Without finding an interior to paint for air fare to Orlando, I have little choice besides encountering the political condition of the state of Alaska. Since it been about 37 years since I first visited this place, its getting old. Prospects for painting are much better this time of year in Florida.
Well, the Governor that replaced Sarah Palin's vacated seat, Sean Parnell, formerly a Conoco employee, won the election. Five state commissioners resigned, so he must have asked them to before he fired them to pork up the perks Departments.
The Governor and Lt. Governor's compensation may go up 55,000 dollars and 35,000 dollars respectively and at least the Governor's should for living seasonally in the mansion in Juneau. It should be swapped out with the Wickersham mansion on the hill with a better view of the cruise ships in the harbor.
The state Senate race outcome is still a little in doubt. The very qualified Joe Miller is running behind Lisa Murkowski yet gaining a little ground still trailing, I believe, by about 6000 votes with a few weeks left in counting write in and absentee as well as contested ballots. As an outsider here, a veritable stranger in a strange land, I can learn something about how the state politicians relate to the secular Grail of building a New Gas Pipeline to forever assure prosperity to the state's insiders high on the trophic order of excellent slop and financial fixxins.
Senator Mark Begitch and Senator Lisa Murkowski each support additional gas and oil development in this state. One state political district is alone about the size of the state of Texas, yet just about 650,000 people live in Alaska. The Begkowski politically Republicrat oriented agenda may continue The Ted Stevens legacy of transferring as much wealth from D.C. as possible to Alaska insiders, who in turn are loyal to global corporate oil corporations and the military industrial complex.
I should make a note about Ted (dead) Stevens. Senator Stevens was an excellant guy, a world war two fighter pilot and all that, and a first rate cold warrior. When the cold war ended though he had prostate surgery and seemed soon thereafter to be kind of financially crazy. I believe that was a result of listening to all the Senate hearings raving lunatic speech testimoney in the Congress that developed during the 90's as well as hormonal imbalances. Senator Ted (also dead) Kennedy had a similar brain rot affliction that coincided with his political turn toward lunacy.
Ted Steven seemed to require a new kind of political philosophy or replace the cold war era concept of getting as much defense spending in Alaska as possible along with civilian spending. Stevens and Murkowski each supported lunatic heavy logging and gas industrial development and were on board the be friendly to Saddam Hussein before Iraq invaded Iran. When 1990-91 arrived Ted Stevens changed his political action to just spending in Alaska and screw the U.S. Treasury.
Vice President Cheney actually had a kind of screw the taxpayers and redistribute tax dollars to favorite corporations as a kind of political philosophy most of his political life. I don't think Ted Stevens ever rationalized that far, instead he just saw Alaska as benefiting from as much spending here as possible, and could of course never consider flakey 'alternative' energy development, civil construction or non-global oil infrastructure primacy in Alaskan economics as realistic possibilities. Senator Kennedy took his unlimited late career spree toward support of homosexual empowerment. I cannot imagine why-except that his concern for the finer issues of eliminating poverty seemed to have slipped away.
Ft. Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage are a prime source of employment for the few hundred thousand living in Anchorage. In my opinion there are perennial feedback loops here assuring that few changes to the established globally dependent kickback loopers will find it easy going.
When the global oil and gas industry really wants to plunder Alaska's remaining natural oil and gas reserves, then the global loyalists will accomplish whatever they need politically, locally to get job number one done, and not before. They have Iraq to consume presently, and then perhaps Iran. There are far more contracting bonuses to affiliates in Muslim world adventures now than in Alaska. One should never misundersetimate the L.B.J./Brown and Root/Defense Contracting/Oil/Halliburton/Cheyney/Bush/Rumsfeld/Gates axis of oil.
Britain is also a malevolent factor in Alaskan history traditionally. From BP oil power in Alaska to the 2010 oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico their interest in globalism and homosexuality to break down national immunity exists in order to puff up the profits of the densely populated island nation and former colonial power. BP sold its control of the Alyeska pipeline corporation this year I think. The huge footprints of global oil are never easy to track through the political arena, should one wish to.
The chickadees and Alaska crows with keratin birth defects making their beaks grow too large and curl could be a result of oil and gas development/pollution, the Exxon Valdez monstrous oil spill, or environmental change of global warming caused by fossil fuel emissions of oil and gas. It could be caused by something else of course, yet anthropogenic industrial causality is a good bet. The Senators would be for it and against ANWR, polar bears, fish for sports and subsistence fisherpersons and wildlife corridors in cities wit low entropy local economic accentuation for development.
Walking 15 miles on the Anchorage sidewalks I can say that generally they are cleared of snow reasonably well on main routes. Yet sometimes in clearing the plates/streets they pile the snow on the sidewalk after the sidewalks are scraped clean. The coordination could be better.
Also, the U.S. Army temperate weather boots are slippery as heck on snow covered icy snow. I fell seven times on that 15 mile walk. Using a different pair of boots today I had much better traction. I think its not only the sole design, but the material in the temperate weather boot (maybe the use a different boot now than a few years ago) that makes it have a kind of waxed-ski like relation to slippery surface.
Well, that enough for this comment on Alaska politics. It's not like a town down south where one can ride a bike across the nation and see something to paint, make a bid and perhaps get some temporary work using highest quality materials from Lowe's.
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