
Follow up On Enslavement of Intellectual Capital on Internet Sites

A Generic Reply to The Ad Hominem Follow Ups
Allphilosophy.com is about philosophy. I like to read and write it. Occasionally I express an opinion on social philosophy. As a point of free speech I consider it important for the survival and viability of democracy to do so. That is all citizens should be free to express ideas on political concepts and issues that concern them.

Some people incapable of comprehending why citizens should be free to express political ideas they are not in agreement with, instead make ad hominem or personal attacks in disagreement with political opinions. Ernst Roemer and many leaders of the NAZI S.A. were homosexuals. They were very successful at treachery, terror and subversion of society. It was reminiscent of the Cult of Bachus in Ancient Rome. Paradoxically the Democratic party nearly had a National Committee Chairman named Roemer a few years ago.


If one considers the history of the Weimar Republic and the roll of the Roemer led militancy of the S.A. in expanding the influence that helped Hitler's rise to power, one finds interesting parallels with the United States. For one thing we are pilling up vast foreign debts--even without the benefit of having lost a war. The Germans at least got their debt by losing a general war.

Youthful thuggery common in the S.A. of course was intolerant of those opposing their rise to power. In order to be cautious regarding dangerous currents in history it is useful to avoid making some of the same errors in political judgment endemic to certain historical cycles.

Writers should seek to defend free expression in the Internet. They should also seek to protect and defend individualism and individual copyright wherever the writing occurs. That was my reason for writing the topic here-to let writers be aware that just because corporations are large and pervasive, or sound like they are reasonable and believe in fair and just, trustworthy relationships with authors it ain't necessarily so.

There are many gradations of social relationships that are possible. Some relationships may be profitable while others can be counter-productive. Societies tend to prosper when their institutions are trustworthy and co-operative rather and offensive and exploitative. Democracies have fought long and hard to safeguard the rights of individuals from exploitation by groups and organizations. Sometimes corrections are required through law to rectify the anistropy of accumulated power and wealth that increases too far organizational power over that of individual economic liberty and equality.

When corporations have in effect absolute power over content they can make up their own rules. That lessons is a hard one to learn, and the government of the United States does absolutely nothing to reinforce the citizen's copyright security for the Internet. That would require a simple computer web storage with a secure account for deposit of new writing by individuals before giving it to be published on a corporate web site. Without a free publishing date/timed author federal account for copyright registration for digital materials individuals are vulnerable to a vast number of plagiarism, censorship and other nefarious, criminal attacks by the corporate sites. A free internet deposit account of digital materials for the benefit of U.S. citizens is so simple, low-cost and necessary that Federal failure to do so is nearly a support for global corporate domination over individual rights.

The matter of homosexuality in Washington D.C. taking over and ending marriage as an institution between a man and a woman exclusively has other points of attack upon individual rights. As silly as it may seem, once the heterosexual reproduction purpose of marriage is removed it can be defined in any way at all.

Traditionally states gave benefits to married people as a way to encourage population growth, iinan era of decline perhaps homosexuality is sought to be a reinforcer of population decline. If that is so then single people should be given equal rights for not being married, and 'single' should receive the same political and legal benefits as 'married' or individuals will be financially discriminated against. Single males may be required to sacrifice a little that married people can have some chance of getting their kids to school and so forth, yet it is an onerous foist on micro-economics to expect strait single men and women to sacrifice anything at all for the benefit of same sex coupling.

Parking meters in D.C. could be converted to robotic wives with canopies to marry up to days if population decline and heterosexual reproduction are deleted from the definition of marriage. I guess the U.S. Congress might support such a measure if they support homosexual marriage in the District.

On the particular topic of how intellectual capital is enslaved. That occurs when the income generated from the historical capital of an authors is exproriated and distributed to those perpetrating the alienation of the intellectual work. In other words, when a write constructs intellectual capital over a period of years for his own future profit, and that profit is confiscated, the writer is working for nothing. The intellectual capital is enslaved or forced to profit others that did not produce the work. The point is fairly simple.

As a writer continuing to work on producing new materials for profit hopefully to replace that lost to Helium.com's enslavement of my work over there (recollecting in a computer programming class in 1980 that the term for a dumb keyboard or terminal was a 'slave' device that just worked for a controlling structure) I haven't the time to simple back and forth with thugs. With eight years as an Army reservist I hoped to acquit myself directly and sharply without protracted ineffective encounters with an enemy, should I encounter one. That sort of protracted engagement is costly if one prefers to write poetry. It is possible to learn such lessons and apply them to one's civil interests. Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

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