I think there are many ways to view and label the energy-mass presented to mind such as comprise the Universe. In reading Krishnamurti's books I enjoyed his peaceful, contemplative approach to the matter of being. He seemed to have a point of view a little bit Buddhist--as the original Buddha might have regarded the world after his insight under the tree, yet he also seemed like a working Bodhhisatva-I believe the term is. However he seemed to advocate a social withdrawal and detachment from the world--and that is a little different than a philosophical contemplation of what is perceived.
Jesus Christ said that the Kingdom of God is within you--and of course I agree. God is transcendent of the nature of his creation, so I leave it at that, yet find the construction of ideas about the Universe worthwhile. Jesus Christ was a carpenter after all, and the right construction of ideas is as useful as the construction of geodesic domes instead of rectilinear structures in many instances, I would think.
Immanuel Kant writing on the topic of a priori thought continued the kind of thought that Pythagoras might have used a little in reasoning about triangles. String theory, if it had philosophically consistent structure--mathematically, might also contain an irresistible logic for-itself. I do not know for sure. When I think about a priori thought and necessary, self-consistent truths that could be abstractly represented in virtually any way such as with statistics of arbitrary magnitude, it might be impossible to make an a priori truth about the empirical world. Empiricism and Quine present a dead reckoning sort of pragmatism for language and logic perhaps. It is worth researching virtually any kind of cosmological avenue without requiring that one provide an ideal world of self-consistent platonic forms in a model first.
String Theory does have approximate criteria regarding the Universe that it is designed to fit. It's pre-big bang parameters seem to have a philosophical beauty. Their may be many realms of being that science cannot ever directly access nor prove or disprove. I realized that about the quantum computer--- I have also written a brief novel with a lot of philosophical dialogue in it so I could go over some of these points that surpass the finite. Science is restricted to material extrapolations and compression of data into algorithmic sensibility--philosophers are not.
Before the Big Bang--if there was a big bang--for the inflation is rather replacing that concept though they are semantically close-something existed. We could just leave it at mystery--yet the scholastic philosophers and St. Thomas in devising proofs for the existence of God also used logical argument about the first cause and etc that we can emulate, with less holiness perhaps that career ecclesiastics, though we may try to emulate the good points, in contemplating what occurred before the inflation. Philosophically the inflation is just a way of regarding an event of cosmic history from a parrticular point of view. It was a membrane viewed from outside perhaps with expanding contingent content that became heavier concentrations of mass as it cooled.
Heating and cooling are relative terms as Bishop Berkleys Three Dialogues made plain enough. A very high energy state, or as close to monistic condition known to exist occurred then-before the inflation there may have been a vacuum that created multi-verse starts of universes. This Universe could just be one infinitely small, contingent, consequent even of temporality within a field of nearly infinite starts of such universe temporalities.
These may occur within the One rather than without as in a vacuum. From the singular non-dimensional membrane of all space and monistic Idea the rest of everything emerged in more refined and comparatively less energetic event-universe flows. Or perhaps not--its philosophical contemplation of how the neo-Platonic One might have issued anything. This sort of speculation is at least as old as the second century a.d., its just that with string theory, the standard model, quantum mechanics and relativity theory there are new tools to help the contemplations. And I hope those physicists are hard at work making more research progress and writing it up to publish in an interesting form.
Following is my story excerpt from'The St. Novilistricka Plan'--I never really got beyond a final first draft...
An infinite number of cosmological theories may be invented and adumbrated onto the apparent facts and events of the universe we exist in. Many of those theories will equally well account for the observable facts of physical existence experienced, and none will ever accurately reach an absolute, exclusive and definitive account for the origin of the Universe to its ultimate source. Faith is required at several points to fill in the missing frame of reference footings. Faith accounts for the phenomenal existence of a perturbative vacuum, and where and when and why in the pre-big bang cosmology of things such a nearly eternal field of phenomenality could arise, or always did.
If such fundamental structures comprised the origin of a radion or vice versa, issues arise regarding why the construction of an expanded universe occurs. The word to begin-a kind of fat lady singing a high note breaking the symmetry of a perfectly composed non-dimensional point that is in a spiritual balance--a primordial non-dimensional Liebniitzian monad might have been spoken. Maybe God created the Universe to experiment with artistic designs of intervals and energy-appearance in a scalar, temporal field?
Why should a system of multi-verses and contingent dimensions always be unbalanced, or unstable, and why would an eternally stable structure of any size such as a non-dimensional point every change without an outside force acting upon it?
There are many possible relationships between knowledge and dimensions, energy and dimensions, and of knowledge about energy and dimensions obviously. In 1996 Earth Chronhistory a Gasperini wrote that 'toward a non-singular pre-big bang cosmology'. The elimination of singular points of origin within cosmological history is an approach possible with string theory I believe, yet the issues of proximal and fundamental origins of mass would then be transferred for philosophical purposes to virtual particles in the pre-big bang vacuum. Each virtual source of mass could be thought of as infinitely endowed yet finite when emerged into the peer space before the big bang-such that each does not bring its own displacement of every other virtual particle emerging space.
There are innumerable alternatives of course--philosophically imagine them. One non-dimensional point initially contained all the virtual particles--and it is rather like The One--and that is the source of subsequent virtual particles issued into a sub-routine space. Perhaps all these universe expand inward rather than outward, and can do so infinitely cascading from The One. Size and dimensionality would be relative like space-time. One cannot say then what knowledge would be in such a context--instead of a mem or knowl there could be a knowlegeton (like a graviton) that transcends universes to subtly changed quarks in human and other sentient minds.
Knowledge can be defined as information. Human sentience and cognition--awareness is knowledge. Knowing is knowledge.The sentient dimensions would be affixed to the mass track dimensions--on an apposite dimension 'side' for an interior purpose of course. Can a dimension have just one side?
If a material definition were wonted for what knowledge is-it would be difficult to describe in material or dimensional terms since it would be of another character.Information as data bits form content for a holographic theory of the universe. Bits stored in a non-dimensional point comprise an obvious paradox. They would be in a material dimensional context--maybe there is anti-knowledge in anti-dimensions?
I had visited many planets where economic theories grew to become consolidated into a hierarchical global religion and in which dissidents were outcast as heretics and anathema. Human or other sentient lives must be considered as abstract statistical machines for sale or trade as commodities most useful to the Utilitarian god of the globe who would allocate resources is arbitrary ways deemed most useful to the global imperial corporate governance. Democracy and individualism were dead on such planets. Individual political opinions were considered, as John Ralston Sauls had once observed in the 21st century on Earth, as protectionism that would interfere with management.
One of the planets of the Dogma Star Cluster Lush and I visited had a tax free shop in the space-port, extending from the Equator to the north pole, lamp shades made from the hides of exploited child laborers of the southern hemisphere offered for two galactic Juans. Each lampshade was offered as in compliance with thermodynamic recycling conservation of resources criteria. Corporate conversion of sentient life-forms into rent paying statistical machines had been maximized by planet managers increasing proplits.
"These crystal clusters would be a good study for paleo-genetic comparisons with fossilized inference analysis of polymorphism; did they have nucleotide divergence patterns of alleles comparable to that of humanoid MHC polymorphism that is evident in atomic molecular lattice deposition? Was the geology of these satisfied semi-sentients an evolved configuration by design or from pressures of natural selection? I realize we haven't the time for an in depth study of these creatures that appear so oddly rude, Patrick, yet we should chisel away a few easy pieces if we can before leaving the world."
I looked at my beautiful Lush; traveling companion since Drachonio, and considered what she said. It is true that the Crystalnachworsts had made the idiot's choice to end choices for themselves and others in preference for a continuum of untaxed constant pleasure input as interminably persisting neo-geological objects of artifact. The world around our mountain had no remaining glacial deposits--it was moving through stages of desiccation toward barrenness compatible with a world without atmosphere requiring careful expulsion space for content that would occlude star photon power for rechargeable superconducting circuit-suits of the neo-geos.
I said to Lush; "They are lint Lush, forget about them. There are many other worlds we shall repair to soon enough."
"Yeah, well we didn't document well enough the Crusher colony of robotic monster trucks from the future that found a candy wrapper on some planet in the Milky Way and used it to trace the location of Los Angles on Earth. Urban renewal by gigantic, city crushing robot monster trucks with government warranty started by cash bribes for Clunker Politicians non-government organizations centuries before was a fate the innocents of Newer Mexico did not deserve. Not even the Temple of Governor Rastaneggerian survived the blazing terminal anomalous orange phase of the crush rush of trucks a mile high."
I would have driven a plug in electric if I had lived on Earth early in the 21st century Lush,
"I agree Patrick, that sentient organizations and societies have eclipsed reason, largely in pursuit of economic objectives..."
"Is that what I said, Lush?"
"Inference Patrick, and distillation of paradigmatic references--maybe it's what you wanted to say."
"Oh right, continue Lush."
"Nature cannot be improved upon. Sentient beings can only remodel nature to make themselves more comfortable--that's all that can be done through technology with nature. Yet they unfortunately have a tendency to entirely disregard nature as the source and ideal of all material existence as they admire their own mud pie creative glorification as the pinnacle of phenomenality."
"That may be so Lush. What about the heavier elements that sentients created, aren't they creating their own nature then?"
"No, of course not Patrick. Heavier elements than those of the original periodic table created following nucleosynthesis and stellar synthesis by sentient artifice were a continuity of phenomenal evolution of the Universe at best. Reduced to more fundamental components than atomic elements they were comprised of particles that are made ultimately of strings of length L equals eternity emanated by quantum uncertainty from the perturbed vacuum before the big bang.
A quantum gush of uncertainty comprising virtual particles forming a black hole cut off by an event horizon from matching particle or string pairs allowed the inflation of a big bang from the perturbative vacuum like a faster than light mushroom growing from fertile quantum soil usually locked into balanced particle-anti-particle matching pairs of strings."
"Philosophically our beliefs about the Multiverse could still be wrong. A quantum computer could create an entirely real yet artificial duplicate reality with effects of quantum entanglement able to create an appearance of such a cosmological structure and genesological origin."
I regarded Lush thoughtfully for a moment before saying the obvious;
"I agree with your theory on the method of an emanation of one inflation to form a big bang Universe like an instant grow kit from an infinite fertile perturbative vacuum. Its a wonderful idea of an infinite, eternal perturbative vacuum giving rise to an infinite phenomenal field of universes forming for several trillion or quadrillion years like raindrops splashing in a pond and rebounding as space-time perhaps forever. I am certain that the concept of a perturbative vacuum is more theoretical than actual however, Lush.
Consider that the initial ground state of any cosmological theory needs to be stipulated as a given in order to back up the theoretical structure underlying the observable phenomena of the Universe. Though the theory may be self-consistent with the observable data, it is not an exclusive theory that might not be replaced equally well with another with a different ground state and system of relations giving rise to phenomena that are apparent as observable and measurable objects.
Why should the perturbative vacuum have quantum uncertainty or even strings? It is necessary but not always obvious that certain units of quanta that are ideas must be posited as fundamental in order to form any kind of analytical theory.
Even whole numbers are logical unit quanta with relationships meaningful to human reason. If larger relationships exist, or just different ones, even so it is necessary to express theories within the context of ones we know.
The idea of the perturbative vacuum and its quantum mechanical nature that through uncertainty could allow despairing off bound particle-anti-particle pairs such as the graviton or dilaton through the introduction of more motion and expansion of space-time creating intervals unbridgeable by the fundamental units creates more questions philosophically than it answers.
I consider a quantum computer's limits at reconstruction of artificial universes as inherently limited by an unknown even the most brilliant artificially intelligent quantum thinking machine could not transcend. It could not reach the infinite conditions of the one, nor fill the boundary conditions with accurate content. Its limits would always be a kind of inversion of the Cantorian set of all sets limits--the contingent quantum computer would have less material to work with than the universe itself.
The quantum computer would have field limitations of its principle quantum components unequal to the task of meta quantum compositions of more fundamental sections. Besides Lush, the original Universal emanation was a monistic whole of a singular nature. The quantum computer is a pluralistic phase of construction out of phase with a natural evolution and ungrounded in the deeper construction of the Universe in which it coheres. The quantum computer will always been less than the infinite truth in which it occurs. I am still placing my faith in a theistic evolution of Universal parameters for the construction of this Universe and the apparent others.
Quantum relativity provides it own terms and meanings of terminology for the comparative age and meanings of time passage in various meaningful contexts for this creation."
"True enough Patrick. We need to be agile skeptics about what appears, and even about what we believe, and have faith in Jesus Christ as the One God who became destiny management.
When idea copyrights and patents were reduced to seven years length with ten percent remittance to inventors and authors alone for public use thereafter, intellectual and material capital production increased quite a lot in the initial populated humanoid solar system. I recollect that if either Isaac Newton or Gottfried Leibniz--simultaneous inventors of the calculus had got exclusive patents upon it as an intellectual property inheritable for generations by their relations, or by corporations for hundreds of years because of the life of the corporations being equivalent to that of the life of an individual lasting hundreds of years legally, quite a substantial amount of science would never have got off the ground."
I asked Lush "So what's the point of that my Lush friend?"
"The point is that there is no point in making scientific, philosophical or even technical ideas exclusive after the first seven years because it retards intellectual progress. I doubt if we would have an ideas about the state of the perturbative vacuum if the inventors of string theory had not been so generous in writing about it after the end of the 20th Earth Century Christian era."
All of these neo-geo people are enrolled in a phenomenal pleasure principle without regard to the philosophical relationship they have to strings emanated from the perturbative vacuum. They have made themselves permanently ignorant of the nature of the Universe and have accepted pleasure as the utilitarian reason for being by default of having no reason or capacity to comprehend anything else greater than that. They have made of their lives a sort of living tombstone that basks in starlight so long as stars exist to provide light.
We might think that in their abrogation of being a human level structure evolved theistically in the Universe they have escaped the vicissitudes of experience, yet in quantum mechanical phenomena they may no longer be what or where they are or were. They might have transcended the cold stones they have become to move beyond space and time into union with the fundamental strings of the perturbative vacuum surpassing the boundaries of the extended space-time eruption of the inflation and big bang."
"Do you really think so Patrick"
"No, actual not at all Lush, its and interesting thought, though.
Basic philosophical questions that were once the best cosmological simplifications around, questions such as that of a prime mover, merged over time into practical questions found embedded with cosmological theories and quantum cosmology. Where did the first string of the perturbative vacuum originate? Where and when did the vacuum arise? Deeper theological questions remained theoretical and metaphysical.
Questions of a cosmological fundamental nature distilled in the era of pre-big bang theory for some synthetic analytical cosmological philosophy to such as those of the origin of dimensions, intervals continua and motion or mass. Fundamental questions of cosmology from a philosophical perspective could be such as are cosmological theories inevitably about continua as being and intervals structures and forms of relationships in continua and intervals? These were issues of being and nothingness in effect, and of where each arose? I think, Lush, that the questions of philosophical interest remained and even deepened co-variantly with the build-up of pre-big bang models with simultaneous varieties of temporal, phenomenal Universe inflations and expansions as space-time with mass arrays."
"Plainly Lush, the perturbative vacuum contains the universal expansion phenomenalizations into existence in addition to providing a ground environment from which they may grow. A new universe may start as a pre-big bang black hole from a field of balanced pairs of strings of fundamental length that become imbalanced because of quantum uncertainty. Sure this fundamental assumption may be supportable by a circumstantially contingent mathematical theoretical framework yet it is obvious that it is simply a practical place to rest our speculative labors because of the improbability of finding a pre-perturbative vacuum field causation trail from which to theorize.
Maybe black holes in our Universe draw string concatenations back to the perturbative field, and perhaps interactive effects of the surrounding field continue to affect the Universe. For thought the Hubble radius and the evolution of space-time in the Universe change, the change is universally subjective, while from within the larger and perhaps infinite perturbative vacuum of infinite extent no meaningful time or space has elapsed, and it remains in contact with the putter boundaries of the Universe in all directions.
Lush would not take her brown eyes off the distant three horizons of the world superimposed with space-time warps and the glorious refracted multiple sunsets unwitnessed by the planet-full of sleeping lotus eaters, she said;
"I would say my friend, that the lack of taxes on the rich and middle classes with subtle tax increases upon the poor is the transcendental way of political life; and that people believe that a non-representative corporate government is more democratic than a representative democracy, that will eventually be thought of as leftist or socialist.
Public interest will be erased and non-representative corporate leadership worshiped by raving idiots incapable of rational political analysis. Authoritarianism and dictatorship everywhere leads to these planets of eventual louts eaters that are living open tombs and tombstones in-themselves. They care not if the Universe arose from a silent or lightly charged vacuum, God issuing the string vacuum as one of an infinite number of spoken words, or a can of tuna cat. This planet gives me the creeps, as multi-dimensionally beautiful as it is."
Lush was a remarkable representation of human womanhood liberated from the Promethean Constellation. Since the War of the Satellites of Atrius we had been constant companions sharing together our mutual alienation from our own home worlds. We had been given our own key to the Universe of a kind enabling a variety of ways of experiencing space time travel faster than normal with too frequently inaccurate destination arrivals a part of the circumstance.
From the bench on Old Schleplglaubt the view is majestic. It is yet troubling when the usual quadrupole world of gravity topology radiated material eminences shaped from the pre-inflationary inhomogeneities of mass and energy that becomes was condensed in virtual coordinates before us. Extra-dimensional extrusions into this world were increasing; bending starlight toward them in surreal, sparkling beams.
'I think it's time we remove ourselves to the library shelves of the City Cliff of the Neo-geos, Lush. Rupturing of sub-lots of mass by extra-dimensional extrusions seem to be statistically increasing too fast to disregard. Let's go research what we can from the neo-geo database."
" Nearly two centuries before Sol time intellectual property rights had been altered in order to accelerate ecological economic recovery efforts. Instead of ninety five year copyrights for trans-national corporations and equally absurd patent rights time periods for socially generated ideas it was decided by remaining democracies of Earth that seven years would be the time period--non renewable too--for patents and copyrights with ideas registered becoming public domain thereafter. Inventors would be given ten per cent gross revenues for any idea exploited from the public domain for a century as well.
Such a radical revision of intellectual property rights assured that inventions and ideas could be used quickly by the national economies of the world to accelerate ecological economic growth, and that more inventions made by combining new public domain ideas could be synthesized further accelerating inventions. Inventors were well protected and received increased revenues by the more general applications of their ideas than in the exclusive for generations procedures that retarded global ecological security and supported oligopolistic corporatist business and management cartels.
Because democracy withered under trans-national corporatism the change to a freedom of ideas regime released too many sudden inventions for the corrupt federal governments of the worlds to control. Some of the initial population crash of the old Earth was brought by the chaos sub-discipline of federal weapons systems and compulsory health care data provisioning for the poor that enabled the world's corporations to delete selected Americans. Reactionary self-survivalism as a resistance moment followed and wars of western individualism versus Eastern globalism intensified.
Lush and I walked into the transport tube and arrived in a ghost village on the distal side of the planet in a couple minutes of acceleration and deceleration. The intelligent particle transport field read our thoughts for destination goals. There was little to say in the transport passage duration in which existential experience was reduced to immersion with the field.
Sky shadows and slowly illuminated clouds changing colors from exotic light extrusions presented our archaeological village in variegated perspectives implicitly altering the temporal appearance from one of a museum to that of a living inanimate present. Lush and I walked through the village over the hexagonal heat absorption tiles and upon a couple of transparent dimensional steps to the open door of the village library.
Inside the library door we returned through the familiar empty hallway and reached office 314. Inside the office was a long curved table with much of our data device material resting upon it. The view from the panoramic windows of the empty city below was breath-taking. With a word a temporal field window shattered for a while before reassembling behind us after we passed to step out onto a regional library particle sky-bridge for transition to the Library of the World.
We walked onto another transparent, insubstantial surface, fifty stories above a pulsing energy storage field. Above and below the library entrance were forty nine floors of data storage with as many answers as could be contained in the quantum computer occupying the area.
Lush was fairly good at languages and interpreting alien data structures. She could decompress algorithmic mysteries with the best of the meaning and logic compressors in the imperial bureaucracy of Blythe's Luck, yet was free and unencumbered of lifelong technical appliances.
"Lush, the liberation of ideas brought a rapid acceleration to my second home planet Earth's economy a few lifetimes ago. One combination of ideas sent a cryogenic gravity wave detector aboard a small stable spacecraft around intense gravity fields such as that of our central star with various gap sizes between special mass to seek to discover the frequency of gravity ways. Changes in the time oscillation of the masses were communicated back to a control station at light speed as the gravity wave observatory changed locations with its differently size configured wave measuring devices. In time the size of a gravity wave was discovered, and that discovery would bring many changes to science--but not upon the Earth as the wars of the Chaos overtook our world.
I brought some of the data to my own world Mars when I escaped Earth during the final evolution of conflicts to defend my own civilization from a mad emperor seeking absolute power. Perhaps that data I brought about the graviton could be found in this library of the neo-geos?"
"I think it might Patrick." Anything might be stored in here. Just because something is invented it doesn't follow that it will be used in the real world optimally or at all.
On my planet disk of origin, Gush, the calculus was simultaneously invented by two women simultaneously; Sigmunda Von Conservido and Hilda Lee-Newton. Each claimed to be the exclusive inventor of calculus, both received a royal patent and for the next two centuries no use of the patented intellectual property could be used by any outside the two royal corporate commercial conspiracies that owned the intellectual properties. Such a repression of knowledge slowed our development of space-flight and defense technology long enough to make survival of the Inebrion attack a real struggle. We nearly found our destiny as cherries in Inebrion Battle Space-ship cruise-pleasure fuel distillation quark smashers."
"I didn't mean to bring up a flashback babe. Distillation trauma is a bloody Sunday punch of a hangover to rain upon your parade Lush."
"What is a parade Patrick?"She walked back out the main entrance for some reason, and stood upon the platform looking into the distance. She faced the stars emerging through twilight and warped tri-horizontal celestialities.
Lush was my own bright star in space-time these months. Her color changing compu-dress changed with her moods and reflected a prevailing environment of syntegration. It was an artwork of tensor calculus and aesthetics with constellations of a non-recognizable pattern. A bizarre alien form landed on the platform in a squishy rush beside Lush. In a fraction of a struggling second they fell off the platform toward the energy grid hundreds of feet below.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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