
On Mysticism & philosophical Language

The point of mystical experience might be to be more than we are, or more than one is as an uncertain self. The Steppenwolf song 'Rock Me Baby' has the feminine wisdom of 'if all this should have a reason, we would be the last to know' and the further expression that there may be a promised land to hang on until then as best as one can. We intuitively know Jesus Christ as the atemporal Lord of transcendence whereof all other foundations are built, comparatively, on sand.

So we appreciate the sentiment and purpose of discovery of mystical experience. One could suffer from chocolate intoxication and experience the withdrawal of mind and brain/balance unity perhaps-so don't overdo eating chocolate bars or donuts and stay away from that sort of sea-sickness and nausea of the phenomenal experience of mind in brain so disturbing of the normal placid unity.

There may be good paranormal mystical experiences in which one is extracted from one's environ while driving a car to be in another perceptible and more pure universe beyond space and time just to drop back into the driving-the-car along the Interstate experience of being. Well, nothing ever last forever and one must find a good paying job to have the mystical experience of a fully stocked refrigerator.

The effort to intentionally discover a mystical experience, such as described in 'The Cloud of Unknowing', might be a grace kind of thing at various points. It might be the proverbial aesthetic regard for God in nature, the Universe as the sublime and beautiful, though obviously the author meant more than that.

The difficulties of finding a solid ground to stand upon and describe mystical experience ought to exist in the same respect as making a quantum computer requires sampling the state of the particle-waves, collapsing them thereby into the classical realm and spoling the quantum super-positioning function of the waveforms.

I am not certain yet I think this is like making a quantum computer that can make every possible calculation yet if one looks inside the result box it makes the answers disappear. Possibly mysticism may be like that.

Human beings exist in classical solid state physics and would like to have the quantum super-positioning state of all possible worlds sorts of transcendence. Maybe that is a reaching to a confusing for the finite bounds of language for several kinds of infinity, yet perhaps not.

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. We can say for sure that Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote that, yet we cannot be certain what he was thinking about when he wrote it.

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