
The 4th of July, The Russian October Revolution, and Dr. Guillotin's Efficient Economic Reform

An essay briefly considering elements of the U.S. revolution in comparison to others past and contemporary including speculation about the future has quite a substantial quantity of political history to consider. As this is a brief essay it will in no way attempt a comprehensive review.

Dr. Guillotin invented an expeditious technology for chopping off the heads of the old regime in the aftermath of the French revolution, and the 150 or whatever that piled compiled in peach baskets latter perhaps was not an inspiration for the inventor of basketball (originally fruit baskets nailed up high for boys to toss a pumpkin sized ball in), yet the effort of the inventors was considerable inn each instance.

The French decimated their ranks of nobility though not well enough to preclude their survival as a class, yet the French had more bourgeois that mitigated the social exclusivity of royalty such as existed in Russian during the period following Peter the Great until the October revolution of 1917. In the west, in the United States in particular, our tradition of egalitarianism may not have grown from a stunted condition in the hierarchical churches-a priesthood of believers never formed and the clergy largely reflect the exclusive values set by concentrated wealth globally, yet it did dampen and politically enfeeble the existence of the British nobility in early history of the United States. Americans thus regard revolution abroad from the position of the bourgeois, and have been trained Pavolianishly to support the rich politically whom are considered not as nobility but instead as something like themselves in origin, and whom they can reasonably aspire to be like.

The antinomy of bourgeois egalitarianism is, in the United States of America--communism as espoused by Marx and Lenin. Americans celebrate their own 4th of July in commemoration of social revolution; yet hate the Marxist-Leninist revolution of Russia. All right-fair enough, yet lets consider the social background of Russian during its final 200 years before the 1917 revolution.

Nobles owed a lifetime of service to the Tsar. They were thus granted the right to possess serfs-white slaves generally of Slavic origin (not all were white) to work the land and serve as military troops. The nobility eventually emancipated themselves, yet they increased their power over the serfs who were basically enslaved, bought and sold--they also had to pay taxes. That condition persisted until about 1862 when the serfs were technically emancipated, yet the royal advantage continued for the nobility.

Ninety-Five percent of Russians had been enslaved as serfs. Consider what the United States would have been like in 1862 if ninety-five percent of white people as well as black had been slaves. Though the Tsar technically liberated them the nobility retained nearly complete economic power until 1917. The wonder is that a larger Jacobean reaction did not follow the October Revolution.

Yet Russia did purge it's nobility murdering the royal family so far as possible and removing vestiges of the class social and economic supremacy. Americans today with their prosperous history and natural, national freedom outside of the former slaves and an institution largely inherited from the British that was defended by the powers of concentrated wealth owning slaves, have little comprehension of class oppression by powers of concentrated wealth that comprise a de facto nobility.

Networks of a global nature supporting concentration of wealth and the oppression of U.S. citizens economically and ecologically are today’s American nobility. This 4th of July Americans continue letting their ecology, economy and political liberty slip away into the powers of concentrated wealth and they have no theory about how to change that.

Today the U.S.A. requires an ecological economic renewable policy of egalitarian democracy with limited power to concentrate wealth--with no citizens excluded from at least a reasonable minimum income, in order that a vicious natural selection of the rich and narcissistic value class--from sports to fashion and finance, does not simply reproduce itself and sanction others to extermination in the expansive family economic labyrinth of the United States today. The United States needs a revolution to purge itself of social economic iniquity, and has virtually no prospect for attaining that. Its recent history is not revolutionary at all, but an evolutionary one of Toynbean historical cycles.

The Soviet Union continued the policy of denying freedom to its citizens. Yet it had at least the virtue of purging the nobility from its society effectively. When such powers persist the insider-trading sort of social advantages corrupt social progress inevitably. Yet the political methods required for the change toward a secure egalitarian society for all were bloody and of the less than optimal menu of political evolutionary possibilities.

This 4th of July we may be mostly, or preponderantly thankful that a modern automatic guillotine has not been deployed in Washington D.C. and Boston to deplete the rich in America--even those just visiting, for being nobility of a sort.

We should be cautious about extending out failure to comprehend the nature of reasons for revolution abroad in foreign policy errors. Will we make of Afghanistan another Iran with a Shah as a dictator oppressing fundamentalists eventually? Will the popular Egyptian, Saudi and Yemeni movements to end themselves of royalty or neo-authoritarian leadership bring them to attack America further for supporting the corrupting powers of concentrated wealth and neo-nobility actualized through corporatism?

Our political choices should be laden with intelligence and understanding as well as rhetoric if we are to prosper through legitimate and ecological renewable means rather than through exploitation.

President Obama, British Petroleum vs the Tea Party Movement; The Opponents on the 4th of Julye 4th of July

The original tea party revolted against the British tax on tea by throwing a ship load into Boston Harbor. Today British Petroleum is spilliing oil into the Gulf of Mexico 'harbor' to indicate the futility of U.S. energy independence efforts. President Obama has allowed the oil to flow 50,000 barrels each day for two months in a tepid response to the crisis. When he is voted out of office in two years, his legacy will have been failure to ram bangalore torpedoes down the avenue of egress and detonate and seal the monster demonstration of crude political power. The United States will continue to be dependent upon global fossil fuel corporations for automotive energy.

Today's Tea Party branch of the Republican Party is led by the 'drill baby drill' offshore and onshore oil advocate Sarah Palin, the personable former Alaska Governor. The Tea Party is for defense of U.S. borders against illegal immigration unlike the Obama administration which seeks to reward illegal aliens with citizenship while flooding the labor market with more cheap labor to stimulate economic expansion of quantity and profit for those concentrating wealth The Tea Party is not vocal enough in support of electric cars and intelligent design of a new electrified national transportation infrastructure,and it must if it is to differ from the Republicratic transportation and energy policies of Presidents Bush II and Obama

4th of July: Obama Supports Illegal Alien Citizenship and Poverty for Unemployed Born in the U.S.A.

Is Support for Illegal Immigration; Crazed Sex Poodles of Political D.C. Bling?

Purple prose in political writing isn’t desirable unless it more accurately represents political circumstances of wildly and inexplicably wrong concepts. President Obama’s support for illegal alien immigration as a way to achieve citizenship and good jobs deserves purple prose. I shall however, employ plain and honest language. President Obama needs political support from homosexuals and symps of illegal aliens to stand a chance for re-election 2012. The President’s policies are unaffordable and continue the parting-out of U.S. well being of his predecessor.

There has been demonstrated no human genomic factors thus far indicating a predisposition for support of illegal alien immigration into the United States by federal politicians, nor for simpatico posturing toward the nation sheltering the primary route for cocaine importation into the United States of America. Human genome mapping is still a primitive science. We do not know why President Obama used cocaine as a youth, nor how much; what we know is that he is against deporting illegal aliens-saying it would be ‘wildly expensive’. Of course he is dead wrong.

The fourth of July is a celebration of American political independence from the British. It is a time when a nation of laws regarding all citizens as equal before the law is celebrated. Today, America’s political, economic and environmental destiny is being determined more by illegal aliens and foreign symp political pimps of globalism than rational and enlightened election by the electorate. President Obama supports radically subversion of the integrity of the electorate through support of illegal alien immigration-as have all U.S. Presidents since the end of the cold war. President Obama has not stopped the British Petroleum oil effusion despoiling of the Gulf of Mexico. The President served in concert with the rejection of the Tea Party more than given real support to the effort for U.S. energy independence and independence form illegal alien, extra-territorial determination.

Rectification of U.S. border security requires building in triplicate a Mexican berm and barrier control zone—creating many jobs in the process. Attrition of illegals voluntarily returning home and unable to return will deplete their numbers without cost to taxpayers—if they aren’t replaced by new arrivals.

The U.S. Government is incompetent and deporting legal aliens overstaying their visas that become illegal. The President unwillingness to deport such people comprising about half of the illegals is an abandonment of the duties of the office of President. New and better legal alien turned rogue illegal alien needs to be developed. Some of those people are worse than federal politicians using cocaine or tobacco occasionally who have developed obsessive minds turned toward bling for-itself.

In the United States, the high unemployment rate is supported by illegal immigration swelling the labor market. The wealthy like such human bling. Poor, unemployed Americans would like the bling to return to Mexico so that labor-side wage advantaging conditions regarding supply could arise.

President Obama has said he wants the U.S. economy to grow at 5% or 6% annually, yet he adds growth-retarding public debt by the trillions. Besides, if the growth isn’t in quality instead of quantity; if the economic growth is not on an ecologically renewable economic basis, the future of the U.S. economy is doomed to cheap tricks progressively deceiving the people of the United States into loss of their political and economic heritage, environmental health, and hope for a better life for native born U.S. citizens not amongst the ranks of the privileged.

President Obama’s Harvard axis of globalism is of a milieu creating concentrated wealth for the wealthy. In a low-intelligence economic paradigm of unconcern for depletion of non-renewable resources, the corporate world tends to increase its wealth by increasing the quantity of consumers-including illegal aliens. Though the U.S. economy may expand eventually at a five or six percent rate, the national quality of life for the poor and middle class will be stagnant and the economic improvement will go to concentrated wealth and profits for the rich. Gross national product increase will be founded on disposable resources and a flood of cheap foreign workers. Such a quantity rather than quality national economic improvement is the same old politics that also supports financial fraud profit schemes by global corporations and public debt for the U.S.A.


President Obama Is Bush II Light

President Obama's first two years in office have been a Bush II light verisimilitude, except of course for seeking to gay up the military in order to keep na campaign promise to his favored, hard-core supporters besides those that simply detest Hillary Clinton for President. Firing General McCrystal was inevitable after forcing through the gay military plan to further a Bi (den) sexual agenda in government. McCrystal is a straight soldier aware that a Obama's official U.S. Government policy of support for homosexual sin would stimulate resistance in Afghanistan amongst the mujahideen rather than bring about reconciliation.

President Obama has said the U.S. military will be in Afghanistan at least five years--hardly less than a Bush II policy of extreme military spending to compensate for extreme political cognitive deficits. President Obama plans to deficit spend at least until 20 trillion dollars of debt exists--if he is re-elected. Now that is a definite Bush II 'spend my political capital' way of thinking. President Obama may be a good Harvard alumni stuffed suit, yet he seems to have little awareness of what real, material work is, and instead plans abstract deficit spending at placing Harvard alumni on the Supreme Court in order to enslave the people of the United States to a servitude something like Russian serfdom to foreign owners of home mortgages and U.S. bonds.

President Obama has stale Clinton era economic advisers without a concept of what actual ecological economic and nationalist principles are; they need to be synthetically joined and entropy slowed in material production through intelligent design. The recurrent Harvard-advantage communalization of government for the rich is quite disadvantageous for the prospects of a healthy U.S.A. or U.S. eccology.

Without a competent and forthright, bold leadership that rectifies and recovers AMerican political determination for a manifest prosperous and healthy destiny within our own borders with compassion for other,disadvantaged nations, the U.S.A. will build toward a catastrophic depression some time ahead--even if it floods the nation with illegal aliens and makes them citizens with an inheritance of vast left and right wing national debt around their necks.

President Obama has failed to close Guantanamo Bay and transfer the terrorists to Johnson Island. President Obama has failed to limit spending outlays for Afghanistan and Iraq to a combined 20 billion dollars annually post haste. President Obama has failed to build in triplicate a comprehensive Mexican border bounry barrier of a bern and raised road configuration for electric patrol vehicles. President Obama has failed to limit social security qualification to those earning less in retirement than the pay of average American workers. President Obama has failed to bring a health care service for the poor only into existence. Presdent Obama has failed to construct nation-wide bicycle only expressways north-south, east and west. President Obama has failed to detonate and close the leaking BP gusher the past couple of months.

These few mentioned failures continue Bush II policies. Like Clinton term I President Obama has put his foot on the fatal for re-election of congress third rail of gaying up the military.Its a clever flank congressional re-election tactic by pre-approving the plan such that if Republicans take over the Mullins-Gates Madonna-Spears eyeballing one another admirably on stage support for the gay advance bill will be sufficient--yet even that pair may back down if the Republicans win a landslide in November 2010.

If the gay military policy goes through, even American support for Israel will move into murky waters for those that believe in Israel as the favored nation of God. The U.S.A. as an official agent for the sin policies of Satan will be harder to defend philosophically or politically, and Jehovah may look askance at the gay U.S. military policy and entanglement with Israel. Will some future U.S. President eventually want to be worshipped in a reconstructed Temple?

No Extra-Terrestrial Life in This Universe: The Reasons Why

Super-string theorists exploit the anthropic principle to explain why the fine physical constants are 'just so'that this universe can support life amidst an infinite number of configurations that could not. The anthropic principle may also be used to explain why human life is the only life in this universe.

Cynics against salvation by God often point out that this universe is not perfect and has evil in it. Of course we reply. All of the intelligent life that might have been in this universe has left for other universes of the mutli-verse, and we humans are the only ones remaining here.

This universe could be one designed specifically for corrections; a 'held-back' universe for creatures dumb enough to fail the exit exam of conformity to the will of God in the ex-temporal Garden of Eden. I will post some of the physical, cosmological details that might be inferred non the topic as found in my recent science fiction book (a philosophical one) 'St. Novilistricka; Dimensions'.

"Lush was my own bright star in space-time these months. Her color changing compu-dress changed with her moods and reflected a prevailing environment of syntegration. It was an artwork of tensor calculus and aesthetics with constellations of a non-recognizable pattern.

A bizarre alien form landed suddenly on the platform in a squishy rush to Lush. In a fraction of a struggling second they fell off the platform toward the energy grid hundreds of feet below.

My reaction time was fast but not pre-emptively lethal. I did not laze the creature at first sight, yet its entanglement with Lush was immediate and decisively altered her compresence. The failure to shoot instantly at first sight was costly. If my peripheral vision where better I might have lazed the alien on the way down. When I arrived at the platform myself they weren’t visible.

I stared over the edge into the sea of electrons swelling in matrices pulsing with streams of input. It was a cold battery of Einsteinium plus reminding me of electride oceans of transcendent octonion ions. Cold drafts up-welled from the matrix. Lush of Gush, who I had shared many poems with, was existentially depleted. Neither was a form displacement outline evident.

In my thoughts simultaneous symmetries of tensor geometry groups with alternate futures flipping from identity to identity visually appeared in my subconscious sought to reach out for Lush. So many alternate dimensions might exist to enable dimension symmetry violating illegal aliens entry to our Universe. Had one exfiltrated Lush to one of an infinite number of other Universes for purposes unknown? I would attach my hook-up to the magnetic transport slide and descend to the closest approach of the Einsteinium for a view of the abduction or murder-suicide of Lush and the unknown X-normal agent.

In the history of mathematics it was demonstrated that many unsolvable equations emerged in the attempt to conform quantities and the solutions for the discovery of unknowns in self-consistent proportional systems. Irrational numbers, the square root of minus one, quintics and M and D-brane Theory generated countless investigations for the reconciliation of logical representation of unknowns to conformal systems in such a way that computational powers produced by known roots would be accurate, meaningful and functional. The process of dimension surplus inter-space addition allowed simultaneous solutions of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries, and eventually algebras and more.

The reconciliation of inconsistent arguments such as the sum of the interior angles of an equilateral triangle adding up to one hundred eighty degrees in the former and a greater number in the later could each be true with the difference located in an inter-geometric dimensional renormalization field. I employed the method in my own logic in order to relate known facts, or at least apparently known
facts to the unknown.

I descended the mag-tie toward the energy field. Platforms crackling with immense energy confined generally to the Einsteinium electrons were bound as an electride matrix under cold plasma. The possible locations of Lush raced through my thoughts like permutations and probabilities of monadic qualities in a high degree of configurations and relationships. She left this compresence so quickly.

Reaching the observation deck over the electride field, I saw the horizons painted artificially to resemble infinite perspectives through the arrangements of receding and concentrating channels of energy matrices. Green and roil-some, the distance was surreal in all directions and undetermined. I saw inward and outward through the weather systems clashing through spontaneous chasms of normal world beyond the library to the field of green energy within forming the core of the structure.

Rotating one hundred eighty degrees on the deck, the perspective changed suddenly with an anti-symmetrical symmetry breaking of vision. This was my first clue to what had happened to Lush.

This portion of the galaxy is trisected by a standing wave of gravity and relativity field effects making a seven hundred twenty-degree spin vector of the four normal dimensions. It is an open door to abnormal space-time, and it had intruded here. Lush and I had talked before of the access potential of spin matrices to extra copies of this universe formed as probability actualization of macro-structural formalities. It was only a theory.

Macro-quantum rotational symmetry breaking may have left the 180-degree trace in this space-time coordinate of a transformational spin matrix to open dimensions and universes.

Even now the residual spin superposition of dimensions was beginning to fade away to leave just a local, normal four-dimensional appearance of space-time and it’s variously eleven dimensional, or two hundred thirty dimensional neo-structure of nominal compresence.

Might this universe have tagents sewn through its hypo-loop extrusion placed by a higher intelligence? As space-time concentrates with speed of travel near light speed anisotropic ally, in a symmetry with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of indeterminacy of knowledge of either energy and time or location and momentum, could the universe have a memory in some way of where each discrete particle and relational loop was in order to sustain the invariance of uniform application of physical laws?

Dimensions may be arbitrary constructions contingent upon given configurations of the shapes of pre-big bang minimal article conditions. Particular configuration of a particle-wave assembly duplicated en mass produces its own dimensional requirements of logic conformal to its intrinsic structure. An eleven dimensional object requires eleven dimensions of existence. The extension of adimension is in accord with the characteristic requirements for existence of the particle-wave forces within it. The infinite apparent destiny of extension of a four dimensional universe is a product of the forces of infinite expansion within it such as momentum and thermodynamic process.

Quantum super-positioning could be defeated and energy re-directed along the intergalactic nuclear forced artery to form N dimensional calculating engines of change. I had the suspicion that some Alien power passing through the infinite sequences of exponential dimensional constructions may have abducted Lush from the library of this Subductor world of stone souls.

Staring into the green field of electrons stretching into apparent infinity in warped dimensional wrappings of light the vortexes carried memories of Lush along with the transitioning moments of shapes of past and present ever living as corridors of power flow. I leaned on the alto-rail and felt the cold sweat of the loss of Lush.



President Obama Fires Gen. McCrystal & Plans to Waste Billions and Billions More in Afghanistan

President Obama fired his top General in Afghanistan, General McCrystal. Gen. McCrystal's approach was military vestment heavy. The alternate approach is that of V.P. Biden. President Obama ignores Vice President Biden's advice on how to reduce U.S. costs in the Afghan rebuilding effort. Biden's less-is-better approach is better for U.S. financial continuity. President Obama for some reason believes that U.S. security is better defended by borrowing trillions from abroad and spending it on ineffective military efforts. President Obama hasn't sufficient reason or conviction to know what to do with the security issue evidently. He believes a moderate approach is good, yet there is no real moderate course.

Border security should be increased with berms, barriers and elevated patrol highways along the Mexican border. Better tracking methods of legal aliens that overstay their visa should be innovated. A U.S. special black ops force should be created with 150,000 special forces to quickly reply to adverse, threatening situations, and the conventional military buildup should be reduced by 25% across the board.

Afghanistan's newly found mineral wealth should be given to the people of that nation in a public corporation in which they are issued shares as any other corporation listed on stock exchanges. The people must own real equity if they are to support democracy and a particular government representation of it.

Central Asia has one lessons for foreign invaders and militarists; they will be outlasted by the resistance of millions and millions of people that don't have much else to do in the long run. If the United States has no plans to make Afghanistan the 51st states and populate it with illegal Mexican aliens to solve two problems at once, then it should fall back into a less financially damaging de frappe policy of just reply to with condign force to threatening, particular opposition force arrays in Afghanistan if they form. The U.S. financial outlays for military occupation and nation building are a victory for Al Qa'eda as the Obama administration ineptly throws good, borrowed, hundreds of billions of dollars after bad


Second and Third World Nations Should Have Resources Owned by the Citizens in Private Stock Issuance

The Alaska Permanent Fund is a bad model for a second and third world nation to follow. It is simply an investment fund that the state legislature puts some oil royalties into occassionally for the people. The people are thus at the mercy of the politicians perennially.

Although Senator Biden supported an Alaska Permanent Fund style policy for Iraq several years ago, I was then advocating that the people own the oil fields directly, and that the Iraqi government have just a ten percent share of the oil stock in order to fund itself. The Alaska Permanent Fund model is used to deceive the people about owning their own oil or natural resources.

Afghanistan should create a public corporation to own all of the oil fields oil resources and have a board operate it like BP or Exxon, or instead of BP and Exxon in the case of oil. Their would be an initial stock issuance to all Afghan citizens, and they could buy, sell or trade the stock after a decade or two. The Afghan mineral resources would be privately held, and popular support for the government that issued the stock would result--its very, very simple and necessary if second and third world countries are not to be run by dictators, corrupt politicians and global resource extraction corporate bribing as in Nigeria perhaps, or maybe Venezuela before the dubiously progress Chavez government took over.

Even Mexico would be a better place if the oil resources of PEMEX were reallocated to being owned by the people of Iraq--they might be able to resist drug traffickers better. Russia is another country that needs to have the public directly own all of its oil through a one-time stock issue to all Russian citizens.

Gravity; Comments About That Mysterious Force

Gravity is a mysterious, wonderful force that seems to cross the universe even if the space-time of the universe is expanding. Experimenters from Galileo to Newton and Einstein and pondered the nature of gravity, how it works and what it is. Modern theorists continue to search for its elusive definition.I will provide my own unscientific ideas about gravity here.

Some scientists seek to explain gravity's power through inclusive of it as a particle-wave in the standard model of physics. A quantum field theory with gravity would be like an electro-magnetic field theory and bring the explanation of how gravity can act at a distance as the weakest of the four basic forces of nature.

I wonder about gravity too. The anthropic principle is a recurring phenomenon of contemporary physical cosmology; how is it that in this universe everything just happens to be fine-tuned to produce a field enabling life? The Universe easily could have different fine adjustments that would deny even the existence of matter much less life. The anthropic principle also applies to history in a way (of course it does because its about people)--Because so many philosophers, physicists and experimenters have thought about gravity and written about it, so can I although with the technical rigor of a scientist. So I have several questions about gravity created by recent reading.

1) If a graviton-particle exists, would it have nearly zero mass like a photon in order to travel intergalactic distances?

2) Wouldn't the graviton be subject to the conservation of mass and energy such that it is neither created or destroyed in the universe (in a finite structure)?

3) If gravitons are formed as a product of mass-energy, or are implicit qualities of mass-energy, when gravitational concentrations arise would the proportionately remove 'brakes' on the acceleration of space-time as mass=energy and gravity is concentrated unequally in the volume of space-time?

4) If a faster than light inflation of the Universe occurred, was it something like the collision produced in a particle accelerator with the mass-energy of the visible universe being the after-effect eventually coalescing with gravity?

5) If a gravitational field exists universally inclusive of the entire universe something like that of an electro-magnetic field, what would be its meta-universal power source? Would the field characteristics determine the rate of allocation of mass-energy in the universe? Could the field be predetermined in space-time?

6) Must hyper-dimensional shape of a universe expanding outward necessarily have no limit in time, as time limits would need to coincide with spatial limits? Must a space-time boundary necessarily have a smaller or confining shape such as the point at the end of a cone approached from inside the larger, open end? Would the cone travelled from the small end to the large end in a static field increase speed of apparent expansion as it moved toward the open end in a progressive yet proportionate series rate of increase?

7) Space-time may expand at an increasing rate like a drop of water in a calm sea produced a wave that increases area at a faster apparent pace viewed from the point of space-time origin in the water-field because its wavefront continually increase in area.

The wavefront is a structure started at a small scale with fore that increase progressively in area and volume because it expresses itself within the medium of water or space-time such as exist. That reasoning produced the aether theories of a background medium for the universe. Space-time might be regarded as something like an aether in which mass-energy and gravitons might express themselves. Yet if space-time exists apart from mass-energy then it must have some kind of a field-energy itself. Space-time could be regarded as previously existing as a background independent space-time field into which mass-energy were thrown. That does not seem like a very scientific approach though. Cosmology today enjoys something more of an existential criterion for the standard model and a unified quantum theory of gravity I believe.

8) One wonders why gravitons ever left their point of origin associated with mass? Why would they journey over space-time at all to contact other mass-energy?

9) if gravitons have any mass, why don't they form their own clumps of matter midway between larger object far apart--such as a new clump of mass midway between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxies?

Maybe that is the best argument for gravity as a macro-field--gravitons seem like neutrinos just to flow through everything of space-time except space-itself that they seem to warp or curve in proportion to their number. They seem to function at the speed of light in warping space around a clump of mass-energy, and have a finite area of application diminishing in power in accord with Newton's law something like an expanding wave increasing its area yet diminishing in height or proximal size.

10) If gravity is a field that might be described eventually by scientists with a quantum field theory, would the gravitational field be local or part of one unified gravitational field with local variations of space-time?

11) So one may wonder what the binding power of a graviton is? Does it cohere to any form of mass or energy just some? If its field is one-directional; why?

When the moon circles around the Earth perpetually bound by the gravitational field of the mass of the Earth even though it tries to go in a straight line away (and vice versa to a lesser extent), what is the factor giving the 'curve' to space time?

Do gravitons occupy quantum states like those of the valence shells of atoms that only permit simultaneous occupation of so many? With the information of the gravitons of the larger mass filling all those valence states of the local space time is that how the 'curvature' of space-time is selected locally in favor of a slope toward the larger mass (because it has more numbers of valence state shell positions of space-time filled than a smaller Local mass?)? Perhaps space-time itself has intervals and spacing characteristics like those of quantum field theory. This would be a democratic theory of gravitational selection.

Well, so much for my thoughts about gravity this morning. I will perhaps continue these observations another time.

To Stabilize Democracy; Give Afghanistan's Mineral Wealth to the Citizens in A Public Stock Issuance

The Obama administration has an opportunity in Afghanistan to direct that the recently announced mineral wealth of that nation be owned directly by the people of Afghanistan in a public company with all shares owned by the people. The Bush administration passed such an opportunity in Iraq with Iraqi oil dooming the United States to seven more years of nation rebuilding more expensive than most wars. Without public ownership of mineral wealth or oil in second and third world nations inevitably corrupt, exclusive government owning elites dominate the natural resource wealth and are opposed by low-level popular insurgencies.

When a new government is created along democratic lines a rational concern is who will own the natural resource wealth of that nation. If the people own it in private shares that are tradable after several years like any other publicly listed corporate stock, then the government will have popular support and the equally important denial of resource control by exclusive and corrupt elites will occur.

The Obama administration of course will most likely fail to insure that the minerals of Afghanistan will be quickly given to the citizens of Afghanistan through a general stock issuance in The Afghanistan Mining Company. The Afghanistan Mining Company would be managed in the interim by an initial board comprised of N.A.T.O. member nations and Afghanis. One of its duties would be to put out to bid for development the natural mineral resources of Afghanistan. The Afghan citizen shareholders of would receive a 70% royalty of all wealth extracted by the winning developing corporation who would receive thirty percent of the profit from sale of the resource.

If the Iraqi’s had formed a similar public corporation for the initial ownership of Iraq’s oil fields it is likely that peace through broad popular support for the stock issuing government would have occurred by 2004 or 2005 permitting the U.S. to withdraw more military forces earlier. It would be a doubly stupid error for the Obama administration to repeat the Bush II administration’s mistake.

President Obama does have the leverage over the Karzai Government to bring about the populist stock issuance of an Afghanistan Mining Company and he should. The United States and N.A.T.O. countries cannot afford to have continuing protracted incompetence in military financial outlays that could be avoided through implementation of foreign policy in support of democracy and democratic values instead of those of corporatism and corrupting global extraction industry corporations. If democracy is not supported through plain fair public ownership of natural resources in second and third world countries, domestic and international terrorism forms to revolt against those governments. The United States in support of global corporations operating in second and third world nations then intervenes to reinforce corrupt dictatorships. That is a wrong policy side to be on.

From British Petroleum and its history as the British Iranian Oil Company and C.I.A. support for the overthrow of the Iranian Government to bring in the Shah so The forerunner of today’s BP could keep their oil from being nationalized, to Anglo-American Mining with plans to develop a Pebble Mine in Alaska on the headwaters of the Bristol Bay salmon fishery with their history in South African Diamond mining global extraction industries have in such a way that they are often conflict with local populist political concerns. President Obama should support democracy in Afghanistan instead of protracted defenses of corruption and foreign corporate mining interests if he ants a reasonable opportunity for a stable Afghanistan to form such that the taxpayers of the United States will not need to have more trillions wrested from them to spend in central Asian military boondoggles.


Science, Christianity and Faith Issues

Truth theories may be variable, and need to cohere with present definitions of what truth is. Christians believe the sole constant valid meta-truth is Jesus Christ as the Word of God. Some super-string theorists may find variability of constants as a fact, that is time and the laws of nature are not eternally static.

One may develop an infinite number of theories about anything, including of course, history and historical writing.

Regarding the numerous aspects of any ancient material such as the Bible, it is common that many offer opinions upon it from the basis of ignorance complete or partial. Such faulty reasoning is excusable generally only when guesswork is all that is possible. That is not the case with much of the Biblical discussion and content.

If one cares little about error philosophically, one should be inclined to promote ideas perhaps for political reasons or for receiving particular rewards rather than discovery of truth. Truth has a pervasive meaning of referring to accuracy between subject and predicate, or confirmation of a predication as accurate. Fundamentally it posits the coordinate relation of an internal or external object and verifies the relation as existing or not.

Truth theory itself of course has numerous forms in philosophy that I won't detail here. In physics and math there are numerous methods of discovery of various relations and representations in quantum mechanics I have been reading recently, that may present several courses for transformations about real and imaginary axes. What coordinate in a representational system is true except in a reference to it regarding something else?

One may formulate various verbal or conceptual descriptions of God, or the Creator of all that exists , yet one generally does not posit an internal, subjective idea as corresponding to any external object or being directly. Representation of exterior or transcending objects or material or spiritual facts may be made with ideas, or even necessarily are made with ideas and words or other abstract symbols, yet few would mistake those representations for the things-in-themselves. God obviously would not be mistaken for a subjective idea,or even a subconscious idea, any more than one would posit Mt. Everest to be just an idea within one's mind.

Epistemological interpretation of real objects make occur within Kant's noumenal phenomenology of mind. Quantum mechanics can describe incompletely various representations of eigenstates of particles without requisite that one visualize the states of quantum field elements. What Mt. Everest is for-itself without human cognitive interpretation or transformation into a realizable object is difficult to say. We would tend to regard Mt. Everest as a quantum field of certain characteristics, and might relate those to other reference structures in space-time abstractly, and with complexity. God would be far more complex, and really impossible, to describe with in terms of particular quantum field states--he is bigger than that, and more uncertain or undefinable regarding particular characteristics that might be quantified.

Germs have not always existed.They are said to be an evolutionary development of an historical nature. Bacteria and viruses developed at different times. Eukaryote and prokaryote evolved dissimultaneously it is thought--yet who can be certain? The soft tissues don't fossilize well at all.


To define the meaning of germs linguisticaly is to construct parameters in which germs have then potential to be said to exist. When germs were discovered and named,linguistically they might be said to exist thereafter.


In biological history, the existence of germs may again be contingent upon a definition and function of their relationships to biological life forms. Microbes are another term for germs. Micro-organisms are pervasive and earliest hypothesized things to live on Earth commonly. The wikipedia article link describes some of the history of micro-organisms.

It has little relevance to the veracity of a Biblical theory of life though, since Adam and Eve were interpolated from an extra-dimensional space-time or pre-space-time environment onto the Earth at the Garden of Eden (guarded by four cherubim possibly representing the dimensions of space-time (4). If the fated pair of fallen were translated into a fallen temporal Earth already in an advanced state of evolution, or if the entire universe were created at that point as if it had evolved, it makes little difference to the veracity of either science or religion. As in super-string theory there are lots of possible forumulae or structure to theorize with. We thank God for not providing Adam and Eve with advanced physics and biological data in the garden of Eden period, for their descendants might have blown up the world and even caused more offshore oil spills earlier in human history.

The Bible is not a book about science. The Old Testament may be considered a brilliant historical work and the New Testament a group of epistes or letters. The 66 books of the Bible each differ and yet have similarities. One might read...


by Chuck Missler for interesting ideas about it. Many authors have sought to learn more and deeper meanings from the Bible.

Many since the enlightenment have sought to make categorical denunciations of Biblical veracity-yet that isn't a very valid approach to reasoning about it. Following is one obvious equivalence of Biblical literals to American normal time literals--keep in mind that in real modern physics there are quite a few ways to refer to space-time, mass, energy and so forth that are very surprising to us not accustomed to thinking in terms of quantum mechanics. God's power to transform reality or even to create the present Universe exceeds whatever we might think about it as contingent, temporal beings. U1,SU2 and transformations of multi-axis coordinate maths extrapolated to infinite dimensions are probably trivialities to the Creator of all possible universes. We can admire Abelian and non-Abelian guage theories anyway. Or use simple math and Peter's multiple.

Methusela 187 Lamech 969
Lamech 182 Noah 777 years
Noah 500 Shem, Ham,
950 years
1,556 overlap subtotal 8,575 years
overlap minus 1,556 years
Adam’s birth to Noah’s death total 7,019 years
Noah’s time after the flood minus 300 years
Adams birth to the end of the flood 6,719 years
One Day to God as a thousand to man literal value
One year to God is for man 365,000 years
Patriarch’s before flood literal conversion x 6,719 years
Time with Petrine literal conversion 2,453, 235,000 years

2,453,235,000 years before Christ’s human birth is rather close to the geological, scientific time scale hypothesis of the creation of life on Earth in the Proterozoic era. The oldest life on Earth was considered by evolutionary biologists perhaps to
be cyanobacteria.

All (u)'whoman' knowledge is contained within the Universe that is contained within God. Some may to put up and knock down straw man arguments, or use ad hominems and other logical fallacies in order to attack the realms of absolute spirit and so forth. If one wishes to give them credit for good intentions and speculate that they art misled by other worldly or wrong ideas about the Bible and of God, one may do so though risking extending social credit too far possibly.

Good science is a process of learning. C.S. Peirce, inventor of pragmatism, believed scientific thought needed to have practical value. Some such as Smolin have written at length about the problems with the scientific method in super-string theory, in that testable, falsifiable hypotheses seldom arise. I think that engineering of scientific and mathematical knowledge has the potential for much malleability, of innumerable transformations of structural relations of mass and energy. Philosophically however the rash application of technique can be viewed as potential harmful.

Seldom are scientific ideas adequately reviewed by society before their application. We experience the complete incompetence of drilling offshore for oil in what is essentially a vulnerable food production area of the planet comprising 7/10ths of the planetary surface area, of Minimata chemical tragedies along with those of Bhopal.

Christians may fairly be skeptical about worldliness, yet J. Vernon McGee (I believe) said that the worldliness Christians are warned of is that of the cosmos, or the cosmopolitan community of mankind that is as inflammatory and unstable, oppressive and cruel simultaneously as all of the worst extremes of human history from Sodom and Gomorrah to Auschwitz and the Killing Fields of Cambodia, Rwanda, and so forth.

Christians hope to follow the Word of God and pursue enlightenment and salvation through the grace of the Spirit. Some wonder what the spirit is, or believe paradoxically in nothing except the formation of present quarks, dimensional strings and their changing forms.

One must be reserved in speculating about the meaning or meaninglessness of concatenations of strings of one dimension struck from a unified all dimensions phenomenality such that after a reduction into light speed and physical law parameters the dimensions create myriad different particles, atomic, chemical and spatio-temporal configurations inclusive of the living process we call life.

Life and spirit are things of God. One's poverty of faith and reasoning may bring one to find various mutually exclusive and exhaustive relationships where none exist including that of scientific inquiry and faith in God. I think that is a tragedy since the phenomenal nature and temporal phase-form of life viewed perhaps by those well--educated in quantum mechanical cosmology may have much in common with the Biblical point of view regarding the brevity of life expressed by Solomon and in Ecclesiastes.

-from the King James version

"13Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
14For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
15She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
16Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.
17Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
18She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.
19The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.
20By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew."

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...