
President Obama’s Sick Health Care Bill

President Obama's health care bill has shown up in the emergency room for extreme unction. Yet the reconciliation process--a kind of voodoo legislative zombification procedure to restore life to a captive, sedated health care bill, may yet walk the streets of the Federal District to receive winks from corporate lobbyists.

There are three economic classes of Americans; the rich, the middle class and the poor. The rich can afford any sort of health care and are fully insured. The poor generally have no health insurance and use emergency rooms a lot if they must; the middle class can afford health insurance generally, and sometimes has it through employers and other times at their own cost. They complain it is too expensive.

So the President has led an illogical effort to get more, better, cheaper, health coverage for the middle class. The middle class have a bad macro-economic rationale of consumerism. They have little savings, may have equity in a quarter million dollar home, own expensive cars that get low gas mileage and spend a lot as disposable income. Then they may get sick and want a half million dollars of medical treatment--with no savings.

People live longer than formerly and medical treatment technology has increased in skill level. It is possible to spend a lot more on medical treatment that before--yet the middle class can‘t really afford all of the treatment options then rich can. In some ways medical treatment is a commodity like that of other items, and reasonably the middle class cannot purchase the things the rich can.

So the President and the middle class believe that if they expand the ‘pool’ of health people buying insurance, but not using it, that will lower medical costs--and it might if insurance corporations did not just increase their profits as you know they would. Yet that is not the only problem. The people the President and the middle class want to recruit to add to those buying insurance are those that cannot afford medical insurance:the poor.

If there are 50 million poor, uninsured Americans that the Obama administration thinks are in America that could be paying for health coverage, or at least the middle class or rich could be paying for their health coverage--it defies reason to believe that increasing the taxpayer burden of buying medical coverage in the most expensive possible way for the nation’s poor will reduce the overall national health cost--its just plain dumb.

Four out of five of those fifty million people will annually not use the medical service at all, and the taxpayers will be paying for a free lunch windfall to health insurance corporations so that the middle class health costs might drop--there is no rational correlation that would necessitate middle class health costs decreasing by the increasing of purchase of medical insurance coverage for the poor.

Essentially, only way of providing health coverage for the 50 million poor, uninsured Americans effectively would be to create a national health service with federal physicians in a non-profit context that would treat only the poor. There is a Federal police force--the F.B.I., a federal army, a federal aviation administration--a federal health service for the poor would no more be socialist that they--it is a necessary, most cost efficient way of delivering medical treatment where needed.

When the poor no longer need to ad hoc medical coverage and can find affordable treatment just when its needed, the middle class should find lower costs when the medical industry does not need to absorb the costs of proving all that free or bad-debt treatment. At that point the middle class can deal forthrightly with their own insurance needs as a class without complications, smoke and mirrors, distractions and diversions such as the Obama Health Plan proffoists

Illegal aliens at would continue to use emergency rooms driving up middle class medical costs indirectly would continue to use emergency rooms if the poor are just insured--otherwise the middle class would need to buy medical insurance for illegal aliens too.

The middle class as a group of reasonably prosperous people should be able to buy affordable health insurance. If they are not a sickly class requiring liver transplants for debauchery pervasively, nor desirous of exotic rare treatments of elective natures generally--that is if they keep their health coverage to things that are rationally necessary and affordable, it should be no problem as some of the planets more prosperous people as a class. Many nations have better health care with less means over-all.

Like the social security system that cannot afford to pay out money to people in retirement earning more annually than average working people, a middle class cannot afford to spend more on medical treatments than it actually needs, nor perhaps can it afford to compel the nation’s poor to buy the same health coverage as the middle class with the middle class to pay for it. Understandably the poor need medical treatment--yet they do not generally need insurance before age 55. Walk-in clinics, screened referrals, advanced care for the majority of non-complicated problems can provide a public health system at lower cost than a private health system that would receive more complicated, uncommon referrals sick and injured poor screened from the public health system for the poor with Medicare kicking in..

The nation should have a medical safety net for those that are or become poor before retirement age. They should not accept the criticism and irrational excuses of the rich or their media mouthpieces such that it would be socialism. It is a necessary public service just like a police agency or food stamps, public utilities, sewer or highway departments. Only if public law enforcement is negated for being socialist might one reasonably argue that those being sick or injured should have no medical coverage of they can’t pay for it. When the chance for casualties to the rich and middle class from gunshot, laser beam or poison gas are as significant as they are for anyone else then its more fair to argue to leave the bodies where they lay groaning or rotting perhaps in the gutter.

Since Ronald Reagan left office the United States has seemingly progressed to more poiled Presidential leadership with a correlating increase of debt, moral decay, globalism, military adventurism incompetently administered. The saga of badly reasoned public health care leadership and maladroit political posturing--even demagoguery regarding socialism in health care has made the economic truth preventer have much success at avoiding the real reform needed to provide health care for the poor, keep the middle class from drowning in creating wage slavery for themselves and the poor , stop global warming, restart a renewably green economy, halt illegal alien immigration, encourage family and personal savings and so forth. Washington D.C. is more interested in gaying up the District of Columbia and the military than in balancing the federal budget. U.S. Congressmen and women that are homosexuals can know marry each other in Washington D.C.--they must be very gay about that. The Congress perhaps likes being courted by lobbyists so much that they desire proposals too.

Some talk of impeaching a President that planned for ten trillion of new public debt his first year in office as an high crime and more than a financial misdemeanor. At least the Obama-Orwellian Health Bill that would force all poor Americans to nup-date the U.S. government of their address and income continuously so the middle class can know, in theory, whose health insurance they are buying and where to send the proxy bill to return to themselves to lower their own insurance cost, can be defeated.


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