
Republicans Stall on Ratifying Reduction of Nuclear Warheads/Launchers

The Republican Party is stalling on ratification of the New Start treaty, seemingly in order to gain political credit themselves for a future treaty, and perhaps as a tactic looking ahead to the 2012 Presidential election. I hate to think that the Republicans in Congress would jeopardize the future of the nation (well maybe not) in order to gain a few political brownie points


Russia and the United States will each be able to keep 1550 warheads and 1700 launchers. Thats enought to destroy most life on earth a few times over not including the cascading extra effects of such mass catastrophe. Besides running huge public debt up, the Republicans of Congress seems hell bent for keeping the use of large numbers of nuclear weapons alive.

Gambling with the future to keep domestic economic power to oppress the poor, destroy quality sports fishing in Alaska, and create a global evil corporate empire is the Republican party. The Democrats are simply the party of moral decay (with Republican help).

Nuclear weapons, global warming, pollution of the environment-the Republican Party should step up with the times a take a step back from nuclear brinksmanship as best as it can manage. The Obama administration does not need help in using bad political judgment in economics, morality or other impolitical factors the voters don't like.

Presidient Obama does need help with getting the reasonable nuclear reduction treaty signed. N.A.T.O. and Russia have agreed to build a new Star Wars Missile Defense together-so let us all move ahead a little. All that required is that the Republican Party stop viewing the Russians as a Boris Badanoff gang of radical unionists. Today the corporatist global evil empire is a danger equal to that of famous evil empires the world over.


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