
Create an Instant Internet Copyright Registry/Depository to Protect Freelance Writer Online Publishing Copyright

The ways that citizens encounter limits upon free speech within a corporatist society may increase with unlimited access of corporations for spending on political campaigns. Citizens and Congress should be concerned to defend and strengthen their efficient use of free speech and publication in the emerging corporate owned communications environment. Banned from writing at Helium.com for using terms such as homo and homosymp occasionally  amidst my half million words in original articles on a variety of topics in December of 2009, I realized that the corporate temptation to confiscate an author’s earnings through advertising revenue share on a large body of work must be irresistibly tempting. When the total rises to 800 articles corporate ethics may be challenged toward expropriation. Corporate control of Internet web sites would best be structured to impartially support the opinions of authors regardless of partisan preference, for to do otherwise is to fail at the ethics of democracy.

Helium.com had an agreement with the National Press Club that would allow Helium.com writers with more than 500 peer rated top five percent articles to join as associate members for fifty dollars a month. Helium.com and the corporate world in banning  authors access have also the power to block authors from joining the National Press Club at least through some channels.

One is aware that most journalists have historically been employed by the corporate world. In the Internet era the term journalist has become hoary of course, and journalists with good paying corporate and federal jobs are employed at the pleasure of corporate management that may terminate their employment as deemed profitable.

The corporate world is owned by the five percent of Americans with more than 50% of the nation’s wealth. Corporate and federal policy today is based on the principle of concentration of wealth for the elites. Because there are far more people in China, India and Latin America than in the United States the elites regard foreign interests as of more profit than national interests. Federal and media policy is dedicated to the promotion of global interests over national interests while the journalists that want solid annual income must essentially be members of the sycophantic herd.

The remedy for the control of journalism by globalists is to allocate the broadcast wavelengths to Internet citizen pod-cast radio-video downloads in geographic electoral regions. The control of the air waves for partisan purposes began as early as Mussolini  could get a job at a radio station. Elites ought not have control of broadcast frequencies if democracy is to survive.

It Is dubious that a writer should want to be a member of the National Press Club in 2010, yet is is certain that the opportunity to join should not be filtered through corporate Internet sites that tolerate writing only so long as language such as that of Dire Straits’ ‘Money for Nothing’ contains is not used at all. Totalitarian regimes do not tolerate free speech or dissent. The corporate and communist world each lock out free speech as they increase geographical and cyber-space power.

Hate speech is a politically pejorative term used to label opposition political opinion. It is a method for condemning and expropriating politically antipathetic writer earnings and more.

In the United States homosexual promotion by government such that males are limited in keeping homosexuals at an appropriate verbal distance. Reprisals for resisting homosexual political aggression may be actualize on authors. Personal attacks for political opinions are common. If homosexual males seek to have maternal leave with federal and state compensation if they adopt a cat for instance, and an author  writes a column denouncing homosexual male maternity leave as a butch ploy to get cheap cat food and slack time off, the writer may well encounter a storm of ‘hate speech’ accusations and a metal storm analogy in personalized verbal abuse--which isn’t considered to be hate speech.

Some homosexuals compare their behavior to being a negro/noir facing discrimination. The comparison is maladroit, and the virtually obsessive yet obtuse single-issue focus of the homosexual activists seems to encourage them to war through any practical means in order to gain hegemony over heterosexuality  normatively expressed in political opinion. Homosexuals give the appearance of migrating through nay sort of economic or political vehicle I order to accomplish the goal of transforming society into a homosexually friendly environment. Such counter-productive works are historically on the increase toward the end of a civilization rather than during it’s ascent.

 Besides insulting negroes, blacks, Afro-Americans or those that resemble superficially those that are from Africa and aren’t white or oriental but look that as if they are to the non-cognoscenti, it also requires that writers use trendy and fawning references to homosexuals or perhaps experience a cyber fag klan’s radical S.A. like activism against men with a delete and programming language hacking capability. Individuals should be equal before the law and not protected in special classes such that hate speech or hate crimes can be value-added special rights of political correctness. All individuals should have equal protection of law. People may hate individuals for many reasons, yet it is criminal activity such as theft or assault that is the funk.  What murder victim was not hated by the killer? Are some victims hated more than others? Is the psychology of the perpetrator really meaningful to the victim?

The federal government should create some sort of bomb-proof Internet copyright web site where a writer can deposit new material for instant and permanent, free registry of text regarding date and time of deposit. Such an online, free instant registry will protect American authors from the treachery and perfidy of the corporate world a little more such that independent citizen opinions are not simply deleted, nor authors accused of plagiarizing their own work as can happen if its deleted from cyber-space and reposted later.

American defense against de facto political totalitarianism foisted on the electoral scene through concentrated wealth and corporate power, as well as encroaching Chinese communist authority, will tax the intellectual resources of government. Government runs a huge deficit in the area of intellectual political philosophy in the modern era of course. Censorship is not regarded as such by many when it is perpetrated by corporate agency. Some believe censorship is solely a government prerogative, yet that isn’t realistic. Trial and error in surviving the tangled web of Cyber-space publishing
has many deletions, account closures and loss of revenue for authors. Establishing more security in web page publishing with permanent copyright time and date is requisite if trust placed is not to be in vain. A corrupt society may concentrate wealth, yet it also eventually kills the host--in this case, that is the government of the United States. The 21st century phenomena of large corporate organizations and networking will make society a de facto communist organization with variegated pay structures for badly informed workers and pampered elite managers. The remedy is to limit corporations to just 2000 employees and outlaw any individual or organization from owning stock shares in more than three corporations.

Competition requires freedom and the removal of totalitarian mass organizational networking. Competition and freedom are the heterodox mothers and fathers of invention.

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