
Writing Production Seasonal Freeze

The founders had a one level society basically. They did not have hierarchical levels of corporate powers above them having destroyed the royal British aristocracy and ditched the European style corrupt feudal like manorial priesthood. Corporatopia is like the communist party cadre in a privileged elite with masses of non-party members. Americans are more like consumers ‘drowned’ in a social hierarchy for which they feel to personal responsibility as peer citizens increasingly. Just retire and live to age 100 on social security not working for the last 40 years of one’s life and import lots of legal and illegal immigrants to do the work. Cortporatopia is a political philosophy of national doom not just demographically but ecologically as well.

The retirement age should be raised to age 69 and there should be no tax cuts for the top 5%. As wealth is concentrated economic doom historically follows. One should not tax business costs, yet profits should be taxed for the rich at about a 50% rate.

The nation must lead the world toward a zero growth in resource consumption political economy rather than Obama’s concept the of ‘the best thing America can do for the world economy is to grow its own economy and consumption’. That is the classical, ignorant way of waste and high entropy that will lead the nation to an even greater crash ahead in population something like lemmings with a food and resource supply suddenly exhausted.

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