy are explained equally as well by a theistic or non-theistic pre big bang conjecture. Neither a Big Bang or a Big Man created this Universe or humanity. A perfect and pure Spirit issued or emanated this Universe perhaps as a way of actualizing all possible Universes and all things that might ever exist. The scale of time and space from small to large and vice versa is entirely relative and within the purposes of God. In the perturbative vacuum of which can know little, there may have arisen one hundred zillion to the zillionth power Universes within the infinitely smallest region of the eternal and infinite space of God that requires no space at all.

The mysteries of God and His Universe are miraculous, we find that His purpose in creating intelligent, somewhat independent beings with limited powers of knowledge to be a marvelous thing, and appreciate the effort. If the Universe was evolved in six beautifully orchestrated movements before God rested to let it thermodynamically proceed-that was a brilliant design. With a spiritual foundation for all material things of appearance it is not surprising that sentience tends to evolve-some sort of spiritual gravity may make of it a likely situation.

I have worked some of the bizarre nature of transcending extra dimensions and theistic criteria into a fiction context for illustrative purposes...

The star Bezah-alpha rotates opposite our rechristened hollow star with a minus four dimensional shaped black hole Dyson sphere oppositely charged supporting a quark woven artificial superfluous surface fusion.

Outwardly Al Murredin seems to be a completely functioning star with the appropriate gravity and mass, energy transitions and so forth. Incidentally I am Tsemech 4 of Sky-view."

Fascinating information Tsemech 4. What more have you got that I might readily understand ?

Yes. The design for ontological field strengths inside the star's sky are anisotropic and coordinated. Tie-ins to quark extrusion from the non-local Universal field are gauge selected and arranged in a scalar geometry such that the requirements for humans and potential others living in the Sky-view have an appropriate mass density for interaction with particular, relevant structures."

Does that mean that...

"Of course it does Patrick Voevoda. Presently you have a specific density less than that of the clouds of sky-view, yet everything existing here has it's density adjusted in relation to its position in the local explication of the existential field."

Do you mind, Tsemech 4, if I ask just one more question? "No, of course not. What is it?"

Einstein said that the laws of physics are constant. Because of what I've seen here, I would like your opinion about that context.

"The gradients of force and power suggested by Sky-view do raise questions about isotropy in universal physical laws. Consider that all of us in Sky-view are in some way or another from the Virgo Cluster and have adapted as formations of the new conditions we have created. The total energy of all possible universes may never be increased or decreased except God wills, yet its forms may be reshaped within epistemologically relevant ontologies. Given that there is initial substance or idea to work with, that quantity of quantum self-standing virtual loop existing as a primordial donation may be used by us contingent beings so far as we are able. The slope of infinity and complexity may occasionally outpace our ability to comprehend or exploit stipulated or donated initial Genesis resource mass-energy."

Those parameters I readily agree with Tsemech 4. What about your epistemological considerations? And what kind of recombinatory ontological criteria does Sky-view maintain abstractable for material applications? "Patrick the epistemological criteria between mind and object reference becomes more challenging to explain when words and ideas increase themselves originating from a natural organic basis to a level where significant amounts and quality of a priori thought comes into being. In fact the origin of language and of most ideas that suggest mathematical and logical relationships seems to be in reflecting about the natural universe, so what happens when the natural universe and it's constructions become significantly malleable and subject to reconstruction in compliance to human analytic thought? At some point the relationship between natural and artificial constructions becomes severed. Then all of the material world or all of it that extrudes through into the four dimensional universe is entirely coincident with the prevailing will of design of the ruling a priori mind or collective mind-will. We believe that such a mind must be absolutely good if any hope of order is to exist such that human and other sentient existence would be viable. It is simultaneously our opinion that no human mind or collective will could be capable of being absolutely good or omniscient and therefore none would be capable of creating or sustaining a self-standing viable, artificial Universe"

Well, all Universes are temporally doomed anyway are they not? From the quantum foam or as virtual downloads from a perturbative vacuum the potential duration of a given new Universe is pre-determined by the initial endowment of boundary conditions?

"Basically that is true. Our opinion at Sky-view is that the potential duration of a given Universe energy-endowment is limited by the artificial sentient reconstruction of the natural materials rather than increased, given the condition that the natural universe was capable of sustaining high quality life environments without remediation. Our opinion is that human thought content of a synthetic nature is a product of originating spiritual momentum developed reciprocally with the experience of a Universe1 environment. So far as the Universe1 environment is transformed into a synthetic environment to a degree that the Universe1 itself becomes mostly artificial the human knowledge of the a priori will itself become limited.

A priori thought extended to it's own empirical actualization that at some point dominates the empirical realm of experience and perhaps in time the body and mind of the knower of experience becomes self-negating.

The potential infinite number of ontology sets that could comprise any a priori mind set library would render a selection of a best or coherent choice nearly impossible. The waveform interference of a priori mind group possibilities with itself has no limit. Neither would any criteria exist empirically for natural selection of a best idea of construction group from an infinite potential data base of plans for empirical actualization to an empirical world that has fallen into meaningless malleability to designed reconfiguration. To answer your questions Patrick, our opinion about epistemology and ontological criteria for experience of this Universe for purposes potentially of changing it beyond natural recognition or of making a priori analytic ideas become empirical synthetic actualizations is very, very conservative. If we can roll back Corporate hostile takeovers we will try to restore what natural ecosystems and macro-galactic temporal progressions as are possible. Perhaps you know that Corporate has already gone quite far in their effort to create synthetic quantum cosmological constructions with transformations of the natural space-time material given in the historical evolution of the Universe from the will of The One."

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