
President Obama-Dancing in India

This U.S.A. Today video of the President dancing with the kids in a Hindu religious celebration makes one wonder why G.W. Bush never thought of that? A sure-fire way to get a few points up in the polls.


India is being squeezed between Pakistani Muslim terrorists and Government Spook Op planners and potential terrorist troubles in Bangladesh too. Presidential gunboat economic business diplomacy (10 billion dollars worth so far) may be a wrong practice as foreign trade is best left to private enterprise instead of the heavy feet of government trampling out the vintage (per Adam Smith).

What the President might have suggested to the Hindu crowd is that they start a Reformed Church of Brahma to get in step with the more monotheistic leaning suicide bombers on both sides. The Chinese atheist nuclear war preppies to the north also might better appreciate a Reformed Church of Brahma. God recycling the Universe every 50 billion years is a more plausible explanation to some others than a Vlahala group tossing snowballs on the planet Kolob. One must have a Universe before stars and planets and pagan neo-dities.

For 200 million dollars a day,with two aircraft carrier battle groups in the Indian Ocean, the taxpayers at least deserved taps on the President's shoes.

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