
2012 Presidential Campaign Needs an Independent Candidate

The 2012 Presidential campaign would be a good time for the entry of a new and improved Ross Perot style independent Presidential candidate. The Democrat Party is effectively the party of depravity, and the Republicans the party of concentrating wealth for the rich. Physically, the geography of the United States has been a strength; today it is a determining economic factor as well although to the detriment of the poor and middle class.

Writing critically is sometimes challenging politically for accurate political descriptions are not inevitably welcome. Interstate 35 from Laredo and Mexico north into the heartland admits 10,000 trucks per day to the U.S.A. The border patrol stops perhaps one of three illegal aliens, wealthy urbanites with global commercial empires such as Mayor Bloomberg of New York City really don’t care about the demographic changes to the American southwest as cheap labor and good migrate north. The interests of the 30 million poor Americans cast aside by the surplus labor just lose in the political balances of the interests of the rich, globalist and middle class.

The American middle class has become a toady for global corporatism. Saying nothing and keeping their heads down, making criticism of corporate power equivalent to communism is a good way to kill democracy. Men afraid to put their own name on Internet posts did not build America; the founders did not hide behind pseudonymous symbols. Corporatism will concentrate wealth for the rich and gut public outlays on anything not supporting their infrastructure.

Democracy is a horse of a different color though. The people have a right to set national parameters of development. They have a right to build an impassable yet beautiful border ecological control zone. Intelligence and creative economic conservativism are rational, necessary developments if the United States is to grow within a democratic rather than a depleting corporate paradigm.

I am not optimistic that democracy will return to the United States. The present trends are against it. Easy money and cheap labor disempowering the millions of poor and working class Americans that would like a stable population and full employment with scarce surplus labor appeal to corporations concentrating wealth and requiring political silence from white male execs. The female anti-white male vote in the United States has become a spread and receive fullness certainty that corporations will promote their class existential interests to leadership. Feminine sexuality is wonderful, yet that nature should not convert into political indolence with reliance on global economic promiscuity. There is nothing wrong with democratic proprietary national interest that moves beyond merely personal narrow self-interest.

The homosexual militancy also seeks to graft itself in malevolent political partnerships with a corporatist agenda intolerant of national economic and political security.

There is little reason to be optimistic that a solid independent Presidential candidate will emerge to run in 2012. The nation needs one; the environment and economy require a rectification to high quality, low quantity resource use. The world population wants a stable, ecologically rational if not brilliant good example. Mexico as a corrupt parasite annexing the United States permits a drug distributor border corps to corrupt its domestic politics with so much human illicit traffic economically moving the center politically and economically of Mexico outside the boundaries of its voters.

The present world chess rankings do not list one American in the top ten-that seems reflected in the political-economy of the U.S.A. as well.


The decadent globalist trends of the United States will continue for twenty or thirty years perhaps before some sort of larger global catastrophe brings the imbalanced era of present U.S. leadership to an end. Americans cannot expect much from feudal tithe collecting priesthoods that could have no idea of what a priesthood of believers would be like. Really.

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