
Pre-Big Bang Universe and Uncertainty--comments

[____]; I thought I would reply as well, having some experience with another paradigm for lint recently. I have less experience with uncertainty theory not being a physicist, yet I like it anyway. 

If light is a wave then a sampling of it at a given place or speed would be just a section of the wave and hence it would have determinist characteristics in relation to how and where the 'snapshot' was made. Quanta in relative motion, rather than arrested in a strong, weak, nuclear or gravity protocol as may other quanta, skip the criterion of determinism a little better, relatively speaking.

Light and other particles have a deeper composition such as quarks, and may exist in extra-dimensions. I think present math theories for strong theory can posit as many as 256 extra dimensions, and so the appearance of mass-energy in various configurations by human observers in this particular Universe may be doubly representational--of our own deterministic scale as physical beings in these dimensions with a certain level of complexity, and from the aspects of extra-dimensional waveforms reduced to appear in these four apparent dimensions. Not all of the discrete quanta comprising a given wave-particle quanta need necessarily manifest in our four dimensions. Present graviton investigations consider such matters.

There is also the issue of dimensions and of there nature. In big bang theory the Higgs Field named for Peter Higgs is a kind of substrate underwriting the order of appearance of the quanta of this universe. The reason I mentioned that is because of the idea of dimensions and there relation to mass-energy before, during and after space-time and it's temporal order of appearance. In some ways I think that David Hume's ideas about causality as simply an association of concurrent or sequential events that isn't necessarily an accurate description of how, what or why things actually observed are--may apply to quantum physics. The quantum protocols work as investigation tools rather than as absolute things-in-themselves.

Yet I strayed off course from commenting about dimensions and there relation to mass energy. Perhaps dimensions might be compared to D.N.A. forms with interesting structure like the human genome, and differ as do the base molecules and proteins forming D.N.A. differ. Quarks as the fundamental quanta in this Universe are even so not the essential construction unit, and dimensional configuration and complexity is neither. The potential for formation of dimensional constructions in a given universe arises perhaps in the perturbative vacuum before the big bang.

If there is a dimensionless perturbative vacuum into which virtual particles appear, there may be dimensionlessness with or without space.

Dimensions may form theoretically akin to the way crystalline structures grow in complexity with more than four dimensions. If the basic endowment of energy has no dimensions, but is something like an omnipotent field of potential reduction into dimensions--its higher order or pre-eminent order may be able to surpass light speed or other protocol relationships of created mass-energy within the given boundary configurations of this created Universe.

That mass-energy may concentrate such as at a singularity, does not imply that there is a minimal reduction in scale. What force would prevent the deconstruction of mass from reducing itself in scale? There are metaphysical points of interests that philosophers can make on borrowed physical paradigms coupled with logic and necessity. The metaphysics regarding the nature of The One that Plotinus wrote about in The Enneads is a useful place to consider a theistic Universe or not. One may posit the nature of The One comprising zero-dimensional, zero scale omnipotence existing before the Big bang in relation to all possible Universes as subsets within then mind of God, or simply logically inquire into the nature of mass-energy existing before the Big Bang with logical transcendence of all contingent physical manifestations by some initial existent quanta of all quanta.

So that was about all I had to write on this topic for now. I suggest reading Maurizio Gasperini's 2008 book 'The Universe Before the Big Bang' for a quality exposition of string ideas in the pre-big bang Universe structure.

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