
President Obama Elbowed in Mouth By Hispanic Caucus Player in Basketball Game

Just completing reading 'The Border' by Danelo when the basketball injury report occurred, I thought it somewhat inevitable that the ethnic background of the guy elbowing the Presidential lip would be Hispanic and working for the Hispanic Caucus-those guys are aggressive.


From my experience, Hispanics can have a 'we are superior to blacks' attitude in the rock, paper, sissors politics of life. With the discovery of another drug import tunnel in San Diego I wondered if some drug king pin had ordered a pay-back on the President, yet they haven't got that much influence I guess.

Brain imaging of people from different cultures show that their brains actually work differently. Because Americans are mostly passive on halting illegal immigration and prefer a long range trial an error capitalist political-economy without any sort of democratic prometian ecological planning conflict and chaos from extrra-terretorial culutral input will increase.



In lines in bus stations Hispanics will cut to the front of a line with 30 people and then say 'no comprende' if challenged. They know Americans are more docile in some things-especially at competent border security allowing in tens of thousands each day they choose.

So then the comparison to Teddy Roosevelt occurred to me; Roosevelt went blind in an eye after boxing in the White House with the bare knuckle heavyweight champ-not a good idea, and personally I feel Obama should have been doing some reading and left the playground stuff until after he is out of office after 2012. The people in Washington just aren't as concerned about stopping illegal immigration or creating new jobs for Americans as am I.

Border security in Phoenix is a joke-and the Obama administration sued Arizona to prevent law enforcement people from checking for U.S. citizenship. Hmmm- Presidnet Obama should have been given a present by the pro-illegal alien caucus rather than elbowed by them. At least the guy didn't apologize and sound like a wimp.

There should be hundreds of job openings for painters in South Arizona each winter instead of thousands of illegal aliens standing on streets signaling drivers for work. Corrupt U.S. Congress is the reason why.

Stopping illegal immigration is possible with a comprehensive ecological boundary control zone with ditches, berms and salt water canals to help make fresh water through evaporation and condensation. Mexico will have 45 million people living in their border states within 7 years, crime, corruption and illegal immigration flourishes as Americans are incompetent on economic rectification.

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