
On the Oily Energy Politics in Alaska & Obama Administration

Exons are regulators of protein synthesis in the human genome--Alaska's political genome is regulated by Exxon, British Petroleum and other oil-gas corporations. Such chemical powers provide legislative sequencing in the genome out of phase with natural regulatory control mechanisms proven to sustain biological life. Development of heavy metals and oil fossil fuels and gas for short-term profits is a corporate funding phenomena known to adversely influence political reason.


The city of Juneau as a state capital is building a parking garage in order to help make downtown a ghost town after 5 p.m. Jobs could have been created for others than state government workers if the telephone hill location were instead a multi-story building of shop space, condos and the state museum on the upper floors. It would have provided more than 30 full time jobs.

A monorail to the location for the near state museum by the A & P from Telephone Hill would have shuttled visitors from the Juneau Transit Center and parking garage that should have been built there to keep cars a little farther away and to make it easier for shoppers to access the A & P, Salvation Army and bowling alley. The city politicians wanted to develop a ghost town and a place for the homeless to tent in event of serious weather emergency such as global warming perhaps--getting more bang for the buck just wasn’t there luck. Empty parking garages after 5 p.m. make good places for harmonica blues improvisations anyway--and music is vital to the pursuit of happiness after all.

A nation-wide super-conducting liquid hydrogen filled pipeline would be a good way to store electricity--that could occur in the Alaskan rail-belt as well and it should. Wind, solar and fuel cell power producers could feed into it. Superconductors have no electrical resistance and can thus store energy indefinitely.

The state legislature should fund a dozen million dollar each wind generators along upper Egan Drive between the Department of Labor and Coast Guard compound to prove they aren’t covert insurgents against renewable energy for Alaska--get that done this year.

Development of a non-renewable economy is implicitly mal-adjusted for the present global demographic and geographic facts of life. In 20 or 30 years when the next globalist economic bubble collapses it may be impossible to borrow trillions to ‘bail out’ and ‘stimulate’ the corrupt. President Obama’s plans to rely on coal and nuclear power just accelerate the stale kind of economic policy the Republican Party has advocated in there reliance upon global corporate domination of the Alaska Political Genome. Intelligence is really an important asset in politicians when it rarely arises a priori--generally they are just reactionaries--and that won’t work in the next thirty years well at all.


Chernobylity in the Obama Renewal of Nuclear Plant Construction?

President Obama has thrown in the towel upon abstemiousness on nuclear energy--having lived in the state of Washington during the Washington Public Power era of rapid expansion of nuclear plants that were eventually mothballed costing the taxpayers billions and billions, I am somewhat skeptical of the worthiness of raising the dead succubus of atomic fission to create elite anti-environmental industrial Chernobylity.

Oregon of course decommissioned its Trojan nuclear plant on the Columbia River, and the federal government has a long range, 50 billion dollar nuclear clean-up job at the Hanford Nuclear reservation also along the problem child Columbia River with pollutants from farm pesticides, dams that retard salmon runs and billions invested to keep that endangered Chinook population alive affecting even the Alaska fishery and global warming besides the danger of federal radioactive, materials contamination.

China of course has lots of nuclear plants and wants to build more--Iran wants more nuclear plants, and President Obama believes that one group of uncreative, dangerous political leaders are as good as another--thus the United STates too must build nuclear plants in the powert and energy growth race to keep up with our 'rivals'

President Obama said; "On an issue that affects our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, we can't continue to be mired in the same old stale debates between left and right, between environmentalists and entrepreneurs".

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HPddRn-Sn8 First Aerial Video of Chernobyl Disaster

The President supports the wrong kind of economic growth for a planet with finite resources and no moon base transportation program; it should be ecological economics with a full employment prosperity based on zero quantitaive growth--its all quality growth and intelligent economic thought rather than dirty sprawl and mass consumption increase. Coal and nuclear power are not inevitable nor desirable foundations for a modern economy for the United States.

The U.S.A. must lead or follow in energy production methodology. Conservation through improved design,superconducting hydrogen power grids and reductions in system throughput ineffriciency in commuter transportation energy and modality are feasable--what is lacking is intellilgence in Washington D.C. traditionally about how to change.

There are still less than 500 nuclear power plants on Earth.


With political intention it might be possible to create global no-growth economics, eliminate fossil fuel use in vehicles and structure super-conducting electrical storage and transmission lines within liquid hydrogen filled pipelines and that would create a lot of green jobs.

An exon is a kind of regulator of the human genome in a good way while an intron has a kind of opposite effect; in energy and politics the oil corporations have an evil effect upon the political genome in Washington D.C., and the reasoning of inefficient growth that requires new nuclear plants is just not ecologically rational. The Obama administration also does not plan to have a functioning nuclear waste permanent storage facility during its administration.

Nuclear plants will be devastating accelerators of casualties during any future war bombing mission that reaches the United States. If a biological disaster occurs the unattended nuclear plants globally will all melt down guaranteeing the assured radiological destruction of much life on Earth for quite some time. The President is seemingly becoming habitualized to taking the wrong direction--at least one Democratic Senator choose to abandon ship before it goes over the political falls further to crash into the muddy Boston Harbor from the clouds.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35421517/ns/business-oil_and_energy Article on Obama nuclear speech

President Obama's plan to build more nuclear plants exemplifies the stale macro-economic thought of non-ecologically sustainable economic policy. To summarize that; create more energy, more nuclear waste and more radiological danger in order to stimulate more consumption of finite resources.

Not recognized by government is the need to create a national, sustainable energy conservation infrastructure of super-conductors immersed in a cold-bath pipeline of liquid hydrogen produced from ordinary water. Live power production that does not storage electricity is far more inefficient. Input of energy to a storage grid for use as demand arises will let a variety of wind, solar, fuel cell and other energy production technologies to be fed into the grid underlying the nations highways.

Such a super-conducting grid would allow direct ultra-lightweight, smart all-weather go-carts to draw metered electricity for urban commutes in specialized lanes. Consumers should become conservers and producers at a family home level rather than urban dependents on global corporations for power and employment. Storing energy is as important as producing energy.

With rational energy storage and substantial incentives for increases of energy efficiency in building structures and transportation, the nation would be on the way toward rational leadership than unreasoning resource self-destruction, for the nation's security is at stake in multifarious modes through concentrated power and the proliferation of atomic fission plants in the U.S.A.

In the next wave of bubble-growth corrupt-growth economics, it may be very difficult to borrow money to 'stimulate' our way out. With a global grid of skiiming financial 'producers' leveraging 'consumers' to over-extend and spend on too large, energy inefficient homes and have no savings, any global financial break or failure sends the living-on-the-edge consumer economy into collapse of the local and regional bubbles. The second such future bubble collapse in perhaps 15 to 30 years will probably bring about a planet-full of regional wars in the chaos of a collapsed global economy based on growth that cannot be reassembled.

Toynbee Cycle; Stuck Accelerator of Political Decay

The foundation of the United States politically was generally formed as an agrarian society--rural people, overthrowing a foreign, urban elite. Rule by distant aristocrats over distant colonies with which they share no essential economic equivalent interests is a perennial historical theme as is the Toynbean cyclical acceleration of social leadership cults of decadence. Where aristocracies have emerged from democratic societies to usurp and even attack former rural majorities the gravitational center of political independence shifts from the popular support of the people to a more precarious and volatile urban metro-sexual succubus of sensuality and fiduciary power for it-self. In such concentrations of wealth and power elite networks arise to dominate global economic and trade facts.

A Chicago school of ethics ( I don't mean those of Capone) that formed contemporaneously with Dewey and subjectivism in linguistic philosophy elaborated a paradigm that objective, a priori ethic structures are not valid--instead a subjectivist conduct of making values vague and detached from empirical validity was provided.

While in some respects encouraging righteous reduction of rash judgments about foreign and unfamiliar moral practices it has also made reform of corrupt bureaucracy more difficult and disregards a natural law founded respect for all persons inalienably dues as their right as creations of God.

In the New England and Chicago post-moral elites prosecuting expensive military conflicts abroad, one must wonder, since there are few valid financial goals involved in Afghanistan at least, if the elite's believe its there inherent duty to provide moral instruction in a Deweyian sort of moral mish-mash through coercive conditioning of rural poor with bombs and Marine's with bags of candy.

When the people become dominated with Orwellian egotism materialized through cults of bosses driving herds of followers in urban, organizationally dependent lifestyles the ideal decay of social liberty and political independence follows; freedom and liberalization transition into definitions of non-intellectual, atheist maggotyness wherein consumption and mindless, non-reproductive sensuality for-themselves actualize as the embodiment of liberty. The public accounts deficits and freedom from coercive and pervasive state and corporate power are fine print at the bottom of the social contract held commonly to be as disposable as virtual Internet agreement best read by virtual lawyers at Boston or in Washington cutting deals with global billionaires.

Classical political failures of nations arise for the traditional reason that atheistic corruption decoheres family stability and the freedom of individuals to form families, personal associations and financial independence.. From the decline and fall of the Roman empire to the Weimar Republic the alienation of popular control of politics that formed the stability of the state through usurpations of power by minority elites--even the Bolsheviki--have brought nations to ruin. The Toynbee cyclical accelerator of the decay of civilization can strike the United States too--and from some points of view it has.

In the pursuit of global wealth large corporations have networked such that both major U.S. political parties are co-opted by corporatism. While Sarah Palin seems situated to bring female interest into the oily and elitist Republican Party she is also co-opted by oil politics as well as the anti-environmental recovery crowd. Democrats are another tool of corporate decay of national interests.

The Harvard cult of lawyers bringing first generation Americans to power in return for allegiance to global interests prosecutes a war upon rural Muslims in the high country of central Asia. The Taliban provided the usual shelter to Muslim radicals that attacked the United States and would not give them up so the United States attacked in 2002 and is still spending hundreds of billions of dollars in a temporal effort to force a central government upon the rural, independent Muslims of the area. The Taliban according to BBC reports is older than the Ford motor company and will probably outlast present federal efforts to sanitize the region of their presence. Instead of acting as the fountain of liberty the United States today has elite leadership acting in the role of a foreign imperial government of urban elites seeking to politically dehumanize rural peoples. The present U.S. leadership acts thus more like King George the Third than Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, or later figures such as Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone.

The effort to control rural, ignorant ‘rag-heads’ of central Asia such that they all pay taxes to a globalist friendly puppet government with citizens that will not use pejoratives to describe homosexuals with hate speech seems somewhat far a field from either the interests of poor rural Americans or of the brainwashed and for-sale allegiance of urban corporate employees. The cost to subjugate central Asia will come out of the pockets of rural Americans and urban minions alike--and probably is an interminable requirement because the Afghanis and Pakistanis are poor compared to the former prosperity of the people of the United States--decadence and the decadent lifestyle and values requires prosperity to achieve and central Asians generally can’t afford that.

The below the surface or behind the wall political undercurrents. visible with high tech infra-red intellectual probity in the affair are many; with decades of bad Iranian policy from Washington starting with Mossadec and British machinations through the shah and the aftermath the rotten current state of affairs is the result. The elites of Harvard perhaps seeks global population reduction and environmental rectification reasonably enough, yet feel that they must simultaneously concentrate wealth and power in the alumni to achieve that--and all evil methods are fine and good because the end of saving the world justifies the methods. Perhaps a Harvard axis of evil is only an appearance rather than a fact--yet global corporatism is too much shaping up like global Maoism or totalitarian Chinese communism for the liking of some rural peoples who modestly believe that other than manic urban political means of achieving a fair and politically equally apportioned global order could be grown.

What is required is good faith. Good faith counts for a lot; respect for religion, respect for the rights of others to have a good quality of life, respect for the fact that not all social environments have the ability nor reason to live the same way ass another that is traveling at a different social speed. The effort to concentrate wealth, power and politics leads to decay over time as imperial dynasties decay for a variety of reasons and in a number of ways. Building more nuclear power plants, cutting the moon base and populism of manned space exploration--these are elite, global corporate goals without rational cognizance of the implicit dangers of continuing to grow an urban based economic structure. Such structures divide polities into an inside and outsider basis--and everyone knows who is inside the beltway today.


How Does One Build Electro-Magnetic Solar-Voltaic Fields?

Magnetic fields exist for the Earth and many other solar system bodies--so why not use electro-magnetic fields to capture photons in order to produce energy for powering microwave ovens or to boost off-whirld electro-magnetic accelerated space journey units? I believe the conundrum is in the pudding, or the lack of it, and whip cream sufficient to make photon field collectors out of planetary-sized magnetic fields. I wish these scientists would get with it! What sort of solar voltaic field paradigm could be created?

Seriously though, after reading today the first article below on another research development for making electricity from solar photons I was reminded of how fine it would have been if as an adult if I had afforded more time for continuing scientific and philosophical researches. There should be some method to harvest solar and stellar photons in large fields to convert the energy to useful electrical potential for very nominal cost--actually for collecting the potential energy and narrowly applying it to self-interest.



An electro-magnetic accelerator or linear magnetic accelrator would accelerate a space journey unit at speed in relation to the mass of the unit to travel and the amount of energy activated sequentially on-line. To accelerate slow enough for survival of humans energy is only gradually added until at higher speed increased sub-6 G acceleration accumutively has reached a very high speed.

With a technology to shape electro-magnetic fields and to energize them with captured photons accelerators of sufficient size to allow velocities of a significant portion of the speed of light could be achieved.

Electromagnetic projectile accelerator
United States Patent 4432333 --

"Electromagnetic projectile accelerator comprising stationary coreless coils arranged in a row thus forming a tube. On the interior wall surface of said tube electrically opposite poled plates are mounted establishing an electric field.

The magnetic projectile moving through the said electric field generates an alternating switching mode in the respective electromagnetic coils whereby the acceleration of the projectile within the tube is performed."


Romans Invaded Western Europe in Retaliation; So Did the U.S. Invade Afghanistan

Rush Limbaugh gave an opinion about fairness and unfairness in society today. He gave as an example the Roman invasion of western Europe instead of Eastern Europe as occurring because of the easy geographic terrain to the west instead of more challenging to the right for Eastern Europe. Geography is 'not fair', and it was simply fate of happenstance that led the Romans to choose the easy way to a sure win. I disagree and will write about that later in this article.

The more important point is that the idea that life is not fair is used as a veiled reasoning in support of a conservative concentration of wealth and aristocratic disequilibrium to the advantage of a rich minority over poor masses. The classic battle since Edmund Burke of the masses to have a fair financial posture in society with a limit on the range of disparity between the rich and poor--say a one-hundred fold difference in annual income, in this global corporatism dominated political era is seriously challenged.

The reason for the difficulty in keeping a sound liberal bearing in the modern environment is that the classical liberal battle was muddied by the rise of socialism. Thus today the argument in the United States is largely between Conservative Corporatists and Liberal socialist; actual liberalism without socialism has faded away from the public viewing screen, and the recent Supreme Court decision to not limit Corporate political advertising spending because that would violate free speech will make it more difficult to recover the ancient liberal cause to resist exploitation by aristocracy. Paradoxical Adam Smith actually sought to liberate individuals of the middle and lower classes from the dominating power of aristocracy in the business and trade environment. Corporatism through networking and the concentration of wealth has restored the conservative aristocratic domination over society; A sort of Intron Oil of the political genome has evolved over Wall Street's Oval Office.

So Rush Limbaugh as the largest corporate sycophantic broadcaster of an independent sort, naturally enough supports corporatism as the embodiment of capitalism. Implicitly the political propaganda required to resist socialism and extol the virtue of unfairness in nature, politics and society is a defense of an aristocratic, natural right to rule over the masses.

Mass market aristocrats are today's Nietzschian supermen and women ruling over docile, raving dwellers of the lowlands. Not mentioned is that in a wild, unfair environment, the masses have a right to choose democracy, to limit the size of corporations to 2000 workers and staff-- so none concentrate too much wealth, and to limit the number of corporations that may be bought in to by any individual to just three--also to limit the concentration of political power and wealth.

In Adam Smith’s day--also that of the revolutionary founders of the United States, the aristocracy was simply royal whereas today they are simply rich. Modern social revolutionaries in support of renormalized smaller scale national capitalism and against the authoritarianism of corporatism and socialism ought to take the most practical measures required to create a free society for the modern world. The difficulty is that it requires ingenuity, intelligence and more mass education--while corporate supporters of socially fiscal stratified conservatism have unlimited advertising budgets as they rightly should. The problem is not in free speech but in the enslaved minds of American politicians.

Some have speculated upon the causality of Imperial Roman invasion of western Europe rather than Eastern Europe. It is held by some that geographical convenience of the comparative avenue of military ingress between Western and Eastern Europe led the Roman leadership to choose the easy western route over the Alps instead of the more challenging barriers to Eastern Europe. The concept is of course wrong.

The Roman invasions of Western Europe and of North Africa were simple challenge/response dialectics following the Toynbean historical cycles. Roman invasions of Western Europe and of the North African region followed invasions by the Carthaginians of North Africa and Germanic and Viking peoples of Western Europe of Italy.

The Carthaginian war by the populous and in particular under the military leadership of Hannibal who invaded Italy by way of Spain and the Alps led to the battle of Cannae. Hannibal lost his vision in one eye while waiting at the threshold of victory over the Romans for resupply from recalcitrant citizens of Carthage. The delay fundamentally turned the tide of battle to defeat for the Carthaginians.

If the Romans had any need of instruction about defending their nation against foreign invaders after the war with Hannibal conclude ding with Scipio Africanus ( “I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 96% how I react to it. “) sacking, burning and salting Carthage in Africa, it would have been provided by the invasion in two primary waves by hundreds of thousands of Northerners determined to access the fabulous wealth of Rome. Civilization and its storehouses of wealth attack the attack of the uncivilized like flies not uncommonly.

The Romans sent the same general--Marius--the uncle of Julius Caesar--out to defend against the Germanic tribes twice. The first was a battle at Marseille in which 100,000 northerners were slaughtered to fertilized the fields of agriculture for years as an unintended consequence, and the second produced the same result after the intimidating northerners slid naked down the Alpine slopes in a different route of invasions. The Italians did gain blonde bloodlines in more quantity as a result of the attack.

The Romans also determined to invade the homeland of the barbarians that had sought to plunder Rome. Julius Caesar and his tenth legion as well as others took Britain and Germany as far as the Rhine-even venturing a little beyond. The policy of the United States in attacking Iraq and Afghanistan roughly follows the same logic--that worked fine a couple thousand years ago and today it is perhaps obsolete in several respects as a practical reply to the 9-11 attack.

The 9-11 attack was created by several U.S. trained in Afghanistan former mufsidoon comprising an international guerilla organization. The occupation of Afghanistan to install a western friendly government that would not in the future harbor any anti-American terrorists was an asymmetric financial expense-and the terrorists were a fluid international element escaping to other regions.

One may adduce several reason for the causality of wars of civilization against barbarians, yet without a viable economic foundation in the barbarian nation to be invaded that could sustain a long term occupation by the reactionary imperial power the effort isn’t terribly practical. We read of the invasion of Mesopotamia by the rich Roman General Cassius in pursuit of the Parthian and the consequent annihilation of his legion beyond the Euphrates. We remember the defeat of the decadent Alexandrian empire’s Seleucid Empire in Israel by Judas Maccabeus the Jewish leader. It is obvious that the reason western Roman imperial holdings were more lasting in western Europe than in North Africa was the comparative fertility of each region as well as the comparative freedom from rival civilized power the Romans experienced in holding western Europe rather than in Mesopotamia.

Central Eurasia presents many challenges in security for the United States comparable in several respects to those encountered by the Roman Empire. Securing frontier defense outposts might be practical in Afghanistan, securing an entire nation and freeing a very populous Pakistan and Indian subcontinent as elate middle east from a variety of improvisational and ad hoc anti-American terrorist organizations is perhaps not possible through military investment and badly planned and inefficient civil investment through local ‘friendly’ government administration. The U.S. Government has serious difficulties in planning rational ecological economic investment in the U.S. economy itself much less in more barbarous or if not that at least more underdeveloped Central Asia. Perhaps the Obama administration will get a few Home Depot and Wal-Mart Stores to go up before exiting the area with less a trillion dollars give or take a few pennies.


On the Revision/ Draft of my novel 'The St. Novilistricka Plan'

So after working a month on a revision of my first draft of The St. Novilstricka Plan' I deleted the work accidentally. scztf!

One minute I am carefully saving the file and later even backing it up, and then anon I discover that in working on two different files simultaneously I saved one in each project and got rid of the book's progress--ouch!

So I will post my first page, as sophomoric as it may seem, in order to have a copy somewhere in case the back up original version should become lost.

Page one of 'The St. Novilitricka Plan...(science fiction)

Chapter One

At the summit of Old Schlepleglaubt the wind was interminably cold and yet seemed stale fixed to geographic conformzones. In the valley below thermals brought little relief to stifling heat that parched the fallow ground. I enjoyed foraging for pinions growing at higher elevations of Subductor. Pinions are a rare healthy fresh food on this world. Global warming continued increasing even after responsible neo-sentients had gone under.

Lush and I watched a holo-image in the air over a natural rock bench. Research of Subductor's exopogenic overheated atmosphere by neo-sentient pollutions provided evidence of dittoed dooming at latitude and altitude of the viable biosphere. on the world. It was the extraction of knowledge from decayed worlds and my own analysis of the Earth chaos leading to apocalypse sub-prime that brought us to Subductor, for it also had experienced social brainlock.

"It's the way my second home world-the planet Earth developed it's own relationship to the eternal teleology Lush. Human nature was fundamentally evil and brought about its own social ruin. "

"I think that's saying quite a lot Patrick. How could human nature be socially evil and yet function as a continuum?"

"Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the prophets of God described the deterministic future history of the Earth and the way that would evolve as Apocalypse. The power of evil that exists in mankind is the same will as that of Satan-the most egregious evil spiritual power known. Humanity evolved Satan's will on Earth freely through it's nature. Competitive, striving, unconcerned about the real well-being of others--primates humanity groomed as champions of those it believed were powerful enough to destroy themselves. Conflict and consumption with pride are regarded as the highest values. Naturally that lead to global totalitarianism."

Sen. Scott Brown- G.O.P. Presidential Candidate vs. Obama in 2012?

Newly elected U.S. Senator from Massachusetts former state legislator Scott Brown can claim as much political experience as President Obama before being elected, and received 4% mention as the G.O.P. favorite in the next Presidential election.


The Republican Party should provide substantial political challenge to the Democratic incumbent, yet they need an ecologically minded U.S. nationalist candidate confident enough to challenge the globalists plundering America of its wealth and degrading the financial security of the middle and lower classes.

The next two years in the U.S. Senate will be the new Senator's tough graduate school of political management styling before he may be promoted to take a run at the big chair of ultimate U.S> political power in the Oval Office.

Moon Base/Space Port Tech Cache Should Start to Compile

The moon is a good base-camp for off-whirld ventures and should be the practical, durable location of first-stage extra-terrestrial missions. Real space ships could be built easier on the moon than on Earth--it is just a preference to invest in foreign wars and training future terrorists abroad that makes an intelligent research and development mission unaffordable to the administration.

The Constellation-orion project was a basic way of restoring the moon access program. The administration should change and restore support for lunar development at least for ecological economic practice.

Ecological economic practices would create a biosphere where none exists.Oxygen may exist in lunar regolith.


There is good enough soil for planting on the Moon indoors. Mining machines can expand subsurface chambers that would be illuminated with fiber optic cables bringing sunlight to the underworld, while wire superconductors on the surface would contain electrons stored from organic solar voltaic capture during the day.

It is believed water ice may be stored in the subsurface soil and in craters of the south. A variety of ongoing Earth sourced projects from free enterprise and governments may be launched and received over the next few hundred years to the moon space-port and construction base.


Tehran Claims 20% Enrichment of Uranium--Washington D.C. So Happy It Wet Itself

The Iranian President's claim of enriching Uranium in order to make medical grade uranium able to be upgraded through repeated distilleries to plutonium proof is a cause for continuing U.S. policy planning pouting. I feel the government's seemingly meaningless comments from Washington on the Iranian issue have little effect on Iranian policy--yet they condition the people of the United States to years of dire, looming auspices of the high country.

The administration could make the day of investors in conservative verbiage from politicians if they adopted more real-politik circumstances regarding Iran, Pakistan and others. At least NPR could abstain from reporting what could be private communications to Tehran. PR posturing is more proof of posturing than of effectiveness.

Since Washington policy is fundamentally to enrich a rich global corporatist crowd instead of the people of the United States, it argues about market access more so than a moon base or profound ecological economic restructuring or the need for good jobs for the perennially unemployed.

Washington's perennial anti-missile defenses/cancel missile defenses, sanctions that don't work and investment of trillions to train muslim militias in Afghanistan and Pakistan seem dubiously destined for success. I wish them luck and hope that peaceful nuclear non-proliferation is the future actualization of politics. In the meantime intelligent thought counts too as well as reactionary bluster.

The Department of Homosexual Militant Defense might recollect that if Satan is one's defender, then one has no defense. I marvel at the administration's insensitivity on international relations as a perennial theme. Walk softly and carry a big stick was good enough for Theodore Roosevelt.


Federal Government to Spend 79 million to Catch Chinese Carp

The ferocious Chinese Carp species seeking access to the Great Lakes and the tender prey that are salmonids require a guided $79 million dollar fishing research expedition to halt. A variety of mechanical methods to keep the carp from slipping through locks connecting the Lakes to the Illinois and Mississippi river drainage seem the best method now--especially since 'genetic material' of the carp was already discovered at the Lake Superior side crime scene.

Plainly it will be challenging to prevent little minnow carp from achieving the freedom of Lake Michigan easy pickings deli of native American fish. Maybe the Zebra muscles of the Lakes can go viral and lure the carp in close enough to snap their shell on them?

If experience at restoring Columbia River chinook salmon runs or keeping northern pike out of Alaskan rivers like the Susitna are a guide to federal failures at managing fisheries, we can count on the fact that someone eventually will take a bag of carp minnows as live bait in a plastic bad from the infested rivers and release them into Lake Michigan at the end of the day.

Rather than a mechanical solution, there must be some kind of species specific anti-Asian carp element found to neutralize or terminate the carp life cycle even if it achieves domination in the Lake first. With the profusion of D.N.A. research it would seem that a biological control technique should be discovered. Because that area of interest is of a concern--anything methodically applied should have zero possibility of harmful unintended consequences for any other species including the human race.

It is not impossible that a fish bio-war may be declared by the U.S. Government after the mechanical defense at the Chicago River front is defeated by the clever, ruthless carp. If the problem was the fundamental thrashing of the health of the national ecosystem by corporatism and government design, it would be fair enough to blame the voracious fish for their disrespect for American trout and salmon.


First Cause Argument and Evolution

If you believe that everything has a cause, such as the universe emerging from a singularity that exploded because of a quantum instability ...