
Jihad Brand Global Corporate Products; The Future of Democracy

Parle ments were places for political speech. In the beginning the United States had a tripartite form of representative government well suited to the vast spaces and slow time for communication. Over the years the representative government has evolved into a kind of collegial plutocracy with the costs of becoming elected very high and the rewards for being elected an almost guaranteed multimillionaire status. The complex modern networks of communication have in some ways neutralized a substantial element of the purpose of the representative structure of government in the United States. An insular and unresponsive assembly of individuals elected for being toadies of existing economic infrastructures are reinforced by propaganda from the broadcast media owned by trans-national corporations.

My premise that the United States is ruled today by a de facto plutocracy is a little disingenuous. Actually the plutocratic Senators and Congressmen are flunky big money chasers allegiant to the CEOs of trans-national corporations. Corporatism is what has replaced democracy in the United States. Maybe America needs a parliament for government with live intelligent people engaging in debate, with an engaged prime minister and more responsiveness to the people. If we need royalty we could get the sports entertainment industry to be figureheads along with those voted best performers in Hollywood on a year to year basis. They could be voted in or out on a Paula Abdul Show.

The U.S. Government is a kind of state producer of political space with a variety of different labels placed upon the same old same old. Because the Gospel of The New Age Adam Smith' is preached by both parties of the rich, capitalism in a corrupted version such that it's purpose is to enrich the rich and trickle down sustenance to the poor and middle class became an unchallengeable religion by the year 1991. Those that might point out that Smith's purpose in writing 'The Wealth of Nations' as a student and friend of David Hume was to support the best possible way of life for the masses might be accused of heresy. Economic heresy might be the charge with the label of socialist being applied to those that believe that the best interests of the majority do not essentially lie in enriching and oppressive minority but in improving their own personal standard of living.

An actual democracy would feature a dominating middle class and few poor people and a harmless class of the rich would could serve as advisers occasionally. When economic power becomes inimical to social interest such as in creating poverty, extinction of species, global warming and so forth the rectification of such influence accumulated through corporate wealth and hegemony over economic and political infrastructure choices would occur. Today there are too few voices in the corporate wilderness calling for ecological economic renewal, for higher taxes on the rich, for the elimination of poverty, illegal alien immigration and a government policy of inventing in the United States instead of Iraq, Afghanistan or in other stupid protracted wars with little reasoning about winning attainable goals but just shooting a trillion into the dark and hoping it falls into the peas.

In  fifty years the United States democracy will be dead, yet probably still nominally alive as a local symbol for global corporatism to exploit as a reason to invade any little countries with a mind toward independence and nationalism out there. Globalists can crank out the accusations of fascism and racism before invading to renormalize markets to Wall Street control. In fifty years the President may be an Oil Ayatollah on a board of Chinese Communist Party Leaders, African Socialists and they can all wear tri-corner hats in the capital. Americans will be medicated or counting shares of stock options, national debt obligations sold to third world nations or who knows what.

The surviving  polar bear of Alaska may go on exhibit in-the-wild from offshore oil platforms, jihad brand cigarette lighters may make a million dollars a day for the jihad-a-thon, the beluga whale of Cook inlet will be stuffed as an example of corporate compassionate conservatism and shipped to Los Angles,  and the democracy will be hunkie dorrie in that respect. In the 'work makes you free' 2dimensional logic of corporatism I should make a million dollars marketing jihad moniker lighters because in the religion of capitalism the invisible hand of greed trumps democratic common sense. The invisible hand can replace patriotism, nationalism and democratic self-interest. The corporatist misinterpretation of Adam Smith's economic philosophy has created the voodoo demiurge of the 21st century--yet Lenin did predict that capitalists would sell communists the rope they hang them with.

Democracy may at least exist on Mars after the revolution.

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