American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Philosophy Journal hyperlink: Quantum Time Theory
I have made a philosophical inference such that instead of gravitons or gravity waves, time quanta may satisfy Einstein's relativity criteria. Time quanta emerged like virtual particles from the pre-big bang universe, and reversibility of time polarity could explain the expansion and collapses of universes amidst additional features.
Obama Healthcare Bill Was a Ploy to Snag Higher Living Standard for the Middle Class
Richard Nixon sought to bring universal health care to Americans in a 1974 bill that was opposed by Edward Kennedy, now 36 years later--Richard Nixon's vision has become fact.
It is fundamentally wrong to pass a law requiring the U.S. public to pay corporations for health insurance. Democracy sometimes must directly provided satisfaction of its vital interests without benefiting special interests.There are many things wrong with treating private corporations as if they were public institutions-too numerous to mention yet I will offer several for illustrative purposes.
Supply and demand on pricing is corrupted by manditory legal requirements for insurance of all citizens. If corporations do not make enough money they can go out of business. Too much private data is given to the corporate world. Alternative methods of delivery medical care such as co-opts for communities are, a priori, disadvantaged as redundant.
Medicare and Medicaid should never have served as universal providing of insurance for large numbers of citizens. In the future the expansion of either may bring large numbers of poor but health youth and perhaps former illegal aliens into those systems adding unforeseeable new debt following any corruption of passing amnesty bills to reward those breaking the laws for the most time. Such prices with equity could be passed for tax evaders giving amnesty for those breaking the laws much and penalizing those breaking the laws just a little for a year or two.
A national medical service for the poor was the best way to provide the most medical service to the poor at the lowest cost. The Democratic Party lost legislative, intestinal fortitude after 9-11, and the end of the cold war.They do not stand up for democracy as opposed to corporatism--for fear of being labeled by the ignorant as socialists. Democrats act as if Sen. Joe McCarthy wad their political science professor so they must err to the extreme right or risk an 'F'. In Democracy, the people can freely establish institutions to provide to satisfy vital interests of people that cannot provide for themselves--such as health care for the poor. What they should not do is establish corporatist-socialist structures such as require citizens to pay particular private entities money.
Corporatism and universal corporate health insurance requirements are the best pheasable methods of developing universal oppression of individual liberty and democracy in the United States today.
Expansion of the V.A. hospital systemto include free treatment of the poor and illegal alien residents would create a vital functioning national emergency medical care infrastructureable to responnd at the lowest cost to national disaster. The poor could use the facility easily without strings or ongoing paperwork.
Obama care will require new bureaucracies to administer the tens of millions of people not enrolled as well as to verify the financial information of individuals applying for services. Some will receive somewhat degrading service conditions potentially for using programs that had before perhaps been reserved for the elderly in order to receive medical treatment. Illegal aliens by the millions will of course continue to use emergency rooms and stay off the federal paperwork all together. The debt will be passed along to citizens through higher health coverage charges.
One must believe th the driving force for the Obama Medical Plan is the desire of the middle class to have a free lunch, and the unwillingness of the rich to provide adequate health care for working people. As the quality of medical care increases the middle class want to exploit it all such as is available to the rich--they can't afford that and do not save enough, buy too large of homes the government must step in to save from mortgage defaults and deflation of value by the trillions, and but large wasteful of fuelo S.U.V.s by the two or threes per home--that lifestyle requires more than they can afford so the Democratic party and the Republicans too borrow trillions from abroad to fund their corrupt political economy.
It is likely that such an impractical lifestyle over time will result in the continuing decline of U.S. national independence. There are substantial reform steps possible such as I suggested above would work for squaring away the poor, and then the middle class could approach its not-altruistic desires for cheaper medical coverage for itself, apart from the obscurantism of providing medical coverage for those of us that have had to barter away a home lot for surgery, and then seek to avoid recurrence of the same injuries on the job, self-employed without insurance the next few years until becoming aged enough for Medicare coverage perhaps.
It is fundamentally wrong to pass a law requiring the U.S. public to pay corporations for health insurance. Democracy sometimes must directly provided satisfaction of its vital interests without benefiting special interests.There are many things wrong with treating private corporations as if they were public institutions-too numerous to mention yet I will offer several for illustrative purposes.
Supply and demand on pricing is corrupted by manditory legal requirements for insurance of all citizens. If corporations do not make enough money they can go out of business. Too much private data is given to the corporate world. Alternative methods of delivery medical care such as co-opts for communities are, a priori, disadvantaged as redundant.
Medicare and Medicaid should never have served as universal providing of insurance for large numbers of citizens. In the future the expansion of either may bring large numbers of poor but health youth and perhaps former illegal aliens into those systems adding unforeseeable new debt following any corruption of passing amnesty bills to reward those breaking the laws for the most time. Such prices with equity could be passed for tax evaders giving amnesty for those breaking the laws much and penalizing those breaking the laws just a little for a year or two.
A national medical service for the poor was the best way to provide the most medical service to the poor at the lowest cost. The Democratic Party lost legislative, intestinal fortitude after 9-11, and the end of the cold war.They do not stand up for democracy as opposed to corporatism--for fear of being labeled by the ignorant as socialists. Democrats act as if Sen. Joe McCarthy wad their political science professor so they must err to the extreme right or risk an 'F'. In Democracy, the people can freely establish institutions to provide to satisfy vital interests of people that cannot provide for themselves--such as health care for the poor. What they should not do is establish corporatist-socialist structures such as require citizens to pay particular private entities money.
Corporatism and universal corporate health insurance requirements are the best pheasable methods of developing universal oppression of individual liberty and democracy in the United States today.
Expansion of the V.A. hospital systemto include free treatment of the poor and illegal alien residents would create a vital functioning national emergency medical care infrastructureable to responnd at the lowest cost to national disaster. The poor could use the facility easily without strings or ongoing paperwork.
Obama care will require new bureaucracies to administer the tens of millions of people not enrolled as well as to verify the financial information of individuals applying for services. Some will receive somewhat degrading service conditions potentially for using programs that had before perhaps been reserved for the elderly in order to receive medical treatment. Illegal aliens by the millions will of course continue to use emergency rooms and stay off the federal paperwork all together. The debt will be passed along to citizens through higher health coverage charges.
One must believe th the driving force for the Obama Medical Plan is the desire of the middle class to have a free lunch, and the unwillingness of the rich to provide adequate health care for working people. As the quality of medical care increases the middle class want to exploit it all such as is available to the rich--they can't afford that and do not save enough, buy too large of homes the government must step in to save from mortgage defaults and deflation of value by the trillions, and but large wasteful of fuelo S.U.V.s by the two or threes per home--that lifestyle requires more than they can afford so the Democratic party and the Republicans too borrow trillions from abroad to fund their corrupt political economy.
It is likely that such an impractical lifestyle over time will result in the continuing decline of U.S. national independence. There are substantial reform steps possible such as I suggested above would work for squaring away the poor, and then the middle class could approach its not-altruistic desires for cheaper medical coverage for itself, apart from the obscurantism of providing medical coverage for those of us that have had to barter away a home lot for surgery, and then seek to avoid recurrence of the same injuries on the job, self-employed without insurance the next few years until becoming aged enough for Medicare coverage perhaps.
N. Koreans May Have Torpedo's/SUnk S. Korean Navy Ship--Russia-U.S.A.-Chiana Tri-Lateral Arms Talks in Future?
A South Korean navy ship was sunk following an explosion near the stern--possible from a North Korean torpedo. The recent North-South political difficulties highlight the kind of problems with economics and political environment the world faces today as it fails to rise to the challenge presented unto itself, from itself.
While the U.S.A. and Russia have agreed to limit themselves to perhaps 1500 larger atomic warheads apiece--we are sure this is enough to get the job done of vaporizing whomever needs to be vanished from the planet along with so many endangered species and the web of life on Earth. There is the consolation that humanity is making countless new products each year that can be adapted to end all life on Earth or just particular species or populations.
The nuclear weapons approach is crass and crude today. It is written that an atomic weapons dust up between India and Pakistan might bring on a global freeze up and catastrophic loss of human and other life because of all the particulates that would be put up into the upper atmosphere from ground level nuclear detonations. heres the hope that wisse heads will prevail and any atomic weapons used will not be detonated at ground level but instead at perhaps 20,000 feet above the major cities of each nation such that everyone dies below but not as much dust is kicked up to chill down the entire globe.
The United States and Russia ought rightly to be natural allies since they have so much in common including a Christian heritage and experience in creating large networks or soviets of organizations to repress individualism. Corporatism and its networks betraying western heritage for cheap profits in China may seek to exploit Russia sufficiently to defeat national self-interest and bring it under the wing of the Supreme Global Corporate Soviet of Wall Street listed trans-national corporations. The United States needs Russia to fend off the growing Chinese military and atomic threat--not to mention that of Iran and the rest of the terrorist elements of the Muhammadanist world.
China has more than twice the population of that of the United States and Russia put mutual military alliances against China are a natural development. Even better would be trilateral agreements that would have China voluntarily limit its atomic weapons increase and conventional military too, in order to save that wasteful outlay beyond that reasonably needed for self defense.
In theory the less China develops its offensive military capacity the less either would the United States or Russia need to develop there own--and with the fundamentally wrong regulation of world economic practices regarding environmental impact, the military focus of the three potentially or actually largest atomic weapons powers should be contained and reduced a little to free up political focus upon more forced ecological rectification issues. Atomic weapons development is an anachronistic direction that the world cannot afford today.
Ecological economic rectification requires not only the use of resources renewably so far as possible, but the elimination of habitat destruction and the end of chemical despoiliation of ecosystems--not even plastic cups should be used by the worlds male human population because of the release of estrogen like chemical compounds over time. Governmment regulation of categories of chemical use needs to be strictly designed and enforced.
A free market in Adam Smith's 1776 is different than that of 2010. There were no corporations then and a free market was contrasted to the aristocratic monopoly of trade enjoyed by the King and licensed royals. Today a free market is controlled by networks of large social organizations called corporations. Individuals have little real free trade opportunity that would conflict significantly with the totalitarian market control of existing large capitalized elites.
In order to restore a free market, the government should have differential income taxes upon profits from corporate shareholders such that shares and income from more than three corporation would be taxed at a 75% rate. To prevent cascading network control by elites of business through stock purchases government must actively seek to limit stock woning for an individual to three businesses. Then more free market phenomena for individuals might occur, and large, vested corporate interest may relax their grip on economic rectification toward an ecologically rational enlightenment regard they have generally resisted in blind pursuit of monetary profit.
While the U.S.A. and Russia have agreed to limit themselves to perhaps 1500 larger atomic warheads apiece--we are sure this is enough to get the job done of vaporizing whomever needs to be vanished from the planet along with so many endangered species and the web of life on Earth. There is the consolation that humanity is making countless new products each year that can be adapted to end all life on Earth or just particular species or populations.
The nuclear weapons approach is crass and crude today. It is written that an atomic weapons dust up between India and Pakistan might bring on a global freeze up and catastrophic loss of human and other life because of all the particulates that would be put up into the upper atmosphere from ground level nuclear detonations. heres the hope that wisse heads will prevail and any atomic weapons used will not be detonated at ground level but instead at perhaps 20,000 feet above the major cities of each nation such that everyone dies below but not as much dust is kicked up to chill down the entire globe.
The United States and Russia ought rightly to be natural allies since they have so much in common including a Christian heritage and experience in creating large networks or soviets of organizations to repress individualism. Corporatism and its networks betraying western heritage for cheap profits in China may seek to exploit Russia sufficiently to defeat national self-interest and bring it under the wing of the Supreme Global Corporate Soviet of Wall Street listed trans-national corporations. The United States needs Russia to fend off the growing Chinese military and atomic threat--not to mention that of Iran and the rest of the terrorist elements of the Muhammadanist world.
China has more than twice the population of that of the United States and Russia put mutual military alliances against China are a natural development. Even better would be trilateral agreements that would have China voluntarily limit its atomic weapons increase and conventional military too, in order to save that wasteful outlay beyond that reasonably needed for self defense.
In theory the less China develops its offensive military capacity the less either would the United States or Russia need to develop there own--and with the fundamentally wrong regulation of world economic practices regarding environmental impact, the military focus of the three potentially or actually largest atomic weapons powers should be contained and reduced a little to free up political focus upon more forced ecological rectification issues. Atomic weapons development is an anachronistic direction that the world cannot afford today.
Ecological economic rectification requires not only the use of resources renewably so far as possible, but the elimination of habitat destruction and the end of chemical despoiliation of ecosystems--not even plastic cups should be used by the worlds male human population because of the release of estrogen like chemical compounds over time. Governmment regulation of categories of chemical use needs to be strictly designed and enforced.
A free market in Adam Smith's 1776 is different than that of 2010. There were no corporations then and a free market was contrasted to the aristocratic monopoly of trade enjoyed by the King and licensed royals. Today a free market is controlled by networks of large social organizations called corporations. Individuals have little real free trade opportunity that would conflict significantly with the totalitarian market control of existing large capitalized elites.
In order to restore a free market, the government should have differential income taxes upon profits from corporate shareholders such that shares and income from more than three corporation would be taxed at a 75% rate. To prevent cascading network control by elites of business through stock purchases government must actively seek to limit stock woning for an individual to three businesses. Then more free market phenomena for individuals might occur, and large, vested corporate interest may relax their grip on economic rectification toward an ecologically rational enlightenment regard they have generally resisted in blind pursuit of monetary profit.
Ideas About Gravity as Time Quanta
Philosophy provides license to consider many ideas briefly and construct paradigms of a theoretical nature, so I write some philosophical thought about an approach to understanding gravity.
So there may not actually be gravitons then--why should there be a large particle crossing large empty spaces to link mass and energy? Perhaps it is a concatenated local effect and diminishes with distances because the mass thins out in empty space and gravity needs to bond its force through existing particles rather like waves in the ocean.
Gravity could be something entirely else though--a kind of apparent force thought of as gravity yet actually entirely a local and short-range force. Einstein would be nearly entirely right in this context; space would seem to be bent like a rubber sheet depressed with mass upon it drawing in other mass to its slippery slope. Farther away of course the space-time smooths out and the force of attraction diminishes toward the reference mass.
The idfference between apparent gravitational force through particles of attraction and Einsteins logical waarping of space-time because of mass for many of us non-scientists has presented a two-part approach to understanding what gravity is. Since they seem respectively somewhat inconsistent, I will provide another way of viewing gravity based not too much upon either.
Gravity might be an apparent phenomenon concatenated at the mass level that disappears with an explanatio of what is really occurring. Mass-energy particles may be associated with a dimension of time in proportion to their comparative scale. Gravity particles or waves may not exist at all.
The time dimension is short range and in relation to the scale of each unit of energy-mass. The initial impetus of the inflation and big bang era imparted a tremendous force to detatch the time stability of the basic quanta. As tthe inertai of the quanta was spent, time was created outwardly with space, and the quanta though implicitly seeking to bond with a particular spatial relation perhaps had far too little time content indifvidually to accomplish the reversal of space-time in-themselves.
This may seem something like trading a graviton for a time-i-ton, and perhaps it is, yet each basic quanta must exist with one unit of time for-itself as a being. The assertion of time concatenated outward in an expansion of time and space may be a way to account for and number of relativistic and quantum mechanical phenomena concurrently.
The acelleration of observed expansion speed of the universe may not be a consequence of dark energy or mass, but could instead result from individual time-it-tons orienting themselves toward a non-centralized direction in their effort to attach to space.
It is interesting to conjecture about a singularity of time and space that becomes subdivisible into fractions of time-space quanta subject to macro-thermodynamic effects.
It is also intriguing to consider a quantum mechanical computer- like universe that can generate one-off instantaneous universes of space-time in infinite number as branching devices to become consistence with observation. I should remark that God may have far more complexity in quantum mechanical and macro-cosmological potential than might be thought.
The attachment of time-unit quanta to space may be a feature of quantum superposition with entangled larger space-time energy structures within a detachment from time context of space itself. Space could be timeless without content or mass-energy of course, and would be a shortcut through which time quanta may associate.
One may consider such a topology of time with a variety of hypothetical features of course, and these are some of those I had today.
So there may not actually be gravitons then--why should there be a large particle crossing large empty spaces to link mass and energy? Perhaps it is a concatenated local effect and diminishes with distances because the mass thins out in empty space and gravity needs to bond its force through existing particles rather like waves in the ocean.
Gravity could be something entirely else though--a kind of apparent force thought of as gravity yet actually entirely a local and short-range force. Einstein would be nearly entirely right in this context; space would seem to be bent like a rubber sheet depressed with mass upon it drawing in other mass to its slippery slope. Farther away of course the space-time smooths out and the force of attraction diminishes toward the reference mass.
The idfference between apparent gravitational force through particles of attraction and Einsteins logical waarping of space-time because of mass for many of us non-scientists has presented a two-part approach to understanding what gravity is. Since they seem respectively somewhat inconsistent, I will provide another way of viewing gravity based not too much upon either.
Gravity might be an apparent phenomenon concatenated at the mass level that disappears with an explanatio of what is really occurring. Mass-energy particles may be associated with a dimension of time in proportion to their comparative scale. Gravity particles or waves may not exist at all.
The time dimension is short range and in relation to the scale of each unit of energy-mass. The initial impetus of the inflation and big bang era imparted a tremendous force to detatch the time stability of the basic quanta. As tthe inertai of the quanta was spent, time was created outwardly with space, and the quanta though implicitly seeking to bond with a particular spatial relation perhaps had far too little time content indifvidually to accomplish the reversal of space-time in-themselves.
This may seem something like trading a graviton for a time-i-ton, and perhaps it is, yet each basic quanta must exist with one unit of time for-itself as a being. The assertion of time concatenated outward in an expansion of time and space may be a way to account for and number of relativistic and quantum mechanical phenomena concurrently.
The acelleration of observed expansion speed of the universe may not be a consequence of dark energy or mass, but could instead result from individual time-it-tons orienting themselves toward a non-centralized direction in their effort to attach to space.
It is interesting to conjecture about a singularity of time and space that becomes subdivisible into fractions of time-space quanta subject to macro-thermodynamic effects.
It is also intriguing to consider a quantum mechanical computer- like universe that can generate one-off instantaneous universes of space-time in infinite number as branching devices to become consistence with observation. I should remark that God may have far more complexity in quantum mechanical and macro-cosmological potential than might be thought.
The attachment of time-unit quanta to space may be a feature of quantum superposition with entangled larger space-time energy structures within a detachment from time context of space itself. Space could be timeless without content or mass-energy of course, and would be a shortcut through which time quanta may associate.
One may consider such a topology of time with a variety of hypothetical features of course, and these are some of those I had today.
Poetry Journal; Implosion of the Tower of Life
New tine blossoms late in spring
budding ideas of mortal’s sap
sought well blent magic cakes some have ate
rhymes and riddles works worst rap
unleavened dread locks of green
breaking buildings down phat donuts dumb could hate
Donuts down all over town
plastic bagged for a silent world of dumpster diving loans
9-11 towers collapsing inward on their own
sensations of genomic deletions cast economic striving’s somas
Removing those living links
killing the worm prey for chemicals
deadened soil, empty ocean cascades of nullification
implosions ought be taught better than rand
Absent lower level structures pent up
changes flow like a Scythian blade of death
golden hordes aptly de-maggotified for fruit-flies
carry a reign of terror-sparked plosives wealth. Sought and shot such time well spent
gravity and tuhter tree forces snag a light beam’s rent
compacted algorithms like numbered information bit paintings living
add nothing to what we had, neither brooms or knackwurst plaid
Hawk talons struck awkward, individualist voles
driven ‘neath broadcast waves to form herds made to feminine bowls
to the edge upon the knife points of practical power reigning
lives were spent and binned, hairy wolf paws and whale traded for goals
Single malt, double fault, when the fall calls down
winter’s wisps’ of memory become hated
never again flickering into a dream on Earth.
budding ideas of mortal’s sap
sought well blent magic cakes some have ate
rhymes and riddles works worst rap
unleavened dread locks of green
breaking buildings down phat donuts dumb could hate
Donuts down all over town
plastic bagged for a silent world of dumpster diving loans
9-11 towers collapsing inward on their own
sensations of genomic deletions cast economic striving’s somas
Removing those living links
killing the worm prey for chemicals
deadened soil, empty ocean cascades of nullification
implosions ought be taught better than rand
Absent lower level structures pent up
changes flow like a Scythian blade of death
golden hordes aptly de-maggotified for fruit-flies
carry a reign of terror-sparked plosives wealth. Sought and shot such time well spent
gravity and tuhter tree forces snag a light beam’s rent
compacted algorithms like numbered information bit paintings living
add nothing to what we had, neither brooms or knackwurst plaid
Hawk talons struck awkward, individualist voles
driven ‘neath broadcast waves to form herds made to feminine bowls
to the edge upon the knife points of practical power reigning
lives were spent and binned, hairy wolf paws and whale traded for goals
Single malt, double fault, when the fall calls down
winter’s wisps’ of memory become hated
never again flickering into a dream on Earth.
About Writing Philosophical Science Fiction-Part Two
There may be many examples of good philosophical science fiction--in fact Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy and 'The Harry Seldon Plan' is a kind of social philosophy for itself. Frank Herbert's 'Dune' and 'The Jesus Incident implicitly presented alternative views of normal reality which comprises on occasion philosophical meritorious work.
Amidst philosophers Bishop Berkley's Dialogues are perhaps the most famous fiction method of presenting philosophical ideas--in that case the proof for Idealism (Ideaism). Yet we are not in quest of thinly disguised philosophical works dressed up with science fiction costume. We seek to create actual philosophical science fiction. Such work in a modern context may include neo-Platonism, String Theory and multiverse criteria. There is a need for flexible characters able to adjust to complete and sudden transformations of space-time continua, of the fundamental nature of reality, yet capable of keeping some dignity about themselves and not losing track of perennial, transcendent values that cohere in the logical constitution of the presented thermodynamic variables of the Creator.
Of course as philosophers writing science fiction we seek after the One true God recommended by Jesus Christ. We realize that Jesus had a system of transcending values that could not be fulfilled by any one human being on Earth in a lifetime--personal sacrifice was required. Jesus started the new age rolling with his own personal sacrifice. He told us also that those that save their lives will lose them, and those that lose their life for his sake, find it. Tough order of assembly obviously, yet humanity as an imperfect and flawed organism needs help in moving toward spiritual orders and rational (from my perspective) social reality in pursuit of pragmatic utopia rather than dysfunctional non-renewable macro-economics and depletion of environmental resources amidst and exploitative social infrastructure. In order to bring philosophical merit into our science fiction projects it is important to describe the temporal veils of appearance and circumstance that comprise bad federal policy on any planet or circumstance in which it may occur, if it serves to advance the story line.
We may ask 'where should we leave our protagonists--in this universe or that, dead in this lifetime or resurrected through some sort of super-medical intervention in another universe. Though we commend our soul unto God, everything else seems somewhat subject to change and insult, attack or depletion. We may not seek to create our own non-temporal realm of forms, yet we can contemplate arresting elements of the changes of space-time a little such as capture of photons in Einsteinium or whatever extrapolating perhaps to the freezing of quantum super-positions and all states of all waveforms in all possible universes until we get a pay increase in our negotiating humor if such serves to advance the science fiction story line.
While we may drop down puts into unpredictable holes with the assurance of a reduction of quantum uncertainty such as a Tiger Woods perhaps, neither need we form our science fiction plot lines with random association of macro-quantum wave-particle configurations pre-determined to emerge as any mundane universe flowing ineveitably toward thermodynamic exhaustion. Our science fiction descriptions have the trait of meta-stepping to a higher or lower level frequently enough to bring us to counter-act that effort to reach just the conclusive and best truth with decent in to lower realms nearly reaching the clouds of temporal comedy of errors and the praise of folly such as a Congress may prefer.
I believe its worthwhile making a comment about the Socratic dialogues probably the intended reference by Len above concerning "many of the Greek and Roman philosophers used dialogue to make their points."
Aeschylus and/or Euripides made a little fun of philosophers for their seemingly air-headed ways in their plays, yet the dialogues of Plato that captured the essence of the ideas of Socrates and his opponents in rhetoric were anything besides spaced. They brought an intellectual acuity to their day that has comparatively never been surpassed.
Socrates as a philosopher isn't known to have written anything at all--not much help then as a guide for a writer today of philosophical science fiction. Plato on the other hand, wrote a lot about Socrates and his conversations with other philosophers and people he led in philosophical dialectical inquiry concerning truth and it's nature. Yet Plato wasn't a fiction writer--he was more like a court reporter hanging out at the Agora and at other famous Athenian locals capturing the best of the life and times of Socrates.
There were other writers of non-fiction in the 5th century B.C. of course--historians and such. There were also dramatist-playwrights and poets. Fiction wasn't much of a genre back then. In fact Cervantes and Don Quixote built up from many short stories and in Japan The Tales of Genji are two of the earliest novels. Philosophers generally wrote non-fiction and more technically in both ancient Greece and Rome. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius doesn't provide a mix of dialogue and prose fiction scene setting--we must wait some time for that.
Plato was a philosopher writing about his idea of what another philosopher said. Our issue for this essay was discover methods of making the writing of philosophical science fiction simpler. We like dialogue, yet it is too simple and insufficient for making an interesting story if it is actual philosophy--for it is then mostly speculative non-fiction. Our philosopher writing a story simply breaks up his monologue into two parts and has a dialectical exchange format for presenting the ideas.
That was the reason for the three to one rule of description to dialogue-one may write a fifty thousand word philosophical monologue in two parts and throw in some parsley and sprigs of mint for scene setting. Like Tolstoy at the end of Anna Karenina throwing his used-up heroine under a train (tragically) to provide a quick ending to a story he had lost interest in continuing, the philosophical science fiction writer has the risk of evaluating his descriptive portion as insignificant and just provide highlights as accoutrements to the main course of philosophy. Prose fiction writing is important too for the philosophical science fiction novel--so plotting is very helpful in creating a framework into which the philosophy can fit--it is not an afterthought, or an indirect product of a well written novel such that philosophical meaning might appear here and there like the sun breaking through interminable months of nimbus clouds and rain to shine some light into the underworld of temporal existence.
Amidst philosophers Bishop Berkley's Dialogues are perhaps the most famous fiction method of presenting philosophical ideas--in that case the proof for Idealism (Ideaism). Yet we are not in quest of thinly disguised philosophical works dressed up with science fiction costume. We seek to create actual philosophical science fiction. Such work in a modern context may include neo-Platonism, String Theory and multiverse criteria. There is a need for flexible characters able to adjust to complete and sudden transformations of space-time continua, of the fundamental nature of reality, yet capable of keeping some dignity about themselves and not losing track of perennial, transcendent values that cohere in the logical constitution of the presented thermodynamic variables of the Creator.
Of course as philosophers writing science fiction we seek after the One true God recommended by Jesus Christ. We realize that Jesus had a system of transcending values that could not be fulfilled by any one human being on Earth in a lifetime--personal sacrifice was required. Jesus started the new age rolling with his own personal sacrifice. He told us also that those that save their lives will lose them, and those that lose their life for his sake, find it. Tough order of assembly obviously, yet humanity as an imperfect and flawed organism needs help in moving toward spiritual orders and rational (from my perspective) social reality in pursuit of pragmatic utopia rather than dysfunctional non-renewable macro-economics and depletion of environmental resources amidst and exploitative social infrastructure. In order to bring philosophical merit into our science fiction projects it is important to describe the temporal veils of appearance and circumstance that comprise bad federal policy on any planet or circumstance in which it may occur, if it serves to advance the story line.
We may ask 'where should we leave our protagonists--in this universe or that, dead in this lifetime or resurrected through some sort of super-medical intervention in another universe. Though we commend our soul unto God, everything else seems somewhat subject to change and insult, attack or depletion. We may not seek to create our own non-temporal realm of forms, yet we can contemplate arresting elements of the changes of space-time a little such as capture of photons in Einsteinium or whatever extrapolating perhaps to the freezing of quantum super-positions and all states of all waveforms in all possible universes until we get a pay increase in our negotiating humor if such serves to advance the science fiction story line.
While we may drop down puts into unpredictable holes with the assurance of a reduction of quantum uncertainty such as a Tiger Woods perhaps, neither need we form our science fiction plot lines with random association of macro-quantum wave-particle configurations pre-determined to emerge as any mundane universe flowing ineveitably toward thermodynamic exhaustion. Our science fiction descriptions have the trait of meta-stepping to a higher or lower level frequently enough to bring us to counter-act that effort to reach just the conclusive and best truth with decent in to lower realms nearly reaching the clouds of temporal comedy of errors and the praise of folly such as a Congress may prefer.
I believe its worthwhile making a comment about the Socratic dialogues probably the intended reference by Len above concerning "many of the Greek and Roman philosophers used dialogue to make their points."
Aeschylus and/or Euripides made a little fun of philosophers for their seemingly air-headed ways in their plays, yet the dialogues of Plato that captured the essence of the ideas of Socrates and his opponents in rhetoric were anything besides spaced. They brought an intellectual acuity to their day that has comparatively never been surpassed.
Socrates as a philosopher isn't known to have written anything at all--not much help then as a guide for a writer today of philosophical science fiction. Plato on the other hand, wrote a lot about Socrates and his conversations with other philosophers and people he led in philosophical dialectical inquiry concerning truth and it's nature. Yet Plato wasn't a fiction writer--he was more like a court reporter hanging out at the Agora and at other famous Athenian locals capturing the best of the life and times of Socrates.
There were other writers of non-fiction in the 5th century B.C. of course--historians and such. There were also dramatist-playwrights and poets. Fiction wasn't much of a genre back then. In fact Cervantes and Don Quixote built up from many short stories and in Japan The Tales of Genji are two of the earliest novels. Philosophers generally wrote non-fiction and more technically in both ancient Greece and Rome. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius doesn't provide a mix of dialogue and prose fiction scene setting--we must wait some time for that.
Plato was a philosopher writing about his idea of what another philosopher said. Our issue for this essay was discover methods of making the writing of philosophical science fiction simpler. We like dialogue, yet it is too simple and insufficient for making an interesting story if it is actual philosophy--for it is then mostly speculative non-fiction. Our philosopher writing a story simply breaks up his monologue into two parts and has a dialectical exchange format for presenting the ideas.
That was the reason for the three to one rule of description to dialogue-one may write a fifty thousand word philosophical monologue in two parts and throw in some parsley and sprigs of mint for scene setting. Like Tolstoy at the end of Anna Karenina throwing his used-up heroine under a train (tragically) to provide a quick ending to a story he had lost interest in continuing, the philosophical science fiction writer has the risk of evaluating his descriptive portion as insignificant and just provide highlights as accoutrements to the main course of philosophy. Prose fiction writing is important too for the philosophical science fiction novel--so plotting is very helpful in creating a framework into which the philosophy can fit--it is not an afterthought, or an indirect product of a well written novel such that philosophical meaning might appear here and there like the sun breaking through interminable months of nimbus clouds and rain to shine some light into the underworld of temporal existence.
If Federal Forcing of Citizens to Buy Health Insurance is Illegal, A Public Health Service for the Poor Could Be the Remedy
If twelve states including Virginia plan to sue the Federal Government, or file legal challenges to manditory health insurance purchases from private corporations, they may well win. The Attorney General for Robert E. Lee's home state has fire in his eyes looking upon Obama care. He does have a better legal leg to stand on than did Robert E. Lee regarding military prospects for beating Washington.
Paradoxically, the first black President is expanding the first de facto corporoatist law requiring the purchase of anything from Corporations. Wal-Mart should get into the insurance business so we could all fullfill our legal duties by shopping for insurance there. They may be able to cut deal with China and all their juan floating about so Americans can become insured by the prosperity of that communist government.
There never was an actual alternative constitutionally to performing good government work in Congress at which they have of course failed. The poor need free health care, illegal aliens need to be kept on the other side of the border, a national health service for the poor had to be established--the Congress just wasn't up to these challenges, and neither could it recognize the difference between socialism, corporatism and democracy. The Congress just gave up on democracy.
The U.S. Supreme Court was right about not limiting corporate campaign spending of course--the rectification required is just to give over all broadcast airwaves to the use of individual citizens for a fair political slice of personal political podcast year-round. The corporate domination of the broadcast spectrum is where the right democratic correction should be made--the present Congress just hasn't got evident political theory I.Q. points such that they don't fail the challenges of modern political complexity.
So I anticipate that the Federal drift to corporatism will continue reinforced by Republicans and Democrats. None wish to trouble themselves by upgrading their political philosophy such that they could recognize national reality.
Paradoxically, the first black President is expanding the first de facto corporoatist law requiring the purchase of anything from Corporations. Wal-Mart should get into the insurance business so we could all fullfill our legal duties by shopping for insurance there. They may be able to cut deal with China and all their juan floating about so Americans can become insured by the prosperity of that communist government.
There never was an actual alternative constitutionally to performing good government work in Congress at which they have of course failed. The poor need free health care, illegal aliens need to be kept on the other side of the border, a national health service for the poor had to be established--the Congress just wasn't up to these challenges, and neither could it recognize the difference between socialism, corporatism and democracy. The Congress just gave up on democracy.
The U.S. Supreme Court was right about not limiting corporate campaign spending of course--the rectification required is just to give over all broadcast airwaves to the use of individual citizens for a fair political slice of personal political podcast year-round. The corporate domination of the broadcast spectrum is where the right democratic correction should be made--the present Congress just hasn't got evident political theory I.Q. points such that they don't fail the challenges of modern political complexity.
So I anticipate that the Federal drift to corporatism will continue reinforced by Republicans and Democrats. None wish to trouble themselves by upgrading their political philosophy such that they could recognize national reality.
Super-Conducting Electron Storage Packs for the Moon and Mars?
With superconductors practical at very low temperatures, I have wondered if N.A.S.A. has developed super-conductor storage 'batteries' for small space-craft. A variety of super-conductor 'battery' storage packs could be launched into space and made available for storing solar power and perhaps partly charge small ion engines.
Hundreds of super-conductor electron storage units might be deposited on the moon in various locations for electrical needs of astronauts and other. Although Mars is warmer than the moon, it might be worth studying the concept of landing super-conductor storage units there too in order that various space-craft roving on the surface could be recharged readily. Suoer-conducting technology would of course be useful on Alaska's North Slope and the rest of the Earth.
The moon would be a very good place for creating networks of super-conducting wire grids for surface transportation power. Solar panels of a thin film might be laid out nearby to input electrons to the super-conductor.
Has a study been done on thee maximum density of superconducting storage of electrons? What about the lightest weight for super-conducting materials? Can superconducting materials be designed integrated with thin film solar voltaic capture?
With the recent publication of the discovery of a substantial amount of ice in at least 42 craters on the moon-some as much as six feet in depth, it is disturbing mildly, to recall that some would exploit that rare resource for rocket fuel. Such valuable ice-water should be for drinking and growing plants within a 100% recycling containment context. Such profligacy with resources is remarkable yet consistent wit federal non-renewable macro-economic policy.
Hundreds of super-conductor electron storage units might be deposited on the moon in various locations for electrical needs of astronauts and other. Although Mars is warmer than the moon, it might be worth studying the concept of landing super-conductor storage units there too in order that various space-craft roving on the surface could be recharged readily. Suoer-conducting technology would of course be useful on Alaska's North Slope and the rest of the Earth.
The moon would be a very good place for creating networks of super-conducting wire grids for surface transportation power. Solar panels of a thin film might be laid out nearby to input electrons to the super-conductor.
Has a study been done on thee maximum density of superconducting storage of electrons? What about the lightest weight for super-conducting materials? Can superconducting materials be designed integrated with thin film solar voltaic capture?
With the recent publication of the discovery of a substantial amount of ice in at least 42 craters on the moon-some as much as six feet in depth, it is disturbing mildly, to recall that some would exploit that rare resource for rocket fuel. Such valuable ice-water should be for drinking and growing plants within a 100% recycling containment context. Such profligacy with resources is remarkable yet consistent wit federal non-renewable macro-economic policy.
Democrat's Starbucks 'Health' Bill a Move Into Corporate Slavery
Forcing Americans to buy health insurance from 'private', and in some cases multi-national business organizations known as corporations, is a giant step backward in the long march to human liberty. Jesus Christ provides freedom that liberates mankind from the mindless meat-headed drudgery of enslavement to Satan. Satan sifts humanity like wheat and would process all human beings like meat in a meat market without freedom except to be sensually immoral like sardines in a tin waiting for the lid to be sealed shut. naturally enough the President and the Congress may seek to accelerate the drafting of all souls into the compulsory snares of the prince of darkness.
There is a logical fallacy well known to philosophy such that what is good or effective for a group of limited size is good for all regardless of number. Buying insurance for the homeless people of Cleveland would be a good idea and noble thing, yet signing up all poor Americans to private insurance programs will fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between government, corporations and citizens. Some may believe in error that forcing by law all Americans to enroll in health insurance programs they cannot afford is a cosmopolitan act of sophistication--it is not. In fact the three neo-sophisticated Presidents provided by elites--Clinton, bush II and Obama, have all failed to comprehend fundamental principles of the United States historically or to educate the public and youth on those values largely. One cannot motivate with a T-Ball Presidency making it appear that Harvard and old money is the key to success, etc. Outsourcing opportunity for Americans to Oxford and making Harvard the cinched way to succeed and 'lead' the nation also fails to insp0ire for it draws upon then understanding of elites with little practical regard for working people--they are fish to be processed for the profit of business--plenty of fish out there here or in Mexico--so sign them up to tithe their corporate rulers. They can have tea parties...such as might little children without revolutionary intent. They need a foreign oil and cars party.
Mandatory health insurance will force new layers of government bureaucracy, provide for data for government tracking of citizens, take more time of citizens to comply with paperwork, and compel citizens to pay the highest costs for the provisioning of health care for the poor. A reformed and expanded V.A. hospital system that would treat the nation's poor for no charge would be a better, cheaper way to deliver health treatment to the poor.
At one point in America's past, practical affordability was an issue in all political matters. Before the starbuck generation and the concept of deficit spending fr4om the cornucopia in the sky over China, Japan, India and elsewhere arose such that fiscal responsibility could not be taken for granted, politicians actually sought to be able to afford on a budget important pieces of public legislation. The health care bill is a Starbucks kind of damn the cost approach to medicine that will inevitably later be used to bleed the people of higher and higher health payments through a variety of unforeseen methods. It is a lever upon working people of tremendous scale--containing public health for the poor through public ally financed non-[profit medical facilities is a far more rational approach. The Government is a corporatist tool, with a corporatist court. legislature and President.
There is a logical fallacy well known to philosophy such that what is good or effective for a group of limited size is good for all regardless of number. Buying insurance for the homeless people of Cleveland would be a good idea and noble thing, yet signing up all poor Americans to private insurance programs will fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between government, corporations and citizens. Some may believe in error that forcing by law all Americans to enroll in health insurance programs they cannot afford is a cosmopolitan act of sophistication--it is not. In fact the three neo-sophisticated Presidents provided by elites--Clinton, bush II and Obama, have all failed to comprehend fundamental principles of the United States historically or to educate the public and youth on those values largely. One cannot motivate with a T-Ball Presidency making it appear that Harvard and old money is the key to success, etc. Outsourcing opportunity for Americans to Oxford and making Harvard the cinched way to succeed and 'lead' the nation also fails to insp0ire for it draws upon then understanding of elites with little practical regard for working people--they are fish to be processed for the profit of business--plenty of fish out there here or in Mexico--so sign them up to tithe their corporate rulers. They can have tea parties...such as might little children without revolutionary intent. They need a foreign oil and cars party.
Mandatory health insurance will force new layers of government bureaucracy, provide for data for government tracking of citizens, take more time of citizens to comply with paperwork, and compel citizens to pay the highest costs for the provisioning of health care for the poor. A reformed and expanded V.A. hospital system that would treat the nation's poor for no charge would be a better, cheaper way to deliver health treatment to the poor.
At one point in America's past, practical affordability was an issue in all political matters. Before the starbuck generation and the concept of deficit spending fr4om the cornucopia in the sky over China, Japan, India and elsewhere arose such that fiscal responsibility could not be taken for granted, politicians actually sought to be able to afford on a budget important pieces of public legislation. The health care bill is a Starbucks kind of damn the cost approach to medicine that will inevitably later be used to bleed the people of higher and higher health payments through a variety of unforeseen methods. It is a lever upon working people of tremendous scale--containing public health for the poor through public ally financed non-[profit medical facilities is a far more rational approach. The Government is a corporatist tool, with a corporatist court. legislature and President.
Jihad Jane a Disappointment-Not a Surprise
Really; the Jihad Jane does not surprise us. Americans have learned elementary statistical reason. One finds fishing good in the usual likely spots, though an occasional lunker may migrate to other grounds. The Muslim mufsidoon movement of unholy war may make converts in Detroit or Boston. We have have seen the film Ultraviolet, and are aware to what extent the enemy may go to infilitrate their forces across the line.
So if it is a Manchurian candidate, or a Sigourney Weaver infected with an alien feotus about to grow up and devour Cleveland, we will not be surprised. Jihad Jane is a disappointment though; she might have been a cute all-American girl in Congress or driving the bus instead of a hunter-scout of alien cartoonist making funny with the evil empires of fact or fiction.
Is Jihad Jane even a real blonde? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.
One might wonder if any of the 9-11 hijackers from Logan airport were Red Sox fans piling it on to end the curse for trading the Babe and take a World Series as a Communist plot...just because the cold war ended in 1989 it doesn't mean that communist plots did--the Red Sox won the Series in 2004. One cannot stereotype all hijacker-terrorists, secretly disaffected C.I.A. black op alumni or Boston Red Sox fans because Boston's where the terrorists landed to spend their last night on Earth before flying their mission of death; isn't N.P.R. headquartered in Boston?
Some terrorists could be from Riyad or Yemen.
No--the fact that some East Coast woman perhaps from Boston who was living in Pennsylvania was hired to hunt a European cartoonist does not change the fact that the motivation for Muslim terrorists to act originate in Muslim beliefs and the poverty of Muslim nations. The blonde hunter for the cartoonist was a Muslim after all. She may have had Stockholm syndrome after the capture of her heart by the forces of Mohammad--who knows? The economy is off--one must assume she did not work for free, and got paid air tickets to Europe, interesting clandestine meetings in smoke filled bars and restaurant tabs picked up by terrorist corporate.
We know that some blondes are Muslim, and some Muslims are terrorists, but not all blonde Muslims are terrorists. Syllogisms are of such use in reasoning these not difficult points out. It would be helpful if some columnists used more logic ocassionally. We will still expect that with most good baseball players being of Latino origin for various reasons-its still a good place to look for baseball players, of course some are from Japan and Minnesota, yet we will not look in Fiji or baseball stars when everyone knows its where football players are recruited--and Muslim nations abroad are still the best place to anticipate anti-American terrorists to arise with good military experience that the United States probably provided earlier.
So if it is a Manchurian candidate, or a Sigourney Weaver infected with an alien feotus about to grow up and devour Cleveland, we will not be surprised. Jihad Jane is a disappointment though; she might have been a cute all-American girl in Congress or driving the bus instead of a hunter-scout of alien cartoonist making funny with the evil empires of fact or fiction.
Is Jihad Jane even a real blonde? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.
One might wonder if any of the 9-11 hijackers from Logan airport were Red Sox fans piling it on to end the curse for trading the Babe and take a World Series as a Communist plot...just because the cold war ended in 1989 it doesn't mean that communist plots did--the Red Sox won the Series in 2004. One cannot stereotype all hijacker-terrorists, secretly disaffected C.I.A. black op alumni or Boston Red Sox fans because Boston's where the terrorists landed to spend their last night on Earth before flying their mission of death; isn't N.P.R. headquartered in Boston?
Some terrorists could be from Riyad or Yemen.
No--the fact that some East Coast woman perhaps from Boston who was living in Pennsylvania was hired to hunt a European cartoonist does not change the fact that the motivation for Muslim terrorists to act originate in Muslim beliefs and the poverty of Muslim nations. The blonde hunter for the cartoonist was a Muslim after all. She may have had Stockholm syndrome after the capture of her heart by the forces of Mohammad--who knows? The economy is off--one must assume she did not work for free, and got paid air tickets to Europe, interesting clandestine meetings in smoke filled bars and restaurant tabs picked up by terrorist corporate.
We know that some blondes are Muslim, and some Muslims are terrorists, but not all blonde Muslims are terrorists. Syllogisms are of such use in reasoning these not difficult points out. It would be helpful if some columnists used more logic ocassionally. We will still expect that with most good baseball players being of Latino origin for various reasons-its still a good place to look for baseball players, of course some are from Japan and Minnesota, yet we will not look in Fiji or baseball stars when everyone knows its where football players are recruited--and Muslim nations abroad are still the best place to anticipate anti-American terrorists to arise with good military experience that the United States probably provided earlier.
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