
Why Obama's Cap & Trade is a Good Idea

President Obama has some perverse political ideas and a good one. Herein I shall mention cap and trade (the good one). Everyone dislikes excess carbon releases into the atmosphere. Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide-all of the carbon hybrids are neanderthalish economic leftovers from the primitive era industrialization. If the United States wants to be a leader in the world instead of a loser chasing after foreign terrorists in high mountain caves with high tech weapons and perverse social policies on borrowed money it must move on beyond fossilized fuels and other carbon emissions.

http://www.technologyreview.com/business/22247/ I do not regard the government's job as to assure even profits for carbon emission industries nor maintain the nation's addiction to badly insulated homes and non-electric cars.

The United States has outsourced so much of its industry that most of the carbon emissions of excess in the future will be from China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Australia like as not. We must lead the way on showing how global cap and trade should tax these industrial neanderthals into better technology. American made high tech electric cars without rare earth metals based batteries following superconductors power lines in highways with solar voltaic conversion infrastructures designed like plant photosynthesis (bioengineers might want to research that) with a 90% efficiency rating could serve as privately operated vehicles where such anacronisms are needed.

In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski has hijacked the U.S. Senate campaign by jilting the Republican Party after losing the primary to Joe Miller and running as an Independent write-in, so she may return as chairman of the Senate Energy Committee to advocate for the same old kick-back loopiness to global fossil fuel corporations and high carbon emissions industries in return for a portion of the profits to advantaged social elements in the state. President Obama's cap and trade may be unfairly biased toward Harvard alumni, yet if so that can be corrected and jobs for college graduates including those from the University of Alaska S.E. might be created in Anchorage that do not require allegiance to the plundering party of flummery that are anti cap and trad

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