Some of us have wondered how God could create the world in six days. Its a mighty prospect of creation. Yet we believe that God is omnipotent and easily able to accomplish such projects. How then we wonder, as we believe in evolution theory too, can we reconcile these too theories?
Einstein helped us quite a lot. His Twins Paradox provides an example of one way time could move differently at the same speed in two different places. An hour for one twin moving at the speed of light would seem to a twin hanging out in the U.S. Congress listening to a speech to take a hundred years. Time is relative to motion. Motion is a function of the scalar field of dimensions, mass and energy perhaps. God is above all that and issued the mass and energy to start with.
No that does not mean He had to just issue the Universe like a croquet player giving a hit to one ball next to an opponent's sending it outward while He can only watch it travel. God's continuing super-reality power above the subjective Universe would allow Him to do whatever he likes with it at any place of space-time.
We don't want to make that the point of this essay though. The explanation for how evolution's apparent 13.7 billion year-old Universe could fit in to six days of creation is pretty obvious by now though-you might have guessed. The use of God of one day might be a little faster and qualitatively better than a human-earth centered use of one how. His one hour may seem like a billion years to us.
We might wonder if he only needed to create the first three minutes of the Universe though with the rest pre-designed within it letting it grow like a plant seed. I think it's possible to believe that he created the entire history of the Universe though-including the future, in that six days. As in computer programming on a hierarchical flowchart, larger, higher level modules may contain smaller units with vast detail. In theory even a few seconds for God might be enough to issue a trillion year Universe from start to finish. Our own universe may have been entirely completed in those six days, and our futures determined there and then. Human beings are limited to living within space time at it’s slower relative pace, and have no higher-level ability to view the completed modules that comprise the space-time of our Universe.
If the entire history and future of the Universe was made in six days letting God take a day off on the seventh-that would explain how everything is predetermined yet seems to be somewhat free from our human point of view.
God could create six large modules and several smaller branch modules. Like a wheeled mechanism with gears, larger wheels could travel more slowly yet include as much time as smaller gear space-time modules turning much faster. Those smaller module-gears could be compared to the time experience of God at His faster speed to our universe of billions of years that were to God like six days.
Thinking about space-time and relativity within this theistic speculation of reconciliation of the Bible to evident facts of physics and cosmology I have thought a little more about neutron stars and black holes as smaller gears with a faster spin rate than planets in some instances, and with more power. Not being a physicst I may upset a few establish notions here, yet it is just a contemplation of solid-state physics a little though since I am on the topic.
Singularities of black holes compact and reduce mass to its smallest components-maybe one dimensional strings. There is an absurdity in the concept of gravitational force concentrationg mass, breaking it up into smaller pieces such as neutrons and may strings of one dimensions before packing it all together into one super-string solid. That’s just not very logical. That super-concentrate would be some kind of thing for-itself.
What force could keep the strings apart under such pressure? Could one string made from all the other strings acquire infinite energy or would some hypothetical limit exist?
One logical possibility is that black holes breaking down mass convert it, or stuff it as basic string energy, into extra dimensions (the six extra dimensions of string theory). That energy stuffed into extra dimensions under extreme pressure converts the strings into space-time within six dimensions. That infusion of energy into extra-dimensions displaces or slopes the normal four dimensions of space time creating the appearance of space-time curvature and the affects of gravity. I prefer that concept to one with gravitons as particles flowing outwardly as a field to draw in mass and energy forcefully.
Even Hawking radiation would fail to exist in this theoretical context. At least the amount of Hawking radiation would not account for a preponderance of the escape of information and mass-energy from the black hole back into normal space-time required for the criteria of Shannon entropy to be satisfied wherein no information is lost from the Universe.
With all that mass converted into a basic form and energy as well converted into a third state of being as six extra dimensions of space-time, information easily goes outside the event horizon of the black hole as space-time curvature effects of the four normal dimensions by the smaller dimensions infused with the mass-energy input to the black hole singularity.
Perhaps the concept has no support, yet it is an interesting consideration for myself at least. There is a little more though. I should clarify that gravitons would not exist since the curvature of space time by smaller dimensions acting upon our four normal dimensions would be sufficient for the appearance of gravity. The six extra dimensions and there space-time field acting upon our four might also produce the scintillation of ‘virtual particles’ that appearance in the four-dimensional vacuum briefly. The transfer of mass to black holes and extra dimensions through singularities may also displace the normal four dimensional space time, or augment it, increasing the rate of expansion of out Universe.
The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus believed that The One – the Person we think of as God, required no physical extension into space or time. Perhaps the ultimate concentration of mass or energy as a space-time field itself concentrated requires nothing at all if it is a product of God. The concept of creation ex nihilo becomes somewhat simple in a context like that. Well, if not simple, at least intellectually what one might expect.
A release of dimensions from the most powerful concentrated form possible-from a Supreme Being that has no need at all for physical existence or lower level emanations such as mass or energy, might have occurred faster than light before slowing to sub-light speed, yet we might anticipate that the omnipotent, omnipresent and infinite Being that requires no physical existence to Create a Universe is not restricted or limited to one particular location or idea before the issuance of any sort of Universe or multiverse.
The six days of God referenced in the book of Genesis was ample time at His relative experience of time to create billions of years, or trillions of years of human, Earth relative time-at least that’s what I believe we might infer from Einstein’s special theory of relativity and Genesis.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Barry Commoner and Today's Ecosphere Conservatives
Barry Commoner's ideas were a leading force in American recognition of the role human development plays in destroying the ecosphere in which all life participates. Today with a concern about global warming-a righteous concern, and recycling, it is easy to lose sight of the fundamental criteria that Barry Commoner recognized as a biologist and empirical analyst.
His 1971 book 'The Closing Circle' provided a clue to the effect that human fabrication of materials have upon the living environment. From the first appearance of life on Earth in a simple form processing minerals there was a need to 'close the circle' that would make the world firendly for life. Photosynthetic life forms developed to process the carbon wastes of simpler plants. As life progressed in complexity there was a continuum of biospheric synergy wherby the waste of one product support the development of others. The living biosphere is a self-reinforcing thing Commoner recognized. He also realized that mankind in producing synthetic products that are not bio-degradeable was laying waste to the ecosphere.
Barry Commoner wrote before the creation of scientific awareness of global warming. He also wrote before the advent of a formal discipline of low-entropy environmental economics. It would be a very great challenge to fabricate all of humanity's manufactured needs in a biophysical format apposite to the vitality ofthe ecosphere, yet that is the challenge before us today, and human development of the commons must needs respect human spiritual liberty and a natural conservatorship of a lawful nature until the laws of God and nature and written on hearts and minds.
His 1971 book 'The Closing Circle' provided a clue to the effect that human fabrication of materials have upon the living environment. From the first appearance of life on Earth in a simple form processing minerals there was a need to 'close the circle' that would make the world firendly for life. Photosynthetic life forms developed to process the carbon wastes of simpler plants. As life progressed in complexity there was a continuum of biospheric synergy wherby the waste of one product support the development of others. The living biosphere is a self-reinforcing thing Commoner recognized. He also realized that mankind in producing synthetic products that are not bio-degradeable was laying waste to the ecosphere.
Barry Commoner wrote before the creation of scientific awareness of global warming. He also wrote before the advent of a formal discipline of low-entropy environmental economics. It would be a very great challenge to fabricate all of humanity's manufactured needs in a biophysical format apposite to the vitality ofthe ecosphere, yet that is the challenge before us today, and human development of the commons must needs respect human spiritual liberty and a natural conservatorship of a lawful nature until the laws of God and nature and written on hearts and minds.
New World Order to Buy the New York Stock Exchange
The value of the N.Y. Stock Exchange after its purchase by Deutsche-Boerse AG will be about 24 billion dollars. With this bid likely to go through, and the NFL negotiations with owners seeking to reverse the 60-40% share of profits with players, the New World Order agenda is moving forward concentrating wealth and peonizing the American working class.
The administration is a cheerleading group of the rich. They are not alpha (a-hole) males and females; they are simply B-male (and female) spoilers and mouthpiece executive officers for the rich. They are the super-shill class subverting U.S. nationalism.
The United States needs a rectification of capitalism and democracy that will support an invigorated ecosphere within national borders. No citizen should be permitted to own shares in more than three corporations, and no corporation should be permitted to employee more than 3000 people. The U.S. Government is a pimp for globalists whoring American workers. They are shameless and thoughtless stuffed suits enslaving Americans in debt while killing the ecosphere.
The administration is a cheerleading group of the rich. They are not alpha (a-hole) males and females; they are simply B-male (and female) spoilers and mouthpiece executive officers for the rich. They are the super-shill class subverting U.S. nationalism.
The United States needs a rectification of capitalism and democracy that will support an invigorated ecosphere within national borders. No citizen should be permitted to own shares in more than three corporations, and no corporation should be permitted to employee more than 3000 people. The U.S. Government is a pimp for globalists whoring American workers. They are shameless and thoughtless stuffed suits enslaving Americans in debt while killing the ecosphere.
President Obama Wants to Bring Internet To 98% of Americans
President Obama seeks to bring the Internet to 98% of Americans within five years. This goal is vital to enable all Americans to waste several hours each day gaming in alternative neo-reality.
With broad internet access available to all Americans export of Internet vital products such as porn, music, and youtube can occur creating thousands of high tech jobs. Millions of unemployed Americans, as fed Reserve Chair Bernanke has said, that can expect extended unemployment without benefits, can find lucrative career opportunities using the Internet though uniformed, following popular trends such as gansterism, racketeering and twitter revolutions.
The era when men could find a good industrial job at high pay may be about gone, yet the President expects that with Internet access all Americans can become ‘A’ students able to invent their way into thousands of patents and senior positions supervising factories in China and Mexico for the New World Order.
With broad internet access available to all Americans export of Internet vital products such as porn, music, and youtube can occur creating thousands of high tech jobs. Millions of unemployed Americans, as fed Reserve Chair Bernanke has said, that can expect extended unemployment without benefits, can find lucrative career opportunities using the Internet though uniformed, following popular trends such as gansterism, racketeering and twitter revolutions.
The era when men could find a good industrial job at high pay may be about gone, yet the President expects that with Internet access all Americans can become ‘A’ students able to invent their way into thousands of patents and senior positions supervising factories in China and Mexico for the New World Order.
Alphie’s Recollection of the Parnell Disaster of Sixty-One ©2011Gary C. Gibson (fiction)
Governor Parnell was successful in getting the legislature of the state of Alaska in the year of our Lord 2011 to appropriate sixty-five million dollars for the construction of a dam across the mighty Susitna River of Alaska. Premonitions of Earthquakes of unimaginable scale and filtered through the Governor’s thought even as he sign the papers making the project so, yet he disregarded the warnings.
In the original Tananina language the name of the river was spelled Sushitna. That name was changed in 1847 because of the problem of its superficial meaning in English, and the meaning of ‘Sandy River’ was lost. The Parnell disaster of 2061 when the Susitna River dam broke sending a tidal wave over the shifted land to drown Willow, Wasilla and Anchorage before rush down Cook Inlet sending bodies and other debris in the wave to overturn fleeing fishing vessels and destroy a few villages was a consequence of anti-ecospheric energy planning.
It was easy to foresee that a few sub-nuclear thermite bombs dropped in the glaciers of the Alaska Range that provide water for the Susitna River drainage could overwhelm the expected spill capacity of the dam. Airborne terrorist placing aircraft on auto-pilot with inflatable blond dummies with Viking helmets in the pilot and co-pilot seats infiltrated Alaskan airspace easily. With the annual flow of the Susitna River drainage increasing annually because of global warming of the glaciers the original flow processing capacity of the dam was estimated for the condition of the second half of the century.
The Governor’s desire to provide electrical power for the ‘rail belt’ along the Parks highway could have been met by construction of fuel cell power plants or thermal energy development, yet neither provided the potential for construction kickbacks from dam construction, lake front property or dam operations that the Susitna River dam presented. Hence it was reasonable to expect that the governor would set aside troubling concerns about the effect of the weight of the water of the new dam and lake on the stability of local plate tectonic arrays or the destruction of fish and wildlife habitat.
The Susitna River drainage and Alaska Range frequently experience earthquakes. The 1964 Alaska earthquake devastated Anchorage, and the city was overdue for another large earthquake in 2011.
The completion of the Susitna River Dam in 2020 provided several ominous portents of doom over the years. Continuous subsidence of the ground under the weight of the dam and the water of Lake Parnell made the dam subject to frequent high water capacity and over stressing. Unusually arm winters brought more low pressure systems and precipitation to the Alaska Range increasing spring runoff. Then one December night, with the pull of the gravity of the sun and moon, the thinkable disaster occurred; a magnitude 8.5 earthquake centered at the dam shifted the land mass forty feet ripping a giant gash in the middle of the dam that had already been burgeoning with snowmelt.
High on a hill 2500 feet above sea level, the former Alaskan Governor was up at 3am in his mansion drinking a comforting winter cup of hot chock and jack. Looking out at the sparkling city he loved he saw amidst the sparkling lights, moonlight and night the thinkable yet forgotten possible wave of doom appear crashing through the city tumbling homes and buildings before it.
Today, we of the Flatlands coalition seek to preserve the memory of the lost former fishing villages of the Susitna with a celebration and drum of recall.
In the original Tananina language the name of the river was spelled Sushitna. That name was changed in 1847 because of the problem of its superficial meaning in English, and the meaning of ‘Sandy River’ was lost. The Parnell disaster of 2061 when the Susitna River dam broke sending a tidal wave over the shifted land to drown Willow, Wasilla and Anchorage before rush down Cook Inlet sending bodies and other debris in the wave to overturn fleeing fishing vessels and destroy a few villages was a consequence of anti-ecospheric energy planning.
It was easy to foresee that a few sub-nuclear thermite bombs dropped in the glaciers of the Alaska Range that provide water for the Susitna River drainage could overwhelm the expected spill capacity of the dam. Airborne terrorist placing aircraft on auto-pilot with inflatable blond dummies with Viking helmets in the pilot and co-pilot seats infiltrated Alaskan airspace easily. With the annual flow of the Susitna River drainage increasing annually because of global warming of the glaciers the original flow processing capacity of the dam was estimated for the condition of the second half of the century.
The Governor’s desire to provide electrical power for the ‘rail belt’ along the Parks highway could have been met by construction of fuel cell power plants or thermal energy development, yet neither provided the potential for construction kickbacks from dam construction, lake front property or dam operations that the Susitna River dam presented. Hence it was reasonable to expect that the governor would set aside troubling concerns about the effect of the weight of the water of the new dam and lake on the stability of local plate tectonic arrays or the destruction of fish and wildlife habitat.
The Susitna River drainage and Alaska Range frequently experience earthquakes. The 1964 Alaska earthquake devastated Anchorage, and the city was overdue for another large earthquake in 2011.
The completion of the Susitna River Dam in 2020 provided several ominous portents of doom over the years. Continuous subsidence of the ground under the weight of the dam and the water of Lake Parnell made the dam subject to frequent high water capacity and over stressing. Unusually arm winters brought more low pressure systems and precipitation to the Alaska Range increasing spring runoff. Then one December night, with the pull of the gravity of the sun and moon, the thinkable disaster occurred; a magnitude 8.5 earthquake centered at the dam shifted the land mass forty feet ripping a giant gash in the middle of the dam that had already been burgeoning with snowmelt.
High on a hill 2500 feet above sea level, the former Alaskan Governor was up at 3am in his mansion drinking a comforting winter cup of hot chock and jack. Looking out at the sparkling city he loved he saw amidst the sparkling lights, moonlight and night the thinkable yet forgotten possible wave of doom appear crashing through the city tumbling homes and buildings before it.
Today, we of the Flatlands coalition seek to preserve the memory of the lost former fishing villages of the Susitna with a celebration and drum of recall.
Leaky U.S.-Mexico Border A Danger to U.S.A. & Mexico
Drug cartels and a vicious assortment of criminal enterprise gangs pile up against the border fence between the United States and Mexico because of the lucrative opportunities for smuggling drugs, guns, weapons of mass destruction and human beings into the United States through the porous border.
As many as 10,000 Mexicans are killed annually in gang wars for control of the best positions for smuggling. Until the border is made really secure-perhaps with three berms for electric patrol vehicles and three deep, concrete lined ditches in between, the value of smuggling over the border and the deaths and corrupt effects upon business will continue.
It is believed that the essential cause for a failure to secure the border is the constituency of U.S. federal politicos as millionaires like the cheap illegal Mexican labor that makes its way north to undermine wage negotiations for the poor in the United States. They care little about the tragedy that the unsecured border causes in Mexico.
The leaky border presents a danger to U.S. and Mexican security, even the legal ports of entry are unsecured allowing in vast quantities of illegal drugs and possibly weapons of mass destruction.
As many as 10,000 Mexicans are killed annually in gang wars for control of the best positions for smuggling. Until the border is made really secure-perhaps with three berms for electric patrol vehicles and three deep, concrete lined ditches in between, the value of smuggling over the border and the deaths and corrupt effects upon business will continue.
It is believed that the essential cause for a failure to secure the border is the constituency of U.S. federal politicos as millionaires like the cheap illegal Mexican labor that makes its way north to undermine wage negotiations for the poor in the United States. They care little about the tragedy that the unsecured border causes in Mexico.
The leaky border presents a danger to U.S. and Mexican security, even the legal ports of entry are unsecured allowing in vast quantities of illegal drugs and possibly weapons of mass destruction.
E-Gypped; Moo-Barrack and the Twitter Revolution
With the faint batteries drained sleeping outside in Alaska the Egyptian Twitter-revolution resembled a sort-of Super Bowl of Politics. It conconveniently fell into the break in football and baseball that leaves only basketball to listen to. Control of the main square of Cairo and political analysis of what that all means, Anderson Cooper being punched-these reports overshadowed the lead up to the superbowl best known for cheating 1200 fans out of tickets and giving them a paltry 300% mark up on the face price in compensation-nothing abouot free tickets for next year's game.
Gaming on the Internet and gaming in politics have some similarities for planners, yet of course in reality actual injuries and loss of property occurs that are irreversable. One hopes that politicans would be more intelligent and work better to plan for the real public good and not let things get out of hand, yet...
Twitter, Facebook and the democratization of e-media communications have sent up the first wave of e-populism’s potential revolutions to Egypt and elsewhere. Leftist tend to accentuate leftist revolutions of history, yet rightist revolutions occur too with different commentary treatment post hoc. In Egypt an instant populist revolution without roots appeared to knock down the straw man President Hosni Mubarak-yet so far he is still in office. One wonders if twitter revolutionaries need more education in classical revolutionary planning or economic.
If President Obama supplied any leadership, it has not surfaced. The President’s atheist, homosexual agenda for a global corporatist empire may touch upon the North African shore in an effort to fan the flames of twittendom across the Red Sea and upward to Iran. The receptivity of Africa and the Middle East to an encroaching militant, homosexual atheist Weimarization of politics possible in 3rd world strife may support collective authoritarianism of ignorance or evil elites-that’s difficult to anticipate from the outside.
The revolution could be a shill for global concentration of wealth and the corporatist agenda at any rate, as we regard President Obama himself.
Egypt’s problems with neo-revolutionary sentiment might develop within similar historical parameters as an upsurge of class consciousness (twittish organizers) stimulates public action by loosely organized mobs.
We might view the globalization of networks, raves and youth Facebook consciousness as another entry of the dragon of change into the playbook of political tools for power. President Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech may have set the match to local Egyptian political will to revolutionary power. In declaring his name; Barak Hussein Obama during the speech, gave a latent, subtle tone denouncing the inimical moo-barack. He may be perceived as throwing down a gauntlet to youth expected to run with the bone of support. President Obama would not tolerate a bovine antipodal mockery in the name of a foreign leader in this public relations age. President Mubarak may have unintentionally born the inimical name, yet he is not guiltless as a neo-dictocrat persecuting some of his countrypersons. When he leaves office he deserves to have his own modest retirement ranch in the Australian desert. Globalism presents many faces of change and subterfuge with levels of stygian construction.
E-gypt is said to lack political parties to field candidates in the September Presidential election. The U.S.A. also lacks at least candor in political party names. Honest names for parties for youth, the rich, homosexuals, women, non-white and so etc. Honest names should not trick voters or reinforce broadcast media dissimulation and support for concentrating wealth.
People want power and prosperity and freedom and not to be publicly twitted by adversaries, tortured or killed; the questions of contention are about how the power is allocate as well as of the best way of producing wealth for all and saving ecological health.
Gaming on the Internet and gaming in politics have some similarities for planners, yet of course in reality actual injuries and loss of property occurs that are irreversable. One hopes that politicans would be more intelligent and work better to plan for the real public good and not let things get out of hand, yet...
Twitter, Facebook and the democratization of e-media communications have sent up the first wave of e-populism’s potential revolutions to Egypt and elsewhere. Leftist tend to accentuate leftist revolutions of history, yet rightist revolutions occur too with different commentary treatment post hoc. In Egypt an instant populist revolution without roots appeared to knock down the straw man President Hosni Mubarak-yet so far he is still in office. One wonders if twitter revolutionaries need more education in classical revolutionary planning or economic.
If President Obama supplied any leadership, it has not surfaced. The President’s atheist, homosexual agenda for a global corporatist empire may touch upon the North African shore in an effort to fan the flames of twittendom across the Red Sea and upward to Iran. The receptivity of Africa and the Middle East to an encroaching militant, homosexual atheist Weimarization of politics possible in 3rd world strife may support collective authoritarianism of ignorance or evil elites-that’s difficult to anticipate from the outside.
The revolution could be a shill for global concentration of wealth and the corporatist agenda at any rate, as we regard President Obama himself.
Egypt’s problems with neo-revolutionary sentiment might develop within similar historical parameters as an upsurge of class consciousness (twittish organizers) stimulates public action by loosely organized mobs.
We might view the globalization of networks, raves and youth Facebook consciousness as another entry of the dragon of change into the playbook of political tools for power. President Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech may have set the match to local Egyptian political will to revolutionary power. In declaring his name; Barak Hussein Obama during the speech, gave a latent, subtle tone denouncing the inimical moo-barack. He may be perceived as throwing down a gauntlet to youth expected to run with the bone of support. President Obama would not tolerate a bovine antipodal mockery in the name of a foreign leader in this public relations age. President Mubarak may have unintentionally born the inimical name, yet he is not guiltless as a neo-dictocrat persecuting some of his countrypersons. When he leaves office he deserves to have his own modest retirement ranch in the Australian desert. Globalism presents many faces of change and subterfuge with levels of stygian construction.
E-gypt is said to lack political parties to field candidates in the September Presidential election. The U.S.A. also lacks at least candor in political party names. Honest names for parties for youth, the rich, homosexuals, women, non-white and so etc. Honest names should not trick voters or reinforce broadcast media dissimulation and support for concentrating wealth.
People want power and prosperity and freedom and not to be publicly twitted by adversaries, tortured or killed; the questions of contention are about how the power is allocate as well as of the best way of producing wealth for all and saving ecological health.
How to Unify Space-Time With Quantum Mechanics (a non-scientific comment)
Einstein’s generally theory of relativity unified time and space creating a new paradigm for viewing the composition of the Universe. New ways of considering the nature of the Universe arise now and then. Einstein provided a revolutionary perspective creating a new basis from which to speculate on cosmological topics.
Einstein’s sought to unify his general theory with the developing paradigm of quantum mechanics. Traditionally the philosophical view of matter has considered things to be made of progressively smaller pieces. Large dirt clods are made up of lots of smaller ones. After a Mars size chunk of mass slammed into the Earth early in its history debris cast into orbit around the Earth consolidated to form the moon. The same reduction of things to smaller sizes and a search for ‘fundamental particles’ gave us a theory of atoms, fermions and bosons (the particles that carry force), strings, rings and membranes.
What if Einstein’s theory of general relativity could be extended to the quantum mechanical realm? Perhaps mass does not actual exist as particles, waves, strings or membranes but is instead a phenomenon of space-time curvature at a very small scale.
Energy might be transferred not between sub-atomic particles such as quarks with a strong nuclear force. Instead the orbital states of particles might be curvature of space-time in particular states that might resemble particles in orbital states. Flattening out of orbital energy levels might be the equivalent of a wave passing through the ocean to another location, or upon a river arriving in places to form a stable, standing wave.
If energy is equivalent to space-time curvature in some way, and if the most compact curvature of space time has the most energy, it is consistent with space time singularities in black holes and perhaps the acceleration of the expansion of the space-time of the Universe.
The notion that a space-time media pre-existing the Universe was given an initial waveform pattern to initiate general and local distortions that would appear to be matter eventually to human observers is just one possible way of regarding the comoposition and/or construction of this Universe. Though the fundamental or proximal paradigm does not require theo-relativity to elaborate, considering logical principles in an Aquinian methodical way would not find necessary contradictio with that approach.
It is interesting that Thomas Acquinus lived to be just 49 years of age. He died in a riding accident hitting his head on a tree. That occurred just three months after he completed his Summa contra Gentiles and said that everything he had written so far was simply chaff. Some of the most deep human contempletive thinkers have discovered transcending paradigms in their investigations. It is difficult to believe that the possibilities for human understanding have approached any sort of conclusion.
Einstein's cosmological development was a sublime innovation for human knowledge. Perhaps it could be applied farther, in the quantum mechanical realm.
If there are a trillion, or a hundred trillion galaxies in the observable Universe, there are also 100 trillion connection in the human brain that support the creation of thought. There may be repeatable patterns at several levels in the Universe, and phase transitions too effectively creating more than the sum of the parts.
That last point seems evident when the Universe produces pluralism from a generally more monistic original condition at nominal Time equaled zero. One might describe an original monistic unified field of space time in various states of curvature and local distortion with string theory or particle-waves, perhaps distortion of space-time into mass occurs more readily in areas with increased gravitatational distortion.
Einstein’s sought to unify his general theory with the developing paradigm of quantum mechanics. Traditionally the philosophical view of matter has considered things to be made of progressively smaller pieces. Large dirt clods are made up of lots of smaller ones. After a Mars size chunk of mass slammed into the Earth early in its history debris cast into orbit around the Earth consolidated to form the moon. The same reduction of things to smaller sizes and a search for ‘fundamental particles’ gave us a theory of atoms, fermions and bosons (the particles that carry force), strings, rings and membranes.
What if Einstein’s theory of general relativity could be extended to the quantum mechanical realm? Perhaps mass does not actual exist as particles, waves, strings or membranes but is instead a phenomenon of space-time curvature at a very small scale.
Energy might be transferred not between sub-atomic particles such as quarks with a strong nuclear force. Instead the orbital states of particles might be curvature of space-time in particular states that might resemble particles in orbital states. Flattening out of orbital energy levels might be the equivalent of a wave passing through the ocean to another location, or upon a river arriving in places to form a stable, standing wave.
If energy is equivalent to space-time curvature in some way, and if the most compact curvature of space time has the most energy, it is consistent with space time singularities in black holes and perhaps the acceleration of the expansion of the space-time of the Universe.
The notion that a space-time media pre-existing the Universe was given an initial waveform pattern to initiate general and local distortions that would appear to be matter eventually to human observers is just one possible way of regarding the comoposition and/or construction of this Universe. Though the fundamental or proximal paradigm does not require theo-relativity to elaborate, considering logical principles in an Aquinian methodical way would not find necessary contradictio with that approach.
It is interesting that Thomas Acquinus lived to be just 49 years of age. He died in a riding accident hitting his head on a tree. That occurred just three months after he completed his Summa contra Gentiles and said that everything he had written so far was simply chaff. Some of the most deep human contempletive thinkers have discovered transcending paradigms in their investigations. It is difficult to believe that the possibilities for human understanding have approached any sort of conclusion.
Einstein's cosmological development was a sublime innovation for human knowledge. Perhaps it could be applied farther, in the quantum mechanical realm.
If there are a trillion, or a hundred trillion galaxies in the observable Universe, there are also 100 trillion connection in the human brain that support the creation of thought. There may be repeatable patterns at several levels in the Universe, and phase transitions too effectively creating more than the sum of the parts.
That last point seems evident when the Universe produces pluralism from a generally more monistic original condition at nominal Time equaled zero. One might describe an original monistic unified field of space time in various states of curvature and local distortion with string theory or particle-waves, perhaps distortion of space-time into mass occurs more readily in areas with increased gravitatational distortion.
New Federal Unemployment Policy Needed
A philosophy of triaging the unemployed for priority hire should develop a way to provide service to all of the chronically and rarely unemployed equally. It individually rate citizens with an unemployment misery index that gives tax credits to employers equivalent to the rating of each unemployed citizen.
Unemployment may be clustered in disadvantaged communities, yet disadvantaged individuals may exist within prosperous communities too, and they also need to benefit from a federal hiring policy and rating structure equally with those clustered together in community misery.
There is no reason in this computer rich era of U.S. history to fail to provide individual unemployment misery scores that accurately reflect the poverty of each individuals personal experience. Yet if a married couple is unemployed the average wealth or poverty of that couple should be considered. If a housewife or husband is married to a spouse making a million a year, she or he ought not get a high score for being unemployed and earning nothing laying by the pool drinking pina coladas and watching NFL Football the previous five years.
Such a fair policy might be exemplified;
1) Total the five year earnings history of a citizen and total days of unemployment in the past five years together to create an unemployed misery rating. Those with the highest misery scores would have the most value in tax credits for employers.
Areas with congregations of high value ratings would be good places to locate new business with low cost workers (with good tax credit value). Individuals isolated as the very poor amidst the decadent prosperous might also benefit as the wealthy sometimes enjoy getting a bargain too.
Unemployment may be clustered in disadvantaged communities, yet disadvantaged individuals may exist within prosperous communities too, and they also need to benefit from a federal hiring policy and rating structure equally with those clustered together in community misery.
There is no reason in this computer rich era of U.S. history to fail to provide individual unemployment misery scores that accurately reflect the poverty of each individuals personal experience. Yet if a married couple is unemployed the average wealth or poverty of that couple should be considered. If a housewife or husband is married to a spouse making a million a year, she or he ought not get a high score for being unemployed and earning nothing laying by the pool drinking pina coladas and watching NFL Football the previous five years.
Such a fair policy might be exemplified;
1) Total the five year earnings history of a citizen and total days of unemployment in the past five years together to create an unemployed misery rating. Those with the highest misery scores would have the most value in tax credits for employers.
Areas with congregations of high value ratings would be good places to locate new business with low cost workers (with good tax credit value). Individuals isolated as the very poor amidst the decadent prosperous might also benefit as the wealthy sometimes enjoy getting a bargain too.
Create a national Medical Service for the Poor and Save Money
The concept that all American citizens rightly ought to have access to necessary medical treatment is broadly accepted. The problem is in delivery the lowest cost competent medical service to the poor. Just as public defenders are appointed to those that cannot afford them, free medical service is needed for the poor unable to afford it. The Republican notion that health care should be made ‘more affordable’ is nonsense regarding those that are broke or well below the poverty line-they need no cost health services.
Honest politicians (not really an oxymoron) would recognize that buying insurance for all poor Americans- 35 to 50 million citizens- would be far costlier to taxpayers than a plain and simple national medical service for those that make less than $ 10,000 annually. In a realistic political environment politicians would actually seek to get the most bang for the buck on medical coverage for the poor.
Creating a national medical service for the poor (perhaps also for Veterans in the same hospital service) would not compete with private enterprise (that includes the vast global corporate medical insurers too). Poor people given food stamps would not go spend money at Denny’s for dinner or Pepe’s Elegant Taco Universe if the government did not provide the food stamps-they would go hungry like as not. Neither would poor people with injuries or illnesses go to Dr. Rolls Hilton the III’s medical suite for treatment as an alternative to a national medical service. Instead, they would go to emergency rooms and everyone else from government to corporate and taxpayers and shareholders soak up the cost with a little work going to bankruptcy court as well.
The least expensive and acceptable way to lower national medical costs is first to create a national medical service for the poor. An effective safety net covering the majority of ordinary medical problems for that class would reduce the expense for everyone else. Buying insurance coverage each month for life for the poor is a terribly wasteful concept financially likely to cost far more than a national medical service.
Honest politicians (not really an oxymoron) would recognize that buying insurance for all poor Americans- 35 to 50 million citizens- would be far costlier to taxpayers than a plain and simple national medical service for those that make less than $ 10,000 annually. In a realistic political environment politicians would actually seek to get the most bang for the buck on medical coverage for the poor.
Creating a national medical service for the poor (perhaps also for Veterans in the same hospital service) would not compete with private enterprise (that includes the vast global corporate medical insurers too). Poor people given food stamps would not go spend money at Denny’s for dinner or Pepe’s Elegant Taco Universe if the government did not provide the food stamps-they would go hungry like as not. Neither would poor people with injuries or illnesses go to Dr. Rolls Hilton the III’s medical suite for treatment as an alternative to a national medical service. Instead, they would go to emergency rooms and everyone else from government to corporate and taxpayers and shareholders soak up the cost with a little work going to bankruptcy court as well.
The least expensive and acceptable way to lower national medical costs is first to create a national medical service for the poor. An effective safety net covering the majority of ordinary medical problems for that class would reduce the expense for everyone else. Buying insurance coverage each month for life for the poor is a terribly wasteful concept financially likely to cost far more than a national medical service.
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