
Senator Lindsey Graham to Obama; Consider War on Iran/Economic Answers

Senator Lindsey Graham has made the suggestion that attacking Iran’s Air Force and Navy should be considered by President Obama in order to discourage Iranian development of nuclear weapons. Perhaps the United States does not spend enough as it is on destroying foreign military assets , with the Defense budget being about a third of the federal budget its destruction of material items per financial endowment is rather low.

Shouldn’t the administration have some concern for the legality of foreign wars and missions of destruction even if some Senators do not? Is it actually illegal for a nation to manufacture and produce nuclear weapons? Isn’t the actual problem of owning nuclear weapons one of ultimate fate of a nation that attacks another nuclear-armed nation of being incinerated? With nuclear weapons that cannot be used, Iran’s next stop in war is total destruction, without nuclear weapons Iran might just survive an invasion by a future Admiral Mullins and a Gay Marine Corps (maybe the nuclear war option is better on second thought).

Seriously though, as funny as Admiral Mullins and an Uncle Sam Wants You! recruitment concept for a homosexualized military and nuclear war might be, responsible and sober citizens hope for a fair and balanced social environment. Some believe that getting rid of too much government is the answer. War is a form of governing through other means though, and too much war is harmful to economies too.

The too much government campaign has disingenuous aspects. Homeless poor people in Alaska that live in a too much government social environment would find that the Tea Partiers would oppose their building a cabin in summer on city park land or wherever a forest exists in order not to freeze, and also would oppose building campfires there too in order to heat up coffee. Some too much government theory is predicated on the idea of just enough government to defend my wealth theory and negate everyone else’s needs. Republicans may believe they could defend their own property from competition themselves, yet that is debatable and would need to be answered in civil war, anarchy and nihilist armed litigation. Really too much government, as in state or corporatist tyranny as Ronald Regan pointed out, is a dry well from which civil society may be cast with little hope of in vivo extraction.

Senator Graham of course has a savage’s comprehension of the effects of sinking naval vessels on polluting the ocean-basically none. The fire all the guns and watch the burning, burning, smoke on the waters and fire in the sky attitude dumps tons of oil and toxic chemicals, paints, metals and sundry things bad for fishing into the sea and sky. Capturing the ships and auctioning them on E-Bay might be a more environmentally responsible alternative the Senator could consider when he is moving his war games scenario models about his pool.

Nuclear weapons are plainly dangerous. If our policy in containing Pakistani nuclear weapons and terrorist training camps can be used as a measuring rod of our prospects for containing the Iranian and Korea proliferation problems, then its no worry.

So we may consider how to capture Iranian naval vessels and aircraft while in motion and return them safely to the used war equipment lots of Tijuana.

In each instance (Sea and sky) the launch of a small, steal interceptor intelligent sabot packed with hostile takeover technology items would contact the opposition force vessel and take control of its flight guidance mechanisms or render the crew incapable of resistance (that could be anything from bribes to super glue). An aircraft could be remotely piloted or a ship boarded by navy Seals after the power authority is transitioned.

Future naval and air combat should feature capture technology in order to reduce the terrible and concatenating effects of pollution upon the planet. Plainly, commercial fishing should be halted in Alaska and simply subsistence and sports fisheries allowed to continue in order to restore the health of the fishery the next decade. Even with the crisis of over-use and exhaustion of the Alaska sports and subsistence fishery U.S. Senators as Lindsey Grahams are asking for increasing pollution of the worlds oceans through deposition of sunken war vessels, and that is reprehensible.

The traditional detergent for use of nuclear weapons by a belligerent nation on the United States or its allies is assured destruction. That should work for Iran too. I cannot help feeling that America’s incompetent and protracted Middle Eastern and Asian war policy of egregiously expensive militarism is in part a derivative of an incompetent and corrupt domestic economic policy. The perennial wars distract from domestic economic incompetence and provide work for the defense industry. There are more competent foreign policy approaches possible, including fixes to the Mohammedan problem of terrorism.

America with a population of 300 million competing against the billions of India, China, Europe and Latin America has one advantage that could restore full employment; a comparatively small population. A highly educated population with select global economic interests could exist in the U.S.A. with a fully employed, highly paid unskilled and semi-skilled workforce serving the non-physically working class if the non-physical workers would stop existentially seeking an instant narrow self-interest advantage in degrading the wages and quality of life of the working class and homeless through importation of foreign labor. Prosperous pimps of labor sink national interest. Temporal ego-glorification through extreme concentrations of paper money and power is not ultimately socio-environmentally healthful.

Protracted foreign asymmetric wars implicitly harm U.S. national economic progress. Secure borders, zero immigration and a tightened up labor market would enable a demand for more expensive domestic labor to find a better equilibrium with the higher paid office workers. A high unemployment, protracted resource and asymmetric anti-terror wars regime should be evolved out and replaced with a more effective, directed, selected anti-terror methodology along with a better composition of resource ensemble for the present U.S. cultural tool kit. Political intelligence needs to manifest in leadership that respects Adam Smith’s notion that private enterprise should lead the way on foreign trade-not the government. The government should focus upon encouragement and support for border security and invest in and prefer technologies promoting local resource use rather than imported, concurrent with ecosystem conservation, care and restoration.

With a corrupted, dysfunctioning U.S. economy the world also lacks a good conservative example of moderation, intelligence and socio-environmental rationality.

With a more educated national work force and a stable population even unskilled job workers will receive higher pay. It is the immigration of cheap foreign labor that lems up the U.S. economy and accelerates the concentration of wealth in the United States. Full employment in America would cost the middle class and wealthy the payment of higher wages to the lesser skilled workers, yet the fundamental relation of labor supply and demand to wages is the actual critical fact of present economic malaise in United States. So long as real cheap legal and illegal labor is brought into the United States, full employment will not occur, and a management class business advantage and corporate hegemony over government will debase security, sovereignty and financial well being of the United States.

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