Political correctness is most effective when people work against their own interests. President Obama as a Harvard team player is accomplishing the bailing out of the rich version Republican 1.0 presently so they can have another round of profits after 2012. President Obama ran as an anti-war candidate; now he has become another Bush II protracted war administration leader. He placed a win-win bet in Afghanistan for assuring re-election. He swells the ranks 30,000 troops for a year and a half, gets some peacefulness and declares victory in time to run a re-election campaign. Then he can withdraw the troops to present levels and maybe in the next term deal with the return of Mohammedan issues that have been around a thousand years for another four.
The United States allowed a U.S. citizen--Hedley of Chicago, to scout the Mumbai attacks, and of course provided the pilot training for the Al Qaeda terrorists of 9-11. The United States supplied the weapons for Bin Ladin and other guerrillas in the Afghan war against the Soviet military, and probably will leave mountains of military equipment for terrorists of the future as well. A more sober approach to foreign policy and domestic security would be more effective and less costly.
The training of Afghanis to have a large standing Army and police force will provide the basis for expert new terrorists of the future with state of the art military skills. When the U.S.A. withdraws its support for a puppet government the natural order of disorder will probably resume, while American military planners of today will have retired to collect 150,000 dollars annually with full px privileges and free global air travel and health care besides. Creating a long lasting deficit spending policy for the United States in Afghanistan in order to keep the 100 known Al Qaeda terrorist their from attacking the United States is an idiotic policy.The reason for such a daft military policy is simply that the U.S. military doesn't have top drawer political theorists, and their chief anti-guerrilla tactician General Petraeus is using classic counter guerilla tactics in a political arena where they are not capable of being effective.
The problem is political as well as military, and the Petraeus approach must necessarily be short of political competence. Counter-terrorism of an international, mobile scale with complete capability for local cellular upgrade cannot be adequately countered by expensive conventional military approaches within one nation. If Afghanistan can be denied as a competent terrorist training center by stand-off air assaults and the constellation of ground based U.S. forces for far less cost, the U.S. deficit situation, and international environmental and counter terror police forces could be funded. It is vital to U.S. security that the U.S. economy by nationally focused on egalitarian and economic adequacy for all in order that the U.S. might be a a good example admired by foreign nations. Buying temporary allegiance in Afghanistan will not create a sustainable U.S. economy or security.
The General's ability to displace ongoing guerrilla activities with enough forces is real enough, and because of the political history of the world Mohammedan fundamentalist revolutionary status of the present, and of that of Afghanistan, the U.S. creation of an artificial Afghan government will exist phenomenally only so long as we do. When the expense from our nation of 300 million souls with 12 trillion of deficit is stopped the Afghan Government will collapse because of the inability to raise taxes enough to support a central warlord of Government. Tribal dissociation from the central warlord will ensue and regional tribal semi-autonomy proceed. While the myriad foreign terrorist are creating significant damage to U.S. interests aboard and close to home, they have little need to attack economic targets in America.
The right policy would be a safe harbor constellation of defensible fortresses in Afghanistan for the next century, whereat friendly elements in Afghanistan could =retreat to the safety of our own neo-Feudal military safety net in case of a local Jacobean reaction. The military fortresses would also coordinate distribution of humanitarian aid and non-military economic training for Afghan civilians, and provide security for occasional international large civilian construction projects. Such forces with a heavy component of special forces and engineers would as well be available to attack concentrations of adverse forces plotting terrorist capable missions against European, American and Patagonian targets. As many as 20,000 troops might be permanently stationed in Afghanistan, yet the excess and expenses should be immediately reduced. American political and military strategy for the region is as daft and expensive as it was in Vietnam basically, and the Presidents months long decision making was closed to the public. Maybe the majority in congress is really daft as well.Political correctness is a right way of thinking for our time. In the U.S.A. it means ignoring the idiocy of taking on trillions of dollars of debt as a way to stimulate the economy-all the money gets spent in paying interest to foreigners in the future on the money they loaned.
Political correctness is most effective when people work against their own interests. President Obama as a Harvard team player is accomplishing the bailing out of the rich version Republican 1.0 presently so they can have another round of profits after 2012. President Obama ran as an anti-war candidate; now he has become another Bush II protracted war administration leader will democrats say so? He placed a win-win bet in Afghanistan for assuring re-election. He swells the ranks 30,000 troops for a year and a half, gets some peacefulness and declares victory in time to run a re-election campaign. Then he can withdraw the troops to present levels and maybe in the next term deal with the return of Mohammedan issues that have been around a thousand years for another four.
The training of Afghanis to have a large standing Army and police force will provide the basis for expert new terrorists of the future with state of the art military skills. When the U.S.A. withdraws its support for a puppet government the natural order of disorder will probably resume, while American military planners of today will have retired to collect 150,000 dollars annually with full px privileges and free global air travel and health care besides. Creating a long lasting deficit spending policy for the United States in Afghanistan in order to keep the 100 known Al Qaeda terrorist their from attacking the United States is an idiotic policy.
The reason for such a daft military policy is simply that the U.S. military doesn't have top drawer political theorists, and their chief anti-guerrilla tactician General Petraeus is using classic counter guerilla tactics in a political arena where they are not capable of being effective. The problem is political as well as military, and the Petraeus approach must necessarily be short of political competence.
The General's ability to displace ongoing guerrilla activities with enough forces is real enough, and because of the political history of the world Mohammedan fundamentalist revolutionary status of the present, and of that of Afghanistan, the U.S. creation of an artificial Afghan government will exist phenomenally only so long as we do. When the expense from our nation of 300 million souls with 12 trillion of deficit is stopped the Afghan Government will collapse because of the inability to raise taxes enough to support a central warlord of Government. Tribal dissociation from the central warlord will ensue and regional tribal semi-autonomy proceed. While the myriad foreign terrorist are creating significant damage to U.S. interests aboard and close to home, they have little need to attack economic targets in America.
The right policy would be a safe harbor constellation of defensible fortresses in Afghanistan for the next century, whereat friendly elements in Afghanistan could =retreat to the safety of our own neo-Feudal military safety net in case of a local Jacobean reaction. The military fortresses would also coordinate distribution of humanitarian aid and non-military economic training for Afghan civilians, and provide security for occasional international large civilian construction projects. Such forces with a heavy component of special forces and engineers would as well be available to attack concentrations of adverse forces plotting terrorist capable missions against European, American and Patagonian targets. As many as 20,000 troops might be permanently stationed in Afghanistan, yet the excess and expenses should be immediately reduced. American political and military strategy for the region is as daft and expensive as it was in Vietnam basically, and the Presidents months long decision making was closed to the public. Maybe the majority in congress is really daft as well.
Political correctness is a right way of thinking for our time. In the U.S.A. it means ignoring the idiocy of taking on trillions of dollars of debt as a way to stimulate the economy-all the money gets spent in paying interest to foreigners in the future on the money they loaned. Economists are often a bunch of sycophants for the corporate rich that try to figure out how to optimalize the production of heat and allocation of meat in the communal cave. They don't have an innovative or inventive character to simply change the criterion of the economy entirely.
Repairing the U.S. economy is easy-take back democracy from control by the rich. Let the majority decide to change the fundamental infrastructure of the nation that needs to be replaced. Jobs that can't be outsourced should not be filled by illegal aliens. Illegal aliens are a kind of governor that reduce wages and create surplus labor as they migrate in when the employment situation is good. They swell cheap corporate expansion by freeing up workers to take corporate jobs that will be eliminated when a cheaper way to produce overseas is found. The profits of corporate deflate a little with the collapse of the soufflé boundaries of expansion. The government borrows trillions to induce corporations to invest some in America and create a few jobs.
To restructure the U.S. economy a million jobs could be created building a quality solar power Mexican border patrol highway and control barrier berm infrastructure. The all the U.S. interstate and most asphalt highways could be torn up creating millions of jobs. An in ground vacuum tube electro-magnetic accelerator could be constructed to move electric tube and hovercraft inter-modal compatible vehicles around the nation at 900 m.p.h., and over the tubes, where the highways were a national gardening program to produce food locally could be planted creating a million jobs.
All zoning laws prohibiting gardening in suburban lawn areas should be banned. A super-conducting grid of liquid hydrogen should be built w underground where the highways were as well to collect power from national wind, solar and hydrogen from electrolysis plants. Homes should be limited in size per square feet per individual, and monolithic domes should be built on round lots in order to create more green space. With more and smaller dome homes a better population density with more green space per person along with privacy could be constructed nationally.
Democracy must exert its majority and poor number power over the elite concentrated wealth rich or fail. Democracy can limit the maximum extremes of wealth and poverty, and also limit the maximum size of corporations too perhaps 3000 employees in order to assure competition and prevent the foundation of oligarchy, plutocracy and corporation. Yet the economics and political facts are too difficult for the majority to comprehend and so they let themselves be reduced to corporate vassals with a fairly good yet inefficient and wasteful standard of living. Political correctness does not allow the actualization of democracy in the united States presently, and will not for some decades as the people are trained seals to serve the rich minority against their own self-interest, and that's a neat trick.
One may agree with a majority and be right or disagree and be wrong. That makes a difference too. If one is politically correct in Soviet Russia and says some politically incorrect thing such that Stalin has an ugly mustache then N.K.V.D. Chief Beria has you arrested, taken to his office basement, and shoots you in the head if you are lucky-otherwise perhaps torture and off to the gulag. In the United States political incorrectness may just make you want to move to France-if you could find the work in the U.S.A. to afford to retire there.
Political incorrectness is the kitsch- a German root word-it is saying what the majority don't want to hear. It can also keep those importunate wretches complaining in the cargo hold about the foot and a half of living space down where they belong. It is a plain truth to the comfortable and powerful that the down and enchained are a bunch of knickers of ingratitude that need to know their place. Oil flows to the blessed and deserving and bullship walks- everyone knows. So darn the political incorrectness and full spigots ahead!When they are happy believing lies and illusions it must continue forever for their class is not too bright and wants never to risk changing supremacy into poverty. Because Oprah is politically correct right now she can give away 276 cars to audience members regardless of global warming. If the Federal Government did it then Oprah can do it to! hooray for Oprah then and her market analysts and do not say she could have picked a more green cash for clunkers give away.
Political incorrectness isn't invariably good or bad. If a majority of free people band together to accomplish some honorable purpose and some dissenter keeps running them down it can really be a drag. A volunteer military is a case in point. Should some sergeant try to get volunteers to go awol and desert saying the nation is really crooked (even if it was)? These are volunteers after all.
Alternatively political incorrectness can let the majority know that they are a lot of kow towing sycophants of evil without a good thought ever darkening the door of their minds. Dissent can be helpful if its good, constructive criticism. People should mind becoming a bunch of goose stepping homos of fashion corrupting the meaning of marriage to mean anything other than the sane thing. They may make it a hate crime to express a dissenting opinion or censor it with an ultimatum about self repression of expression. One may reply they are anarchists yet with a private ownership by collective corporations the will of the Satanic Prince of this world has the high card.
We are sure that Hillary Clinton isn't the best recruiter for the Taliban when she visits Afghanistan, and that it is our job not to vaporize Iranian nuclear facilities before that can make any, because we are reactionary rather than initiators of security. Political correctness let people of the era of the Inquisition know to be cautious and not overly defend those accused of blatant familiarity with the devil. It is better to lose a few neighbors to witchcraft burnings than to be a dissident and join the auto de fe oneself.Political correctness is just the way the majority goes in a mass society. The United States was founded as a society of individuals rather than of mass collective corporate organizations, and the fitting today isn't good. The Congress makes laws like a home builder adding on in a million directions without a plan simply because he has the money and power. No longer are laws planned philosophically to support democracy and individualism. Instead, laws are made to support corporate collectivism, the rich and the middle class in that order and we call that patriotic and free enterprise. Everyone supporting the well being of all Americans is called a fascist nor a communist. Sophists say the well being of Americans is in fealty to trans-national corporatism.
The United States pays a million dollars per soldier to be in Afghanistan per year while the Taliban pays about $4.95 and has a lot of patience. They hire guys from outside the country to vacation and blow themselves up a few times a year perhaps-hard to defend. Yet the U.S. Government is a source of trillions of dollars that will be paid to defense contractors and oil services corporations to do just that-where else is a loose trillion or two to be had except from gullible U.S. taxpayers?
Since the government borrows the money from China anyway maybe it isn't so bad? The Kow-towing of politicians may have only just begun. The Chinese are a cheaper and larger source of labor for those greedy trans-nationalists anyway...its not politically correct to say down the middle class and poor chumps-yet we know they mean it anyway.At least there are no geniuses of military, economic and political capability in the States Dept. or Pentagon. One would be a good value asset in finding cheaper, more effective ways to adroitly scale down the costs of the Afghan and Iraqi actions. Caesar would have spent money and formed alliances rightly to win in an efficient way the true interests of Rome. Our guys are using Pakistan as an excuse to lose a few more dozen billion. Political correctness though has either the retreat and withdraw or dump more hundreds of billions like its play money. Not enough demand that the administration doesn't act like idiots. Obama isn't G.W. Bush yet, I hope he can find some military-political-economic genius? Any spare young Henry Kissingers out there?
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Li Po understood war.
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