
N.A.T.O. and Russia Agree To Build Star Wars Anti-Missile System

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev has agreed with N.A.T.O. to invest in the construction of a missile defense shield. A strategic goal of the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance is to defend the United States, Europe and evidently Russia against nuclear attack. Since the Nixon administration the reduction of nuclear weapons dangers in arms limitations talks has been a political goal that is proceeding to better cooperation between former cold war protagonists. N.A.T.O. has stated that Russia is not a threat.


A ten-year N.A.T.O. strategic defense plan statement provides a new N.A.T.O. approach to defense challenges of the 21st century. http://www.nato.int/lisbon2010/strategic-concept-2010-eng.pdf

The U.S. Senate has an opportunity to ratify further arms reduction with Russia, such that our nuclear stockpile would drop from approximately 1750 to 1500 weapons. With a Russian reduction in the agreement, the United States can move on to work on a new and improved Star War laser anti-missile system.


The prospect of constructing an effective anti-ballistic missile system with Russia and N.A.T.O. aboard is an achievement for the Obama administration. It is a will o’the’wisp defense target moving into the realm of reality. Unfortunately cruise missiles with nuclear weapons are a more direct, cheaper and less pompous method of delivery nuclear weapons to targets. Nuclear non-proliferation experts will have that remaining, significant challenge before them.

The United States of America is a member of N.A.T.O.

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