
When Authors are Lint at Helium.com--Make a New Fed Virtual Copyright Registry

It is an instructive lesson in the ruthlessness of the corporate world to have more than half a million words of high quality writing locked out without notice at Helium.com.

 I had no idea that they even considered such a Draconian action--there was not one word anywhere that I had encountered to indicate that the confiscation of my earnings and end of my account access would occur suddenly.

Authors beware of writing at Helium.com. If you write the magic word from their personal; proscribed list (such as 'homo', they will not only delete your article, but after a few times they will effectively delete your account and provide dire warnings of reports to the F.B.I. should you try to access your former account.

Of course Helium will keep your top ranked articles on their webpage unless they decide to just delete everything with a click of a keyboard mouse. As an author you may experience what its like to write for three years and then have foes publish and profit from the work while becoming lint yourself.

Helium and other such Internet pages are not reliable, they are not impartial and are biased toward privy corporate editorial agendas that may explit your for a time before giving you the shaft.

Writers actually do need some sort of Federal copyright security page for internet authors so the date and time of their article postings would go into a computer database permanently, and would be accessable as a kind of writers proofif later challenged. This service needs to be free.

With the 35 dollar copyright fee plus shipping costs and a six month wait for registration the old style copyright system is utterly useless to authors of internet articles that need protection today. If an author writes an article today on today's topics he needs copyright security today as well because the article is immediately published. With all the low cost data storage available this internet copyright date and time records office for virtual articles would be a practical and beneficial public respository allowing writers that are independents to even publish on their own blog or web page with better security than that unsecure and worthless trust compelled by either the corporate world or even neo-government blog pages such as the former NPR Discussions that also disappeared a year ago.

No private or corporate modality exists as a trustworthy or reliable and secure copyright pragmatic notice of time and publication date for internet authors. The Obama Administration should for once, unlike previous administrations, do something practical such as the creation of such an office to reinforce individualism in free expression--that's a good idea if democracy is to survive the takeover power of concentrated corporate wealth and power.

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