
U.S. Economic Growth Just 1.6% in 2013

Enriching the Wall Street Banks with zero interest Fed loans has enabled in part global investments to enrich Saudi Arabia, China, India, Argentina and other economies with hot economic expansion rates of G.D.P. In October 19th The Economist reported the U.S. G.D.P. rate with a 1.6% rate for 2013, China’s at 7.5%, India’s at 4.4%, Argentina’s at 8.3% and Saudi Arabia’s at 5.1%. The U.S. rate is probably puffed up by the Wall Street bank and investor profits on investments in foreign economies.

Even a zero-quantitative rate of economic growth is o.k. if qualitative growth increases, public debt is reduced, the environment restored and the quality of living of the poor and middle class increasing. Such right-thinking policy are perhaps considered in some collegiate ecological economic colloquia yet definitely not in the U.S. Government or on Wall Street.

Since the Obama administration generally followed Bush II economic policy with permanent Bush II tax cuts the economic interests of the poor and middle class have continued to be stagnant if not downward. Nothing in the administration policy seems designed to counter that. The big question is; will the President get in his 200th round of gold before January 1st?


Applied Concepts of Transcendence (video/science fiction)

I've read an excerpt from my science fiction novel 'Temporal Cross Currents' a piece exemplifying applied concepts of transcendence.


Why Lawyer-Presidents Harm U.S. Economy and Morals

On the topic of what requires more faith, science or religion; consider the diverse nature of science with millions of experiments. Sometimes the data acquired leads to conflict scenarios for applied science. Radithor was a bottled health beverage sold to American sports elites in the roaring twenties. Its warming ingredient was radium. The new thing isn’t always the right thing. How bad are excess antibiotics in the ecosphere? 

To a certain extent an era of corporatism coincides with a period of legalism. Legalism morphs into authoritarianism and oppression of citizen test-subjects. Litigation can dominate political and corporate free space for enterprise displacing individuals with better ideas. Faith in science develops a requirement for faith in corporate financing power or big government research funding. 

Electing lawyers to political office to make public policy is comparable to feeding cattle ground up dead cattle pellets inducing prions in political brains and mad cow disease in the populace. It’s as bad an idea as having the CEO of Morgan Stanley serve concurrently as the federal banking regulator or the Chief of Exxon setting the rate of the oil depletion tax allowance. 

Lawyers making laws for-themselves establish the ultimate Soviet Style class bureaucratic sluzhba for insiders without a clue of what people want or society needs in the free world. As the ultimate insiders passing laws to benefit special interests confidant they have the muscle to force through and defend their favorite laws, going so far as to pack courts with simpatico lawyers for rubber stamping approval of corruption without need for consent from a political power minority of opposition, public debt and moral decline metastasize. 

Experts on everything in their own view because they occupy high ground on the legal and political battlefield the populace couldn’t hope to storm without heavy casualties fighting uphill against established lawyercratic rulers (if they weren’t doped out with media soporifics and dissimulation in support of the ruling class) bad ideas multiplied by the factor of lawyers in politics become a Medusa’s Gordian knot of laws. Free enterprise is qualitatively repressed in the mass corporate-government lawyer filters of power when it has potential to alter the insider edge deleteriously or economically. Remember Gillette’s suppressed shave crème; The Hot One! 

The failures of public policy made by lawyer-politicians are multiplied by the hubris of too much faith in themselves and proprietary interests being good for society as a whole. The exploitation of Adam’s Smith’s ideas about enlightened self-interest applied to lawyer-politicians is a tragic debasement of philosophical thought influenced by Adam Smith, and even modern science has experienced some debasement of its currency value because of Gresham’s law that bad money follows good. 

Tabletop fusion and miracle drugs claims need to be verified rather than exploited for instant political gains comparable to claiming low unemployment just before and election that facts will controvert later. The Economist in an Oct. 2013 issue had a special section on ‘How Science Goes Wrong’. Page 13- “Amgen, found that they could reproduce just six of 53 “landmark” studies in cancer research.” The economic motivations for rapid assertions of scientific progress make for shoddy science. Amid the good science arises a lot of bad. The Economist editors mentioned the principal of ‘trust but verify’. One may have faith that matter and energy can be reconfigured for the human good or that the Universal configurations of matter and energy in the past were of a given shape, yet uncertainty enters into anything except those things of faith that one may have in Spirit.


Value Theories in Contentious Political Economic Contexts

Lawyers and philosophers obviously take a different approach to language and analysis. Sometimes attorneys seem to be on stilts because of their insider position in society in regard to law, government and so forth. Winning points may seem to be of more value than finding the truth. One might discern that trend in Congressional budgeting. Definition of words and language and theories about that such as W.V.O. Quine developed in 'Ontological Relativity' let us consider lexicons as sets with unique values that may or may not have meanings coinciding with homonyms of others. It is a paradox that 'value theory' itself could be construed as having different meanings, definitions or values within which capitalism may or may not be included.

Is capitalism not more than an economic theory and monetary theory not also a value theory criterion? Von Mises and others considered the nature of capital-is it in money or in factories, social power and etc. without reaching a particularly persuasive conclusion. Capitalism may be an event-process comprising acquisition of economic power however capital itself is a value theory component in so far as what is regarded as valuable is a variable set by consumers as well as physics. Hollywood stars may pay a lot for cocaine and value that more highly than growing potatoes on an acre or two of land (or not) for instance, while shells were valuable as a money item to some natives of New Guinea and others believed gold to be the Texas T of the time.

The United States has predominantly had one value theory in recent decades-especially the 'me decades' of the 1980s and 1990s when material girl values and blimped up banks empowered with Monty Carlo algorithms, computers, mortgage derivatives and globalism arose ads phenomenalities in an existential pursuit of financial power and consumption. That is well known. Spiritual values were in decline along with innumerable traditional values even as the ecospheric decay such as the ozone hole, global warming, acidification of the ocean and biodiversity loss were considered to be externalities to the organizational use-truth value theories of corporate profit above all social responsibility.

I think some may misconstrue ideas about God and time. God always was, eternal being has no temporal beginning. The 'in the beginning' phrase from the book of John would be in relation to the temporal creation of things such as any given Universe.


The Four Gospel's Stylistic Differences for Different Audiences

With the Holy Spirit directing Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Gospel (good news) of our Lord Jesus Christ were composed in four different styles. Scholars have made much verbal analysis of the similarities, convergences and divergences among the books. Theories to explain the nature of the books exist, in addition to the writing itself. The idea that the stylistic differences are attributable to the practical effort to present a work intended for Jews to learn (Matthew), one for the Roman world to experience (Mark), another for Greeks with their philosophically sophisticated people (Luke) and the Gospel according to John with it’s great theological insights upon the divinity of Christ for believers seems quite reasonable to me.

 Because of the degree of common content in each book with more between Matthew and Mark and less between Luke, John and Matthew and Mark some have hypothesized a missing mystery document called the Quelle document or Q source (from the German word used by scholars originally for source). One can imagine many explanations for shared language in the gospel book. Maybe Peter directed a project to write accounts of the good news of the Lord for different audiences. Because the disciples knew Jesus and the Apostles new people at least who knew Jesus many of the recollections are first or second hand accounts of important events and works in life of Jesus Christ, although not concise biographical or historical documents. They are adapted for various reading audiences sometimes in their own language with content selected from among a large amount of information about the Lord that was especially relevant and informative.


End Times of G.W. Bush Admin (June 2007) Revisited-Looking Forward to Obama's Final Year in D.C.

I was editing an article I wrote on Bush II policy in June 2007. It is critical of the administration immigration policy (the President was for it), outsourcing jobs and corporatism. The Obama administration hasn't change much except to queer things. He might already plan for his last year in office in 2016 and get better propaganda for his legacy since there will be plenty of public debt, a bad ecosphere, reliance on fossil fuels, high unemployment and an effort to create 20 to 50 million dual citizenship Mexican voters able to hand off to global corporatism effectively political control of the U.S.A. ending democracy (though it would remain nominally with Mexican subjects holding dual passports being the electors.

Economic segregation is the operative, objective metric for U.S. citizens in the U.S.A. considered on an individual basis in dollars.

"A U.S.A. grafted onto by a permanent Mexican right-of-return to the U.S.A. (even if they've never been here before) by cowering congressmen fearful of China or more Mexican May Day protests in the streets of D.C. and Los Angeles yet relying on their cheap labor to give constituents a prosperous, comfortable 'rickshaw boost' with cheap products at Wal-Mart is a nation in which democracy has become defunct and replaced by corporatist, globalist oligarchic collectives will. That turn away from democracy and road ahead may seem alright as the U.S.A.'s inherited comparative advantage is being cashed out and invested abroad, but the pimp's income falters when opulent attractions of his line of sweet products becomes old and second rate and meth-amphetamine broken down economically speaking...the consequences of fossil fuel addiction, federal debt and non-investment in secure borders and high-quality ecological technology manufacturing in the U.S.A. in preference for reliance on cheap foreign labor.

History demonstrates that nations relying on exploiting cheap labor retard their social and economic growth. The confederacy of course needed to launch a war upon the north before the north pulled away too far in manufacturing and technical prowess while the southerners relied on slaves.

The imperial Russian government's historical reliance on white slaves (serfs) was the actual source of 
Russia's comparative economic backwardness later while Western Europe advanced more quickly through the industrial revolution. Imperial China before the nationalist revolution was another slacker society ruled by an elite royal mafia forcing the masses to live like slaves. Reliance on cheap labor in the United States in the agricultural sector displaces mechanical harvesting innovations.

In commercial kitchens cheap labor to empty trash cans replaces innovations in portable low cost lifts to lift and dump individual garbage cans into larger powered inter modal carriers to lift into dumpsters...even commercial kitchen garbage cans fail to have built in weighing and L.E.D. read-out displays so the poor laborer knows if the trash can has 100 or 200 pounds of water, coffee grounds, meat waste and other heavier materials. Too many Americans want easy, good paying non-inventive employment positions with the heavy lifting exported.

The end result of the denial of democracy and failure to comprehend corporatism and socialism is the loss of liberty politically and comparative national economic advantage. In a corrupted global economy without liberty in which the best Mafia rule the worst potential of humanity is expressed with the more dystopian empirical political actualizations having the best chances of actualizing.

Corporatism was only invented by Mussolini in the 1930's and isn't generally understood by Americans or others internationally. Corporatism and neo-corporatism have permutated and evolved beyond the initial theoretical inception as real political structures usually do. Neither Marx nor Smith had a conception of the potential synthetic business form that would displace capitalism and democracy in the move towards a combined capitalist and state socialist authoritarian society. After the end of the former Soviet Union in 1990 and 'the end of history' as some wags then had it the New World Order of synthetic socialism-capitalism could begin to grow, yet some still seek to conserve a nationalist democratic America with liberty and justice for all Americans in a thriving ecology leading the world in space technology and green manufacturing creations.

President Bush and Senator Kennedy, two former heavy alcohol drinkers without combat experience are prominent advocates for border control defeat in order to let cheap labor continue to flood out the American poor and middle class for the convenience of globalist corporatists. A trained former P.O.W. is another leader in the effort to yield the 
United States to effective Mexican conquest with instant phenomenal amnesty for up to 20 million Mexicans and free rights of immigration for their relatives perhaps numbering as many as 150 million.

 isn't a third world country, and with some help could be made livable with more tacos and nachos, Dos Cuervos and tortilla for everyone. Even electric waterless toilets, solar power panel proliferation, DVD players able to input a thumb drive contents and play that so every cheap battery operated DVD player in Mexico costing 30 bucks can hold a modest library's books (a 1000 or so), electric small car manufacturing with home power solar panels to charge batteries, concrete monolithic dome construction can replace many square building technologies--www.monolithicdomes.com has instructed a village in India on methods of constructing the fine long lasting structures for low cost...Mexico can be made livable if the corporatists inspired by the socialist fascist example of Mussolini can be restrained from conquering the sovereignty of the United States.

A border control zone a mile wide should be ecologically designed along the Mexican border to make passage of illegal entrants highly improbable; this could include deep ditches with berms and drive atop patrol roads, fences and water barriers with saltwater siphoned from the Gulfs and utilized for recreation and travel of small boats. Some evaporation and condensation canals may be attached to create fresh water supplies for new Mexico and Arizona as well as Northern Mexico if laws are passed to replace green laws in desert cities with natural desert landscaping while federal research incentives to conform present asphalt highways into heat reflecting and solar photon-electron generating surfaces could be developed.

President Bush at the end of his administration seems to desire to obfuscate his opposition to the 
Kyoto protocol with further global warming control goals that would take place in effect after he leaves office to accompany his balance the budget economics after he leaves office goals. Mr. Bush is also leaving a withdraw the military forces from Iraq after he leaves office with the improve the fuel economy of SUV and the national car fleet after he leaves office plan. The illegal immigration instant amnesty bill has a totally secure the border after he leaves office plan as well unlikely to be accomplished by anyone either. Additional after Mr. Bush leaves office administration goals for the next administration to work on are balancing the federal budget, capturing Osama Bin Laden, stopping the Iranians from building nuclear weapons. replacing fossil fuel use in American automobiles with alternative energy power such as electricity produced at home by consumers (I improved the quality of that goal for him)."

Nelson Mandela Passes On

The passing of Nelson Mandela is another milestone of history such as was experienced by many Americans in the early 1960s when the World War Two generals and Presidents passed on. There is so much a trend toward historical revisionism that I decided to write a comment about the former African National Congress revolutionary leaders and former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela.

The true apartheid concern of Americans today is really economic segregation. A metric of economic segregation within a nation is about the sole objective criteria to recognize who is being put down. Corporatists and communists internationally as well as fascists are happy to play the race card and elect any sort of tax-cuts-for-the-rich politician the media can be blowhards for as a shill for control. South African history was not like that however. Mandela was a real revolutionary who grew up in the historical evolution of South Africa.

Why did South Africa develop apartheid and why did it take so long to end? Apartheid or racial separation was an historical process rather than a designed or theoretical political system. Bantu were early settlers of South Africa and Portuguese and later Dutch settlers arrived about the same time as the Zulu fighting as tribes for control of the region. Racial tribalism was the way of the world back then and only slowly would racial integration without war on a battlefield evolve.

The American civil war was largely fought to keep democracy intact for the first truly democratic society of modern times. Ending southern slavery was a necessity for keeping the old regime of global elites from dividing and conquering the U.S.A. one piece at a time. The world was ruled by royals and elites in the 19th century with Britain supporting the cause of the southern Confederacy as a successor subversion follow-up to burning the capital at Washington D.C. like an Al Qaeda attack during the war of 1812. Apartheid was not slavery-it initially was a way of keeping the savage foes at bay beyond the forts.

Before electronics and C.S.I. law and order enforcement was bad. Murder was too common. An excavation at a non-battle site in the Middle East from the late Neolithic found that the majority of men had died from head wounds. Into modern time law-enforcement was fairly ineffective except with punitive measures such as burning a village to eliminate an insurgency. Social frontiers were established with military rather than police power and unfortunately that included South Africa.

One might have thought that after the troubles of the Nazis and Japanese imperialists ended with the Second World War that the time for South Africa’s apartheid to end had arrived. After all the effort to use military conquest for colonial purposes had halted long before, a year or two, and Gandhi had returned to India from service as a police sergeant in South Africa to reprove settlements  with Muslims on issues of Jammu and Kashmiri independence. Instead what happened what wrenched the works was development of a cold war with proxy wars and Cuban soldiers running amuck across Africa. Dumped weapons stimulated revolutionary wars. A profusion of Kalashnikov rifles and explosives created liberation movements. Doctor Che Guevara gained his moment in the left-wing constellation before perishing in a South America jungle firefight. And then Nelson Mandela had to sit out 27 years in a prison cell. America has two or three million souls in prison cells, some innocent. When some innocent guy is released after 20 or 30 years usually he seems peaceful. I suppose most of the anger has been burned out of him long before because of the futility of emotion-within-self that does no good at all. Emotion is somewhat rational.

It because obvious during the late years of the cold war that apartheid was a propaganda victory in progress for the Red Block. Apartheid needed to end along with the cold war and unsurprisingly it died a natural death in 1994. Nelson Mandela’s main contribution historically was in stabilizing the post-Apartheid South African government. He did that a little better than President George W. Bush stabilized post-Saddam Hussein Iraq. We are skeptical that President Obama will stabilize Afghanistan after 2014 very well.

In the late 60’s and early 70s one could watch Bob Rule, Lenny Wilkins, Spencer Haywood, Walter Hazzard and other African-ancestry basketball stars playing for the Seattle Supersonics. They were not underprivileged nor segregated souls, and so viewing from afar the troubles of South Africa amidst the world of wars, Carlos the Jackal killers and egregious pollution such as at Minimata Japan one might wonder why people could not assure full employment, a good environment and national security for themselves.

In the U.S.A. labor unions that had high black membership along with most others have withered away along with low unemployment. A variety of ways of creating permanent economic segregation for citizens of the United States have developed and Americans with dual Mexican citizenship are being cultivated as a way to let globalists remote control the U.S. democracy and reduce it to a servile corporatist plaything. The media is corporate owned or influenced and agitates to organize corporatist values.  Well, we have poetry at least for consolation.

  Freedom to Choose Jesus

Mapungubwe, Maghreb, Pate, ha nahar, Ibn Tumart
impulse drives contend for the love of God

 Pastor of the mysterious river of time
He put forces of heaven in esse
majestically made life ist
words of Jesus shine as the sun

  Perfect High Priest and final sacrifice
atoning for the fallen nature of man
saving those whom believe to eternal life

 Jesus, tempted at its pinnacle
anon said not a stone of it would be left standing
Herod’s temple gone with fire and wind
transformed to a desolate temple mount

   City of Peace stumbling block
 dome or reconstructed temple
 would it be the platform for the anti-christ
 with broadcast team to deify it in audience share?

  Chumalungma, Yenesei, Yukon, Mare Ibrium
vain babblings and oppositions of science
ambling walkabouts, geo researches, time flows
Isaac and Ishmael forked at Beer-sheba
        humanity must choose at the cross.

From the Sphere at the Edge of a Dream

  For this sphere’s lost soul’s Jesus walked
then into Jerusalem
time talks like irreversible physics
to this being Jesus was
into the being-for-others of social reality

  Deliverer to the In-itself
Redeemer unto eternal life
that cosmos of one/none before the event horizon
three-in-one and every mortal’s dreams
to this being Jesus was
into the being-for-others of social organization
deliverer to the In-itself

  For the people of this sphere Jesus talked
then to Jerusalem and crucifixion
overcoming the demons of hell to rise
on the third day

  The Creator for many is a faith
transcending the temporal ekstasis
thermodynamics of past, present, future
with mercy, wisdom, salvation and eternity.

         Frozen Corner Stones

Grey marble block, granite flaked with white
snow lights in brittle branches
twigs snapped, the immense Christmas eve courthouse
of Burleigh County
freezes alone this night-
its woodwork banisters for moonbeams
and ghosts of cosmic panes

The jail is set for tours on weekdays
against the very minus wind chill factor
it’s neon sign stolen in the Earth’s frigid breath
Christmas eve and the cornerstones be, with inscription
are as everything time has, or will never remember
of this night and the morrow
the cornerstones are visions of molecules fading
into an eternal star field
from the inside, in a blank space
to the outer surface of their appearances.

 http://csrl.org/gs/ Ralp Nader's book on corporatism


Does History Repeat Itself?

Arnold Toynbee, Herbert Spencer and others noted cycles in civilization. I like Toynbee's challenge-response paradigm myself. If history can be said to repeat itself though one must ask what it is that repeats?

Human beings have innate behavior involving natural functions that are replicated in all individuals. So one wonders if societies and civilizations also have innate behaviors and obviously they do. I value G.W.F.  Hegel's quite highly myself though his dialectical paradigm for history being God evolving through history is somewhat over-generalized for use in the particular paradigm of 'does history repeat itself?'

One wants to place human existence on Earth within the broad parameters of Universal existence in a space-time field in order to ask literally if history repeats itself to which we tend to provide a definite 'no'. The space-time continuum is a linear flow with entropy having a direction. In an infinite multiverse however it might be possible that history recurs nearly the same in an infinite number of permutations although each in a different Universe. Again that fairly difficult to pin down paradigm of recurrent historical cycles could be itself just another contingent ontology within God. If God can foreknow and pre-exist in effect all things would he really need to actualize them?

Leaving off the difficult question of the nature of reality-for-humans as a contingent space-time field phenomena for now and returning to the question of 'does history repeat itself' in a narrower interpretation it is possible to break down the question into pieces; do some things in history repeat such as the growth of trees or species if not exterminated, or do weather patterns recur, and do corrupt rulers ever recur in history, do nations end because of excess public debt and so forth. I believe there is evidence to support the idea that civilizations and nations repeat errors just as some people repeat criminal behavior.

The troubles with getting rulers to work for Utopian goals optimizing so far as possible an optimal course of human development tend to recur too for analysts trying to goad a society toward better goals. I think there was a movie maybe starring William Holden 'The Bridge of Toko Ri' or some such that had a recurring effort to destroy the bridge of the bad guys so the good guys could liberate the oppressed, well on second thought I am thinking of another movie about test pilots.

All these test pilots were killed and the project was to find out why-they all kept making the same mistakes or the plane's fault was killing them in the same way; no one knew what it was. Historical mistakes were recurring. I guess if one had many planetary civilizations to consider one might discover that many or most ended their existence by destroying their ecosphere or themselves through war before learning about it. One must hope to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past especially if that involves the hubris of lacking faith in the living, transcendent God.

Truth Theories etc/Touch Screen Germ Pools

Correction- I cited axiology as = Truth theory when actually axiology equals value theory.
Value theory is one excellent field of study. The United States has one value theory primarily and that kind of monetary monomania can actually fail to respond meaningfully to external challenges.

On truth theories there are theories such as coherence theory, correspondence theory a  disquotation theory, constructivist, pragmatist, concensus etc. that are well worth thinking about.


Consider a man training arduously for the world championships at two-thumb data entry flexing his thumbs on an international aircraft. He had left a bus station just an hour before where he needed to wait for a ride to the airport. He sensed the danger of the bus station amidst the crowd and looked in the reflections of a plate glass window to see if his rival's agent was following. The guy is a bit paranoid and works for a confederal government.

Two-thumb data entry world record holders are an elite crew comparable perhaps to opposable-thumb champions at grasping objects in trees millions of years before. They may strive to overcome competition at text messaging in hard-to-be-heard on a phone locations like a Seattle Seahawk's home game.

On the airplane the messages entered on the touch-screen were enough to write a small book before the end of the flight. Walking through the custom's station and 3rd degree of Homeland Security he exploited a new requirement that he wash his hands before entering the U.S.A. to cut down on germ transmission to Americans from abroad. Yet he made a critical mistake failing to put his micro-tablet touch screen in a handy touch screen decontaminator on the way out of Homeland Security.The touch-screen data entry champion put his thumbs back on to the germ pool of the touch screen that recontaminates his digits immediately after hand washing bringing a fresh, unique collection of bugs from the Middle-East city he had been training in.

So one may ask; is there any truth to the concept that touch-screens are germ storage facilities defeating hand-washing in America and wonder where the answers will be found. In a way there is a temporal element to truth-values; some truth values exist for a while, some truths are undiscovered yet, some truths transform into falsehood after a while (i.e. it is raining outside now), some truths are implicitly logically absurd or false (water is always dry) and some propositions are not falsifiable.

It is useful to remember that one cannot prove the particular with the universal. God is the Universal and people are particulars. One can argue reasonably that God is the Universal and the particulars with the particulars having limited intellect as if they were denouements of power quanta with limited range and in a field of protocol. There are consequences for the individual spirit-units believing that nothing is real and everything subjective as if they caused their own hallucinations inclusive of that of existence so they might ask if they were capable 'who programmed that computer to think it exists'?.

If the federal government believes that reality may be entirely subjective, or of that isn't a sort of popular idea on Wall Street in the age of fracture, won't that adversely affect public debt management? If  government is largely incompetent with challenged ideas about the reality of reality how can it be brought back closer unto sober neo-empiricism, as is the underlying secret fact of pragmatic investors seeking to rule the world?

Isn't political economy management like directing a flood of river water? There are prosperous flows and debt causing flows surging over the river banks. Government cannot just watch and let nature take its course and remain a government. Neither should it try to contain and control the flow without regard to the real role of the watercourse way in nature or mankind's place in nature under God. 

Government should pragmatically try to direct the flood sufficiently to accomplish the natural interests of the citizens of prosperity, health, recovering ecosphere and national security with equal justice for all. That can be done with smart leadership applying this and that measure here and there rather than through one daft piece of legislation. King Canute economic management and the alternative theory of nothing is real haven't a good historical track record.


Truth Theories

Truth theories are numerous in contemporary philosophy. The ideas of W.V.O. Quine are illuminating on that subject.

If truth is confirmation of a hypothesis or assertion, then often one finds truth. Yet language values for axiology (truth theory) are variables and the difficulty in finding things true in all circumstances.

The Universe is temporal and that is probably why the idea occurred to Plato of timeless 'forms' or truth objects as if he would think today that quarks or a Higgs bosun is some immutable substance.

Ultimately among the numerous theories of truth one arrives at a postulation that God is the logical Truth value and all concepts relative to God that could have more than disquotation or concurrence with temporal postulations. That is probably not written very simply. I mean that the fundamental source of all things that are not contingent and relative is God. Obviously one would need to have faith in God to believe that.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...