The concept of avoiding extremism is useful enough. For those with any kind of an agricultural background though it may be somewhat urbanish.
Extremism in planting season, or in crop rotation--what are such things? The Congress is composed of clever and wealthy people, yet they are not terribly thoughtful intellectually on what social or political philosophy is/are I think.
There are those that have pride in America being a Republic instead of a democracy according to the Founders concepts, for whatever reason. Yet there are two ways to regard a republic such as America has, and several more in other historical contexts.
When representatives of government are regarded as contractors hired by the public through elections to serve their interests, then one doesn't regard them as royals free to dump whatever perfidy they deem appropriate on the hapless minions. If one hires a painting contractor one wants the guy to put quality paint on the building, though the particular method is discretionary for the painters’ expert knowledge. That knowledge might be compared to listening to the many public opinions of a constituency and selecting the most efficacious course in promulgating legislation.
Instead, the representatives and Senators of today have become the minions of concentrated wealth and globalism. Extremism might be construed as following the will of a powerful minority. Just 19% of the income of those earning more than 10 million dollars a year is earned through wages and salaries. The rich own the media and the political philosophy the public is programmed with--that is extremism.
The reality TV quality Presidential races may be produced by and for the powers of concentrated wealth and anti- Adam Smithian capitalism with a focus on serving the interests of a democracy and all citizens best instead of those of a concentrating class of wealth.
Extremism in the lexicon of American politics has often been a pejorative term applied to those dissatisfied with the status quo, concentration of wealth and power and so forth. Today we view extremism as Muslim political philosophy and method like as not, though we wonder if today’s mosque demolition in Pakistan that killed fifty worshippers was a Shi'a or a Sunni facility-C.N.N. did not say...
If the mosque was Shi'a then perhaps the usual Sunni suspects were just using the ongoing terrorist extremist agitation in that nation in some ways directed toward Kashmiri independence and against the west, Indian Hindu foe religionists and the Shia as an opportunity to purge a little domestically. Mohammad was involved in something like 14 battles as his proselytizing outward. We note the same determination to rule the world in many of the Muslims that are extremists for detonating themselves and others.
Perhaps extremism is basic change, or an increase of information in a holographic universal state, that alters the social pattern of being economically and environmentally. Planners should work for the good of all possible people in the quest for a prosperous and intelligent ecotopia. Climbing to the top, with faith and submission to the will of God on the ascent, may be a challenging task to try, for mere human beings alive for just a time.
All extremists are not created intellectually equal. Some move with a definite wrong self- accepted programmatic content. Some people may live in a foe social environment through design or circumstance. Foes are not necessarily reasonable, unbiased or fair in subverting the vital interests of their 'be yas'. Dumb and dumber extremism will not create that perfect renewable social and ecological environment acceptable to God.
There are essential lines of opposition in determining right and acceptable social boundaries. There are collectives in government and corporations including not only access to material wealth but also in compelling select conformity of thought. While God is no respecter of persons, humanity must be or the right of self-defense response is to aim for the belly and pull the trigger on the 12 gauge if necessary.
The broadcast media today is a pervasive violator of the boundaries and freedom to go about one's social life without an unfair and unbalanced Orwellian super-commentator programming the masses. Individual boundary security interests would reallocate the broadcast wavelengths to individual citizen use via the Internet. I personally have enough audio material to recycle my own freq a few days. Concentrated broadcast power is technologically anachronistic and politically corrupting.
Creating defensible boundaries in a complex and crowded social environment is difficult. Some fail to comprehend that the basic human conflict is organismic--to keep that amoeba out there from eating one against one's will. In modern terms and in more complex organisms the amoeba desire to consume is a political will to power and to subjugate others not of kith and kin.
Perhaps that’s enough for this essay. I will need to write another time on what a terrible general Robert E. Lee was for a civil war, and why the south needed someone more dynamic like Julius Caesar to win a civil war against Pompey. Lee was too taciturn and subordinated to President Davis. Lee did not want to leave Virginia except go to Gettysburg to lose a battle to General Meade. Lee did not have the charisma or personality to command the volatile southern generals. Lee was a good engineer and a respectable man who had been commandant at West Point, but if the south had a unified commander-president, perhaps Longstreet, they might have had a better chance of winning the war early before U.S. Grant got up to speed and took over in 1864.
The confederate generals were extremists and emotional, brave and prone to dueling and fighting. The southerners sought to establish a kind of shadow reflection of the northern government with slaves when they needed a dictator for a year as ancient Romans had during war. Unfortunately for the confederacy, General Thomas chose to fight on the Northern side though he was originally from North Carolina. Probably George H. Thomas was the best military mind on the planet; his work for the Army of the Cumberland at Chickamauga and in wrapping up General Hood was methodical and inevitable.
Those that view extremism as a departure from the ideal, more ecotopian course of human development have little patience for those that believe that mass consumerism and high-entropy economics is not extreme itself. It is the mass, essential extremism pushing humanity toward existential extremes.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Wireless VINS in Future for Urban Security Planners?
Reading the back of the 1040 Instruction booklet this year I again encountered the face of a missing girl with another photo of what she would have looked like at age 21. I wondered what the statistics are on children missing more than a year or two in the United States-how many are there? Is the total thousands?" Are there hundreds of buried missing children out there in drive through America?
With such thoughts I considered remedies of a uniform and effective nature. Of course civil liberities and curtailing pollution, global warming and the importation of fossil fuels to the United States are also concerns. The problems of children being snagged from locations where they congregate by adults in automobiles requires a little analysis to develop acceptable remedies that would increase security.
So the obvious innovation at present would be to have all automobiles broadcast short range wifi signals identifying the vehicle owner and possibly the driver too. Any cars approaching a school, park or mall where children might school up and potentially be snagged could also have motion sensors and receivers identifying each vehicle that approaches sensitive locations.
Obviously there are myriad variations including password encrypted and gated school entrances and so forth as forms of transmit and receive to identify or admit vehicles to or through sensitive locations. This is probably an underutilized technological remedy with innumerable application not only with the protection of minors but also with the protection of sensitive urban areas potentially targeted by foreign and domestic terrorists.
Some of these could be voluntary systems such as at private schools for pick up and drop off vehicle identification. Another use could be in scheduling and in the future controling private electric vehicle traffic in suburban-urban commute lanes and one day for recharging electric vehicles from in-highway public power lines.
With such thoughts I considered remedies of a uniform and effective nature. Of course civil liberities and curtailing pollution, global warming and the importation of fossil fuels to the United States are also concerns. The problems of children being snagged from locations where they congregate by adults in automobiles requires a little analysis to develop acceptable remedies that would increase security.
So the obvious innovation at present would be to have all automobiles broadcast short range wifi signals identifying the vehicle owner and possibly the driver too. Any cars approaching a school, park or mall where children might school up and potentially be snagged could also have motion sensors and receivers identifying each vehicle that approaches sensitive locations.
Obviously there are myriad variations including password encrypted and gated school entrances and so forth as forms of transmit and receive to identify or admit vehicles to or through sensitive locations. This is probably an underutilized technological remedy with innumerable application not only with the protection of minors but also with the protection of sensitive urban areas potentially targeted by foreign and domestic terrorists.
Some of these could be voluntary systems such as at private schools for pick up and drop off vehicle identification. Another use could be in scheduling and in the future controling private electric vehicle traffic in suburban-urban commute lanes and one day for recharging electric vehicles from in-highway public power lines.
The Next Two Years in Congress-Gridlock
With the tremendous Republican Party victory in the 2010 mid-term election Tuesday in which they took control of the House of Representatives, though not the U.S. Senate, the electorate may unreasonably expect some substantial political changes. Actually the electorate has selected the near perfect alignment of the Congress for gridlock.
We may expect nothing substantial to be accomplished in the Legislative branch of government the next two years except for measures passed near the 2012 election to serve as p.r. for voters. The U.S. economy may continue to gradually improve or reduce unemployment levels to perhaps eight percent by November 2010.
President Obama's extreme activism for homosexual egression into military eminence may subside, the usual greed of the Republicrat Party will continue, and no movement of rectifictation toward low entropy nationalist ecological economics and full employment with free health care for the poor will occur.
Republicrats may have difficulty getting budgets passed through both houses. An intelligent border berm and ditch control barrier will need to be legislated to replace the cancelled electronic fence to halt illegal immigration. Neither party will be competent on foreign policy and deleting terrorism at lower cost. Neither party has an intelligent national economic design, neither are they close to heading in such a new direction.
We may expect nothing substantial to be accomplished in the Legislative branch of government the next two years except for measures passed near the 2012 election to serve as p.r. for voters. The U.S. economy may continue to gradually improve or reduce unemployment levels to perhaps eight percent by November 2010.
President Obama's extreme activism for homosexual egression into military eminence may subside, the usual greed of the Republicrat Party will continue, and no movement of rectifictation toward low entropy nationalist ecological economics and full employment with free health care for the poor will occur.
Republicrats may have difficulty getting budgets passed through both houses. An intelligent border berm and ditch control barrier will need to be legislated to replace the cancelled electronic fence to halt illegal immigration. Neither party will be competent on foreign policy and deleting terrorism at lower cost. Neither party has an intelligent national economic design, neither are they close to heading in such a new direction.
Why Obama's Cap & Trade is a Good Idea
President Obama has some perverse political ideas and a good one. Herein I shall mention cap and trade (the good one). Everyone dislikes excess carbon releases into the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide-all of the carbon hybrids are neanderthalish economic leftovers from the primitive era industrialization. If the United States wants to be a leader in the world instead of a loser chasing after foreign terrorists in high mountain caves with high tech weapons and perverse social policies on borrowed money it must move on beyond fossilized fuels and other carbon emissions. I do not regard the government's job as to assure even profits for carbon emission industries nor maintain the nation's addiction to badly insulated homes and non-electric cars.
The United States has outsourced so much of its industry that most of the carbon emissions of excess in the future will be from China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Australia like as not. We must lead the way on showing how global cap and trade should tax these industrial neanderthals into better technology. American made high tech electric cars without rare earth metals based batteries following superconductors power lines in highways with solar voltaic conversion infrastructures designed like plant photosynthesis (bioengineers might want to research that) with a 90% efficiency rating could serve as privately operated vehicles where such anacronisms are needed.
In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski has hijacked the U.S. Senate campaign by jilting the Republican Party after losing the primary to Joe Miller and running as an Independent write-in, so she may return as chairman of the Senate Energy Committee to advocate for the same old kick-back loopiness to global fossil fuel corporations and high carbon emissions industries in return for a portion of the profits to advantaged social elements in the state. President Obama's cap and trade may be unfairly biased toward Harvard alumni, yet if so that can be corrected and jobs for college graduates including those from the University of Alaska S.E. might be created in Anchorage that do not require allegiance to the plundering party of flummery that are anti cap and trad I do not regard the government's job as to assure even profits for carbon emission industries nor maintain the nation's addiction to badly insulated homes and non-electric cars.
The United States has outsourced so much of its industry that most of the carbon emissions of excess in the future will be from China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Australia like as not. We must lead the way on showing how global cap and trade should tax these industrial neanderthals into better technology. American made high tech electric cars without rare earth metals based batteries following superconductors power lines in highways with solar voltaic conversion infrastructures designed like plant photosynthesis (bioengineers might want to research that) with a 90% efficiency rating could serve as privately operated vehicles where such anacronisms are needed.
In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski has hijacked the U.S. Senate campaign by jilting the Republican Party after losing the primary to Joe Miller and running as an Independent write-in, so she may return as chairman of the Senate Energy Committee to advocate for the same old kick-back loopiness to global fossil fuel corporations and high carbon emissions industries in return for a portion of the profits to advantaged social elements in the state. President Obama's cap and trade may be unfairly biased toward Harvard alumni, yet if so that can be corrected and jobs for college graduates including those from the University of Alaska S.E. might be created in Anchorage that do not require allegiance to the plundering party of flummery that are anti cap and trad
Wifi Vehicle Identification Numbers in the Future for Security Planners?
Reading the back of the 1040 Instruction booklet this year I again encountered the face of a missing girl with another photo of what she would look like at age 21. I wondered what the statistics are on children missing more than a year or two in the United States-how many are there? Is the total thousands?" Are there hundreds of buried missing children out there in drive through America?
With such thoughts I considered remedies of a uniform and effective nature. Of course civil liberities and curtailing pollution, global warming and the importation of fossil fuels to the United States are also concerns. The problems of children being snagged from locations where they congregate by adults in automobiles requires a little analysis to develop acceptable remedies that would increase security.
So the obvious innovation at present would be to have all automobiles broadcast short range wifi signals identifying the vehicle owner and possibly the driver too. Any cars approaching a school, park or mall where children might school up and potentially be snagged could also have motion sensors and receivers identifying each vehicle that approaches sensitive locations.
Obviously there are myriad variations including password encrypted and gated school entrances and so forth as forms of transmit and receive to identify or admit vehicles to or through sensitive locations. This is probably an underutilized technological remedy with innumerable application not only with the protection of minors but also with the protection of sensitive urban areas potentially targeted by foreign and domestic terrorists.
Some of these could be voluntary systems such as at private schools for pick up and drop off vehicle identification. Another use could be in scheduling and in the future controling private electric vehicle traffic in suburban-urban commute lanes and one day for recharging electric vehicles from in-highway public power lines.
With such thoughts I considered remedies of a uniform and effective nature. Of course civil liberities and curtailing pollution, global warming and the importation of fossil fuels to the United States are also concerns. The problems of children being snagged from locations where they congregate by adults in automobiles requires a little analysis to develop acceptable remedies that would increase security.
So the obvious innovation at present would be to have all automobiles broadcast short range wifi signals identifying the vehicle owner and possibly the driver too. Any cars approaching a school, park or mall where children might school up and potentially be snagged could also have motion sensors and receivers identifying each vehicle that approaches sensitive locations.
Obviously there are myriad variations including password encrypted and gated school entrances and so forth as forms of transmit and receive to identify or admit vehicles to or through sensitive locations. This is probably an underutilized technological remedy with innumerable application not only with the protection of minors but also with the protection of sensitive urban areas potentially targeted by foreign and domestic terrorists.
Some of these could be voluntary systems such as at private schools for pick up and drop off vehicle identification. Another use could be in scheduling and in the future controling private electric vehicle traffic in suburban-urban commute lanes and one day for recharging electric vehicles from in-highway public power lines.
Multiverse Theory and A Prioricity
This comment on a few aspects of multiverse theory and its epistemological criterion as a priori thought isn’t intended to seem technically rigorous. It is a few ideas I post here as notes.
Considering Kripke’s ‘Naming and Necessity written in 1973 and its salient comments upon a prioricity and necessary truths in reference to modal logical representations and all possible worlds paradigms of testing for validity one has the opportunity to plug in some of Kripke’s ideas and those of Quine to the paradigm of constructions of super-string theory, M-Theory and of all possible universes.
‘Naming and Necessity’ continued the analytic philosophical consideration of the meaning of names phenomenally. Kripke of course also considers various mathematical examples shedding light upon the problem of Kantian philosophical epistemology in regard to analytic and necessary truths. Quine also worked in the philosophical area of exposition of the phenomenal meaning of names within a language and for-themselves. Kripke points out a paper by Searle on names as a family of references. I think that might be regarding names as an address reference of meaning within a given lexicon.
Names and the meaning of a particular name are/is a kind of address or lexical location or description that differs for oneself and for-others. While there may be several people named Gary Gibson, there is only one other known to me who is a writer of science fiction, so Gary Gibson as a reference to find me with an Internet search turns up the other Gary Gibson as he is a more prolific writer, and of a more literary disposition. I thus differentiate myself on Internet and other reference categories with the use of middle initial ‘C.’ to provide additional clarification of the proper address reference. There are dozens of Gary Gibson provided with Internet searches, and more specific address criteria might be needed to provided reference individuation.
Names may be taken as descriptions of reference objects in space-time with temporal variability and relativity. For some reason mathematical and geometrical thought-objects and processes of a temporal character with change and series or progressions as aspects of their status as objects named that can be regarded as a priori truths, or constructions of an imaginary character existing at least once that have internal construction characteristics that are compressible and repeatable or extendible, in theory, in a postulated manner necessarily on each occasion per iteration ad infinitum, are given a status of a prioricity truth of a different nature than a posteriori truths. Analytic truths seem to be of a more tautological construction given that the terms are defined within a lexicon relevant to one world. All possible worlds paradigms for testing the necessity of truths seem to be improbable if a theory of names is founded as a description of a kind.
Names as descriptions would seem logically to have validity with synthetic a priori judgments or the a posteriori rather than in extending a priori truths into the realm of the empirical world. We are interested in the topic because of the pursuit of truth in cosmological physical theory.
A posteriori truths might be useful references to the motions of the planets around the sun within Newtonian, Einsteinean or MOG theory criteria. A priori truths or mathematical motion and quantum models of hypothetical space-time, Hilbert space or Tegmarkian all possible universes derivatives etc. are phenomenal descriptions regarded as true so much as they effectively coincide in various ways with testing and predictions. If we were ancient mariners sailing with a navigator relying on dead reckoning of tides and judgment of colors of the sea and sky for course corrections we would not expect perfect accuracy in prediction of current flows and weather, neither do we expect our theory of the construction of the universe or of all possible universe to be flawless. Instead we recognize that the names and constructions of models and facts are something like the most reliable descriptions we can provide of experience and mechanics regarding a given phenomena that might be improved with deeper and different analysis.
What of the relationship of a priori truths constructed or revealed to the mind, and all possible universes of math or logical theory regarding necessity, and the [potential reality of an infinite number of universes?
Kripke point out that an infinite mind might be able to test and prove or disprove the truth of particular mathematical conjectures; we would expect that an infinite mind could as well prove or disprove the existence of an infinite number of universes.
The relationship between a prior constructions that represent algorithms or mathematical compressibility of mathematical descriptions of a universe and its history, present and future evolutions, and the actual universe must seemingly be a necessary relationship of subjective epistemology and a priori thought that is in practice converted through association with observation into the synthetic a priori. Perhaps when speculative ideas are tested with real world observations the kind of truth constructed is that of analytic judgments and description-meaning sets combined with experience to render a posteriori truths.
It is notable that all of these a priori truths combined in some way with experience yield truths contingent upon no further and transforming physical observations that would conflict with the criterion of application. Ongoing cosmological theories with a large portion of a priori theory such as a multiverse or infinite number of universes in time, space, sequence and so forth are descriptions with a meaning perhaps existentially a priori falsifiable through a posteriori judgments.
Well, this perhaps thoroughly muddies up the clarity of the relationship of a prioricity, infinite series and universes of model logic to that of cosmological theory models of the multiverse from an epistemological perspective, as well as that of the actual existence or non-existence of a multiverse; I did say though, that it is just a note on the subject.
Considering Kripke’s ‘Naming and Necessity written in 1973 and its salient comments upon a prioricity and necessary truths in reference to modal logical representations and all possible worlds paradigms of testing for validity one has the opportunity to plug in some of Kripke’s ideas and those of Quine to the paradigm of constructions of super-string theory, M-Theory and of all possible universes.
‘Naming and Necessity’ continued the analytic philosophical consideration of the meaning of names phenomenally. Kripke of course also considers various mathematical examples shedding light upon the problem of Kantian philosophical epistemology in regard to analytic and necessary truths. Quine also worked in the philosophical area of exposition of the phenomenal meaning of names within a language and for-themselves. Kripke points out a paper by Searle on names as a family of references. I think that might be regarding names as an address reference of meaning within a given lexicon.
Names and the meaning of a particular name are/is a kind of address or lexical location or description that differs for oneself and for-others. While there may be several people named Gary Gibson, there is only one other known to me who is a writer of science fiction, so Gary Gibson as a reference to find me with an Internet search turns up the other Gary Gibson as he is a more prolific writer, and of a more literary disposition. I thus differentiate myself on Internet and other reference categories with the use of middle initial ‘C.’ to provide additional clarification of the proper address reference. There are dozens of Gary Gibson provided with Internet searches, and more specific address criteria might be needed to provided reference individuation.
Names may be taken as descriptions of reference objects in space-time with temporal variability and relativity. For some reason mathematical and geometrical thought-objects and processes of a temporal character with change and series or progressions as aspects of their status as objects named that can be regarded as a priori truths, or constructions of an imaginary character existing at least once that have internal construction characteristics that are compressible and repeatable or extendible, in theory, in a postulated manner necessarily on each occasion per iteration ad infinitum, are given a status of a prioricity truth of a different nature than a posteriori truths. Analytic truths seem to be of a more tautological construction given that the terms are defined within a lexicon relevant to one world. All possible worlds paradigms for testing the necessity of truths seem to be improbable if a theory of names is founded as a description of a kind.
Names as descriptions would seem logically to have validity with synthetic a priori judgments or the a posteriori rather than in extending a priori truths into the realm of the empirical world. We are interested in the topic because of the pursuit of truth in cosmological physical theory.
A posteriori truths might be useful references to the motions of the planets around the sun within Newtonian, Einsteinean or MOG theory criteria. A priori truths or mathematical motion and quantum models of hypothetical space-time, Hilbert space or Tegmarkian all possible universes derivatives etc. are phenomenal descriptions regarded as true so much as they effectively coincide in various ways with testing and predictions. If we were ancient mariners sailing with a navigator relying on dead reckoning of tides and judgment of colors of the sea and sky for course corrections we would not expect perfect accuracy in prediction of current flows and weather, neither do we expect our theory of the construction of the universe or of all possible universe to be flawless. Instead we recognize that the names and constructions of models and facts are something like the most reliable descriptions we can provide of experience and mechanics regarding a given phenomena that might be improved with deeper and different analysis.
What of the relationship of a priori truths constructed or revealed to the mind, and all possible universes of math or logical theory regarding necessity, and the [potential reality of an infinite number of universes?
Kripke point out that an infinite mind might be able to test and prove or disprove the truth of particular mathematical conjectures; we would expect that an infinite mind could as well prove or disprove the existence of an infinite number of universes.
The relationship between a prior constructions that represent algorithms or mathematical compressibility of mathematical descriptions of a universe and its history, present and future evolutions, and the actual universe must seemingly be a necessary relationship of subjective epistemology and a priori thought that is in practice converted through association with observation into the synthetic a priori. Perhaps when speculative ideas are tested with real world observations the kind of truth constructed is that of analytic judgments and description-meaning sets combined with experience to render a posteriori truths.
It is notable that all of these a priori truths combined in some way with experience yield truths contingent upon no further and transforming physical observations that would conflict with the criterion of application. Ongoing cosmological theories with a large portion of a priori theory such as a multiverse or infinite number of universes in time, space, sequence and so forth are descriptions with a meaning perhaps existentially a priori falsifiable through a posteriori judgments.
Well, this perhaps thoroughly muddies up the clarity of the relationship of a prioricity, infinite series and universes of model logic to that of cosmological theory models of the multiverse from an epistemological perspective, as well as that of the actual existence or non-existence of a multiverse; I did say though, that it is just a note on the subject.
Fox News Tech Report on '100 Year Starship'
America's personed space program is in a solipsistic yin entanglement not getting anywhere solid such as the moon or Mars. Fox News has a story on the secret D.A.R.P.A.-N.A.S.A. program to send and maroon astronauts on a 100 year mission to Mars--also known as the 'fire and forget strategy'.
The wright way to go about solar system colonization would be to create an ecological economic low entropy economy in the U.S.A. for a good example to other nations, build a moon research colony and electromagnetic mass driver for launching things from the moon, send a fleet off automatic spaceship cycling between Earth and Mars (as Buzz Aldrin suggested), and keep fabbing things on the moon to launch at low cost to mars for automatic caching of materials to work with.
Martian colonization would be a research base rather than a political entity like a colony, and zero population growth on Earth and elsewhere should keep the entire solar system population to just 9 billion intelligent, well educated and high tech, spiritual souls that respect liberty. The moon needs only a few thousand to build machines and super-conducting electrical facilities around the lunar surface, and mars should just be a terraforming project above and below ground with people working on that a long time. Humanity needs to learn to become ecotopia engineers occupationally as much as being warriors, blowing things up and waging economic war with senseless abandon.
The wright way to go about solar system colonization would be to create an ecological economic low entropy economy in the U.S.A. for a good example to other nations, build a moon research colony and electromagnetic mass driver for launching things from the moon, send a fleet off automatic spaceship cycling between Earth and Mars (as Buzz Aldrin suggested), and keep fabbing things on the moon to launch at low cost to mars for automatic caching of materials to work with.
Martian colonization would be a research base rather than a political entity like a colony, and zero population growth on Earth and elsewhere should keep the entire solar system population to just 9 billion intelligent, well educated and high tech, spiritual souls that respect liberty. The moon needs only a few thousand to build machines and super-conducting electrical facilities around the lunar surface, and mars should just be a terraforming project above and below ground with people working on that a long time. Humanity needs to learn to become ecotopia engineers occupationally as much as being warriors, blowing things up and waging economic war with senseless abandon.
Social Determinism Because of The Intellectual Laziness of the Wealthy and Middle Class
Reading further in Van Creeveld's 'The Culture of War' I have found interesting concepts about the sociology of societies and their war cultures in regard to 'men without chests' and feminism. These are concepts that fit rather well with Toybean analysis of the evolution of societies and civilizations through various stages. It is not a subject that provides much optimism as humanity moves through deterministic social configurations and relationships rather like the seasonal leaves upon trees.
The economic aspects of war were not especially a subject of Van Creeveld's cultural research. I regard the evolution of contemporary economics from the classical foundation as something like that of the evolution of the culture of war as it attacks natural resources, consumes and depletes them looking abroad for more to input. The culture of war is largely a gender motivated phenomenon, and in its collapse such that no culture of war functions effectively the social environment is overrun by those that do.
The challenges to whatever elements of society are interested in creating a stable, zero-population growth with full employment and high quality of life lay within very a deep social complex of gender relationships, greed, generational hubris and ignorance and economic reasoning of no more sophistication than that of war and the joy of making a killing while survivingng the direct threat to one's own existence.
The United States could have just sealed the Mexican border to illegal immigration and help reconstruct Mexico simultaneously in order that they should ave no reason to send migrants north to the drug addled land of '4-Loco' where they can take over gradually from those with a weak grip on nationhood. The greed of globalists and resistance to ecological economics will in time collapse the United States into a warpath interregnum zone of contention perhaps suitable to a cultre of war in recovery from an era of 'men without chests' and feminism that has transformed the wine into vinegar. Cheap labor and fecundity to expand dumb economic growth of resource consumption is the devil in the details retarding intelligent economic redesign.
The plain biological facts of sociological existence does not confer person-hood upon soldiers or civilians as abstract units of pure equality, and neither does it provide a benificient and wise government,corporate leadership or hierarchical priesthood fundamentally interested in more than their own narrow economic self-interest. In order to create a strongly renewable, high-quality social environment with social equality for all citizens the solutions to the many political challenges would require that all understand the objective environmental facts of being and seek the well being of thy brother and sister as well as thyself. The Lord Jesus could accomplish such a mission, one has little reason to expect much from the animals of economics and war that flourish in the prosperous societies as well as the poor.
Gender aspects of biological alteration have even speculated on removing and freezing ovaries in young women for re-implantation later so they are are more fertile in older age after piling up money and career power. Reading 'The Culture of War' by Van Creeveld a chapter on feminism and the biological gender facts about war and population relates several facts such as why men are comparatively disposable and women so highly valued. An ovary freezing program could change that enabling women after freezing ovaries to be disposable warriors too. Van Creeveld noted that women have thinner skulls, less bone mass, less muscle and body size and are otherwise unsuitable compared to men for being clubbed and beaten in combat. Maybe Dr. Frankenstein could give steroids and genetic re-engineering to enhance female workforce survivability outside the financial and government services sectors.
Seriously though, I am skeptical about the political value of deferring reproduction through artificial means while importing illegal aliens to provide population increase. I think it is a sophistication that is disingenuous, although maybe freezing embryos could be an option to abortion as technology advances.
I will not make any jokes about freezing balls off in Alaska.
It is not enough to just mean well, posture toward pacifism or select paper instead of plastic in order to change society and enhance the prospects for species diversity and survival of pollution. To design an intelligent society in which all of humanity may dwell safely and prosperously for a time the real social dynamics of change biologically should be understood well enough to moderate the flow and direct it politically to an advantageous position. That is an extremely challenging venture most would be defeatists on if they even though about the challenges critically.
The economic aspects of war were not especially a subject of Van Creeveld's cultural research. I regard the evolution of contemporary economics from the classical foundation as something like that of the evolution of the culture of war as it attacks natural resources, consumes and depletes them looking abroad for more to input. The culture of war is largely a gender motivated phenomenon, and in its collapse such that no culture of war functions effectively the social environment is overrun by those that do.
The challenges to whatever elements of society are interested in creating a stable, zero-population growth with full employment and high quality of life lay within very a deep social complex of gender relationships, greed, generational hubris and ignorance and economic reasoning of no more sophistication than that of war and the joy of making a killing while survivingng the direct threat to one's own existence.
The United States could have just sealed the Mexican border to illegal immigration and help reconstruct Mexico simultaneously in order that they should ave no reason to send migrants north to the drug addled land of '4-Loco' where they can take over gradually from those with a weak grip on nationhood. The greed of globalists and resistance to ecological economics will in time collapse the United States into a warpath interregnum zone of contention perhaps suitable to a cultre of war in recovery from an era of 'men without chests' and feminism that has transformed the wine into vinegar. Cheap labor and fecundity to expand dumb economic growth of resource consumption is the devil in the details retarding intelligent economic redesign.
The plain biological facts of sociological existence does not confer person-hood upon soldiers or civilians as abstract units of pure equality, and neither does it provide a benificient and wise government,corporate leadership or hierarchical priesthood fundamentally interested in more than their own narrow economic self-interest. In order to create a strongly renewable, high-quality social environment with social equality for all citizens the solutions to the many political challenges would require that all understand the objective environmental facts of being and seek the well being of thy brother and sister as well as thyself. The Lord Jesus could accomplish such a mission, one has little reason to expect much from the animals of economics and war that flourish in the prosperous societies as well as the poor.
Gender aspects of biological alteration have even speculated on removing and freezing ovaries in young women for re-implantation later so they are are more fertile in older age after piling up money and career power. Reading 'The Culture of War' by Van Creeveld a chapter on feminism and the biological gender facts about war and population relates several facts such as why men are comparatively disposable and women so highly valued. An ovary freezing program could change that enabling women after freezing ovaries to be disposable warriors too. Van Creeveld noted that women have thinner skulls, less bone mass, less muscle and body size and are otherwise unsuitable compared to men for being clubbed and beaten in combat. Maybe Dr. Frankenstein could give steroids and genetic re-engineering to enhance female workforce survivability outside the financial and government services sectors.
Seriously though, I am skeptical about the political value of deferring reproduction through artificial means while importing illegal aliens to provide population increase. I think it is a sophistication that is disingenuous, although maybe freezing embryos could be an option to abortion as technology advances.
I will not make any jokes about freezing balls off in Alaska.
It is not enough to just mean well, posture toward pacifism or select paper instead of plastic in order to change society and enhance the prospects for species diversity and survival of pollution. To design an intelligent society in which all of humanity may dwell safely and prosperously for a time the real social dynamics of change biologically should be understood well enough to moderate the flow and direct it politically to an advantageous position. That is an extremely challenging venture most would be defeatists on if they even though about the challenges critically.
Some Reasons Why Globalism May Be Evil to National Interests
Globalization as a political phenomenon, wrote the historian Arnold Toynbee, is a universal phase of a civilization-it is the nova of a star at the end of its cycle of history. A wise national leadership would not over-extend its border security rationality, its economic resources and need for more consumption and power without much personal labor and just go global.
There are innumerable ways to view environmental and existential political expansion and absorption of smaller nations into larger glomming powers and principalities. Many of those are dystopian paradigms.
Ghengis Khan was a globalist as was Adolph Hitler, Imperialist powers of a global nature from Ancient Rome to the Assyrians and the British Empire would stop when they were stopped. That phenomenon exists with Wall-Street global financial powers as well. Sometimes imperialistic they have eliminated the protections of Glass-Steagle and made home mortgages tradable commodities for global rulers.
Concentrating wealth has a small worlds networks criteria of advantage of preferred locations enabling everyone to drop their dime in the Wall Street outlets instead of their won business or that of a neighbor. Globalists may unite with the state and become a corporatist entity such as Mussolini designed not much different from a global socialist totalitarian rein of repression of individualism. Certainly America will not retreat from modern global communications, yet neigther should it retreat from a stalwart nationalism conserving the proprietary interests of the citizens that already are Americans.
One need not be frightened of globalism and its political spin each day as megalomaniacs seek to buy up everything and put on the imperial purple or download human freedom into a totalitarian box with diminishing over-used natural resources as drone workers.
History has many lessons for Americans, yet the practical freedom and liberty of individuals in relation to government powers meant to serve rather than oppress is fundamental.
There are innumerable ways to view environmental and existential political expansion and absorption of smaller nations into larger glomming powers and principalities. Many of those are dystopian paradigms.
Ghengis Khan was a globalist as was Adolph Hitler, Imperialist powers of a global nature from Ancient Rome to the Assyrians and the British Empire would stop when they were stopped. That phenomenon exists with Wall-Street global financial powers as well. Sometimes imperialistic they have eliminated the protections of Glass-Steagle and made home mortgages tradable commodities for global rulers.
Concentrating wealth has a small worlds networks criteria of advantage of preferred locations enabling everyone to drop their dime in the Wall Street outlets instead of their won business or that of a neighbor. Globalists may unite with the state and become a corporatist entity such as Mussolini designed not much different from a global socialist totalitarian rein of repression of individualism. Certainly America will not retreat from modern global communications, yet neigther should it retreat from a stalwart nationalism conserving the proprietary interests of the citizens that already are Americans.
One need not be frightened of globalism and its political spin each day as megalomaniacs seek to buy up everything and put on the imperial purple or download human freedom into a totalitarian box with diminishing over-used natural resources as drone workers.
History has many lessons for Americans, yet the practical freedom and liberty of individuals in relation to government powers meant to serve rather than oppress is fundamental.
Charybdis & Scylla-The 2010 Election Choice for More Public Debt
The logic is somewhat mysterious to me. The President plans to add a trillion dollars of debt each year if he is reelected in 2012 from the present. That would make a total public debt of 20 trillion dollars. Why does such economic planning appeal to youth?
Eventually those trillions add up to become real money. If deflation were to occur for some reason that could seem like a zillion dollar debt (isn't that the next level up from trillion?).
Us classical liberals of the George Washington-Thomas Jefferson ilk got off the Democratic fag-n-feminism bandwagon some time ago, and jetisoned the usurpation of liberalism by socialism long before from the conestoga of progress. Well, that leaves what, Republicans to vote from?
Globalism versus perversion and socialism, Cherybdis and Scyllla--these are the American political parties against environmental reason, national security, full employment and no public debt for all Americans. While God is alive, politics is dead except for the corporate carrion buzzards picking over the garbage of classical economics.
Eventually those trillions add up to become real money. If deflation were to occur for some reason that could seem like a zillion dollar debt (isn't that the next level up from trillion?).
Us classical liberals of the George Washington-Thomas Jefferson ilk got off the Democratic fag-n-feminism bandwagon some time ago, and jetisoned the usurpation of liberalism by socialism long before from the conestoga of progress. Well, that leaves what, Republicans to vote from?
Globalism versus perversion and socialism, Cherybdis and Scyllla--these are the American political parties against environmental reason, national security, full employment and no public debt for all Americans. While God is alive, politics is dead except for the corporate carrion buzzards picking over the garbage of classical economics.
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