
The Universal Form of Self-Interest

Self and the interests of the self; if such cell of the soul implicitly concerns itself with being made aware in self-awareness supports its own continua of transitions we can say that it is. Self-aware beings have self-interests as the coine of the creation of thoughts. Some thoughts are effective and supportive of self- actions that perpetuate self-existence. Natural selection deletes those that do not pursue self-interest naturally enough--yet that is a two edged sword.

For we may ask what is self-interest. Is the logic of judgment made by self invariably accurate at determination of what is truly supportive of self interest? There is no a priori evidence given to the mind of self that provides a roadmap to fulfillment of self-interest. Amidst the existential ontology of being, self-aware experience must work for-itself to pursue the best course. Self-interest meets the acquaintance of wisdom.

Where does wisdom begin and end for the self, or is there an end to the acquisition of wisdom such that it dies with mortal life's final exhalation of borrowed time? Are there structures that may be built during life that provide such good for self-interest that might be found worth sacrifice to put up? What scales of values can be made if we must provide our own values, that would be worth the most at reinforcing self-interest?

The one may find it in his self-interest to join with the many, and the one may find it right to withdraw from the way of the many to seek the liberation of the one. Self-interest is a phenomenally existing idea that with wisdom may recover from the given phenomenal world of materiality and spiritual forms elements of being that provide temporal spans for continuity. faith may bridge the unknown and ponderous chasms containing the most precipitous challenges to survival. Experience and wisdom may encourage the self to find its interests in the transformation of self through increase of ideas through education or environmentalism.

Self-interest may lie in the well being of others, in a healthy ship and crew, in a peaceful government representing one's own interests in being free of foreign debts and obligations, in conserving the health of the planetary biosphere and in boldly innovating ecological reforms with liberty and justice for all. Self-in-te-rest may seek the primal relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with a higher or transcendental reason for being, for worldly duties and for such as an aretaic ethics founded in divine providence gives a categorical imperative to the process of being and becoming.

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