
Wikileaks Trickles Down State Department Cable

President Obama has strongly denounced the criminals responsible for enabling the theft and publication of classified U.S. Department of State communications. Hopefully he will fire Defense Secretary Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mullins as well and replace them with people that keep lips zipped.


Secretary of State Clinton said of the theft and release This disclosure is not just an attack on America's foreign policy interests. It is an attack on the international community".


Some of the broadcast media have found the victimizing of the State Department no big thing-as its a rival organazization to the megalomaniacal dream of global corpoarte rule, or at least rule by the broadcast media, popular today.

The U.S. Government is, in effect, the people's corporation in competition with all those others. Victimizing the people's government isn't at all appreciated, for it harms the interests of democracy and rule of law.

Wikileaks and Julian Assange have decided not to release all of the stolen data at once. They have redacted or edited some of the material, inevitably taken things out of context, and also retain the extortion and sabotage resembling option to release future information at will, as they deem it in their interest for whatever reason-perhaps even to sabotage or alter ongoing U.S. and global political missions. The wikipedia rightly should destroy whatever information it yet has, and vow not to withhold information and retain and ability to assault the effectiveness of the U.S. State Department in the future at any time it chooses as opportune.

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