
Poetry Journal; Implosion of the Tower of Life

New tine blossoms late in spring
budding ideas of mortal’s sap
sought well blent magic cakes some have ate
rhymes and riddles works worst rap
unleavened dread locks of green
breaking buildings down phat donuts dumb could hate

Donuts down all over town
plastic bagged for a silent world of dumpster diving loans
9-11 towers collapsing inward on their own
sensations of genomic deletions cast economic striving’s somas

Removing those living links
killing the worm prey for chemicals
deadened soil, empty ocean cascades of nullification
implosions ought be taught better than rand

Absent lower level structures pent up
changes flow like a Scythian blade of death
golden hordes aptly de-maggotified for fruit-flies
carry a reign of terror-sparked plosives wealth. Sought and shot such time well spent
gravity and tuhter tree forces snag a light beam’s rent
compacted algorithms like numbered information bit paintings living
add nothing to what we had, neither brooms or knackwurst plaid

Hawk talons struck awkward, individualist voles
driven ‘neath broadcast waves to form herds made to feminine bowls
to the edge upon the knife points of practical power reigning
lives were spent and binned, hairy wolf paws and whale traded for goals

Single malt, double fault, when the fall calls down
winter’s wisps’ of memory become hated
never again flickering into a dream on Earth.

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