
Faster Air Drops of Emergency Food for Mass Disasters Required

In the future mass disasters in remote locations that have a lot of immediately shocked and starving people ought to be relieved by faster air drops of lightweight food. From Florida military air transports might have overflown and circled Porto Prince Haiti and dropped millions of small and lightweight air-foil designed packets of beef jerkey and raman noodles as well as crackers for people to find the day after the quake. The beef jerky is very light and after soaking in boiling water can be chewed easily by people without good teeth. Crackers are needed to prevent diarrhea.

Some manna from heaven instant air drops replies to instant mass disaster could be made with twirling plastic package designs that won't harm the heads of people the food lands upon. It would be possible to design large fortune cookies in such configurations coated with plastic, or perhaps sheets of dried and compacted fruit rolls as small, edible parachutes. The U.N. rightly should get cooking on creating some sort of global long range first response food snacking relief capacity so that people injured in shock and or starving or malnourished already don't have to go extra days before being acquitted of uncertainty, agony and hunger.

Balanced diets aren't required for immediately starving people, and bureaucracies take time to establish regular meals in roadless or road dysfunctional locales.

U.S. air cargo flight might have been controlled from AWACS aircraft flight controllers over the island nation that would smooth air drop traffic patterns before sending the circling low flying aircraft on to land for refuelling at a U.S. air base in Puerto Rico.The ability to drop cluster bombs quickly on cities should be equaled by the ability to air drop immediate vast quantities of snack supplies to fill empty bellies during the immediate aftermath of crisis until the real chefs with the stew cooking capabilities arrive to toss swine and beef into the boil.

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