
An Ecological Economic Topic

Ecological economics is an actual scholastic field of economics that has developed in recent years. It might be considered an existential approach, or an empirical one. Anything that a government does without using its parameters regarding conservation will be less than effective. That is, the remedies might exacerbate the problem.


Ecological economics is the best theoretical approach to conserving and utilizing mass and bio-mass. It is necessary to change the value-theory foundations of economics as well. It would be possible to have a better quality of life for all of humanity perhaps while actually decreasing resource use through an increase in efficiency and knowledge about and coordination of global resources. If the end is not to simply make profit from phenomenal resources, but to conserve resources and get as much as possible from renewable resources that is a value that the people of a democracy must apply themselves.

Statistics have been compiled to show that women reduce family size with an increased standard of living after a generation or two, yet in the future an enhanced standard of living will requires an ecological economic approach rather than simply increasing through-put of non-renewable resources. The issue is not just a dialectic between accelerating resource us and consumerism to raise standards of living and subsequent deceleration of population growth to reduce resource over-use.

A government agency needs to be formed to help with the transition to a vast menu of ecologically more efficient methods of resource use. Government ignorance cannot solve the problem, and the present world governments are mostly signed off on corporatism and consumerism without rhyme or reason except profit regardless of environmental cost or the externalities of human quality of life...

That's why I mention the textbook 'Ecological Economics' by Daly and Farley occasionally. People generally don't understand what it is, or how it's parameters are requisite for living on Earth well in the future.


Population dynamics, resource quantification and so forth are what the discipline of Ecological economics is concerned with.

The logic of population reduction or control within existing economic methods lets us extrapolate that the remaining capitalists, if the population dropped to two billion souls, would simply increase their own consumption and standard of living 400% and more. Increasing living standards without ecological economic reason will tend to deplete resources that are finite.

A stable population, a rectified economic value theory that seeks for the most effective methods of increasing life standards without harm to the ecosystem is unlikely to develop with a government bound up in Wal-Mart and Macy's shopping theory. The effort to address the facts is what the U.S. Government is unwilling to try--at least so far, in its economic theory and practice.

I read recently that scientist have found that primates aren't especially socially bright. observations of primates have found that those that believe they would lose a fight tend to groom the proto-champ chimps. That may be why pro sports is regarded so highly rather than amateur participation sports. The entire social approach to economics as a kind of super-bowl with better goodies for the champier chimps better than those for the rest who do the grooming isn't concerned with optimalization of resource use, or the pervasive increase of intelligence as a value.

Philosophically, scientific facts about the total state of eco-resources are known to be absent from economic planning except as concerns particular resources such as oil. There is no invisible hand able to substitute for an invisible brain in capitalism such that the world's resources would be used most efficiently and for the highest human value within capital markets without government set parameters.

It would be a good thing if science could simply advance such intelligence that humanity would not need to design its life on Earth a little better. Perhaps energy from extra dimensions can be found--who can say that string theories extra dimensions have the same temperature as that of this cold Universe, or even that they run on the same time scale? Because science so far has simply provided data that is applied sprawling all akimbo in the economic and empirical realms if at all, an agency should be formed to empirically regard actual environmental resources with the goal of using them without losing them. It is a challenging and necessary task to avoid the gloom of doom.

Existing economic methods apply post hoc controls in reaction to damage. A priori optimal use of existing resources that doesn't lose them through use is demanded as a response to the resource challenge. It is the lack of philosophical thought about value theory, and failure to regard the well being of others with as much importance as our own that the economic structure fails to support human general advance in an effective empirically cognizant time paradigm.

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